
—John seems happy, even though his wife left him and he lost his job.

—I think he ____ to put on a brave face.

A. will try    B. has tried  C. tries    D. is trying







In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was  16 . Even so, Roebling could not  17  the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he  18  convince his son Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their  19  and began to build their dream bridge.
Only a few months  20  the project was underway a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and  21  injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or  22 . Surely now the project would have to be  23 . Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not  24  and his mind remained as  25  as it was before the accident. Suddenly an idea  26  him. All he could move was one finger, so he  27  the arm of his wife with that finger,  28  to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his  29  with one finger until the bridge was  30  completed.
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that  31  a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible  32 . Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our problems seem very small  33  what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most  34  dream can be realized with  35  no matter what the chances are.

A.recognize B.acceptC.ignoreD.believe
A.attempted to B.sought to C.failed toD.managed to
A.since B.beforeC.afterD.when
A.severely B.slightly C.poorlyD.hardly
A.continued B.abandoned C.interruptedD.accomplished
A.beatB.occurred C.happenedD.hit
A.waved B.feltC.touchedD.held
A.appealing B.speakingC.indicatingD.advising
A.quicklyB.partlyC.eventually D.slowly
A.combined withB.separated fromC.compared to D.concerned about

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most loved children’s books of all time, and many adults enjoys it as well. It tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a rabbit entering a magical world called Wonderland. She has many experiences which seem to change the rules of reasoning or common sense. The popularity of the book comes from its imagination, interesting story, and art work.
Charles later wrote the story down under the name Alice’s Adventures Under Ground  and gave it to Alice as a Christmas present. Later, he gave a copy to his friend George MacDonald. George read it to his children and they loved it. George suggested to Charles that he make a book from his story. Charles then wrote more parts to the story until it was around 35,000 words. It was first printed in 1866, with art work by John Tenniel, under the name Alice’s  Adventures in Wonderland . The book was an immediate success.
even mentioned in the popular l999 film The Matrix by the character Morpheus.
56.The passage is mainly about             .
A. Charles’ family life
B. a girl’s adventurous experiences
C. a magical world called Wonderland
D. the birth of a book and its lasting influences .
57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The writer published his works under his real name.
B. The character Alice originated from George’s child.
C. John contributed partly to the popularity of the book.
D. Charles offered a copy to George for advice.
58. We can learn from the passage that          .
A. Queen Victoria asked for a few of Charles' writings
B. Charles had a gift for reasoning and writing
C. Charles had all his works translated into fifty languages
D. The Matrix was based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
59. Which of the following is the right order of the passage?
a. Charles gave his story to Alice as a Christmas present.
b. Charles had a picnic with three little girls on the Thames.
c. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was first printed in 1866.
d. More parts were added to the story by Charles.
e. The book won a large number of fans.
A. c-b-a-d-e       B. c-a-b-e-d        C. b-a-d-c-e        D. b-a-c-e-d

Ok, I admit it: Emoticons(表情符号) are popular. Some people even think they are fun. Many seem unable to get through an e-mail or Instant Message chat sentence without using one. Some feel that they add feeling and character to otherwise cold digital communications.
Some, however, such as editor and Hollywood scriptwriter John Blumenthal, blast the use of emotions as “ infantile(幼稚的) just like the people who use them”. He believes that words themselves should be enough. “If you’re being funny, happy or sad, that should be apparent from the comment that goes before the emoticons,” he argues.
In the eyes of Blumenthal, the use of emoticons is a gender issue. “Men don’t use emoticons very much. Maybe not at all.,” he said. “Teenage girls and women seem to use them a lot. Maybe there’s an emoticons gene.”
It’s an interesting opinion, but it is not shared by all.
In an interview with The New York Times, Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at the University of California, said that emoticons are popular because our brains are programmed “ to seek out representations of humanity”. He believes that they appeal not because they are shortcuts for the lazy, but because they tap into(输入)something beyond language. They reach to our need to be with and communicate with people.
All of these arguments may be somehow valid(正确的). Each one of us will choose to communicate in our own way. I do not have much time for emoticons. I tried to use one once and felt like I was stealing into a primary school class that I had no place being in. I’d rather let my words do the talking.
Friends, however, send me messages and e-mails full of emoticons. I have no problem with this, I don’t regard any of my friends as lazy or immature. It’s just a question of individuality.
【小题1】According to the article, emoticons are popular because_________.

A.most of them look funny
B.they are easy for lazy people to use
C.they add feeling and character to a communication
D.a reader cannot understand a message without them
【小题2】 Which of the following views would John Blumenthal agree with ?
A.Instant Message chatters are childish.
B.It’s enough to use language in digital communication.
C.Men never use emoticons.
D.There is an emoticon gene in everybody.
【小题3】From the text, we can conclude that the author________.
A.feels he has no difficulty using emoticons
B.thinks emoticons don’t suit him
C.encourage his friends to use emoticons
D.believes that emoticons are suitable for everyone
【小题4】What is the main point of the article ?
A.Advice on language used over the Internet.
B.The history of emoticons.
C.Arguments over the use of emoticons.
D.Reasons for the popularity of emoticons.

  Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast.Mullets,crabs,rays and small fish gather by the thousands off an Alabama pier.Birds covered in oil are crawling(爬)deep into marshes(沼泽),never to be seen again.
Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster(英国石油公司漏油事件)are seeing some strange phenomena.Fish and other wildlife seem to be fleeing the oil out in the Gulf and gathering in cleaner waters along the coast in a trend that some researchers see as a potentially troubling sign.The animals.presence close to shore means their usual habitat is badly polluted,and the crowding could result in mass die-offs as fish run out of oxygen.Also,the animals could easily be captured by their enemies.
The nearly two-month-old spill(漏油)has created an environmental disaster in US history as tens of millions of gallons have flown into the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem.Scienfists are seeing some unusual things as they try to understand the effects on thousands of species of marine life.For nearly four hours Monday,a three-person crew with Greenpeace cruised(巡航)past delicate islands and mangrove-dotted inlets in Barataria Bay off southern Louisiana.They saw dolphins by the dozen frolicking(嬉戏)in the oily sheen(光泽)and oil-tinged pelicans feeding their young.But they spotted no dead animals.
“I think part of the reason why we’re not seeing more yet is that the impacts of this crisis are really just beginning,”Greenpeace marine biologist John Hocevar said.
The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise;the deaths will help determine how much BP pays in damages.
【小题1】What do the marine life react to the BP disaster?

A.Dolphins and sharks show up in deep water.
B.Tens of thousands of marine animals are found dead.
C.Sea creatures flee from oil spill,gathering near seashore.
D.Birds crawl(爬)deep into caves.
【小题2】The environmental disaster was caused by       
A.the lack of environmental sense of BP
B.the nearly two-mouth-old oil spill
C.the crowding marine life
D.the damage of Mexico Gulf ecosystem
【小题3】What is John Hocevar’s attitude towards the disaster?
【小题4】From the passage,we can infer that         
A.marine scientists have seen some strange phenomena.
B.the disaster has little influence on dolphins.
C.a three-person crew reached no conclusion.
D.BP will pay much money according to the number of dead wildlife there.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most loved children’s books of all time, and many adults enjoy it as well. It tells the story of a young girl named Alice, who follows a rabbit entering a magical world called Wonderland. She has many experiences which seem to change the rules of reasoning or common sense. The popularity of the book comes from its imagination, interesting story, and art work.
The writer of the book is Lewis Carroll. In fact, Lewis Carroll was not the writer’s real name. His real name was Charles Dodgson. One day, he took a boat ride down the Thames River to have a picnic with three little girls who were friends of the family. To keep them entertained on the ride, he told them a story in which Alice, the middle child, was the main character. They enjoyed the story very much.
Charles later wrote the story down under the name Alice’s Adventures Under Ground and gave it to Alice as a Christmas present. Later, he gave a copy to his friend George MacDonald. George read it to his children and they loved it. George suggested to Charles that he make a book from his story. Charles then wrote more parts to the story until it was around 35,000 words. It was first printed in 1866, with art work by John Tenniel, under the name Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The book was an immediate success. One of its first fans was Queen Victoria. She immediately requested a collection of all of Lewis Carroll’s works. She was surprised to find that they included many works on math. In fact, Charles Dodgson was a highly respected mathematician. This can be seen in many puzzles and plays on reasoning that appear in his books and poems.
Since the story was first printed, it has kept selling up to the present day. It has been translated into over fifty languages and has had several movies based on it.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about _________.

A.Charles’ family life
B.the birth of a book and its lasting influences
C.a magical world called Wonderland
D.a girl’s adventurous experiences
【小题2】Who first had the idea of making a book from the story “Alice Adventures Under Ground”?
【小题3】Which of the following is the right order of the passage?
a. Charles gave his story to Alice as a Christmas present.
b. Charles had a picnic with three little girls on the Thames.
c. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was first printed in 1866.
d. More parts were added to the story by Charles.
e. The book won a large number of fans.

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