

1. As we all know, Nelson Mandela was once s_______________ to 27 years in prison.

2. On the top of the high mountain, they found the air was hard to b____________.

3. He is not a Chinese but he can speak Chinese f_____________.

4. Most scientists present at the meeting voted a_____________ the plan for it would be                    harmful to the air.

5. They all b__________ out laughing at the funny joke.

6. She is so generous that she gives the poor food and clothing and asks for nothing in r________.

7. After the earthquake, the whole city lay in r__________.

8. A majority of people like to play o__________ rather than stay indoors when it is fine.

9. People in all countries hope for a p_____________ world instead of one filled with wars.

10. We need more e___________ to prove that he is the thief.

 sentenced   breathe    fluently     against     burst   

 return     ruins     outdoors      peaceful     evidence


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