

Once upon a time, a poor traveler stopped under a tree. From his bag he took out a bowl of 1._______ (boil) rice and started to eat. Nearby was a small shop, 2.______ a woman was selling fried fish to travelers able to pay for it. When the man finished eating and got up to leave, she shouted, “You have not paid me for your meal!”

“But I ordered 3.______ from you!” he said.

“4.______ everyone sees, you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish with your rice,” argued the woman. “If you hadn’t smelt the fish, your meal would not have been so5._______ (please)!”

Soon a crowd gathered, 6._______ supported the traveler, but also agreed that the wind was blowing from the shop to the place where he had eaten, 7.______ (carry) the smell of the fried fish to him.

At last, the woman took him to a judge and after8._______ (tell) the judge the story, she insisted that 9._______ the man had enjoyed her fish smell, he should pay 25 cents. After hearing the evidence, the judge asked the man to drop a 25-cent coin on the ground. “Here is your payment, the sound of 25 cents 10._______ the smell of the fried fish.”



It had been a nice and sunny day. I stepped slowly towards the edge of the cliff and looked out. The was wonderful. I could the gentle wind coming from the coast while watching the brilliant sunset.

My dad and I used to enjoy the sunset together on that very . We would also watch the waves crash into the below. My mother would always annoy us how it was. I was never worried, ________ I always felt safe next to my father, who spent most of his life out in his boat.

I remember one time on his boat;I had off the back and into the cold water accidentally. My dad immediately jumped off to me. I would never forget that day, and from that point I knew would prevent my dad protecting me if I was in danger.

As I there on top of the cliff, I remembered the times I spent with my dad. I looked down sorrowfully at the urn (骨灰瓮) . My father was my rock, someone I could when I needed him most. But now he was gone, and I felt sorrowful and .

It had always been my father’s last to have his ashes scattered out at sea. I the urn, said a farewell (告别) and then slowly twisted off the lid. The wind started to change , blowing out towards the sea. I looked last time down at my father’s ashes and then for a moment, I scattered the contents out over the cliff.

I wiped away a tear, but it was perfect happiness rather than sadness, because I finally knew the man who so much to me, my father, was finally at peace.

1.A. journey B. condition C. view D. food

2.A. see B. feel C. hear D. smell

3.A. spot B. river C. day D. moment

4.A. wind B. rubbish C. walls D. rocks

5.A. embarrassing B. interesting C. famous D. dangerous

6.A. because B. when C. if D. though

7.A. at peace B. at rest C. at sunset D. at sea

8.A. jumped B. fallen C. dived D. swam

9.A. comfort B. protect C. rescue D. follow

10.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

11.A. stood B. lay C. hanged D. slept

12.A. under my arm B. in my hands C. on my shoulder D. around my neck

13.A. care for B. learn from C. depend on D. turn down

14.A. fearless B. hopeless C. careless D. shameless

15.A. chance B. behavior C. ambition D. wish

16.A. looked back on B. looked out for C. looked down at D. looked up to

17.A. silent B. surprising C. sudden D. strange

18.A. speed B. distance C. force D. direction

19.A. screamed B. hesitated C. laughed D. complained

20.A. helped B. meant C. owed D. did

Why do young adult children become independent so much later than they did in 1970,when the average age of independent living was 21? Why have reduced class sizes and increased per-pupil expenditures (花销)not higher academic achievement levels? Why is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when ________with that of children in the 1960s and before? Why do today’s ________ become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

The answer in two words: parental ________. Those two words best summarize the ________ between “old” child raising and new, post-1960s parenting. Then, the overall philosophy was that parents shouldn’t be ________ involved with their kids. They were available ________ crisis, but they stood a (an) ________ distance from their kids and allowed them to ________ the benefits of the trial-and-error (反复试验)process. It was the child’s ________, back then, to keep his or her parents from getting involved. That was________ children learned to be responsible and determined.

Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything. These are parents who are ________ when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kids’lives. Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids; thus, the defensiveness. But considering that schools and mental health professionals have been pushing parent involvement for nearly four decades, the confusion and defensiveness are ________.

University researchers analyzed three decades of data relating to parent participation in children’s academics. Their conclusions ________ what I’ve been saying since the 1980s: parental help with homework________a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.

Parents who manage a child’s social life affect the ________ of good social skills. Parents who manage a child’s after-school activities raise kids who don’t know how to ________ their own free time. Parents who get involved in their kids’ ________ with peers raise kids who don’t know how to avoid trouble.

These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their ________ . And their parents, when the time comes, don’t know how to ________ being parents. You can imagine what will become of their future.

1.A. counted on B. taken in C. touched on D. resulted in

2.A. connected B. linked C. compared D. matched

3.A. youths B. adolescents C. psychologists D. parents

4.A. assistance B. protection C. involvement D. preference

5.A. choices B. similarities C. differences D. relations

6.A. slightly B. passively C. fairly D. highly

7.A. in fear of B. in spite of C. in view of D. in case of

8.A. safe B. equal C. long D. short

9.A. experiment B. gain C. experience D. enjoy

10.A. fault B. job C. turn D. attitude

11.A. how B. when C. why D. what

12.A. amazed B. disappointed C. confused D. satisfied

13.A. unreasonable B. changeable C. understandable D. avoidable

14.A. realized B. convinced C. confirmed D. reflected

15.A. lowers B. decides C. helps D. promotes

16.A. development B. performance C. establishment D. appearance

17.A. fill B. devote C. value D. save

18.A. communication B. cooperation C. conflicts D. competitions

19.A. career B. school C. home D. profession

20.A. ignore B. stop C. consider D. Start


Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in the United States. And writer Liel Leibovitz says the students are following an example that began in the eighteen seventies.

Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, “Fortunate Sons.” The book says China sent one hundred twenty boys from 1872 to 1875 to America to learn about developments that could help modernize their country.

Mr. Leibovitz got the idea for the book about the boys a few years ago when he was traveling with his wife in China.

Mr. Leibovitz learned that Qing government sent a whole delegation(代表团) of boys to learn the ways of the West. The goal was for them to return to China and help their country.

The book says the boys received their American training in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. It must have been a very good education. Mr. Leibovitz says the first prime minister of the Chinese Republic completed this program. And so did the first engineer to build a large-scale railroad without foreign help. The same was true of the fathers of Chinese education, diplomacy and the Navy.

The book-writers had only to open some boxes containing the writings of these men to learn about them. Their notebooks, journals, letters and postcards were in English. Mr. Leibovitz said he was lucky to have so much information from events that took place long ago.

The students returned to China after about nine years. They no longer spoke Mandarin(国语) well enough to answer questions. Police welcomed them home by putting them in jail. The young men were released after about a week. But they were given low-level jobs.

Mr Leibovitz says it took about ten years for them to rise to higher positions. He said their story continues today with large numbers of Chinese studying in the United States.

1.How many exchange children did Qing government send to America?

A. 1872. B. 1875.

C. 120. D. 210.

2.The Qing government send the boys to America because it .

A. wanted them to help their country

B. lost the war

C. expected them to destroy the culture of the West

D. wanted the Western to help the boys

3.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in America.

B. Some of the boys received their American training in California.

C. Police welcomed the boys home by putting them in jail.

D. One of the boys became the father of Chinese education.

A lot of people are afraid spiders(蜘蛛)–even the small ones. But a big tarantula(鸟蛛)is much more terrifying for many. Now, scientists in Sri Lanka have discovered a huge species of tarantula that’s about the size of a person’s face.

The first part of the spider’s scientific name, Poecilotheria rajaei, comes from the Greek words for “spotted”(poikilos) and “wild beast” (therion). Its species name, rajaei, comes from a local police officer who helped the team that discovered the creature. Poecilotheria rajaei has 8-inch long legs, and unusual spots colored gray, pink, and yellow.

Although it is very big, is there a real reason to be afraid of one? Maybe. This tarantula has enough poisonous fluid(毒液)to kill mice and small birds and snakes –but its bite wouldn’t cause the death of most humans.

Poecilotheria rajaei was first seen in 2009, when a villager in Sri Lanka found the body of a male and brought it to Ranil Nanayakkara, co-founder of Sri Lanka’s Biodiversity Education and Research organization.

An examination of the awesome creature proved that it was a type of tarantula scientists hadn’t seen before. So Nanayakkara carefully looked through the Sri Lankan forests to try to find more of the spiders.

It’s still too early to know whether this species is endangered. But researchers fear that the tarantulas’ natural habitat is slowly being destroyed.

“ They prefer old trees, but due to the widespread removal of trees the number has dropped,” Nanayakkara said in an interview.

Tarantulas have eight legs and two body parts. They are different from insects, which have only six legs but three body parts. Tarantulas have hairy bodies and are usually larger than other types of spiders. Some species of tarantulas can live up to 25 years.

While Poecilotheria rajaei is very big, the largest tarantula is the Goliath bird-eater (Theraphosa blondi). Found in the rainforests of South America, its legs can be up to 10 inches long. But don’t worry if you ever see one: Its poisonous fluid isn’t really dangerous to humans.

1.According to the text, Poecilotheria rajaei _______.

A. has unique spots

B. is mostly yellow

C. has 10-inch long legs

D. was first seen by the Greeks

2.Which of the following is most likely to survive a bite from Poecilotheria rajaei?

A. A little girl

B. A small bird.

C. A big mouse

D. A small snake.

3.The number of Poecilotheria rajaei has dropped because___________.

A. the global climate has changed

B. they have too many natural enemies

C. some people are killing them illegally

D. more and more forests are disappearing

4.Which of the following is TRUE about tarantulas?

A. They are a kind of insect.

B. Most of them live in South America.

C. Their body is divided into three parts.

D. They are usually of bigger size than other spiders.

5.Which section of a newspaper is the text most probably taken from?

A. Life B. Nature

C. Science D. Business

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