
Beijing leading schools say “No” to students’ mobile phones.
Three reasons make some leading schools in Beijing discourage middle school students from bringing mobile phones to campus.
First, it is dangerous for children to bring valuable mobile phones along to school for it is possible for them to be lost during physical exercise and other activities and may cause unnecessary trouble to teachers.
Second, mobile phones are bad for students’ studies. Many teachers complain that some students have phone calls in class, disturbing themselves and others.
Third, mobile phones serve as a hotbed for students’ vanity(虚荣). A new Grade One senior high school student in a leading school asked his parents to buy a 4000-yuan colored-screen mobile phone, which turned out to be his fifth one ever since he entered the middle school.
Most headmasters and teachers in leading schools of Beijing thought that IC telephones on campus have made it very easy for students to get in touch with others, so middle school students should not bring mobile phones to school at present.
1. According to the passage, without mobile phones, how can the students get in touch with others?
A. By writing letters to each other.                       B. By sending e-mails.
C. By using IC telephones.                          D. By no means.
2. Which is NOT the reason that makes the schools say “No” to students’ mobile phones?
A. It is not safe for children to bring mobile phones to school.
B. It may give students a feeling of vanity.
C. It is bad for students’ studies.
D. Most headmasters and teachers don’t want students to bring mobile phones to campus.
3. Why did the new Grade One student ask to buy him the fifth mobile phone since he entered the school?
A. His family had a lot of money.
B. He wanted to show that his family was very rich.
C. His parents loved him too much.
D. The first four mobile phones were all lost.
4. What is the writer’s attitude towards students’ bringing cell phones to school?
A. negative.         B. acceptable.        C. not mentioned.     D. positive. 


Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They think that they are left in the (36)       of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their (37)     children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any (38)      visitors. They live a lonely life without anyone’s care. The truth is that this idea is an unfortunate myth and (39)     story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of such care (40)     elderly people need. They are still living in a familiar family. Samuel Prestoon, a sociologist, studied (41)      the American family is changing. He reported that by the time the (42)      American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. However, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years (43)      , family members must provide long term care. We know, people need company, (44)     the elderly people.
More psychologists have found that all caregivers (45)   a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best (46)     for the job. In other words, they all felt that they (47)     do the job better than anyone else. They will do the job heart and soul. A survey was carried out between the caregivers. Social workers (48)      caregivers to find out why they took (49)    the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative. Many caregivers believed they had (50)      to help their relative. Some (51)      that helping others make them feel more useful and full. Others hoped that by helping (52)      now, they would (53)      care when they became old and (54)      .Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone who might be (55)      .
36. A. charges          B. cares               C. homes                 D. hands
37.A.growing           B. grown                C. developed             D. developing
38 A. regular            B. constant               C. usual               D. close
39.A.true               B. false                  C. imaginary           D. sad
40.A.this               B. that                   C. what                D. as
41.A.how                     B. when                  C. why                D. what
42.A.usual              B. general               C. average              D. most
43.A.later                     B. ago                   C. before              D. since
44.A.let alone           B. leave alone           C. let out               D. leave behind
45.A.share              B. form                 C. appreciate            D. value
46.A.men               B. somebody             C. people               D. person
47.A.would              B. should               C. might                D. could
48.A. questioned         B. interviewed           C. asked                  D. inquired
49.A.up                 B. in                   C. on                 D. off
50.A.intention           B. admiration            C. duty                  D. admission
51.A.declared            B. stated                C. showed              D. complained
52.A.anyone            B. everyone             C. none                D. someone
53.A.earn                B. deserve               C. devote               D. increase
54.A.unsatisfied          B. dependent             C. lonely                  D. unlucky
55.A.thought            B. considered            C. cared                D .involved

One important attraction of walking is its long-lasting appeal. Whereas jogging and aerobic dancing can pall quickly, walking provides a popular activity that seems to endure. Fitness foundations estimate that 35 million adult Americans walk for exercise every day, with at least 15 million walking two or three times a week. Among the most regular walkers are those 65 years and older—evidence that walking is an exercise that lasts.
In addition to its many physical benefits, walking, like other physical activities, has a comforting effect on the psyche. Walking can help you to think more clearly and feel more relaxed. It also can be a sociable activity. An early morning walk around the neighborhood provides an opportunity to chat with friends or simply admire the  flowers. Or because it does not require a team or even a partner, walking is something you can do on your own time, by yourself, whenever the mood strikes.
Easily affordable, all you need to start walking is enthusiasm and a pair of comfortable and sturdy low-heeled shoes. Dr.ChristineL. Wells recommends an Oxford-style shoe with ties for better foot support; she does not recommend sneakers or other “cheapies”. If you plan to walk regularly, you might want to invest in a pair of so-called walking shoes. If so, expect to spend at least $35.
For walking during the hotter months, early morning or evening hours are best. Clothes should fit loosely and be lightweight and light-colored. Elderly walkers should consider wearing long sleeves, and all Arizonans need to be particularly concerned about skin cancer. Dr. Wells suggests wearing sunscreen as well as a side-brimmed hat to protect your eyes, ears, nose and back of the neck.
Walkers also should drink an adequate amount of water. Wells advises drinking an 8-ounce glass of water before you start out, and more when you return. “If you walk four miles or more a day in Arizona, I also recommend that you carry a water bottle,” she says. “ And water  is just fine; you don’t need those fluid-replacement or electrolyte drinks.”
小题1:The underlined word “pall” most probably means________.
A.interest peopleB.be easily learntC.become boringD.become popular
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of walking?
A.It improves one’s appetite.B.It’s an inexpensive exercise
C.It helps to comfort the mind.D.it can be an individual or social activity
小题3:For regular walking, what you need most is _______.
小题4:We may infer from the passage that _______.
A.people in Arizona are easily exposed to strong sunlight.
B.walking is most suitable for those 65 years and older
C.water is better than any other drinks for walkers
D.jogging and dancing don’t have any positive effect on the mind.
小题5: Which word best describes the author’s attitude toward walking?

Bedazzling (眼花缭乱) with their bright colors and eye-catching displays, fireworks light up our night skies during the holidays. However, these crowd-pleasers can have some damaging side effects.
Once a firework is set off, it only takes a couple of seconds before smoke, dust and harmful chemicals are let out into the atmosphere. The loud booming noises are caused by gunpowder. While the sounds may excite some people, they can be frightening to domestic and wild animals — as well as some humans.
The pretty colors you see are a result of more chemicals. Barium, added to make green, is known for its poisonous and radioactive qualities. Blue comes from copper compounds. Cadmium, lithium and lead — all found in fireworks — have been linked to diseases, such as allergies and skin rashes in both humans and animals. Acid rain has been linked to gases given off by fireworks, which sometimes go beyond the toxin(毒素) limits of the United States Clean Air Act.
Once all those chemicals come back down to the ground, they can cause problems too. Debris (碎片) from the fireworks falls to the ground, where animals can burn their paws or noses on piping hot pieces. Humans also are at risk of stepping on or picking up something sharp or hot. Meanwhile, debris that finds its way into waterways can damage animal habitats and water supply sources.                              
Instead of setting off fireworks, try to come up with some new ways for fun. Here are some ideas to get you started:
? Sky lanterns — a tradition that originated long ago in the most-populated Asian country.
?  Party crackers — a favorite in the United Kingdom — give you noise and surprises without the mess of fireworks. You can make your own or buy eco-friendly crackers.
? Want noise excitement with less volume? Consider a fireworks sound recording beforehand or break out the party horns (号角) and blow up a storm! 
46. The advantages of fireworks can be seen below EXCEPT that _____.
A. the special sounds of fireworks excite people
B. debris from fireworks can even find its way into water
C. the pretty and bright colors add to the beauty of night skies
D. fireworks are enjoyed as one of the crowd-pleasers
47. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Copper compounds are needed to make green in fireworks.
B. Chemicals in fireworks are both poisonous and dangerous.
C. Too much gases from fireworks can result in acid rain.
D. Chemicals in fireworks are harmful in the air and on the ground.
48. All the underlined words are probably _____________.
A. mineral materials                             B. tiny solids
C. chemical elements                                   D. broken pieces
49. What is implied from the passage?
A. Gunpowder in fireworks makes loud booming noises.
B. It must be Indians who first started to hang sky lanterns.
C. Fireworks does less harm in the air than on the ground.
D. Fireworks can even break the balance of nature.
50. What can be concluded as the writer’s attitude towards fireworks?
A. It is not allowed to set off fireworks except during the holidays.
B. Fireworks should be banned and replaced by some other means.
C. Night is the best time to set off fireworks and see the pretty colors.
D. You cannot set off fireworks unless you come up with new ways.

To err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human.
Common sense is not all that common.
Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse?
These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature .To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do .The original quote about human nature went like this:” To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的).”This saying mirrors an deal people should be forgiving of others’ mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite –find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity.
Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. Commonsense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large company,”the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.”
And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people. get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the time. There is a corollary(直接推论)to that: if good excuse is “good”even if it isn’t honest, then where is the place of the truth?
1. According to tile passage, which of following seems the most human?
A. To search for truth.                    B. To achieve one’s ideal
C. To make fun of others’mistakes.          D. To criticize others for one’s own error.
2.According to the author, what is a sign of a man’s maturity?
A.Doing things his own way.
B.Bearing responsibility for his mistakes.
C.Making as few mistakes as possible.
D.Thinking seriously about his wrongdoing.
3.Which of the following is N0T based on common sense?
A.A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company.
B.A student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather.
C.A company’s next move follows a good plan.
D.A lawyer acts on fine judgments.
4. What is the author’s opinion about a good excuse?
A. Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy.
B. Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas.
C. A good excuse is as rewarding as honesty.
D. Bitter truth is better than a good excuse.
5. What would be the best title for his passage?
A. A Mirror of Human Nature            B. To Blame or to Forgive
C. A Mark of Maturity                  D. Truth or Excuse

Do you know the cold?
Everybody knows what happens when you catch a cold. First you sniffle(抽鼻涕) or get a more throat. Then you sneeze. After coughing and blowing your way through the next few days it’s over---until next time
Do you know what causes a cold, how it is spread or how to help prevent it? And which of the many medicines is best for your cold?
There is no known cure for the common cold. Once you catch a cold, your body usually produces antibodies(抗体) to the virus which caused the cold. These antibodies help the body develop resistance(抵抗力) to the virus if you catch it again. Unfortunately, over 200 different viruses cause the common cold. These viruses may change over time, so your resistance to them reduces. The large number of viruses and the fact that they change help explain why there is no cure for the common cold and why you will suffer colds in the future.
The colds increase in winter(usually between Septenber and March) but Not because of the cold! Cold weather has not been shown to increase the number of colds. People spend more time indoors in winter. They are therefore more likely to come into physical contact with each other and spread the disease. All these ideas remain to be proven. No one has been able to discover what really causes these colds
Common colds are spread by sneezes or by direct contact with a cold sufferer, usually when two people’ hands touch or an object is passed from one person to another. Sneezing spreads colds when someone sneezes near other people, or sneezes on objects which others later touch. A cold virus can survive up to three hours on hard surfaces.
The simplest and most effective way to lower the risk of catching a cold is to wash your hands frequently. Another important step in cold prevention is for cold sufferers to get rid of used tissues immediately after use.
1.From the passage, we can know____________.
A. a cold virus can survive up to four hours      
B. most of people know how to cure a cold
C. there are more colds in November than in May  
D. all of us catch more than one cold a year
2.According to the passage, people tend to catch a cold___________.
A. because they don’t take exercise in winter    
B.if they stay outdoors in freezinf cold winter
C. if they stay indoors more often in winter  
D.because the viruses of colds usually exist in winter
3.We can know colds sre spread through____________.
A. air and touching     B. coughs and objects   C.two people    D. a person and his hands                            

When I was twenty-seven years old, I was a clerk in San Francisco. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend on but my brain and a clean reputation.
My time was my own after the afternoon board on Saturdays, and I would spend the time on a little sailboat on the bay. One day I sailed too far, and was carried out to sea. At nightfall, when hope was almost lost, I was picked up by a small boat, which headed for London. It was a long and stormy journey, and they made me earn my passage as a common sailor. When I stepped on land in London, my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I only had a dollar in my pocket. This money fed and sheltered me for 24 hours. During the next 24 hours I went without food and shelter.
About ten o’clock on the following morning, tired and hungry, I was walking along Portland Place, when a passing child, threw a big pear into the rubbish can. I stopped, of course, and stared at that muddy treasure. My mouth watered for it. My whole body begged for it. But every time I made a move to get it, some passing eyes noticed my purpose, and of course I straightened up, looked calm, and pretended that I hadn’t been thinking about the pear at all. The same thing kept happening and happening, and I couldn’t get the pear. I was just getting desperate enough to face all the shame and get the pear, when a window behind me was opened, and a gentleman said, “Step in here, please.”
1. According to the passage, the young man _______.
A. had a great reputation for his good work
B. worked as a common sailor during the journey
C. was carried out to sea on purpose by a small boat
D. had nothing left in his pocket after landing in London
2. Why didn’t the man pick up the pear at once?
A. Because a gentleman stopped him and let him in.
B. Because he was not so hungry that he could wait.
C. Because the child was watching the pear.
D. Because he didn’t want others to take him as a beggar.
3. The underlined word “desperate” means “_______”.
A. driven by great need or pain to do something
B. being afraid of doing something for a certain reason
C. enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure or joy
D. feeling sorry or sad about something

In the UK, students’ residence halls are run as profit-making business, but this can occasionally be to students’ disadvantage.
As many universities choose to contract out their hall’s management to private companies, room rents are rising and student rights are suffering.
In 2006, 55 percent of student rooms were managed by private companies — only 27 percent by universities and colleges, the National Union of Students (NUS) has reported.
These private companies are improving the hall’s facilities in return for higher room rents. The most noticeable example of this trend is the growth in luxury halls. These are halls for students willing to pay more for larger rooms with better services.
Chancellors Court, at Edinburgh University in Scotland, is one such luxury hall. Rooms are divided between standard and large, with larger rooms costing 173 pounds each week, 40 pounds more than smaller rooms. They come with a scenic view, color TV, fast Internet connection and a modern bathroom.
Other luxury halls have private gyms for their residents. Private companies capitalize (用…以牟利) on their investment by renting out the students rooms to travelers over the summer vacation period.
But the NUS is concerned that luxury halls are affecting room rents at standard un-privatized halls. Most students in the UK pay on average 126 pounds a week for a private room in catered (提供餐饮的) halls of residence, the International Students Advice and Welfare organization has reported. According to the NUS, rent in UK halls of residence has risen by almost a quarter from 2005 to 2007.
Veronica King, NUS vice-president of welfare, wants the privatization of university accommodation to stop.
“For the students for whom luxury is not affordable, there is a significant risk that accommodation costs, coupled with the burden of complete fees, may reduce the choice of where to go to university,” she said.
Legal quarrels with privatized halls may also account for some of the 10 percent per year rise in student complaints to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). The OIA is an independent student complaints scheme that has authority over all higher education institutions in England and Wales.
Rob Behrens, chief executive of the OIA, said he was unsurprised by the rise in complaints. “The bottom line is that students are today more self-confident in thinking about what their rights are and what are the things they can get form the commitments they make.”
1.Why are room rents rising in British universities?
A.Because the world is facing a financial crisis.
B.Because most universities are getting bored about students’ complaints.
C.Because many universities let private companies run students’ halls.
D.Because not all universities can meet the demands of the students.
2. Which of the following is not mentioned about a luxury hall?
A.Students have to pay more for a luxury hall.
B.Students can have a good view in a luxury hall.
C.Students can enjoy their own gym in a luxury hall.
D.Students can have an Internet connection free of charge.
3.Why do some students want to pay more for a luxury hall?
A.Because they just want to show that they are rich. 
B.Because they are better served in a luxury hall.
C.Because there are too much complaints about small rooms.
D.Because there are no other choices.

Back in the old times, there was an old man, who had spent his life learning many different things. He had traveled to many places as well. “I must be the wisest man in the world.” The man thought to himself. As he grew old, he felt that there was no need for him to learn any longer because of the arrival of the end of life. Every day he spent his time complaining about many things. It seemed that he was satisfied with nothing his life.
One day while he was sitting in the chair, there was a knock on the door. The old man opened the door and found a little girl,whose face was covered with soil. “Can I borrow some fire ?”the girl whispered softly.At that time,matches hadn’t been  invented,and people used to borrow fire from neighbors by loading a bucket (铲子)  with a few hot coals.It was much better than trying to start a fire with sticks.
Not finding a bucket in her hand,the old man asked impatiently , “Well , where’s your bucket ? How are you going to get the coals home ?” However , the girl said she didn’t have one and went to the fireplace .She put a pile of cold ashes into her hand and put the coal on top of the ash heap (灰堆).“Thanks !”she said on her way out.Seeing the girl’s happy and grateful appearance, the man was moved and felt ashamed of himself.“If I can learn something new from a little farm girl,  there must be a lot I still don’t know.I’d better get busy while I still have time.”
1.We can learn from the first paragraph that the old man ____________________
A.failed to know what he needed to do
B.lost confidence in himself
C.lost the fame of the world’s wisest man
D.often expressed his dissatisfaction with life
2.How did the girl change the old man’s opinions ?
A.By solving an old problem in a new way
B.By following the old man’s instructions
C.By pointing out his mistakes politely
D.By helping the old man to make a fire
3.It can be inferred from the underlined part in me last paragraph that the old man would become_______________.
A.more confident                 C.more modest
C.more modest                  D.more intelligent
4.What can we infer from the text ?
A.Failure is the mother of success         B.Action speaks louder than words
C.It’s never too late to learn            D.Great minds think alike

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