
单词填空 (用单词的正确的形式填空)

1.I hope my plan will not your decision. ( 影响 )

2.The little girl her toys with her little sister.(分享)

3.Her ________for music showed at an early age. (天赋)

4.He only lived 35 years and he ________ more than 600 pieces of music. (创作)

5.He _______my suggestion. (采纳;采用)

6.Did you watch the football match on TV? (现场直播的)

7.We him on having passed the exam. (祝贺)

8.It takes hard work to_______ success. (达到;取得)

9.She_______ the visitors warmly. (欢迎)

10.Sports help to train a person’s__________________ . (性格)



Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People ___________ forget the significance (意义) of the day.

In March 1980. I was ___________ at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had ___________ to go to another university after graduation and had ___________ application (申请) forms to several___________ . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no ___________ came.

On April 1st, as I was eating my ___________ , Huang came in , with a toothbrush ___________in his hand. 29 fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the___________ . “Morning , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it ___________ possible.” I jumped with ___________ .

I even didn’t___________my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s office but he wasn’t ___________ . I then went to the secretary’s room and ___________ everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in ___________ or simply left it to me.”

Greatly ___________, I walked out of the room and ___________ the secretary lock it. ___________ the secretary’s eyes ___________. “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”

1.A sometimes B. never C. always D. seldom

2.A. Staying B. working C. visiting D. studying

3.A. continued B. planned C. managed D. remembered

4.A.returned B. taken C. handed D. sent

5.A. people B. colleges C. cities D. offices

6.A. application B. report C. reply D. chance

7.A. dinner B. lunch C. supper D. breakfast

8.A. still B. even C. yet D. already

9.A. Because of B.As if C. After D. While

10.A. message B. sign C. letter D. notice

11.A. if B. as soon as C. when D. as fast as

12.A. the news B. the letter C. joy D. luck

13.A. take B. finish C. complete D. have

14.A. anywhere B. in C. at D. away

15.A. asked B. told C. explained D. answered

16.A. the office B. his desk C. the room D. an obvious place

17.A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointment

18.A. watched B. made C. saw D. let

19.A. Quickly B. Strangely C. Finally D. Suddenly

20.A. closed B. opened C. brightened D. darkened



A terrible fever made Anne Sullivan nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and the doctors said she was a hopelessly mad girl. She had been _______ in the basement of a mental hospital (精神病医院) in Boston. Sometimes, little Annie _______ hit anyone who came near to her. She ignored everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time.

However, an old nurse _______ that little Annie had hope. She went to _______ little Annie every day. The child ignored her in most cases, but the old nurse _______ stopped seeing her every day in the basement. The _______ lady left cookies for little Annie and spoke words full of encouragement to her. She believed that as long as she showed _______ , little Annie could get better.

Finally, the doctors noticed the _______ in little Annie. They moved her upstairs and her condition continued _______ . Then her last day there came, and the child who seemed to be “_______ ” went out of the locked door of the mental hospital.

After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to _______ others, just as the kind old nurse helped her. She became the _______ of Helen Keller. She _______ her, trained her strictly and worked with her _______ she lit the candle that brought _______ to the whole world. Anne Sullivan _______ a miracle (奇迹) in the life of Helen Keller. But first it was a kind nurse who had full _______ in little Annie that turned a(n) _______ child into a great teacher.

If there had been no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be _______. But if there hadn’t been a _______ who kept showing love, Anne Sullivan wouldn’t be known to the world, either.

1.A. hidden B. received C. locked D. found

2.A. angrily B. proudly C. warmly D. secretly

3.A. praised B. doubted C. believed D. remembered

4.A. treat B. see C. promise D. miss

5.A. still B. already C. ever D. never

6.A. hard-working B. good-looking C. open-minded D. kind-hearted

7.A. cheer B. love C. luck D. happiness

8.A. worries B. problems C. changes D. needs

9.A. worsening B. spreading C. increasing D. improving

10.A. active B. healthy C. hopeless D. useless

11.A. greet B. help C. surprise D. please

12.A. classmate B. teacher C. neighbor D. boss

13.A. laughed at B. waited for C. looked at D. cared for

14.A. if B. unless C. until D. because

15.A. time B. dream C. light D. power

16.A. created B. shared C. stopped D. expected

17.A. control B. shame C. pity D. confidence

18.A. stupid B. lazy C. funny D. unfriendly

19.A. called B. known C. left D. protected

20.A. doctor B. patient C. nurse D. worker

People have flown kites in Japan for more than 1,000 years. There are different kinds of kites there.Some look like bats(蝙蝠);others look like birds. Most have pictures on them.There are many interesting stories about kites in Japan.One story tells about a thief(小偷)who used a kite.He wanted to steal(偷)the gold(金子)from the top of a high tower.The thief and his friends made a large kite.One dark windy night he caught hold of the kite.His friends raised(使升高)it into the air.Then they moved the kite near the top of the tower.The thief was able to steal the gold.Another story tells about a father and a son.They were in trouble on an island near Japan.The father made a large kite.His son flew in it back to Japan.

The young men of Japan have kite matches.When the kites are flying, the match starts.The young men try to break each other’s kite strings(细绳). The last kite left in the sky is the winner.

1.Most kites in Japan________.

A. look nice with pictures B. are very small

C. look like hats D. are very large

2.In the kite match the young men try to________.

A. make their kites fly high

B. draw beautiful pictures on their kites

C. make very large kites themselves

D. stop each other’s kites from flying in the sky

3.The father in the passage made a large kite to help his son to________.

A. fly over the sea B. fly over the island

C. return home D. steal gold

4.The passage mainly(主要地)tells us________.

A. something about the kites in Japan

B. how a kite match starts

C. how to fly kites

D. what the kites look like

The Internet has become part of teenage life.

A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often.

While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as it’s good to read news or find helpful information to study.

Some students also make online friends. But if you are meeting a friend offline, make sure your parents know. Teachers and parents all think the book is of great help. A teacher said the book would be a guide for teens using the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad sites. “Many students are using the Internet without guidance from their parents,” she said. “The book will teach students how to be a good person in the online world.”

1.The textbook mainly tells us ______.

A. how to use the Internet correctly

B. how to study using the Internet

C. why we should use the Internet

D. how to get help from others

2.According to the passage, teenagers are NOT encouraged to ______.

A. read online news

B. go online

C. find helpful information online

D. meet a friend off line without letting their parents know

3.From this passage we know that _______.

A. more and more students have given up visiting bad Web sites

B. no more homework will be given in Shanghai middle schools

C. schools and teachers begin to pay attention to students’ use of the Internet

D. less and less information can be found on line


Once a gentleman was traveling on a train. He felt ________ and got off at a station in search of water. When he reached the water tap (水龙头), the________started. He ran back but_______it.

It was getting_______and he decided to spend the night at the station. The next morning he asked the ticket office about the next train and was told it would be on the next________. So he decided to find a place for a day’s________. He went to the nearby hotel to ask for a room but found ________.

At last he ________ a small house. He asked the________ whether he could stay in his house for a day. The owner immediately________, then served him food and gave him a room to stay. ________ he did not ask anything in return.

At seven, the gentleman heard a ________at the door. The owner opened the door. The gentleman saw a man dressed in ___53_____ clothes enter the house and________the owner to pay his debts (债务).

The gentleman came to know that the owner was in need of________. The next morning he left a pack in the drawer of the room and ________. When the owner found the pack, he saw that there was a ________written to him, which read: “You ________ me but did not expect anything from me. Yesterday evening I heard the________ between you and the stranger and_______that you were in need of money. This is what you need.”

1.A.sleepy B.thirsty C. hungry D.tired

2.A.passenger B.officer C.tap D.train

3.A.caught B.lost C.missed D.passed

4.A.dark B.cold C.hot D.bright

5.A.we B.month C. hour D.day

6.A.work B.stay C.fun D.travel

7.A.one B.nobody C.none D.lots

8.A.built B.repaired C.enjoyed D.reached

9.A.owner B.manager C.driver D.guest

10.A.accepted B.changed C.agreed D.refused

11.A.So B.But C.Because D.Unless

12.A.knock B.sound C.noise D.call

13.A.cheap B.strange C.expensive D.dirty

14.A.invited B.hated C.asked D.promised

15.A.advice B.money C.time D.water

16.A.stayed up B.came up C.gave in D.went away

17.A.note B.story C.diary D.joke

18.A.cheated B.supported C.helped D.understood

19.A.quarrel B.conversation C.bargain D.discussion

20.A.planed B.explained C.hoped D.learned

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

One of the best ways to change your looks and improve your health is to lose excessive weight. There are plenty of tips, hints and various techniques to help you cope with the problem.

Say goodbye to sugar.

_1.. Sugar is added to most products to make them more addictive. People like the sweet taste and get used to eating pretty soon. Do not use sugar at all or minimize its amount while cooking.

Enjoy fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables is absolutely necessary when you are on a diet and need minerals, vitamins and other nutrients to stay energetic and alert. 2. because we tend to snack on fast food instead. In order not to get bored with vegetables and fruits, be creative and invent something new, such as colorful salads or smoothies.

Get enough sleep

It has been scientifically proved that people who do not get enough sleep eat more. 3. . It is stressful for the whole organism to stay up late at night. Go to bed before bedtime. Stop drinking caffeinated drinks a few hours before you go to bed so that you could fall asleep easier.

Reduce the amount of meat you consume

Eating less meat is good for a variety reasons. 4. . One of the most expected recommendations you might hear from a specialist is that you should reduce the amount of consumed meat if your goal is weight loss.

5. Being physically active is good for you and not boring at all. It does not require any special skills or equipment. Practice sports for entertainment. Only then will you be able to fully enjoy it and keep on exercising further.

A. They need calories to stay alert

B. We need to burn excessive calories to keep healthy

C. Nowadays it is close to impossible to find foods that could not contain sugar

D. People used to be healthier many years ago only because they could not afford meat

E. Exercise for fun

F. Most of us would avoid fruits and vegetables

G. Exercise regularly

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