I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath.With her hand held in mine, we started walking down the street to her first day of school.I knew that she would be crying; she always cries when she is anxious about new .
As we walked, she asked, “ What if talks to me?”
“ I know that your will talk to you.She’ll help you find your seat and she’ll even you all to each other.And you already know two friends in the class from preschool.They are too, I bet.”
She and started to play with her backpack strap.It’s the backpack that we spent 20 minutes up the night before.And the same one she slipped her small stuffed animal puppy into she thought I wasn’t looking this morning.
“ What if I get shy and can’t talk to anyone?”
“ You might feel shy at first,” I said to her, “ give yourself a little time and you’ll realize that you are having fun and feeling more .”
She looked up at me and smiled, as we waited at a stop sign.“ I’m but really excited.”
“ What are you most excited for?”
I laughed because this was the same girl who weeks before told me she was .from running one block down the street and needed to rest and drink water to .
As we turned the corner, her face dropped.The massive group of students gathered everywhere overwhelmed her and her face fell as the tears swelled up in her eyes.
“ You can do this, sweetie.Everyone has a place to queue up in let’s go find yours.”
We lined up with her class and just as she was about to cling to my leg , her friend from preschool stood next to her.In a second, she .As the teacher began to walk them all into the school, she was not , not holding onto me, but smiling.I held my husband’s hand, feeling happy and proud.
1.A. tightly B. naturally C. casually D. carefully
2.A. expectations B. experiences C. senses D. exercises
3.A. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone
4.A. sister B. teacher C. friend D. classmate
5.A. report B. recommend C. mention D. introduce
6.A. crazy B. nervous C. curious D. cautious
7.A. looked away B. looked on C. looked up D. looked over
8.A. washing B. finishing C. packing D. keeping
9.A. although B. unless C. until D. when
10.A. so B. but C. or D. and
11.A. comfortable B. familiar C. worried D. delighted
12.A. sick B. scared C. tired D. shocked
13.A. P.E. B. English C. Chinese D. Maths
14.A. free B. prevented C. exhausted D. separated
15.A. refuel B. recycle C. reform D. reassure
16.A. eventually B. slowly C. instantly D. constantly
17.A. school B. class C. line D. seat
18.A. naturally B. surprisingly C. roughly D. desperately
19.A. lit up B. gave in C. came out D. turned over
20.A. whispering B. crying C. shouting D. jumping

Fly Alone for the First Time

I began flying lessons at the age of 14; but the Federal Aviation Administration requires you to be 16 before you make flight by yourself. So I had to wait for two long years until I could fly a plane by myself. I used that time to master the basic maneuvers (要领) of flying. I learned emergency procedures and practiced hundreds of takeoffs and landings until I could land the airplane smoothly without bouncing it down the runway. It wasn’t always easy, and many times I would come home feeling discouraged and thinking maybe everyone was right – I would never learn to fly, but by the next day, I was always eager to try again.

On the day of my 16th birthday, I made my first solo flight, which meant I could finally fly alone. The night before, my dad, who was my flight instructor, explained that the winds were forecast to be high. He said if we were in the air by dawn, the winds would probably be calm enough for me to solo. The next morning it was cold, but the sky was completely clear, and the winds were calm. I expected my dad to stay in the plane for at least three takeoffs and landings. But after the first one, he told me to pull off the runway, and he got out of the plane.

I was alone. As I climbed higher and higher, the world began to change. Everything on the ground became miniature. Houses, cars, and all looked like tiny toys that could fit in the surface of my hand. I made three takeoffs and landings that day. Each landing was perfect. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Today, as a flight instructor, I stand alongside runways watching as my own students take to the sky on their first solo flights. I understand the joy faces, which always bring me back to that day when my dream came true. I learned that no matter how people tell you that you can’t do something, if you believe in yourself, you can succeed.

1.When practicing flying, the author ______.

A. met several times of emergencies

B. was worried about his own safety

C. couldn’t wait to fly alone in the sky

D. sometimes doubted his ability to fly

2.The underlined word “miniature” probably means “______”.

A. distant B. unclear C. small D. high

3. What was the father concerned about before his son flied alone?

A. Whether his son was brave enough.

B. Whether it would be too windy.

C. Whether he was able to protect his son.

D. Whether there were negative comments.

4.What lesson does the author learn from his experience?

A. Be confident and you will succeed.

B. Be responsible and you can grow up.

C. Give up something and you may win more.

D. Think hard and you can achieve your dream.

It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.

The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货), saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.

1.Why was the bike so important to the couple?

A.The man’s job was bike racing.

B.It was their only possession.

C.It was a nice Kona 18 speed.

D.They used it for work and daily life.

2.We can infer from the text that ____________.

A.the couple worked 60 hours a week.

B.people were busy before Christmas

C.the stranger brought over the bike

D.life was hard for the young family.

3.How did people get to know the couple’s problem?

A.From radio broadcasts.

B.From a newspaper.

C.From TV news.

D.From a stranger.

Perhaps Joe Cheng has become popular with thousands of fans and has been chased by girls and middles students. But do you know his resume(简历)?

Yes. Joe Cheng, who plays the most popular boy in high school in the popular Taiwanese drama “It Started with a Kiss.”

Although thousands of girls have fallen in love with him for his cute smile and strong body, Cheng, 27, doesn’t want to rest on his good looks. He made the move from modeling to acting six years ago, and now he is trying another career-this time, to be a singer. Cheng worked on his first album, “Joe Cheng’s Day”, for a year. It came out on September 7.

Apart from recording his CD, Cheng has been practicing dance moves for his music video. Given his height, 188cm, this was not an easy job. “I had bad dreams about dancing,” he said.

Cheng’s life has had many ups and downs. His parents divorced when he was in primary school and he has lived with his father ever since. After dropping out of high school, he took on all kinds of jobs before being spotted by a scout(星探)for a modeling agency. Cheng said his key to life is “keeping a positive outlook and making the most out of life.”

Cheng admitted that he got bad grades when he was in high school. But he was still very popular at school. “Being very active in the students union, I was elected president. I liked to organize parties and field trips, so many teachers and students knew me,” he said.

Cheng once dreamed of becoming a cartoonist, and he regrets that he never did it. Now he hopes his teenage fans can learn from his life. “When you are in school, just focus on studies,” Cheng said. “Every young heart is eager to explore the world outside. But take your time. Finish your studies first.”

1.Which of the following can be the best title for this text?

A. Finish Your Study First.

B. Life Is Full of Ups and Downs.

C. He Has It All, but Still Has Regrets.

D. The Key to Success.

2.What career didn’t Joe Cheng try?

A. Acting in some dramas. B. Dancing for an agency.

C. Modeling for an agency. D. Recording his own CDs.

3.The underlined word “outlook” in Paragraph 4 means __________.

A. attitude B. scene C. fame D. appearance

4.Which of the correct order of these events?

a. Joe Cheng dropped out of high school.

b. Joe Cheng worked on his first album, “Joe Cheng’s Day”.

c. Joe Cheng’s parents divorced.

d. Joe Cheng played the most popular boy in “It started with a Kiss”.

e. Joe Cheng worked in a modeling agency.

A. acedb B. caebd C. caedb D. Acebd


That night we lay on the floor in the room and I listened to the silk-worms eating. The silk-worms .on shelves of mulberry (桑树)leaves and all night you could hear them eating and a dropping sound in the leaves. I myself didn’t want to because I had been living for a long time with the that if I ever shut my eyes in the dark and let myself go, my would go out of my body. I had been that way for a long time, since I was sleepless at night and felt it go out of me and go off and then .I tried never to think about it, but it had started to go since, in the nights, just at the of going off to sleep, and I could only stop it by a very great . So while now I am fairly sure that it would not really have gone out, yet then, that summer, I was unwilling to make the .

I had different ways of myself while I lay awake. I would think of a trout(鳟鱼) stream I had fished along when I was a boy; and fish its whole length very in my mind; fishing under all the logs, all the turns of the , the deep holes and the clear shallow stretches, sometimes .trout and sometimes losing them. I would stop fishing at noon to eat my lunch; sometimes on a log the stream; sometimes on a high bank under a tree; and I always ate my lunch very slowly and the stream below me while I ate. Often I ran out of bait(诱饵) because I would take ten .with me in a tobacco tin when I started. When I had used them all I had to find worms and sometime it was very difficult digging in the bank of the stream the cedar trees kept out the sun and there was no grass but only the wet earth and often I could find no worms. Always I found some kind of bait, but one time in the swamp I could find no bait at all and had to one of the trout I had caught and used him for bait.

1.A. lived B. fed C. moved D. carried

2.A. eat B. sleep C. talk D. leave

3.A. purpose B. imagination C. knowledge D. excuse

4.A. soul B. idea C. sense D. temper

5.A. even B. yet C. still D. ever

6.A. come back B. come up C. get away D. get off

7.A. risk B. moment C. sight D. request

8.A. intention B. regret C. effort D. focus

9.A. achievement B. encouragement C. entertainment D. experiment

10.A. occupying B. devoting C. concerning D. equipping

11.A. casually B. aimlessly C. painfully D. carefully

12.A. root B. bank C. jungle D. coast

13.A. spotting B. approaching C. killing D. catching

14.A. beyond B. over C. through D. beneath

15.A. watched B. conducted C. crossed D. measured

16.A. weeds B. worms C. insects D. leaves

17.A. better B. larger C. more D. heavier

18.A. when B. how C. why D. where

19.A. bare B. pure C. holy D. vivid

20.A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off D. cut in


Red envelops have related to the Chinese Lunar New Year for long. I myself have had plenty of experiences both receiving and giving our red envelops in the past and 1.I mean, who doesn’t love free money?

I’m truly surprised by the degree of people’s obsession(迷恋) with red envelops this year. In fact, everyone I know spent at least a day or two crazily shaking their smart phones2.Thanks to messaging app WeChat’s new feature that allows users to send money electronically, grabbing red envelopes has never seemed so easy.

Just in case you are one of the very few people who still can’t be involved in the game,3.Givers link their WeChat(微信) to their bank accounts, and then they can send specified amounts of money to their WeChat contacts through a personal message. They can also put the cash up for grabs in chat group full of friends, and anyone who acts fast enough will get a share. Later, receivers can transfer the funds from their WeChat back into their own bank accounts.

4.I’m always for some harmless fun in life, so my natural response would be: why not? Moreover, I’ve always believed that it’s human nature to want free stuff, regardless of whether you actually need it or not. This may not be a good quality, but it’s not against the law, so I won’t get all judgmental here.5.I really can’t blame anyone for their enthusiasm in grabbing red envelops. I would have done it too, had I not thought linking WeChat to my bank accounts was too much trouble.

A. Considering these reasons,

B. here’s how it works.

C. generally speaking, it’s been fun.

D. In theory, this sounds like a fun game.

E. In terms of all the advantages above,

F. mostly trying to get as much as lucky money as possible.

G. In fact, it does harm to our life.

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