
16.I was deep moved by her story.Now I'm working harderdeep 改成deeply.

分析 我被她的故事深深打动了,现在我工作更努力了.

解答 deep 改成deeply 考查副词.此处使用副词修饰动词moved,deep是形容词,deeply副词"深深地",常用于引喻的场合,有时等于"非常地"的意思.deep做副词常用来表示具体的深度.所以答案是deep改成deeply.

点评 副词是中学英语的重要语法,解题时首先要根据语境和逻辑来推断空挡所需要的是副词还是形容词,或者是根据句子结构的需要来推断是用形容词或者副词,然后根据意义选出答案.

11.The ocean can be divided into three zones based on the amount of light each receives(受光面).1.The Sunlit Zone.This is th op layer,nearest the surface,with enough light entering the water to support photosynthesis(光合作用).The sunlit zone goes down about 600 feet.Because photosynthesis occurs here,more than 90 percent of all marine life lives in it,including most fish.2.The Twilight Zone (昏暗带).Only a small amount of light gets through the water to reach this zone.As the water becomes deeper,the pressure increases.Plants do not grow here; only animals that have adapted to having little light survive.These include lantern fish and mid-water jellyfish (水母).This part of the ocean extends(延伸)from about 600 feet to about 3,000 feet under the water Some of the fish that live here have adapted to being able to make light them-selves.3.The Midnight Zone.Ninety percent of the ocean is in this zone,which is completely dark,and under extreme water pressure.The temperature is near freezing.What can live in the midnight zone?The living things found here live close to cracks(板块间隙)in the earth's crust (地壳).These cracks release(释放) mineral-rich materials from the interior of the earth itself.Special kinds of bacteria(细菌)live here,and all other things living in the midnight zone feed on these bacteria.

1.Why does most marine life live in the sunlit zone?C
A.Because the water pressure is extreme there.
B.Because this zone has many kinds of fish.
C.Because photosynthesis takes place in this zone.
D.Because this zone is rich in minerals.
2.The twilight zone extends aboutD feet.
A.600      B.3,000       C.3,600     D.2,400
3.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A
A.Light Zones in the Ocean
B.Living Things in the Ocean
C.The Depths of the Ocean
D.How Fish urvive in the Ocean.
8.Eve was waiting in the corridor outside her class.She was feeling sick.She had two exams that day and physics was first.She really hated physics.It was her worst subject.Lisa looked back at her,and then looked away quickly.Eve thought she looked guilty.She didn't have a problem  with physics.She didn't have a problem with anything…Miss Perfect!
"Hi,Eve!So what's wrong with you and Lisa?"asked Tina,"I thought you were friends.""Yes,so did I,"said Eve."But she hasn't spoken to me for two weeks now.She promised to help me review for the physics exam too,but then she's ignored all my calls and texts."
While in the exam,Eve found Lisa was holding her phone on her knee under the table and reading from it.Eve couldn't believe it!Is that how Lisa always got such good grades?She thought about telling the teacher,but she hesitated.The next exam was history.That wasEve's favorite subject but she couldn't concentrate.She didn't know what to do about Lisa.Just then,Mr.Reed,their teacher,walked past."Mr.Reed…"
Lisa was called to the teachers'office and there waited Mr.Reed…
The history test was over.Eve was walking towards the school gate when she heard footsteps behind her.It was Lisa.Eve could see that she had been crying."Listen,"said Lisa."I'm really sorry I haven't answered your calls,but my dad had a heart attack two weeks ago and he's in hospital.He had a big heart operation today and I was very worried about him.So I was reading texts from my mum,but Mr.Reed caught me.He thought I was cheating.He believes me now,but I have to take the exam again.I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was happening.Will you forgive me?"

21.The reason for Eve's feeling sick is most probably thatC.
A.she found Lisa was looking back at her
B.she had to take two exams within one day
C.she was worried about the physics exam
D.she had been waiting for too long a time
22.Lisa didn't help Eve review for the physics exam becauseA.
A.she had to look after her sick father
B.she herself was quite bad at physics
C.she didn't consider Eve asa true friend
D.she was selfish and hated to waste time
23.At the end of the story Eve probably feltB.
A.confident and optimistic
B.regretful and sorry
C.sad and angry
D.glad and inspired
24.What lesson can we learn from this passage?D
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B.A life without a friend is a life without sun.
C.Old friends and old wines are the best.
D.Friendship should be based on trust.

Despite gains in recent years,women still fall behind men in some areas of math achievement,and the question of why has caused heated argument. Now,a study of first and second graders suggests what may be part of the answer:Female primary school teachers who are concerned about their own skills could be passing that along to the little girls they teach.

Young students tend to model themselves after adults of the same sex,explained Beilock,an associate professor in psychology at the University of Chicago. Little girls may learn to fear math from the women who are their earliest teachers. Beilock and her colleagues studied 52 boys and 65 girls in classes taught by 17 different teachers. Ninety percent of the US primary school teachers are women,as was all of those in this study.

Students’ math ability was not related to teachers’ math anxiety at the start of the school year,but at the end of the year,the more anxious teachers were about their own skills,the more likely their female students—but not the boys—were to agree to that “boys are good at math and girls are good at reading”.In addition,the girls who answered that way scored lower on math tests than either the classes’ boys or the girls who had not developed such a belief,the researchers found.

After seeing the results,the researchers recommended that the math requirements for obtaining a primary education teaching degree should be rethought. “If the next generation of teachers,especially primary school teachers,is going to teach their students more effectively,more care needs to be taken to develop both strong math skills and positive math attitudes in these educators,” the researchers wrote.

“Girls who grow up believing females lack math skills wind up avoiding harder math classes. It keeps girls and women out of a lot of careers,particularly in science technology,” Beilock said.

1.We can learn from the first three paragraphs that ______.

A. teachers in US primary schools are mostly females

B. the students involved in the study are starters at primary school

C. young students usually follow example of their female teachers

D. it’s true that boys do well in math while girls do well in reading

2.We can we infer from the text?

A. Beilock’s study will bring about a primary education revolution.

B. Girls’ lack of confidence in math skills affects their future jobs.

C. The performance of the students changed little during the process of the study.

D. The researchers argued that current primary school education needed improving.

3.What’s the suggested solution to the phenomenon mentioned in the text?

A. Using different approaches to excite students’ interest in math.

B. Reducing the number of situations that make teachers anxious.

C. Creating more chances for boys and girls to work together in class.

D. Improving teachers’ math skills and changing their math attitudes.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Girls may learn math anxiety from female teachers.

B. Boys are free from the math anxiety of female teachers.

C. Primary school teachers have a far-reaching influence on students.

D. Students should learn how to hold positive attitudes towards math.

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