
Trapped under six stories of ruins after the Haiti earthquake leveled his hotel, Dan Woolley believed he was going to die. But rather than give in to despair, the film-maker spent 65 hours beneath the earth looking up ways t treat his injuries on his iPhone. He also wrote a moving diary for his family, thinking they would only read his last message of love and comfort after his death. Instead, he was pulled from the disaster after a week-and will soon be reunited with his family.

Mr. Woolley had travelled from America to Haiti with his colleague David Hames. Both had been working for charity. He was in the entrance-hall when the earthquake struck and just had time to dive into a comer before the building fell. Buried under tons of ruins, the film-maker downloaded a first aid application to his iPhone. He used the light from the iPhone to show him his injuries and diagnosed it properly as a broken leg. Then, he used the instructions from the app to treat the serious bleeding. The app advised him not to go to sleep if he felt he was going into shock. The resourceful Mr. Woolley set his phone alarm to go off every 20 minutes to keep him awake. New technology has played a huge part.

Mr. Woolley used a small black notebook to write messages to his family. He had thought his relatives would read them after he was dead. “I was in a big accident. Don’t be upset at God,” he wrote, “I’m still praying that God will get me out, but He may not. But He will always take care of you.”

Mr. Woolley was eventually located by a French rescue team and removed to the U.S. where he was reunited with his wife. Speaking after being flown to Miami for surgery, he said, “Boy, I cried. I wanted to use that time to do everything I could for my family. If it could be just to leave some notes that would help them in life, I would do that.”

He is now looking forward to seeing his family.

1.In the diary, Mr. Woolley noted his family.

A. he was looking for ways to survive

B. his iPhone was more than useful

C. he wanted to do something for his family

D. this might be his last messages of love

2.Which of the following statements is not wrong?

A. Woolley was confident that he would survive.

B. Woolley was making a film when the earthquake broke out.

C. Woolley is now reconvening in a Haiti hospital.

D. Woolley tried to stay conscious under the ruins.

3.What is the most important factor in Woolley’s survival?

A. His beloved family. B. The high technology.

C. His strong will. D. The French rescue team.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A Large Earthquake Hit Haiti

B. Strong Will Saved Woolley

C. A Man Used an iPhone to Survive

D. Nothing Is More Important than Family


When I was a freshman, on Christmas break I went home and looked through the bags of clothes Mom intended to give away. I took a baggy red shirt, for I needed something to wear in art class. Mom was surprised. She wore that when she was pregnant with my younger brother.

The red shirt became a part of my college wardrobe. After graduation, I wore the shirt the day I moved into my new apartment and on Saturday morning when I cleaned. When I became pregnant, I wore the red shirt during big-belly days. I missed Mom and the rest of my family. But that shirt helped. I smiled, remembering that Mother had worn it when she was pregnant, 15 years earlier. That Christmas, thinking of the warm feelings the shirt had given me, I wrapped it in holiday paper and sent it to Mom. When Mom wrote to thank me for her “real” gift, she said the red shirt was lovely. She never mentioned it again. The next year, when my husband and I moved the kitchen table, I noticed something red taped to its bottom. It was the shirt! And so the pattern was set.

On our next visit home, I secretly placed the shirt under Mom and Dad’s mattress. Two years passed before I discovered it under the base of our living-room floor lamp. The red shirt was just what I needed now while refinishing furniture. The walnut stains added character.

Years later, my husband and I divorced. With my three children, I prepared to move back to Illinois, depressed. Suddenly I saw the stained red shirt. I smiled. After unpacking in our new home I visited her, and I hid it in her bottom dresser drawer. Meanwhile, I found a good job at a radio station. A year later I discovered the red shirt hidden in a rag bag in my cleaning closet. The shirt was Mother’s final gift. Mother died three months later.

I was tempted to send the red shirt, faded but in decent shape, with her to her grave. But I’m glad I didn’t, my older daughter is in college now, majoring in art. And every art student needs a baggy red shirt to wear to art class.

1.Where did the author get the shirt for the first time?

A. In art class in college. B. In unwanted bags of clothes.

C. In her college wardrobe. D. In the kitchen.

2.How did the shirt help the author?

A. The shirt relieved homesickness from the author.

B. The shirt made her find a good job at a radio station.

C. The shirt was the only clothes that the author had for art class.

D. The shirt was the cheapest gift to give to her Mom tor Christmas.

3.What does the underlined phrase “the pattern” refer to in the text?

A. Visiting the parents regularly.

B. Moving the kitchen table regularly.

C. Secretly giving and receiving the shirt.

D. Often tapping something to the bottom of the table.

4.What is the important reason for the author’s valuing the shirt so much?

A. That her daughter needs it in art class.

B. That it is from her dead Mom.

C. That it is still in decent shape though faded.

D. That it symbolizes mother’s love.

Many scholarships require that you write an essay in order to be considered for the prize money. However, if you are the sort of person that has a headache whenever you have to complete a writing assignment, this may not be the best news. Luckily for you, there is no reason to fear the scholarship essay. The following tips could help you conquer this not-so-easy aspect of the scholarship application process.

You should always outline your essays. This does not just apply to the scholarship essays, either. An outline helps lend focus to your thoughts and helps you create a picture of the “whole” that the essay will become. Judges cannot to stand when your writing is loose, lacks coherence(连贯性)or when you fail to connect your main points together. They want to see that you can support your argument well with clear and brief examples and that these examples do, in fact, relate to the topic at hand.

If you have a choice in the topic you get to write about, always try to select something you are personally interested in. Don't write what you think the judges want to hear. This will only amount in an essay that reads like someone else’s, which is not a great way to make yourself stand out.

If you feel bored with the topic, then your essay will be boring as well. Make sure your idea follow a clear and a logical path. This means they are connected well and the transitions(过渡) easily flow from one idea to the next. Likewise, try to stay away from the obvious or the sad story. Yes, college will be a life-changing experience, but can you think of an interesting reason why this is so? And yes, it is terrible that you lost a family member at a young age, but what does it have to do with winning this scholarship? Judges can smell sad stories from a mile away, so only pull at the heartstrings(动人心弦) if you have a proper reason for doing so.

1.When writing a scholarship essay, an outline is necessary because it helps you_____.

A. focus on the details of the essay

B. think more about the scholarship

C. make a picture of the whole essay

D. support your argument well

2.Your essay will be appreciated by judges if it _______.

A. turns out to be loose

B. is short of coherence

C. is unable to connect to the main points

D. supports your argument with brief examples

3.What is the author’s opinion on choosing the topic for a scholarship essay?

A. The essay should include the obvious or the sad story.

B. You must keep your mind clear and logical.

C. You had better try to put an interesting story in it.

D. Try to say as much as you can about your family.

4.The intended readers of the passage are probably________.

A. college students B. judges in colleges

C. essay readers D. company leaders

Most travelers face the language difficulty in Italy nowadays.1.There are a few things that you should know before you step out of the airport.

There's no such thing as "Italian food".

In Italy each area has its own personality,its own dialect,and its own food.2.Get to know what's Produced locally and what's in season,and you'll be eating the freshest and best of what that area has to offer.


Most Italians pay for things on a day-to-day basis with cash from their morning coffee to dinner.Those of you who have grown used to paying for milk and bread at the grocery store with a card find it very difficult to travel.

The waiter isn't being rude when he leaves you alone to eat.

In Italy,after your meal is served,you may not see the waiter at your table again until it's time to clear your plates.This is not the waiter being rude.4.

An empty restaurant doesn't mean the place is bad.

Many times I've gone into restaurants in Italy at what I thought was dinner time only to find the place nearly empty.5.The dinner hour in many cities doesn't start until at least 8 pm.Many restaurants in bigger cities and towns will be open earlier than that,but the earlier opening time isn't for the locals.It's for visitors.

A.Cash is king in Italy.

B.Trains are always late in Italy.

C.Later,I learned Italians eat late.

D.If so,traveling to Italy can be an attractive experience.

E.However,it's still a very easy and comfortable country to visit.

F.This is the waiter letting you enjoy your meal as long as you want.

G.It's a shock to those of you who think you've already known what Italian food is.

When I was younger I was lost in the stories in magic books.I____them thirstily.Also like most of the readers of these stories I secretly wished for magical____for myself.I wanted to be able to____make my pain disappear,to make my____go away,and to have power over this world that so often has power over us.

____I got older,however,I realized that there was no such thing as magic.Later,the____reality of life set in I struggled through a long period of____.Worst of all,I had daily____from a back injury that was never completely good.I felt great____when both of my sons____from loneliness.I still sometimes daydreamed of magic but finally that____.

Then one day I____a different kind of magic called LOVE.It grew____in my heart,soul and____day by day. This magic connected me to my own best self and to all of the____souls in this world.Though it didn't____my poverty,it made every day of my life____and colorful.Though it didn't make my back pain go away,it helped me ____it so much better.Though it didn't cure my sons' loneliness,it helped me see the____,loving and joyful souls.

There is such a thing as magic in each one of us in this world.This magic is called LOVE.May you choose it, share it,and____every single day of your life in it.

1.A. awarded B. read C. drank D. wrote

2.A. parents B. authors C. powers D. tops

3.A. magically B. hardly C. doubtfully D. harmfully

4.A. changes B. problems C. effort D. responsibility

5.A. As B. Though C. Unless D. If

6.A. competitive B. happy C. unrealized D. peaceful

7.A. benefit B. adventure C. fault D. poverty

8.A. chance B. interest C. pain D. loss

9.A. sadness B. joy C. determination D. patience

10.A. recovered B. suffered C. prevented D. differed

11.A. turned up B. died away C. turned in D. died off

12.A. forecast B. avoided C. consulted D. spotted

13.A. weaker B. smaller C. cleverer D. stronger

14.A. mind B. religion C. mercy D. tradition

15.A. another B. all C. other D. both

16.A. measure B. hold C. remove D. employ

17.A. dependent B. logical C. hopeless D. rich

18.A. lay out B. make up C. account for D. deal with

19.A. painful B. ugly C. beautiful D. violent

20.A. rescue B. live C. waste D. confirm

Stop Negative Talk

“I’m so fat,” one of your friends says. The girl next to her joins in, “Well, I hate my hair today.” Without thinking, you respond: “No, you are not fat! I am fat. And my hair is flat and boring.”1.

It is easy for people to engage in self-critical conversations, and once it starts there is often pressure for you to join in.2. Maybe it is because “just talking” feels harmless. But before you know it, those opinions flow out of your conversations and into your life, where they start eating away at your self-respect.

3. When you start talking about yourself in a negative way, you are not only affecting your self-respect, but your friends’! When you criticize yourself, your friends might think you have the same standards for them. You have heard that it is important to treat others the way you want to be treated, but there is also value in treating yourself like you treat your friends. If you wouldn’t criticize your friend for the same thing, chances are that you are being too hard on yourself. So, don’t start it.

But what if someone else starts? For example, your friend feels insecure about how well he played in his soccer game, so he puts himself down: “I suck at soccer.”4. Ask him, “Do you really think that? Why?” Maybe he is actually upset about a comment someone made, or is just getting down on himself over one bad play. Whatever it is, talking through the real issue will help him more than slipping into another negative talk.

It is important to talk to your friend about your insecurities, but make sure you are not talking about them just to put yourself down.5. Instead of just focusing on the negative, talk about what makes you and your friends beautiful and unique—including what you love about your body and what you have accomplished. When you show yourself love, you set yourself as an example, and everyone benefits from you positively.

A. Negative talk affects self-respect.

B. Criticizing yourself helps nobody.

C. But why do we hesitate to praise ourselves?

D. But why is it acceptable to talk so negatively?

E. All it takes is just one comment and the negative talk starts.

F. It is better to resist negative conversations and create more balanced ones.

G. Before everyone puts himself down, see if you can get to the root of the problem.

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