
【题目】Tips To Boost Your Confidence

1Here are some solutions to boost your confidence in the long run.

Always think positively

We all have negative voices inside our head. 2Start out slowly and push yourself to think of three good things about yourself every morning.


Take the time to look within yourself and asses what is possible to change and what is out of reach. It is important to focus on changing the things you have control over, because this is where you will see the most self-improvement. Make a list of three things that you would like to improve on and then under each item write a few bullet pints on how you will go about making this change.

Focus on the small steps for signs of improvement.

Make sure to focus on smaller victories. It is often harder for individuals to see their own self improvement when they are looking at the long term, but it is easier to pinpoint changes when you are focusing on daily accomplishments.4Whatever it is makes sure you follow through and then acknowledge your achievements by making a list and posting it somewhere easily in view, because small steps always add up in the end.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

One of the most common pitfalls(陷阱)that humans are guilty of is comparing themselves with each other. It is important to remember that what appears on the surface is not always what is reality. If you feel like you are constantly overwhelmed by trying to keep up with others, make a marked effort to limit your usage of social media. 5 .

A. Be realistic with what you can change.

B. Try to understand body languages of others.

C. Building confidence takes time and patience.

D. Practice being award of how you hold yourself during the day.

E. The good news is that we can change these voice to only say positive things instead

F. Start small and have a daily goal of one instance where you practice defending yourself.

G. You will be surprised with all the free time you have to do other things and best of all you will have a clear, more condiment self.







【解析】 本文属于方法策略的文章。主要是对于提高自信心的小提示有三点:要积极思考,对你能改变的事情要实事求是;提高自信心是从小事的成功做起。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据标题“Tips To Boost Your Confidence”提高自信心的小贴士,及空后的内容“Here are some solutions to boost your confidence in the long run”以下是一些提高你长期信心的方法。可知是与树立自信心有关系。故C符合题意。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据小标题“Always think positively” 要积极思考。空前我们头脑中都有我们脑子里都有消极的声音。可推出要把消极的东西变成积极的,分析七个选项可知E. 我们可以改变这些声音为积极的东西E项符合题意。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后的一段中的“asses what is possible to change and what is out of reach. It is important to focus on changing the things you have control over” 预测什么是可能改变的,哪些是遥不可及的。把重点放在改变你控制的事情上是很重要的,可知本段要让你改变的东西能实现的,即是现实的。分析选项可知A. 对你能改变的事情要实事求是,符合题意意,故选A。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本空在小标题“Focus on the small steps for signs of improvement.” 专注于每一小步的提高。及“focus on smaller victories”。分析七个选项可知F.从小做起,每天都有一个锻炼的实例。与其相符,故选F。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本空所在的小标题“Stop comparing yourself to others.”不要与别人比较。及本段大意:因为比别人比较会有内疚感,记住表面的东西并非是真的,不断地与别人比较会把你压垮,限制你的行为。再分析剩下的三个选项,可推断出B、D与本文无关,所以只有G你会惊讶于所有的空闲时间,你不得不做其他的事情(去疲于应付比较),故选G。


【题目】The effects of coffee consumption on health have long been a subject of conflict and uncertainty. Since the 1980s, some have spoken out against coffee as harmful to health, while others have welcomed coffee for its supposed benefits to health.

According to a scientific report, mild coffee consumption, three to five cups per day, can be taken as a healthy dietary pattern, along with other healthful behaviors. The report also says that coffee consumption helps reduce the risk of heart disease and it protects against Parkinson’s disease.

According to Dr. Donald Hensrud of Mayo Clinic, high consumption of coffee has health risks. Dr. Hensrud mentions the dangers of high coffee consumption for people with a certain illness that slows the breakdown of caffeine in the body. Some studies said that drinking two or more cups of coffee daily can actually increase the risk of heart disease in these people.

According to conclusions from a recent study led by Dr. Gregory Marcus, a doctor from the University of California San Francisco, daily moderate consumption of caffeine, less than 4 cups, is not associated with these issues.

Until the scientific community reaches a general agreement on the effects of coffee consumption on human health, it will be up to the individual to decide whether the benefits of drinking coffee are greater than the risks.

When informed of these possible health benefits and harms of drinking coffee, Harwood, a high school student stated, “Even though there might be some negative effects of drinking coffee, for the most part, coffee drinking sounds good for health. Not to mention I need coffee to stay awake. ”

1What is the people’s attitude toward the effects of coffee on health according to Paragraph 1?

A. Disapproving. B. Tolerant.

C. Doubtful. D. Mixed.

2What can we infer about Harwood?

A. He’ll keep on drinking coffee. B. He loves his high school life.

C. He often falls asleep in class. D. He has some health problems.

3What would be the best title for the text?

A. Why People Love Coffee? B. How Coffee Affects Health?

C. The Culture of Coffee Drinking. D. The New Findings of Heart Disease.

E-mail has been widely used since its invention for its convenience, efficiency, and high speed. However, it is wise to remember how easily this wonderful technology can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, but can result in serious consequences.
Now let's look at the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel , he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the note with his wife's E-mail address, he did his best to type from his memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his E-mail was directed to an elderly lady whose husband had passed away (去世) only the day before. When the sad widow checked her E-mail, she took one look at the screen, let out a sharp cry, and fell to the floor in a dead faint (昏迷 ). At the sound , her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:
(1)Where do you think this text comes from?
A.It comes from a science report.
B.It comes from a computer screen.
C.It comes from a fiction.
D.It comes from a magazine.
(2)What was the weather like in Florida when the story happened?
A.It was snowy.
B.It was neither too hot nor too cold.
C.It was rainy.
D.It was hot.
(3)The underlined word “widow” probably means _________.
A.a woman who has no children
B.a woman who has just been married again
C.a woman whose husband died and she has not remarried
D.a woman whose husband is not at home
(4)The old lady was in a dead faint because________.
A.she was too excited to hear from her husband
B.she was very ill
C.she thought the E-mail was from her dead husband
D.she was frightened to receive an E-mail from a stranger

【题目】It’s surprising how much simple movements of the body can affect the way we think. Using expansive gestures with open arms makes us feel more powerful, crossing your arms makes you more determined and lying down can bring more insights(领悟).

So if moving the body can have these effects, what about the clothes we wear? We’re all well aware of how dressing up in different ways can make us feel more attractive, sporty or professional, depending on the clothes we wear, but can the clothes actually change cognitive (认知的)performance or is it just a feeling?

Adam and Galinsky tested the effect of simply wearing a white lab coat on people’s powers of attention. The idea is that white coats are associated with scientists, who are in turn though to have close attention to detail.

What they found was that people wearing white coats performed better than those who weren’t. Indeed, they made only half as many errors as those wearing their own clothes on the Stroop Test( one way of measuring attention). The researchers call the effect “enclothed cognition,” suggesting that all manner of different clothes probably affect our cognition in many different ways.

This opens the way for all sorts of clothes-based experiments. Is the writer who wears a fedora more creative? Is the psychologist wearing little round glasses and smoking a cigar more insightful? Does a chef’s hat make the resultant food taste better?

From now on I will only be editing articles for PsyBlog while wearing a white coat to help keep the typing error count low. Hopefully you will be doing your part by reading PsyBlog in a cap and gown.(学位服).

1What is the main idea of the text?

A. Body movements change the way people think

B. How people dress has an influence on their feelings

C. What people wear can affect their cognitive performance

D. People doing different jobs should wear different clothes

2Adam and Galinsky’s experiment tested the effect of clothes on their wearers’___________.

A. insights B. movements

C. attention D. appearance

3How does the author sound in the last paragraph?

A. Academic B. Humorous

C. Formal D. Hopeful

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