赞成者意见 |
反对者意见 |
1.可以获得社会经验; 2.有机会与不同的人接触,有助于了解社会; 3.同时也可以帮助家长减轻经济上的压力。
1.影响孩子的健康成长; 2.孩子读书期间就是要努力读书,经济负担应由家长来承担; 3.影响学生的考试成绩。 |
Should school students be allowed to have a part-time job?
Some students believe that school students should be allowed to have a part-time job.
Should high school students be allowed to have a part-time job? Some believe that high school students should be allowed to have a part-time job. Firstly, taking up a part-time job allows students to experience new situations and gain knowledge of the world. Secondly, through part-time work, students are able to meet many different people and understand how society works. This experience can be very useful for students when they leave school and choose a job in the future. Thirdly, a part-time job lets students have the opportunity to support themselves, save money and help their parents pay for some of the many costs involved in raising children. Others, on the other hand, do not believe that high school students should be allowed to have a part-time job. First of all, they may often work together with adults who may encourage them to do things that are not good for their health. Secondly, there is no need for students to earn money. They should concentrate on studying hard at school and it is the responsibility of their parents to support them financially. Thirdly, if students are spending their time doing part-time jobs rather than studying, they may not be able to do well in school exams.

赞成者意见 |
反对者意见 |
1.可以获得社会经验; 2.有机会与不同的人接触,有助于了解社会; 3.同时也可以帮助家长减轻经济上的压力。
1.影响孩子的健康成长; 2.孩子读书期间就是要努力读书,经济负担应由家长来承担; 3.影响学生的考试成绩。 |
Should school students be allowed to have a part-time job?
Some students believe that school students should be allowed to have a part-time job.