




1.九省通衢 (武汉位于长江与汉水交汇处;是工业,交通,教育和金融中心);

2.江山如画 (金碧辉煌的黄鹤楼,历史悠久的编钟);

3. 七月流火 (感受江汉路熙熙攘攘的人流,品尝武汉的特色小吃热干面)。


      2.参考释义:黄鹤楼-  the Yellow Crane Tower

                  编钟-   Chime Bells


Hi Jack ,

Nice to read your e-mail today. I am only too glad to hear that.....





Hope you’ll enjoy your visit in Wuhan. 

                                          Yours  Li Ming




One possible version:

you will have a visit in Wuhan, a major industrial , financial, and educational complex in central China, located at the joint of the Han and Yangtze rivers with its railway and inland and airport which makes it accessible in all directions.

     Standing on the top of the Yellow Crane Tower, dating back to hundreds of years which is regarded as one of the landmarks of Wuhan, you can never refuse a strong itch to enjoy a real feast for its natural beauty. The waters of Yangtze River flowing lazily, accompanied by the wonderful music given out by a set of fantastic unearthed instruments, ,Chime Bells with a history of more than 1000 years which is also one of the seventh wonders in the world will come to your eyes,.

Wandering in the Hanzheng pavement in downtown in the July sunshine, you are to stop ,not to wipe your sweat on your forehead, but to have a taste of Hot and dry noodles (our local specialty)or just to do some shopping. It is really a place where amazing happens. Can you feel the urge to have a visit as soon as possible?





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