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Yesterday my husband received a letter from a lady who had been her
student in middle school. She wrote it so she wanted to thank him for the greatly
influence he had on her life. She wrote, ¡°You were the teacher who helped me
discovering my talent for maths. Before you taught us, I had never thought I
will love it. To my surprise, you magically showed the beauty of maths for me.
Gradually my interest in it was increased. Thanks to your teaching, I made
continuous progresses in maths, and finally made my mind to study it as my
major in university. Now I am an accountant of the big company. You played
an important part. Thank you!¡±
76. studentÇ°µÄher¸ÄΪhis 77. so¸ÄΪbecause / as / for
78. influenceÇ°µÄgreatly¸ÄΪgreat 79. discovering¸ÄΪdiscover
80. will¸ÄΪwould 81. meÇ°µÄfor¸ÄΪto
82. È¥µôincreasedÇ°µÄwas / °Ñincreased¸ÄΪincreasing
½âÎö£º±¾¾äµÄÖ÷Óïinterest (ÐËȤ) ÊÇ×ÔÈ»Ôö¼ÓµÄ£¬²»ÄÜÓñ»¶¯Óï̬¡£
83. progresses¸ÄΪprogress 84. madeºó¼Óup
85. bigÇ°µÄthe¸ÄΪa