

1The young designer whose design for the building won an International Award is worthy to_____

2The situation is so complicated that I have difficulty_____it and nobody could tell me what to do

3Spare time should_____to learn English In this way we can improve our English soon

4Many athletes are dreaming of_____the Olympic Games so that they can win glory for their countries

5While staying in the village James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything_____

6Many species of animals are in danger of_____if we don't take measures to protect them

7With the popularity of Mobile Payment Applications cash_____online payment in the near future

8The spare time_____the children should be returned to them by the parents and teachers


1be highly thought of

2dealing with

3be made good use of

4competing in

5in return

6dying out

7will be replaced with

8belonging to



1句意:该建筑设计获得国际大奖的年轻设计师值得高度重视。可知表示"高度重视",在 is worthy to后,用动词原形 be highly thought of

2句意:情况太复杂,我处理起来很困难,没人能告诉我该怎么办。可知做 have difficulty 的宾语,表示"处理",用动名词dealing with

3句意:利用业余时间学习英语,这样我们可以很快提高英语水平。可知谓语动词用被动,表示"利用",在情态动词should 后,用be made good use of

4句意:许多运动员梦想参加奥运会,为国家争光。可知做 are dreaming of 的宾语,表示"参加",用动名词短语competing in

5句意:在村里逗留期间,詹姆斯无私地与村民分享了他所拥有的一切,而没有要求任何回报。可知,表示"回报",用固定短语in return

6句意:如果不采取保护措施,许多动物都有灭绝的危险。可知,做in danger of 的宾语,表示"灭绝",用动名词dying out

7句意:随着移动支付应用的普及,现金将在不久的将来被在线支付所取代。可知根据时间状语in the near future,谓语动词用一般将来时态的被动,表示"所取代",所以答案是will be replaced with

8句意:父母、教师应该归还属于孩子的业余时间。所以,做The spare time 的定语,表示二者的主动关系词,用现在分词belonging to



【题目】A new study warns that about thirty percent of the world’s people may not have enough water by the year 2025.

A private American organization called Population Action International did the new study. It says more than 335 million people lack enough water now. The people live in 28 countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.

P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about 3,000 million people may lack water. At least 18 more countries are expected to have severe water problems. The demand for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount of water on the earth stays the same.

Mr. Engelman says the population in countries that lack water is growing faster than in other parts of the world. He says population growth in these countries will continue to increase.

The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe. Mr Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning.

The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One way, it says, is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water of agriculture.

The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controls on population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have.

1The first four paragraphs mainly tell us .

A. the study of the global water condition B. the fact of the global lack of water

C. the seriousness of water shortage D. the importance of water resources

2Which of the following problems is NOT true about lack of water according to the passage?

A. It may influence the development of the economics.

B. It may bring about a lot of health problems.

C. It may result in more international conflict.

D. It may lead to the improvement of new industries.

3Which of the following is the best way to solve water problem in the long run?

A. To use water in a variety of ways. B. To become aware of the water problem.

C. To reduce the use of agricultural water. D. To limit the rising birthrate of the earth.

4Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A. B.

C. D.

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