

Think of some of your favorite singers. When you listen, they can make you happy or sad, peaceful or angry. They can make you relax or want to get up and dance. Gifted singers have the power to affect us in many ways — emotionally, physically and mentally.

But becoming a great singer isn’t as easy as listening to one. It takes practice, devotion and strong lungs! Just ask the well-known American opera(歌剧)star Carol Vaness.

At the Metropolitan Opera in New York City where she often sings, Carol’s voice must be loud enough to be heard by four thousand people. It must reach every person in the theater, without a microphone, even when she’s singing softly. The reason Carol can project her voice that far is the way she breathes.

“When you breathe, it’s like a swimmer taking a deep breath before going underwater, ” Carol explains. “You have to take a lot of air into your lungs.”

According to Carol, the main difference between pop singing and opera is “how you breathe, how much air you take in, and how you control it coming out. Regular singing is more like speaking, and it’s a lot softer. When I sing for children, they’re often surprised by how the vibrations strike their ears — like waves on a beach, ” Carol says. “In opera, the air doesn’t just go out of your mouth — it vibrates in your chest, the way a guitar vibrates when it’s played.”

Ever since she started piano lessons at the age of ten, Carol has loved music. As she got older, she decided to become a music teacher. When she went to college, she took singing lessons as part of her studies. Her voice teacher discovered that nineteen-year-old Carol had an exceptionally beautiful soprano voice – the highest singing voice for women.

Carol decided to make opera her goal, not only because she loved to sing but also because she loved the drama. Opera is a play in which the characters sing the words instead of speaking them. The stories of opera can be tragic or comical. They can be personal stories about two people falling in love or grand stories about kings and queens who lived long ago. As the characters in an opera sing, the emotions(情感) expressed by words and music come to life.

Today, Carol performs throughout the United States and Europe and she has song for almost twenty years. But she has never forgotten where she started singing in the first palace.

“Put your heart into your singing and enjoy it,” says Carol, “because singing is a great joy. That’s why I sing. In fact, that’s why everybody sings.”

1.According to the passage, the Metropolitan Opera in New York City _____.

A. is a five-story building                B. can seat 4,000 people

C. has no microphone in it                D. can project the singer’s voice

2.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Opera Singing and Pop Singing          B. The Way an Opera Star Sings

C. An Opera Star                        D. Singing without a Microphone

3.Which statement is true?

A. A pop singer breathes more deeply than an opera singer when he or she sings.

B. Opera singing is more like speaking.

C. A pop singer takes in much more air than an opera singer when singing.

D. An opera singer breathes differently from a pop singer when singing.

4.From the passage you can conclude all the following EXCEPT that _____.

A. Carol once learned to play the piano             

B. Carol worked as a music teacher

C. Carol has been singing opera for 20 years or so     

D. Carol is popular with Americans and Europeans

5.The sentence “Put your heart into your singing” in the last paragraph means  “_____”.

A. devoting yourself to singing         B. taking trouble to sing

C. singing happily                   D. trying your best to sing







One day a very wealthy father took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people can be.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of  36  would be considered a very poor family. On their  37  from their trip, the father asked his son, “ How was the trip?”

“It was  38 , Dad .”

“Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked.

“Oh yeah?” said the son.

“So what did you  39  from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they have four. We have a pool that  40  to the middle of our garden and they have a creek (小溪) that has  41  end. We have lanterns(路灯)in our garden and they have the  42  at night. We have a  43  piece of land to live on and they have fields that go  44  our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they always serve  45 . We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have  46  around our property(财产)to protect us but they have friends to protect them.”

With this the boy’s father was  47 .

Then his son  48 , “Dad, thank you for showing me how  49  we are.”

Too many times we  50  what we have and only pay attention to what we don’t have. What is one person’s  51  object is another’s most valuable thing. It’s all  52  on one’s perspective (视角).Think about what would happen if we all gave  53  for what we have,  54  worrying about what we don’t have.

Be thankful for every single thing in your life, exactly as it is now–and  55  your friends. So do be sure to take the time to express your appreciation and gratitude for the people whom you are close to!

A. which                  B. that                          C. what                       D. how

A. arrival                  B. return                      C. coming                    D. reach

A. shameful               B. disappointing           C. surprising             D. great

A. suffer                   B. regret                       C. hear                           D. learn

A. reaches                 B. gets                         C. arrives                     D. flows

A. much                    B. some                       C. no                           D. another

A. stars                     B. lights                          C. darkness                  D. torches

A. smooth                 B. full                        C. large                        D. small

A. through                B. within                     C. beyond                    D. across

A. themselves            B. visitors                    C. friends                    D. us

A. dogs                     B. walls                       C. soldiers                   D. policemen

A. discouraged           B. satisfied                   C. delighted                 D. speechless

A. explained             B. announced                   C. informed                 D. added

A. poor                     B. wealthy                   C. lucky                          D. proud

A. think of                B. forget                      C. remember            D. consider

A. valuable                B. useful                      C. priceless                  D. useless

A. based                    B. relied                  C. decided                   D. laid

A. love                     B. concern                    C. thanks                     D. interests

A. more than         B. along with                C. instead of                D. except for

A. especially              B. besides                    C. specially                  D. only

Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___2___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___3___ is.”

The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young ___6___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___7___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___8___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___10___ time for anything but music in your life.”

Dorothy was ___11___ at that time and she was ___12___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___13___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___14___ of nothing else. Then she ___15___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___16___. David asked her to be his ___17___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___18___, too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___19___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return. 

Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___20___.

1. A. sorry               B. successful            C. first           D. wonderful

2. A. dance               B. moment               C. show            D. party

3. A. voice               B. face                    C. dress            D. life

4. A. think of                   B. bring back             C. go back          D. come back

5. A. age                       B. friend                 C. mother                  D. teacher

6. A. musician           B. pop star                 C. lady                    D. girl

7. A. French              B. music                  C. piano              D. dance

8. A. actress               B. student                 C. singer           D. dancer

9. A. prepared           B. learning               C. driven           D. waiting

10. A. some               B. any                      C. no              D. enough

11. A. eight                B. eighteen                C. eighty           D. eighty-eight

12. A. lucky               B. sure                    C. afraid          D. fond

13. A. fill                      B. live                    C. lead            D. take

14. A. heard            B. knew                  C. talked            D. thought

15. A. saw off           B. learned from         C. heard of        D. met with

16. A. love               B. feeling                 C. music          D. touch

17. A. assistant          B. teacher                 C. wife            D. student

18. A. him               B. engineering           C. herself         D. music

19. A. certainly          B. possibly                C. only            D. mainly

20. A. thought           B. hope                 C. purpose        D. will

One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was“Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like something,   21  it might be,   22  I tried it. Over the years I’ve come to 23  how much of my success I owe   24   my acceptance of those words as one of my values. My  25  job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I   26  what I wanted to do as a career.   27   , I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay at home and  28  a family, so I didn’t think the job I took  29  that much. But I couldn’t have been more  30  . I mastered the skills of the beginning level position. And then I was given the opportunity to move up through the company into different  31  . I accepted each new opportunity with the  32  :“Well, I’ll try it. If I don’t like it, I can always go back to my  33  position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years, and I’ve  34  every career change I’ve made. I’ve discovered I  35  a large number of different talents and skills . If it had not been for my being  36  trying new opportunities, these talents and skills wouldn’t have been  within me. I’ve also discovered that if I  37  what I’m doing and work hard at achieving my  38  , I will succeed. That’s why I am so  39  to be a part of CareerFables.com.  I think  40  has come and I am determined to make it a success.
21.A.whichever      B.whatever     C.whenever    D.whoever
22. A.until after     B.ever since    C.so that     D.long before
23. A.consider     B.ensure     C.predict     D.realize
24. A.at          B.on              C.to         D.in
25. A.hard         B.best        C.extra       D.first
26. A.determined    B.examined    C.persuaded    D.introduced
27. A.Actually          B.Luckily       C.Finally     D.Usually
28. A.rise              B.raise       C.form       D.find
29. A.helped      B.required      C.expressed    D.mattered
30. A.careful      B.mistaken     C.conscious    D.prepared
31. A.situations      B.choices     C.directions    D.positions
32. A.thought     B.reply       C.action     D.advice
33. A.easier       B.newer     C.earlier     D.higher
34. A.permitted      B.counted       C.organized    D.enjoyed
35. A.show        B.possess     C.need       D.stress
36. A.lucky for      B.slow at     C.open to          D.afraid of
37. A.think of     B.call for     C.believe in   D.turn into
38. A.business     B.goal        C.fortune    D.growth
39. A.excited     B.curious     C.surprised     D.helpful
40. A.dream       B.time        C.power     D.honor



Many years ago, a salesman opened a bag of things from Scotland and found a card at the top. It  36   , “Expect a Miracle(奇迹).” “What does that mean?” he thought, and then  37   it into his pocket.

That night he showed it to his wife. “Look at this, dear. What do you think it means?”

“Maybe this is what we need,” she said. “Our 38  are so great that they are too much for us. If we start   39   great things instead of the worst, miracle may 40 .” They decided to try changing their thinking for a few days, starting with their    41   problems. Then something changed. Not only did they find their problems    42   be worked out, but they also started   43  a lot of money.

To make miracles happen, you have to start by expecting them. That way your   44   can become focused in positive (积极的) ways. There are    45   coincidences(巧合), and all kinds of happy experiences   46    one after another. 

One becomes hopeful and optimistic(乐观的). Little problems began   47   , while the big ones become much easier to work out. Success is not    48   you thought it was.

A positive thinker first sets clear and proper goals(目标). Then he goes to work, and   49   working. He never gives up. His dreams are sure to come true, and    50    they do, a miracle happens.

Miracles come in all    51   : big, medium-sized, and small. Start expecting the small ones, and work your way   52    to the big. Think positively,   53     yourself and work hard. You’ll find yourself    54    by how meaningful and   55    your life has become.

36. A. wrote                B. read                C. told                D. expressed

37. A. set                  B. sent                C. spent              D. put

38. A. problems             B. questions            C. suggestions          D. advice

39. A. imagining              B. realizing             C. suggesting         D. expecting  

40. A. take in                B. take up                   C. take place          D. take over   

41. A. smallest               B. biggest                   C. difficult               D. easy     

42. A. would                B. could                   C. should               D. might

43. A. making               B. taking                  C. finding               D. doing   

44. A. suggestion          B. money                 C. ability               D. trust

45. A. harmful                  B. strange                  C. useful               D. embarrassing

46. A. live                         B. stop                      C. work                  D. follow   

47. A. losing                   B. disappearing            C. growing            D. displaying     

48. A. as soon as              B. as long as                 C. as far as              D. as well as

49. A. keeps on              B. keeps up                 C. keeps out                  D. keeps from   

50. A. while                        B. before                          C. until                           D. when

51. A. shapes                B. types             C. sizes               D. kinds

52. A. up                    B. out                C. off                 D. for     

53. A. think of                     B. take care of        C. speak out            D. believe in 

54. A. bored                    B. surprised          C. upset                  D. puzzled   

55. A. dull                   B. careful            C. lively                   D. unloving 


One day a very wealthy father took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people can be.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of  36  would be considered a very poor family. On their  37  from their trip, the father asked his son, “ How was the trip?”

“It was  38 , Dad .”

“Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked.

“Oh yeah?” said the son.

“So what did you  39  from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they have four. We have a pool that  40  to the middle of our garden and they have a creek (小溪) that has  41  end. We have lanterns(路灯)in our garden and they have the  42  at night. We have a  43  piece of land to live on and they have fields that go  44  our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they always serve  45 . We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have  46  around our property(财产)to protect us but they have friends to protect them.”

With this the boy’s father was  47 .

Then his son  48 , “Dad, thank you for showing me how  49  we are.”

Too many times we  50  what we have and only pay attention to what we don’t have. What is one person’s  51  object is another’s most valuable thing. It’s all  52  on one’s perspective (视角).Think about what would happen if we all gave  53  for what we have,  54  worrying about what we don’t have.

Be thankful for every single thing in your life, exactly as it is now–and  55  your friends. So do be sure to take the time to express your appreciation and gratitude for the people whom you are close to!

1.A. which                        B. that                                  C. what                               D. how

2.A. arrival                         B. return                            C. coming                           D. reach

3.A. shameful                   B. disappointing               C. surprising                D. great

4.A. suffer                          B. regret                              C. hear                                  D. learn

5.A. reaches                      B. gets                                C. arrives                           D. flows

6.A. much                          B. some                              C. no                                    D. another

7.A. stars                           B. lights                         C. darkness                       D. torches

8.A. smooth                      B. full                                  C. large                                D. small

9.A. through                      B. within                             C. beyond                           D. across

10.A. themselves             B. visitors                           C. friends                           D. us

11.A. dogs                         B. walls                               C. soldiers                          D. policemen

12.A. discouraged           B. satisfied                        C. delighted                       D. speechless

13.A. explained               B. announced                        C. informed                       D. added

14.A. poor                          B. wealthy                         C. lucky                         D. proud

15.A. think of                    B. forget                             C. remember              D. consider

16.A. valuable                            B. useful                             C. priceless                        D. useless

17.A. based                       B. relied                      C. decided                          D. laid

18.A. love                           B. concern                           C. thanks                            D. interests

19.A. more than        B. along with                      C. instead of                    D. except for

20.A. especially                B. besides                          C. specially                        D. only


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