


          Do you think we can understand people's characters from the way they write? Many people would disagree with the idea. However,some business leaders and a group called “graphologists(笔迹学家)”believe our personalities are revealed in our handwriting.

           Graphology is a term used to describe the practice of analyzing people's  handwriting to determine what kind of personalities they have. It's  thought that certain letter formations and patterns in wnting reveal personality types.

           Many organizations in France invite graphologists to help with the selection of employees. Applicants are required to submit a handwritten letter so that graphologists can determine if they have the right personality for the job. Handwriting that is big and carefully planned is thought to indicate that the writer is outgoing and confident. Thus,jobs that require such a personality would be given to people with this type of handwriting. People with plain handwriting who use small letters would be thought to be shy and thus not suitable for the job.

           The slant(倾斜) of a person's handwritjng is ajso thought to reveal something about his character. Writing with a slant to the right、vShows that the person thinks about the future,while writing with a slant to the left reveals a tendency to be stuck in the past. A person whose letters are round rather than (有棱角的) would be thought to be friendly.

Though graphology is widely used,it is not supported by scientific evidence. The reason it seems to work is that the personality descriptions revealed are highly generalized. It is much like a horoscope(占星术) or palm reading,which describes personalities using very general terms. And people tend to notice the parts of the description that are true while ignoring the parts that are not true.

5. Applicants* handwriting is analyzed mainly to find out whether they .

   A. have the ability to handle the job

   B. can devote themselves to the job

   C. were good students in the past

   D. have big plans for the future

6. Which of the following about graphology is mentioned in the text?

   A. The size and angle of letters.

   B. The space between letters or words.

   C. The scientific evidence of graphology.

   D. The speed and pressure of the writing.

7. What do we know about a person by his handwriting according to the text?

   A. A person who writes round letters is silent.

   B. Angular writing shows someone is easy-going.

   C. A person who has a right slant in his writing is future-oriented.

   D. Large writing shows someone likes to live in the past.

8. The text is mainly about .

   A. what helps graphologists analyze handwriting

   B. what people's  handwriting reveals about them

   C. how graphology is used to predict people's future

   D. how we can improve our handwriting with practice

5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B



5. A.细节理解题。根据第三段.中的Applicants are required to submit a handwritten letter so that graphologists can determine if they have the right personality for the job可知,研究申请者的笔迹是为了确定他们是否能胜任这份工作。

6. A.推理判断题。根据第三段中的Handwriting that is big and carefully planned;People with plain handwriting who use small letters 以及第四段中的The slant of a person's handwriting 可知,本文介绍了笔迹学研艽字体的大小和角度问题。

7. C.细节理解题。根据第四段中的Writing with a slant to the right shows that the person thinks about the fiiture可知选C项。

8. B.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了书写者的笔迹反映出了书写者的心理特性,故选B项。


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、c和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                           ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          Collecting any sort of item makes a person unique. It can be stamps,baseball cards,snow globes,or even coins. What you collect can also show who you are as a person. My husband has a wonderful collection handed down from generation to generation. He has a massive collection of coins. The tradition started from his great grandmother,who handed her coins down to her daughter,who in turn,handed them down to my husband's mother. The tradition was supposed to stay within the daughters of the family. However,my husband had more interest in the collection than his sister and brother. So,his mother handed over her collection to him.

           It was given to him about ten years ago,and since then,the collection has doubled. He has coins from Roman times and World War II!Just recently he got a whole collection from Europe and Mexico. Collecting them alone is amazing. However,the way he takes care of them is even better. He cherishes every one of his coins. He keeps all of them in a small bag also given by his mother,and stores it away safely" in a small drawer. No matter where he travels,or where he visits," he always comes home with a coin in his hand. Each one of those coins has a story behind them. Each time he holds a coin in his hand,a story comes out about how he got it.

             Many people would think the coin collection is fun and typical. For my husband,it has so much more meaning. It is a true passion that he hopes to pass on to our child in the future. Anything that can create a story,a memory,or a happy thought makes it worthwhile. A collection of any sort makes a person unique. For me,my husband is someone who has a unique hobby.

1. The coin collection should have been handed down to.

   A. the author's brother

   B. the author's husband

   C. the sister of the author's husband

   D. the brother of the author's husband

2. The underlined word “cherishes” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by.

   A. loves     B. misses .

   C. carries   D. cleans

3. What's the author's attitude towards her husband's hobby?

   A. Critical.       B. Supportive.

   C. Disappointed.   D. Unconcerned.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The popularity of the coin collection

   B. Why do people collect coins?

   C. How to collect foreign coins 

   D. My husband and his hobby


                            ★ ★ ★

           When you haven’t planned out an afternoon or an evening,it can be so easy to turn on the TV and forget other activities or responsibilities. If you want to reduce your time spent in watching TV,read on.

            Keep a diary. Television is able to suck up our time without us realizing it. Just like keeping a food journal, create a TV diary so you can become aware of all the time you spend on the couch. You may realize just how many hours you spend on TV every week.

           Break the binge(狂热活动) . TV binge is more common now than ever before. With full series available on DV   D. once youJ re attracted,it ,s too easy to gulp 办w/2 (大口吞下) an entire season in one day. Do not try to finish all the episodes (集) in one day,and consider that you,11  have more to look forward to at a later date. No need to rush through the whole thing now.

           Give yourself a limit. A lot of new shows are made each year. Limit your TV intake through just watching some of them. The number will be different for everyone,but if you 5 re preparing to watch eight new shows this season,let's take a step back and rethink this with a clear head.

           Get out of the house. You can't watch Tyt if you’ re not at home. Make a point of making plans with friends and family,going for a walk,or planning an extra workout (锻炼) .You’ 11 be amazed at how much you get accomplished when you re not married to your favorite programs. For couples who consider TV watching their time to connect,try a new activity together to shake things up for a healthier cause.

           Combine it with exercise. For the TV shows you just won't  give up,make the time more (积极主动的) by combining it with exercise. Doing the following exercises while watching TV will offer you inspiration.

5. What does Paragraph 2 suggest we do?

   A. Keep a journal of daily life.

   B. Know how long we sit every day.

   C. Write down our time spent on TV.

   D. Record TV shows we have watched.

6. What should we do to avoid TV binge according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Only watch a new show in a season.

   B. Avoid having a DVD player at home.

   C. Limit the episodes we watch in a day.

   D. Leave the couch and listen to some music.

7. The text is probably followed by a paragraph about.

   A. some social activities

   B. some beneficial exercises

   C. some interesting TV shows

   D. some tips on a family get-together

8. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. How to watch less TV

   B. How to plan an extra workout

   C. How to combine TV with exercise

   D. How to set a limit on favorite programs


               In my junior year of college I came to a university in Madrid,Spain. The experience of studying abroad has changed my life greatly. Here is how.

              My Spanish phone has no access to the Internet. It isn’t  easy for me. But without Google to answer my questions,I often ask my teachers for help. When I need directions,I look up at street signs instead of looking down at my phone. It turns out that I have absorbed more when my eyes aren't  glued to my screen.

              In my hometown,if I wasn't in a quiet library,I could not focus on studying. However,here,without a library nearby,I have to find other locations to study. I choose to study in the darkest comer of a cafe,determining to stay away from anyone who wants to chat. As time goes by,I’ ve become habituated to the laughter and light. Now when I face a problem,an encouraging smile is all I need to get back on track. What starts off as a method of survival has changed into a love of cafes and the ability to work anywhere.

              My freshman year of college was a race to find friends. I worried if I didn't immediately join a group,I would be alone for the next four years. In fact,relationships have developed more naturally abroad. With wonderful friends waiting for me back in Atlanta,I feel no pressure to make as many friends as possible. If I discover someone isn't  my cup of tea,no sweat; I have the freedom to develop quality over quantity.

              Before a family or school trip,my mom used to plan every detail. But in Madrid,every aspect of the trip—transportation,lodging activities,and food — is my responsibility and anxiety runs high. But while I lose a peaceful pre-trip night of sleep,my uncertain adventure is well worth the price. Traveling on my own gives me a cultural awareness that I would never understand when I blindly followed someone else's  plan. I am a traveler and the trip is my own. 

1. When the author is studying in Madrid,he .

   A. often goes to the library

   B. Seldom relies on technology

   C. hardly ever asks others for help

   D. sometimes gets lost when he is alone

2. The underlined part “ become habituated to ”in Paragraph 3 probably means.

   A. kept away from      B. got interested in

   C. thought poorly of   D. got accustomed to

3. How does the author react now if he doesn't  like someone that much?

   A. He chooses to go away.

   B. He tells the person his real thoughts.

   C. He misses his old friends even more.

   D. He still keeps the relationship now and then.

4. Compared to the past,now the author is most probably.

   A. more caring       B. less easy-going

   C. less confident    D. more independent



            Big waves are very bad news indeed. History is full of examples of devastation(破坏)The biggest wave ever recorded was the one that hit Alaska in 1958,after a huge landslide (山崩) created a tsunami that peaked at 500 meters above sea level. That's not a misprint: It was more than twice as high as the :tallest building in Britain today — Canary Wharf Tower. Scientists know how high it was because the giant wave removed trees and soil from nearby mountains up to that :altitude.

           The Alaskan wave is believed to have been a tsunami caused by a landslide. Italy has been hit by as many as 67 tsunamis in the past 2 ,000 years,though none :of them was as devastating as the one that killed 230,000;people around the Indian Ocean in 2004.

           It's  useful to tell the differences between tsunamis, which are caused by geological events,and enormous waves generated by weather. But it is probable that both types will become a lot more common as a result of worldwide global warming. The oceans absorb more than 80 percent of the heat added to the climate system. As the waters heat up,wind speeds increase,storms become more violent,polar ice melts,and sea level rises.

           “Now is the time to prepare for great floods,” Lloyd, an editorial in New Scientist,advised. ”In the future,the UK's  coastal cities will be jn jeopardy due to rising sea levels,” reported Lloyd. Similarly,nine out of the world's ten largest cities are located on low-lying coastal land.

            But giant waves are not new. For centuries,sailors told of the existence of enormous waves up to 100 feet high that could appear without warning in mid-ocean and often in perfectly clear and calm weather. Researchers : had reservations until the' existence of extremely huge waves was confirmed in 1995 in Norway,where an : 84-foot wave occurred in the sea where the average of the : tallest 33 percent of waves was 39 feet.

9. How did scientists determine the height of the Alaskan wave?

   A. By comparing it with Canary Wharf Tower.

   B. By observing the damaged mountains.

   C. By watching it from a tall building.

   D. By studying the huge landslide.

10. According to the text,more giant waves will be caused by .

Ai tsunamis   B. landslides

   C. climate change   D. rising sea levels

11. The underlined words “in jeopardy” in Paragraph 4 probably mean .

   A. in place   B. in peace

   C. in danger   D. in control

12. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

   A. Giant waves are less common recently.

   B. The biggest wave ever recorded was in Norway.

   C. Enormous waves appear with warning in the ocean.

   D. Researchers had doubts about huge waves before 1995.



          Don’t try this — ever. Hiking to the end of the Awa’ awapuhi Trail(路径) on the island of Kauai,Hawaii is a pretty scary experience. But photographer Scott Sharick did that. Holding a camera stick,he walked along the mountain's ridge. The resuld? The scariest (自拍) we've ever seen.

          Scott Sharick did that because he is a photographer and he needs to take risks at times. It doesn't  mean we can follow his footsteps. The state forbids hikers to go where this man has gone.

          While the trail starts with a fairly easy walk through the Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve,where you* 11 enjoy fine views of the ocean and valleys,it ends with two lookout points(瞭望哨) showing off the amazing Awa awapuhi and Nualolo valleys below. “The trail slopes down,so getting there is quick,” Sharick explained. “Once you get to the lookout points,you can then take a walk down the ridge.”

          If you go past the raz/zVzgs (金属围栏) ,which is extremely dangerous and not suggested,and onto the mountain's ridge like Sharick did,you’ 11 find yourself surrounded by panoramic views of.Kauais  famousNa Pali coastline. "Anyone hiking should be aware of the challenges of any given hike ,” Sharick warned. “And they should not take risks just to see a beautiful view or to get a picture."

          David Chatsuthiphan,who writes the hiking blog Unreal Hawaii,offered a similar warning. “Extreme caution should be exercised at the end of the trail because it's a cliff,” he wrote. “It would be very easy for a person to slip and fall to his death."

          Follow the state's official trail and access a guide to reach the Awa,awapuhi Trail head. Going onto the mountain's ridge is strictly banned.

9. Why did Scott Sharick hike to the end of the Awa,awapuhi Trail?

   A. To show his bravery.

   B. To take a scary selfie.

   C. To admire the scenery of the ocean and valleys.

   D. To find a way to cross the Awa,awapuhi valley.

10. When reaching the two lookout points,visitors.

   A. are advised to walk along the mountain's ridge

   B. can then take an easy walk along the Na Pali coastline

   C. can get a better view of the two amazing valleys below *

   D. will find themselves surrounded by the Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve

11. What is David Chatsuthiphan’s attitude toward hiking the trail?

   A. Interested. B. Supportive.

   C. Concerned.  D. Indifferent.

12. The text is probably taken from a magazine about.

   A. health    B. history

   C. biology   D. geography

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