
I was asked in an email about learning idioms in a foreign language.Maybe I am different from most people,but I do not bother with them.To me they are kind of dessert of language learning.They come at the end of a meal.Once you have filled up with the solid fare—the key words and phrases that are used in a variety of situations,then you can add a few idioms to spice up things.And by that time you will be able to pick them up naturally anyway.

I find that many learners have an obsession(困扰) with slang and idioms,as if repeating some very colloquial expressions is going to upgrade how they sound in a language.In fact it is the opposite.Idioms are difficult to use correctly.They can easily sound very strange coming from someone who obviously does not have a good sense of the language.

Yes,occasionally you hear idioms or slang and do not understand.But,in my experience,there are always situations where you do not understand.It is best to focus on the most important words,what they mean and how they are used.Certainly,it is best for a non?native speaker to stick to standard speech.

Some teachers even try to teach the “real language”.Then you hear non?native speakers saying things like “I gonna” ,“You wanna” etc.I just cringe(厌烦).

You will learn all the idioms you need just by exposing yourself to the language.In general,you can save any phrase that you find interesting,and if that includes idioms,go to it.But I would not make any special effort to go after idioms.I,in fact,avoid them.If I come across something in Russian that strikes me as a particularly slangy or idiomatic use of words,I just leave it aside; do not even bother trying to learn it.If it keeps on appearing,then I will learn it.But I would certainly be reluctant(勉强的) to try to use it.


1.In the writer's opinion,when one learns a new language,one should learn its idioms ________.

A.at the beginning   B.on one's own

C.in the end       D.without help

2.The underlined word “colloquial” in Para.2 means “________”.

A.oral       B.informal

C.formal       D.written

3.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.idioms are the most important part in a language

B.the writer is not very willing to use idioms

C.non?native speakers should learn more idioms

D.there are no ways to master idioms

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.It's better to avoid idioms in a language

B.Idioms are very charming in a language

C.How to learn idioms in a language

D.Why it's difficult to use idioms in a language

5.How did the writer develop the passage?

A.By inferring.

B.By comparing.

C.By listing examples.

D.By giving explanations.


1.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。从第一段中的“To me they are kind of...They come at the end of a meal.”可知。

2. 答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。从画线词后的upgrade how they sound in a language,特别是sound一词可知colloquial 的意思是“口语的”,故A项符合语境。

3. 答案与解析:B 推理判断题。从第一段提到的最后学idioms和最后一段中的I would not...go after idioms,avoid them(idioms)及be reluctant to try to use it 可知答案为B。

4. 答案与解析:C 标题概括题。从全文尤其是首段第一句话可知作者是在讲述如何学习一门语言中的习语。

5.答案与解析:D 篇章结构理解题。综观全文可知,作者是通过逐段解释与说理来展开文章的,故D项正确。




  A businessman,who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he needed,fell ill one day.He decided to go to a doctor and asked a friend to recommend(推荐)one.

  “Dr.Smith is an excellent(优秀)one,and he has rich experience in treating various(多种)illness.the friend told him.

  “Is he expensive?the businessman aske D.

  “Yes and no.He charges(索款)five hundred dollars for the visit,but only twenty-five dollars for each visit after that.

  “That seems reasonable(合乎情理),the businessman said,and went to visit Dr.Smith.As he walked into the consulting(诊所)room,he said,Well,here I am again,doctor,and put twenty-five dollars on the table.

  The doctor looked at him carefully for a moment,then smiled and put the money into his pocket.Thank you,he said,and what can I do for you today?

  “Examine me,of course,the businessman said,and tell mw what’s wrong with me.

  “Oh,there’s no need for me to examine you again.the doctor said,Just continue taking the medicine I prescribed(开药方)for you when you came to see me last time.

1.What kind of person was the businessman?

 A.He was a person easy to get on with.

 B.He was a very rich and successful person.

 C.He was a person who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he neede D.

 D.He was a person who enjoyed cheating others.

2.Which of the following questions can best take the place of this question.Is he expensive?

 A.Does he charge his patient a lot of money?

 B.Does he cost a lot of money?

 C.Is he a valuable person?

 D.Is he able to pay all the expenses?

3.Why did the businessman say to the doctorWell,here I am again?

 A.He had visited the doctor many times before.

 B.It was his second visit to the doctor.

 C.He had already paid $500 for his visit.

 D.He wanted the doctor to think he had visited him before.

4.What did the doctor do for the businessman?

 A.He gave him a prescription(药方).

 B.He examined him.

 C.He gave him a careful treatment.

 D.He did nothing for the businessman.

5.Why did Dr.Smith smile as he took the $25?

 A.He found the businessman telling a lie(说谎).

 B.He was pleased with the pay.

 C.They were old friends.

 D.Doctors are always polite to their patients.

The British people are famous for being quite reserved(保守的)。 We are known around the world for having the biggest “personal___1_____”—the distance between us and the person we are  2 to.

I have  3 been more aware of this than over last month, since I arrived in China Getting used to Chinese colleagues 4  close by me and even placing their hands on my arm is proving quite 5 .

My natural British reaction is to 6  back and move away, even though I realize it is a friendly gesture by the Chinese person.

I have 7  many people holding hands or putting their arms around each other as they walk along the streets of Beijing . This would rarely be seen in the UK, even between very close friends.

And 8 at someone in Britain is considered very 9 . But here, I find myself being stared at often. It 10  me long to realize this was not rude in China, but a 11  of curiosity.

I visited Taian last week, where the local people are 12 used to westerners. An elderly woman couldn’t believe her 13  when she saw me.。 And 14  feel offended (使不舒服的)by her staring at me, I was 15  to see her smile back when I said “Nihao”.

When I visited one of Taian’s middle school to talk about English learning , the students aske d me to 16 their notebooks. And one girl asked to have her picture taken with me. I 17  like a celebrity(名人).

I have  18  over the last month how true it is that the British are very 19 . We can learn a lot about 20  from the China’s culture and habits. And I am learning more every day.

1.A. feeling      B. secret     C. habit      D. space

2.A. turning      B.talking     C. telling     D. pointing

3.A never      .B. hardly     C.almost     D.always

4.A. sleeping     B. coming     C.standing     D.passing

5.A. easy       B. difficult    C.familiar     D. interesting

6.A. go        B. push     C. pull      D. look

7.A.seen       B. heard     C.missed     D.watched

8.A.hitting      B.speaking    C.smiling     D.staring

9.A.rude       B.cruel      C.polite      D.friendly

10.A.took       B.spent      C.used      D.paid

11.A.scene       B.scenery     C.sight      D.sign

12.A.more       B.less      C.quite      D.somehow

13.A. son       B. experience    C.eyes      D. ears

14.A. more than   B. rather than     C. less than   D. no more than

15.A .pleased    B.unwilling      C. surprised   D.angry

16.A. read      B.write       C. share    D. sign

17.A. felt      B.seemed      C. sounded   D. acted

18.A. known     B. recognized     C. realized   D.noticed

19.A.bright     B. reserved      C. brave    D.easygoing

20.A.clevreness    B.friendliness    C. happiness   D. politeness


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