


Where and when were the first passports issued?

  The idea of giving people some kind of document affording them safe passage through another country may go back as far as the Egyptian pharaohs (法老), who are thought to have issued their subjects (臣民) with cartouches (图形) bearing the ruler's name.

  One of the first references to an English passport was in the reign (统治) of King Henry V, who, in an act (法案) of 1414, issued “Safe Conducts” (安全通行证), warning foreigners to allow his subjects to move around unmolested (不受骚扰的) within certain parameters(界限) of destination, time and purpose. In return, no Englishman would injure or rob a foreigner who carried one of Henry's Safe Conducts.

When and why did the number 13become a symbol of bad luck?

  The number 13 has been linked to untimely death since Jesus was betrayed (背叛) by Judas, who was the thirteenth person at the Last Supper. This helps explain why 13 is considered particularly dire (terrible) in the dining room. One superstition (迷信) states that the last to sit at a table for 13 will die within a year.

  Another version is that the first to rise from the table will perish (die). So strong was the belief in England and Scotland that groups of 13 would sometimes try to cheat the devil by sitting or rising simultaneously, so that no one would be first or last.

  Friday the thirteenth is considered doubly disastrous because Jesus was crucified on Friday.

  Non-Christians, however, don't necessarily view 13 as unlucky. “In the Middle east, odd numbers tend to be regarded as good,” says University of Toronto anthropology professor Janice Bobby. In Chinese culture, instead of fearing 13, people avoid any number containing a four because it has the same pronunciation as the word for death.

1.The passport first issued in England was to ________.

[  ]

A.show King Henry V's power

B.protect the foreigners traveling in England

C.make people travel safely at any time, for any purpose

D.make the travel safe for both Englishmen and foreigners

2.What can we infer from the passage but not stated?

[  ]

A.The 13th floor in a building is considered more terrible than the 13th to be seated in a dining room.

B.Almost all the peoples in the world have their own superstitions.

C.The purpose of the passport issued by the Egyptian pharaohs was to afford people safe

D.The usage of passports in England is more popular than in Egypt.

3.What does the underlined word probably mean?

[  ]

A.at the same time.
D.one after another.

4.If you are a Christian, which day would you choose as your wedding day?

[  ]

A.13th October, Friday.
B.13th July, Monday.
C.14th March, Friday.
D.Any day is OK.


  In the 1940s, Pinehaven Park was one of Crafton City's loveliest recreation(娱乐)areas. Over 40 acres of woods and fields were open to the public. In the 1950s, part of the park was taken over by Crafton City's garbage. Fifteen acres were to be used for landfill disposal(理置). As time went on, more and more of the park was used for garage disposal and less for recreation. Two years ago, the park was closed to the public for good. Along with household garbage, industrial chemicals had for years been dumped (倾倒)in the Pinehaven landfill. These poisonous chemicals had begun to seep(渗)back up through the soil. All of Pinehaven Park had become dangerously polluted.

   Last year, the fish in the Crafton River began to die. After a series of investigations(研究), it became clear that the people of Crafton City were not to blame. 100~150 miles upstream, big paper mills were dumping industrial wastes into the river. Little by little, the level of poison in the river began to rise. Finally, it became so polluted that the fish themselves could no longer survive.

  Downtown Crafton used to be a quiet area. Ten years of remarkable growth changed that in a big hurry. But with Crafton City's new prosperity(繁荣)came a new problem: air pollution. And it is a serious problem. Air pollution levels in Crafton are regularly reaching those of the nation's large industrial cities.

(1)Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Chemical dumping is a serious threat to Crafton City's soil.

B.The rapid growth of industry has brought air pollution to Crafton City.

C.The disposal of garbage can destroy recreation areas.

D.Industrial growth and progress have resulted in the pollution of Crafton City's water, air, and soil.

(2)According to the passage, what portion of the park had originally been marked for use as a garbage dump?

[  ]

A.Less than half     B.Exactly half

C.About one third    D.Most of it

(3)As it is used in the passage, the phrase“for good”means ________.

[  ]

A.practically    B.for ever

C.thoroughly    D.advantageously

(4)According to the passage, one result of dumping industrial chemicals into the landfill was that ________.

[  ]

A.the land became unsafe for humans

B.the animals on the land died

C.the poisonous chemicals were washed into the nearby river

D.the smoke from the chemicals polluted the air surrounding the landfill


International Studies(BA 文学士)

  Key features

  ●Recognizes the “global community”

  ●Has close connections with practical research

  ●Much of the teaching is done in small discussion groups

  About the course

  The course focuses on the complex(复杂的)relations between nation states.It will provide more opportunity to study specific issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third world debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of international bodies such as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.

  The course applies theories to the working of the international system with close attention to particular countries.It provides students with a better knowledge of ways to solve international problems.

  Related courses

  BA(Hons)Community Management

  BA(Hons)Public Policy and Management

  Employment possibilities

  International organizations

  International business

Earth Science(BSc 理学士)

  Key features

  ●Based on key courses and the latest research findings.

  ●Pays much attention to practical skills

  ●Offers chances for fieldwork

  About the course

  The demand and competition for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind.Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in how these natural resources will be used.

  The course covers geography and geology(地质学).You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly abroad, and in your final year complete a research project in an area of interest to you.

  Related courses



  Employment possibilities

  Mineral, oil, water or other related engineering industries


International Studies is a course in ________.

[  ]


international politics


international business


international bodies


international relations


After taking the course of International Studies, the students will ________.

[  ]


become practical and open-minded


have a greater ability to discuss theories


know ways to settle problems between countries


have good jobs in any international organization


Earth Science, as described in the second text, ________

[  ]


is attractive because of the chance for fieldwork


pays more attention to theories than practical skills


is built on important courses and the results of recent studies


encourages students to play a role in using natural resources


The above two texts are most probably written for the students who ________.

[  ]


are first year college students


have not yet chosen their course


want to study in the UK


are interested in practical study abroad

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