

Cocoa Beach /Jupiter Surf Camp — Summer

Summer Surf Camp is centrally located on the Best Western seashore in Cocoa Beach & Jupiter at Carlin Beach Park with accommodations(住宿) at the Holiday Inn Express in Juno Beach.

Summer Surf Camp Dates:
● Surf Camp — Session 1 May 27th—30th Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 2 June 2nd—6th Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 3 June9th—13th Team Week (Ages 12—17)
● Surf Camp — Session 4 June16th—20th Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 5 June23rd—27th Adults Only (18 and over)
● Surf Camp — Session 6 June30th—July 3rd Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 7 July 7th—11th Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 8 July 14th—18th Women's Camp (18 and over)
● Surf Camp — Session 9 July 21st—25th Family Surf Week (All Ages)
● Surf Camp — Session 10 July 28th—August 1st Adults Only (18 and over)

* A 20% discount will be applied to the 4-Day Surf Camp Weeks.
* Parents are always welcome to sign up and join their children during the teen week surf camp sessions.
Summer Camp Details:
● Use coupon(优惠券) code: “Camp5” at checkout to get the 5% discount
* Daily Rate: $125.00 / person
* Surf Camp Runs: 9:30 am — 2:30 pm
● Please note: We don't supervise(监督) the campers after 2: 45 pm.
* Directions to Camp: click here

Contact us: 888-672-4887 info@floridasurflessons.com

(1)Where does this text probably come from?
A.A newspaper.
B.A magazine.
C.A website.
D.A book.
(2)If the Smiths with their 11-year-old son want to join in the Summer Surf Camp, they'd better go there on .
A.June 10th
B.June 23rd
C.July 22nd
D.July 29th
(3)If Mr and Mrs Brown have a “Camp5” coupon and want to join in the Summer Surf Camp from June 30th to July 3rd, how much should they pay?
(4)What can we know from the form?
A.The campers are supervised all day.
B.A couple can sign up and join in the Camp by fax.
C.Parents can take part in Session 3 together with their children.
D.An adult can join in the Summer Surf Camp on any day in June.

(1)考查细节理解。根据”Directions to Camp: click here“如果想了解更多信息的话,请点击这里,可以推测这条信息实在网上公布的,所以答案是C。(2)考查细节理解。根据题干和选项所给的日期,可以排除A( Team Week (Ages 12—17))、B(Adults Only (18 and over)、D(Adults Only (18 and over),所以答案是C。
(3)考查细节理解。根据”Daily Rate: $125.00 / person“每个人的票是125美元,一对夫妇的费用一天是250美元,根据 ”A 20% discount will be applied to the 4-Day Surf Camp Weeks”及“’Camp5‘ at checkout to get the 5% discount“可知最后是760美元,所以答案是B。
(4)考查细节理解。根据”Surf Camp Runs: 9:30 am — 2:30 pm“可知夏令营的时间是9:30 am — 2:30 pm,所以可以排除A; Session 3:Team Week (Ages 12—17)可知年龄段在12岁到17岁之间,所以可以排除B;根据六月份夏令营安排可知并不是每天都可以参加,所以可以排除D。故答案选C。


【题目】任务型阅读Money Matters
Parents should help their children understand money.So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.
⒈ The basic function of money
Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员). When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more ways of using money.
⒉ Money lessons
Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. If you must say no to a child's request to spend money, explain, “You have to make a choice between this and that toy.”

Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product –a name-brand butter and a generic(无商标产品), for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.
A. Wise decision
B. The value of money
C. Permit the child to choose between them.
D. Tell your child why he can –or cannot –have certain things.
E. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.
F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.
G. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.

Culture Shock
Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country.
Generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages of culture shock. The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place.
The next stage is “the hostility(敌意)stage”. In this stage, you begin to notice not everything is as good as you originally thought it was. Moreover, people don't treat you like a guest anymore.
Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start to feel more positive. The whole situation starts to become more favorable and you begin to learn to adapt yourself to it.
The last stage of culture shock is called “adjustment”. In this stage, you have reached a point where you actually feel good. The things that originally made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. Now you have adjusted to the new culture and you feel comfortable.
Not all individuals visiting another country will experience all these four stages.
It also occurs within cultures as individuals move from place to place or from one setting to another (e.g., from high school to college).
A. You feel that friends should help each other to deal with culture shock.
B. And you try to develop comprehension of everything you don't understand.
C. In addition, culture shock is not limited to the overseas visitor.
D. You become tired of many things about the new culture.
E. You have learned enough to understand the new culture.
F. You begin to understand you need to travel a lot.
G. And everything seems to be marvelous and everybody seems to be so nice to you.

Everyone can benefit a lot from reading books. The following is about various benefits of reading books.
Whenever you read something, you learn information that you wouldn't have known. If you want to learn new words, reading books is a great way to enlarge your vocabulary.
Similar to solving puzzles, reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills. Going without books for too long will turn your mind into mess.
One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your thinking skills. Wherever you are faced with a similar problem in real life, your mind is able to put its mystery solving skills to a test.
The information in books can be referred to over and over again. For example, reading a cookbook allows you the chance to review the cooking steps whenever you need to.Don't even think about writing the information down because you may lose the paper sooner or later.
These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books. If you can't even go outside, you can download free ebooks online and read them on your computer. That way, you can see how useful reading can be for yourself.
A. You can improve your memory by reading.
B. Reading keeps your mind in good condition.
C. Reading books can make you become confident.
D. Reading books provides you with new knowledge.
E. Reading mystery novels, for example, trains your mind.
F. Following the steps from a cooking video will be difficult.
G. Why don't you drop into a bookstore and pick a book up?

【题目】At 27, after serving in World War II, I dreamed of owning a piece of land. So I moved from central Illinois to Shelbina, Missouri, and bought 236 acres for $6,000. The land was situated on a dirt road and was half farmland and half trees, with an old house that had no running water or electricity. Obviously, it was not what you’d call a perfect farm. But it was mine.

I was alone for the first time in my life, and I found it liberating. My days were filled from dawn until dusk with plowing and planting corn. Dinnertime came and went, and I barely remembered to eat.

I wouldn’t say I was a great success at farming in Missouri. However, when I went to the store to buy some tools, I met a nice woman named Claudette working behind the counter. I also ran into her at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Shelbina each week. I found out later that her manager kept asking her about “that tall boy from Illinois living out in the country in an old house with no water, no electricity and no housekeeper.”

Claudette and her sister soon visited my farm and put up some curtains. To show my appreciation, I took Claudette out for a ride in my truck. We married in 1954 and have now been together for more than 62 years!

I later sold the Missouri farm for a $3,500 profit and bought 40 acres in Illinois. For many reasons, buying the Missouri farm was a good idea. I will always cherish memories of owning the farm and meeting my beloved.

1Why did the writer buy the Missouri farm?

A. To marry a nice girl.

B. To live a liberating life.

C. To have his own land.

D. To earn more profit.

2What was Claudette when the writer met her?

A. A manager. B. A storekeeper.

C. A housekeeper. D. A shop assistant.

3What can we learn about the Missouri farm?

A. It was well furnished.

B. It led to a happy marriage.

C. It was 40 acres.

D. It made a successful farmer.

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