
War Horse author Michael Morpurgo is being interviewed:
Reporter:How did War Horse become so successful?
Michael:War Horse was published in 1982,and it did not sell very well.But my publishers kept it in print,along with all my books.I am very grateful to Egmont and I’m sure now they are very grateful to themselves.
The book was discovered 21 years later,by accident.I was on Desert Island Discs on Radio 4 in 2003 when my work was becoming better known.One of the listeners was the mother of a director called Tom Morris,and after reading War Horse herself she told her son to read it.Two years later the play came out,and it was a huge hit that went to the West End,Broadway and now Canada and Australia,then a nationwide American tour in June this year.
In 2009 kathy kennedy,the producer who worked with Steven Spielberg,walked into the New London Theatre to see the play because her daughter liked it very much.She then phoned Spielberg and told him this would be his next film!The way it all happened is better than any of my stories.War Horse has now sold over 1 million copies.
Reporter:Has War Horse changed your life?
Michael:It has made all the difference in the world.The most important gift it has given us is not to have to worry about money,because there has always been a slight anxiety.It has allowed us to ensure our grandchildren’s education.There is a disadvantage to it as well,which is an assumption that I am super rich.I’m not,actually.It is very nice and completely unexpected but I have got to go on writing.If I were younger,I think,it would go to my head.Now I am too old for anything to go to my head.It is not the same as winning the lottery(彩票)。
【小题1】Why are Michael’s publishers grateful to themselves too?

A.Because they never stopped printing it and it finally proved successful.
B.Because they earned a lot thanks to books of high quality they printed.
C.Because they have the ability to enlarge their company.
D.Because they have the potential to film the story.
【小题2】War Horse got the first huge success thanks to____.
A.Steven Spielberg and his daughter
B.Tom Morris and his listeners
C.Kathy Kennedy’s daughter
D.Tom Morris’ mother
【小题3】Why did Kathy Kennedy watch the play of War Horse?
A.Because she knew that the film was very popular.
B.Because her daughter was mad on the play.
C.Because her friend,Steven Spielberg,advised her to see it.
D.Because she was looking for a story with an animal in her mind.
【小题4】What change made Michael feel most valuable because of War Horse?
A.He could stay at home looking after his grandchildren.
B.He can make friends with famous film directors.
C.He needn’t worry about his financial problems.
D.He needn’t spend time writing another book.
【小题5】What is the attitude of Michael to his great success?


【小题1】这是细节理解题。根据it did not sell very well.But my publishers kept it in print,along with all my books.I am very grateful to Egmont and I’m sure now they are very grateful to themselves.可以判断应选A。
【小题2】这是细节理解题。根据One of the listeners was the mother of a director called Tom Morris,and after reading War Horse herself she told her son to read it.Two years later the play came out,and it was a huge hit that went to the West End,Broadway and now Canada and Australia,then a nationwide American tour in June this year.是由于Tom Morri的母亲把这本书《战马》介绍给他,两年后编成剧本,搬上了舞台。故选D。
【小题3】这是细节理解题。根据In 2009 kathy kennedy,the producer who worked with Steven Spielberg,walked into the New London Theatre to see the play because her daughter liked it very much.故选B。
【小题4】这是细节理解题。根据The most important gift it has given us is not to have to worry about money 故选C。
【小题5】这是推理理解题。根据It is not the same as winning the lottery(彩票)A可以推出作者的心情是平静的。
点评:文中《战马》一书的作者Michael Morpurgo接受了记者的采访,文中详细介绍了《战马》一书是如何一步一步走向舞台,搬到荧屏上去的,最后Michael Morpurgo说出了《战马》一书成名后自己的感受。细节理解题是阅读题中最容易的题型,只要考生能够读懂短文找到文中的答案即可。


Alexander the Great was a mighty(强大的) king and conqueror(征服者). He was one of the greatest military geniuses(军事天才) the world has ever known. He was born in Pella, Macedonia. Alexander grew to be a handsome, brilliant(卓越的) man. Aristotle, the famous philosopher(哲学家), came from Greece to teach him---geography, politics, literature, medicine and science. Alexander’s father, King Philip II of Macedon, taught him to plan and win battles.
The young prince became King when he was 20. He then began the series of marches that continued until he ruled almost all of the then-known world. On his great war horse, Bucephalus, he first took over Greece. He went on to conquer southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, Egypt and India. On his way he crushed(征服) the Persian Empire, and was made King of Egypt and Asia. He and his troops traveled over 11,000 miles(17,700 km). He spread Greek customs and ideas wherever he went.
In India his men refused to go further. They were tired and frightened, and wanted to go home. Worn out, Alexander agreed to turn back. He died of fever in Babylon, at the early age of 33.
【小题1】Alexander and his troops traveled and fought probably ________ then.

A.by shipB.by simple truck
C.on their horsesD.on foot
【小题2】What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.He spread Greek customs and ideas wherever he went.
B.He began great marches and ruled a lot of countries.
C.How he took over one country after another.
D.In which order he crushed these countries after another?
【小题3】 Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.He died in his late thirties.
B.Bucephalus was probably a big ship.
C.He conquered all the countries then known in the world.
D.Alexander was very ready to listen to anybody including his officers and soldiers.
【小题4】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.How Alexander the Great Became King?
B.Great Tragedy
C.Good Education Makes a Great Man
D.Alexander the Great

Joey is loyal, encouraging and self-sacrificing, always putting others’ interests ahead of his own. He is a hard worker, who also loves to run and play. In short, he’s an ideal friend and a heroic character.
Here is the thing: Joey is a horse, who appears as the main character in Steven Spielberg’s new film War Horse.
It is based on Michael Morpurgo’s 1982 novel, which also caused the same-titled Tony Awards winning play.
The film follows the saga of Joey, a racehorse that’s trained for farm work under the loving care of Albert (Jeremy Irvine )after Albert’s drunk father Ted(Peter Mullan ) overpays for the animal at auction(拍卖会).
Then the World War I tears Albert and Joey apart. Joey is sold into the war effort for the British and starts his episodic adventures in Europe.
Splendidly staged, the battle plots in the film are visually astounding and impressive.
And with Spielberg’s unique, top-notch direction and storytelling skills, War Horse cannot escape its episodic nature, calling to mind another Spielberg film about the horrors of war and its effects upon soldiers and civilians—Saving Private Ryan.
While that film shocked with horrific scenes of bleeding, it relied on a company of easily-described characters and a focused storyline to present heroic themes.
Like Saving Private Ryan, War Horse clings to a series of characters, not only Albert, but also British officers, French civilians and German soldiers, who display courage in the face of danger. Everyone who comes in contact with Joey is either already in touch with their inner angel or is quickly moved to become more humane.
Although none of this covers the fact that we’ve seen this stuff elsewhere before, the lovely sentiment will steal your heart.
And the emotional signature of Spielberg can be felt as he establishes the relationship between the boy and the horse and the mood of the piece – there will be tears.
Therefore, calling this beautiful, dramatically incomplete film “ Saving Private Joey”, is entirely justifiable.
【小题1】In common with “ Saving Private Ryan”, the film War Horse _________ .

A.is full of terrifying scenes of bleeding and killing
B.received the title of Tony Awards Winning Play
C.covers a lot of characters
D.tells the story happening in the Second World War
【小题2】Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.War Horse is based on the same-titled novel by Steven Spielberg.
B.Joey is a heroic character because he saved many people’s lives.
C.Albert sold Joey into the war effort for Europe.
D.Joey came to Albert’s care after Ted paid a lot of money for it.
【小题3】According to the passage, what does the underlined word astounding mean?
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Joey ─ a heroic race horseB.Albert and Joey
C.Saving Private JoeyD.Spielberg’s Joey

War Horse is a historical story by Michael Morpurgo. It is written for kids ages 8 to 12. Now just sit and get through the introduction to the plot.
In 1914, a young horse named Joey is sold to a farmer. The farmer' s son, Albert, is thrilled. He cares for Joey. When the family begins to feel the financial impact of war, Albert' s father secretly sells Joey to an army officer named Captain Nicholls. Albert begs the captain to let him join the army. Albert is too young, but Nicholls promises to take good care of Joey for him.
Nicholls treats Joey well. Though Joey still remembers Albert, he grows to like his new master. He develops a friendship with another horse, Topthorn., who belongs to Nicholls' friend, Captain Stewart. The horses and men are shipped overseas for battle. They soon face their own battle in France, and Captain Nicholls is killed.
A young soldier named Warren becomes Joey’s new owner. Joey and Topthorn do well in battle, but the Germans capture Warren and Stewart and their horses. The horses' duty of pulling carts full of wounded German soldiers earns them praise. An old farmer and his granddaughter, Emilie, dote on the horses as well. When the German army moves out of the area, Emilie and her grandfather keep the two horses. Joey and Topthorn are content to work the farm until another band of soldiers takes them. They become workhorses under bad conditions. Joey is very upset when Topthorn dies of exhaustion.
Alone and frightened, Joey wanders into "no-man's-land” between the German and English camps. An English soldier takes him back to camp.
Joey is reunited with Albert. As the war ends, Albert' s officer announces the horses will be sold in France. An old Frenchman buys Joey. The man, Emilie' s grandfather, tells Albert how Emilie lost the will to live after the horses were taken. However, he eventually sells Joey to Albert for one penny, as long as Albert promises to share Emilie' s story so her life will not be in vain. Joey and Albert return home.
【小题1】Why does Albert's father secretly sell Joey?

A.Because he’s in need of money.
B.Because Captain Nicholls is fond of Joey.
C.Because Albert is too young to care for Joey.
D.Because he believes Joey will contribute to the country.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE about Captain Nicholls?
A.He’s a rich man.
B.He’s a Frenchman.
C.He’s a man of his word.
D.He doesn’t win Joey’s trust.
【小题3】The underlined phrase "dote on" in Paragraph 4 probably means ____.
【小题4】Which of the following words can be used to describe Emilie’s grandfather?

Joey is loyal, encouraging and self-sacrificing, always putting others’ interests ahead of his own. He is a hard worker, who also loves to run and play. In short, he’s an ideal friend and a heroic character.

Here is the thing: Joey is a horse, who appears as the main character in Steven Spielberg’s new film War Horse.

It is based on Michael Morpurgo’s 1982 novel, which also caused the same-titled Tony Awards winning play.

The film follows the saga of Joey, a racehorse that’s trained for farm work under the loving care of Albert (Jeremy Irvine )after Albert’s drunk father Ted(Peter Mullan ) overpays for the animal at auction(拍卖会).

Then the World War I tears Albert and Joey apart. Joey is sold into the war effort for the British and starts his episodic adventures in Europe.

Splendidly staged, the battle plots in the film are visually astounding and impressive.

And with Spielberg’s unique, top-notch direction and storytelling skills, War Horse cannot escape its episodic nature, calling to mind another Spielberg film about the horrors of war and its effects upon soldiers and civilians—Saving Private Ryan.

While that film shocked with horrific scenes of bleeding, it relied on a company of easily-described characters and a focused storyline to present heroic themes.

Like Saving Private Ryan, War Horse clings to a series of characters, not only Albert, but also British officers, French civilians and German soldiers, who display courage in the face of danger. Everyone who comes in contact with Joey is either already in touch with their inner angel or is quickly moved to become more humane.

Although none of this covers the fact that we’ve seen this stuff elsewhere before, the lovely sentiment will steal your heart.

And the emotional signature of Spielberg can be felt as he establishes the relationship between the boy and the horse and the mood of the piece – there will be tears.

Therefore, calling this beautiful, dramatically incomplete film “ Saving Private Joey”, is entirely justifiable.

1.In common with “ Saving Private Ryan”, the film War Horse _________ .

A.is full of terrifying scenes of bleeding and killing

B.received the title of Tony Awards Winning Play

C.covers a lot of characters

D.tells the story happening in the Second World War

2.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.War Horse is based on the same-titled novel by Steven Spielberg.

B.Joey is a heroic character because he saved many people’s lives.

C.Albert sold Joey into the war effort for Europe.

D.Joey came to Albert’s care after Ted paid a lot of money for it.

3.According to the passage, what does the underlined word astounding mean?





4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Joey ─ a heroic race horse

B.Albert and Joey

C.Saving Private Joey

D.Spielberg’s Joey



   Alexander the Great was a mighty(强大的) king and conqueror(征服者). He was one of the greatest military geniuses(军事天才) the world has ever known. He was born in Pella, Macedonia. Alexander grew to be a handsome, brilliant(卓越的) man. Aristotle, the famous philosopher(哲学家), came from Greece to teach him---geography, politics, literature, medicine and science. Alexander’s father, King Philip II of Macedon, taught him to plan and win battles.

   The young prince became King when he was 20. He then began the series of marches that continued until he ruled almost all of the then-known world. On his great war horse, Bucephalus, he first took over Greece. He went on to conquer southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, Egypt and India. On his way he crushed(征服) the Persian Empire, and was made King of Egypt and Asia. He and his troops traveled over 11,000 miles(17,700 km). He spread Greek customs and ideas wherever he went.

   In India his men refused to go further. They were tired and frightened, and wanted to go home. Worn out, Alexander agreed to turn back. He died of fever in Babylon, at the early age of 33.

【小题1】Alexander and his troops traveled and fought probably ________ then.

A. by ship      B. by simple truck    C. on their horses        D. on foot

【小题1】What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

    A. He spread Greek customs and ideas wherever he went.

B. He began great marches and ruled a lot of countries.

    C. How he took over one country after another.

    D. In which order he crushed these countries after another?

【小题1】 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A. He died in his late thirties.            B. Bucephalus was probably a big ship.

    C. He conquered all the countries then known in the world.

    D. Alexander was very ready to listen to anybody including his officers and soldiers.

【小题1】What’s the best title of this passage?

    A. How Alexander the Great Became King?         B. Great Tragedy 

    C. Good Education Makes a Great Man        D. Alexander the Great  


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