
1. 我们很感激你的帮助。

We __________________ for all your assistance. (thankful)

2. 由于年轻,他逃脱了惩罚。

He __________________ by reason of his youth. (punishment)

3. 很多人会喜欢这一系统的改革。

Many people would like the system __________________.(reform)

4. 很明显,大家都知道它的优势是显而易见的。

What is clear is that __________________ to all. (apparent)

5. 农村发展的方向已经规划出来。

The directions of rural development __________________.(mark)

6. 他说“不”,表明她的帮助不受欢迎。

He said no to it __________________. (indicate)

7. 其中一艘船不得不折回,因为它正在进水。

One of the boats had to turn back because it __________________. (take)

8. 他醒来发现他的被子滑到了床下。

He woke to find that his quilt __________________. (slip)

9. 菲尔和弟弟合作开始一项新业务。

Phil __________________ to start a new business. (team)

10. 我申请入党时,她是我的保证人。

She was my sponsor when I __________________ Party membership. (apply)

1. are thankful to you

2. escaped punishment

3. to be reformed

4. its advantages were apparent

5. have been marked out

6. indicating that her help was not welcome

7. was taking in water

8. had slipped off the bed

9. teamed up with his brother

10. was applying for


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