
We can slow down aging. That is the message Dr. Shen Ziyin wants to give the world. And the Chinese doctor claims that he has found an answer to the problems of aging. His solution is a herbal medicine(草药)to slow the process of aging.
Dr. Shen Ziyin has been trained in Western medicine. At the same time he studied traditional Chinese medicine. And, he has been working for the past forty years to put together the best of both and find a cure for aging. He has taken a hint from the ancient Chinese medicine system called “Shen”.
According to Shen, it is the kidney(肾脏)which adjusts the functioning of the body as well as its aging process. It is responsible for the level of activity that the human bodies go through. Studies conducted by Dr. Shen show that herbal medicine based on the Shen system slows the aging process, says a report in the Telegraph newspaper. We notice that when people grow old, they have reduced strength, loss of hair, backache, weakness, wrinkles and so on. This happens because when people grow old, their bodies produce T-cells. These T-cells contain a particular substance called Fas. Fas makes the cells in the body destruct themselves.
So the only way to slow down aging is to slow the production of T-cells in the body. This can happen if people eat low calorie food. Then the body is not active enough to produce extra T-cells. But, is going hungry all the time a good price to pay for staying young? This is where Dr. Shen’s herbal medicine comes in. But how effective it will be, only time can tell.
小题1:How did Dr. Shen find the solution to the problem of aging?
A.By studying Western medicine.
B.By learning traditional Chinese medicine.
C.By combining both Western and Chinese medicine.
D.By doing research on both Western and Chinese people.
小题2:What plays the most important role in keeping people young according to Shen?
A.Medical treatment.
B.Positive life attitude.
C.People’s good kidney.
D.Level of people’s activity.
小题3:The reason why people become old is that    .
A.their bodies produce T-cells
B.they become weaker and weaker
C.they have reduced strength, loss of hair
D.their bodies are unable to fight diseases
小题4:We can probably learn from the passage that    .
A.producing more low calorie food allows people to keep young
B.it remains unknown how effective Dr. Shen’s herbal medicine is
C.people should try to quicken the production of T-cells in the body
D.the more Chinese herbal medicine people drink, the better for health

小题1:推理题。根据第2段2,3行And, he has been working for the past forty years to put together the best of both and find a cure for aging.可知他是把中医和西医相结合,故C正确。
小题2:细节题。根据第3段第一行it is the kidney(肾脏)which adjusts the functioning of the body as well as its aging process.可知C正确。
小题4:推断题。根据文章最后一句话But how effective it will be, only time can tell. 可知人们现在还不知道这种药物是否有效,需要时间来检验。
Forget famous goal celebration such as “The Robot” by Peter Crouch and “The Dive” by Juergen Klinsmann, here comes the South African “Diski dance”, which is performed through heading and kicking an imaginary ball, may be a goal celebration to watch in the following matches.
South Africa's Siphiwe Tshabalala and his team mates performed this different dance when they celebrated his goal against Mexico in the opening World Cup game on Friday. The dance is already popular on YouTube and many soccer fans may want to learn the moves.
Even South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has learnt the Diski dance which could surpass Cameroon Roger Milla's corner flag dance celebration in the 1990 FIFA World Cup. U.S. actor John Travolta performed the dance shortly after landing his Boeing 707 at Lanseria airport, north of Johannesburg, on Wednesday morning.
Goal celebrations are now part of the biggest sporting event and players plan them in advance just in case they find the back of the net. In football, a goal celebration is the practice of celebrating the scoring of a goal. The celebration may be performed by the goal- scorer, his or her teammates, the manager or coaches and the supporters of the team.
The Robot goal celebration was so popular that England fans were surprised when Crouch , an English international footballer, said that he “wouldn’t be doing it any more unless England won the World Cup.”
The word Diski is a word used by the local people for soccer and may also describe the local style of football which focuses on dribbling(带球)and other tricks.
小题1:Besides “Diski Dance”, how many types of goal celebrations are mentioned in this passage?
小题2:The underlined part “find the back of the net” in Paragraph 4 means               .
A.score a goalB.win the match
C.take a restD.take part in a match
小题3:What do we learn about the word “Diski”?
A.It has become the most popular sports word in the world now.
B.It was used to show how people were good at dribbling.
C.It was used to describe a football which was imagined by footballers.
D.It was mainly used in South Africa before the South Africa World Cup.
There is one type of illness in the world that affects more people than anything else and is very deadly. If untreated this illness could affect everything you do. What is this illness? Depression. Serious depression requires professional treatment. Self-induced depression is something each of us can change.
Everyone's circumstances are different, but the causes of self-induced depression are common: low self-esteem, hurtful thinking and a bad attitude.
So how can we change the way we think, feel, and cultivate a cheerful attitude?
First we must look at ourselves, truly and honestly examining our motives for what we wish to achieve. If you are dissatisfied because you feel you haven't or can't do anything, then one step is needed - to set goals.
Always start your goals relatively small and easy to attain. Think of them as sand; one grain may be insignificant but as a group they form the beach. Once you have set and attained small goals for yourself, move on to slightly larger, more challenging goals.
It takes more than just setting goals to be happy. It takes positive thinking. How can we attain this?
There are a number of factors that can make us think negatively and one of those is diet.
In my opinion, a person who eats a lot of take out and fast food is feeding their body junk. Start by eating better foods which give the body much NEEDED minerals. If your physical body is happy, it's much easier for your mental body or "thinking ability" to be happy.
Next, exercise. A half-hour a day is recommended for positive well being. Then think about good memories you had, or generally think of things that make you smile. Remember, everything you wear costs money but to wear a smile is free. A smile can be the difference between an average day and a great day.
If you follow these steps, positive change is inevitable.
小题1:Which of the statements about depression is TRUE?
A.Depression is a kind of illness that can’t be cured like some cancer.
B.Depression can all be cured successfully by patients themselves.
C.Those who suffer from depression feel dissatisfied with themselves.
D.Those who suffer from depression live in similar circumstances.
小题2:According to the passage we can learn that ____________.
A.a practical goal can help people to achieve a sense of success
B.we shouldn’t be satisfied with small goals that are insignificant
C.we should avoid challenging goals that may lead to failure
D.people can enjoy happiness only if they set reasonable goals
小题3:In order to achieve positive thinking a person should do these things EXCEPT____________.
A.set challenging goalsB.eat healthier foods
C.exercise half an hour a dayD.always wear a smile
小题4:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.To prove the argument that depression can be changed.
B.To analyze the danger depression can bring to people.
C.To introduce to readers how to keep positive thinking.
D.To recommend some ways to deal with depression.
It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food. Cherie Blair, the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?
High schools have canteens(餐厅), which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, pickles(泡菜) and vegetables.
Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭) at the end of the month receives a prize.
Untied States
A typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily dietary allowances(定量) of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and calories.
Meat pies, sausage rolls and hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the nation pays more attention to children’s health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.
Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries(点心), chocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi(寿司), sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are available every day.
In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.
South Africa
Most of South Africa’s schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at 1:30pm and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.
Fast food and fried food sell the best among students, which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different diseases, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition. Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge(麦片粥) with vegetables, such as cabbages, onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes.
小题1:What does the underlined word “obesity ”in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Fighting.B.Sadness.C.Food shortage.D.Overweight.
小题2:We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.a typical menu from a US school consists of enough nutrition.
B.most students in South Africa eat their lunch at home.
C.many schools in Australia have traffic lights outside their school.
D.you can have whatever you like in school canteens in Japan.
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Schools should try to satisfy the needs of students.
B.Schools serve different foods from country to country.
C.Food served in the US is the best of all.
D.School children all over the world dislike their school food.
小题4:The article is meant for ________.
A.school lunch suppliersB.schoolmasters
C.students of your ageD.nutritionists(营养学家)
Why are people interested in eating raw foods or whole foods? One reason is that eating these types of food reduces the risk of acid accumulation in your body.
Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods. When we cook foods, we destroy the natural enzymes (酶) that are part of the food in its raw form. These enzymes were intended by nature to help us digest the food. When we consume food without these natural enzymes, our bodies either digest the food improperly or allow too many nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In both instances, the result is obesity. When too many nutrients are absorbed at once, the body grows fat. Improperly digested food moves slowly through the digestive tract, where it becomes increasingly acidic. To protect its vital organs from this acidic waste, the body changes the acid into fat and stores it safely away from the organs.
Processed foods contain chemical elements, which might confuse the appetite mechanism that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat; as a result, people often overeat. Processed foods also upset the digestive cycle. The body will either identify these foods as allergens and then store them safely away from the organs as fat, or the remains of undigested food will become acidic and enter the bloodstream as acid waste, which will stick to the blood vessel walls and block the passage of vital oxygen and nutrients heading for the body’s cells. The body’s metabolism (新陈代谢) becomes inactive, and the result is weight gain and obesity.
The accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion increasingly inefficient. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more common.
To stop this vicious(恶性的) circle in its tracks, people need to consume food and supplements that will neutralize the acid already accumulated in body. Eating the right types of raw and whole foods can help. It’s also important to restore your enzyme balance. You need to identify and avoid the foods that cause acid accumulation and consume the foods that increase enzyme production. If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself, you need to take an active approach.
小题1:It can be inferred from Para. 2 that __________.
A.foods with natural enzymes help people keep fit
B.we’d better be cautious about raw and whole foods
C.it is essential for people to protect their vital organs
D.giving up cooked and refined foods is a new lifestyle
小题2:Processed foods are unhealthy because they __________.
A.destroy body’s cellsB.may lead to obesity
C.are difficult to digestD.stop body’s metabolism
小题3:What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To warn people of the problem of obesity.
B.To advocate eating more raw and whole foods.
C.To inform people of the harm of processed foods.
D.To tell the differences between raw and processed foods.
小题4:What is likely to be talked about following the last paragraph?
A.Different causes of acid accumulation.
B.Correct ways to cook raw foods.
C.Suitable types of raw and whole foods.
D.Active approaches to avoid acid.
小题5:What can we learn from the text?
A.Processed foods are good for our appetite mechanism.
B.Processed foods also comfort the digestive tract.
C.T he accumulation of acid in the digestive tract makes digestion more effective.
D.Eating the right types of raw and whole foods does good to our body.
Science can’t explain the power of pets,but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure(血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack,reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.
Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings.For some.an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife.A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress(紧张)1evels and blood pressure in people-half of them pet owners-while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic(算术)or held a hand in ice water.Subjects completed the tasks alone,with a husband/wife,a close friend or with a pet.People with pets did it best.Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates.With pets in the room,people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions.It seems people feel more relaxed(放松)around pets,says Allen,who thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.
A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs;a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program.On average,people lost about 11 pounds,or 5% of their body weight.Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12 pounds,more than 15%of their body weight.Dog owners didn’t lose any more weight than those without dogs but,say researchers,got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs--and found it worth doing.
小题1:What does the text mainly discuss?
A.What pets bring to their owners.
B.How pets help people calm down.
C.People’s opinions of keeping pets.
D.Pet’s value in medical research.
小题2:We 1earn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if        
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has less stress of work
C.he often does mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
小题3:According to Allen,why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?
A.They have lower blood pressure.
B.They become more patient.
C.They are less nervous.
D.They are in higher spirits.
小题4:The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that       
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful
Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert (灵活). This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.
There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways; you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough— but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice each week, Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.
You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help to exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.
Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?
小题1:In the text, the writer tells us that we all need to         .
小题2:Which of the following sports is not mentioned (提到) in the next?
小题3:The words “fitness centers” in the next mean         .
小题4:The sentence, Children who often exercise are more alert, tells us that people who often exercise can do better in         .
小题5:Exercising can be fun, because         .
A.it makes your heart and body strong
B.it makes you study better
C.people can buy equipment for their home
D.friends can play sports together
Elderly adults who regularly drink green tea may stay more active and independent than their peers over time,according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people.
Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals that may help ward off the cell damage that can lead to disease.Researchers have been studying green tea's effect on everything from cholesterol(胆固醇)to the risk of certain cancers,with mixed results so far.
For the new Japanese study,researchers decided to examine the question of whether green tea drinkers have a lower risk of frailty and disability as they grow older.
Tomata and his colleagues followed nearly 14,000 adults aged 65 or older for three years.
They found those who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability”,or problems with daily activities or basic needs,such as dressing or bathing.
Specifically,almost 13 percent of adults who drank less than a cup of green tea per day became functionally disabled,compared with just over 7 percent of people who drank at least five cups fl day.
The study did not prove that green tea alone kept people active as they grew older.
Green-tea lovers generally had healthier diets,including more fish,vegetables and fruit,as well as more education.lower smoking rates,fewer heart attacks and strokes,and greater mental sharpness.
They also tended to be more socially active and have more friends and family to rely on.
Although it's not clear how green tea might offer a buffer(缓冲剂)against disability,Tomata's team did note that one recent study found green tea extracts(提炼物)seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.
While green tea and its extracts are considered safe in small amounts,they do contain caffeine and small amounts of vitamin K,which means it could block drugs that prevent blood thickened.
小题1:Which of the following can summarize the passage best?
A.Green tea makes you less active.
B.Green tea makes you less disabled.
C.Green tea makes you more friendly.
D.Green tea makes you more educated.
小题2:The underlined word“ward off”in Paragraph 2 probably means     .
A.formB.absorbC.remove D.prevent
小题3:Tomata and his colleagues wanted to     .
A.prove whether the Japanese study is correct
B.know if green tea drinkers are independent
C.help nearly 14,000 adults aged 65 or older
D.study green tea's effect on cholesterol
小题4:Which of the following is NOT the advantage of green tea?
A.Reduce functional disability.
B.Keep old people active.
C.Make more friends.
D.Suffer fewer heart attacks.
小题5:It can be inferred from the last paragraph     .
A.green tea is safe to drink
B.green tea should be drunk properly
C.green tea is poisonous for old people
D.vitamin K is helpful to us
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye(颜料) broke, there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.
Sudan1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.
Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.
Last week Sudan’s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye’s name.
Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan’s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.
  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."
The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.
 "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."
Sudan dyes, which include Sudan1 to 4, are red dyes used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
小题1:What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?
A.Causing cancer.B.Having side effect.C.Containing poison.D.Poisonous.
小题2:How did the Sudan1 get its name?
A.The dye is often produced in Sudan.
B.The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.
C.Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.
D.Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that        .
A.the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety
B.Sudan1 is often used to be added to the food
C.people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan1 until 2003
D.many food shops will be closed down
小题4: Which of the following is the best title?
A.Keep away from Sudan1
B.No Sudan1 dye links to the country
C.How Sudan1 dye got its name?
D.Pay attention to the food safety

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