
最近的一份调查表明中国青少年的体质明显下降,青少年的健康问题日益受到社会的关注。请根据下列提示,以“The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。




参考词汇:肥胖 obesity  近视short-sightedness  改革 reform

The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern






The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern

A latest survey shows that the health of Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.Many Chinese students are facing a number of physical problems, such as obesity, and short-sightedness, etc.How has this situation come about?

Under the current educational system, marks seem to mean everything to students.To pass the college entrance examination, students have to spend most of their time in doing endless homework.As a result, they do not sleep or exercise enough.

To improve students’ health, we should reform the current educational system.Besides, we call for less homework, thus leaving students more time to sleep and take exercise.Only in this way can the health of youngsters be greatly improved.



Everyone would like to be a millionaire , a person with a lot of money, but can you imagine having over $30 million and only being 20 years old? Britney Spears from Kentwood, a small town in Louisiana, is only 20 years old. She is a world famous film star with not only $30 million but also a $2 million house in LA. At her young age, she can look after her family financially (经济上) all her life. This year is a big year for Britney. She is now on a 31-day tour of the US and every concert is a sell-out. That means she plays in front of a crowd of around 18,000 people every time. It’s a tiring schedule but brings her a lot. When touring, she goes to bed around 1 a.m. and then has a lie-in until 1 p.m. the next day. Her philosophy (人生观) is to take care of the body and relax but always make sure you work hard and have fun.

Spears is not pleased with only touring and selling nearly 40 million records so she decided to step into the movie business and try a bit of acting. She made an appearance in “Austin Power 3” this year and she is filming a teenage light play that will come out in March 2003. In this movie, she has a starring role.

For Britney, acting is another way to express herself and she is enthusiastic (热心的) about it all. If her movies are successful, her money in the bank is sure to grow by another few million dollars but she does it for the love, not the money, as she herself tells the reporters .

We can infer (推断) from the text that most millionaires are __________.

   A. older than 20     B. around 20     C. in their 30s     D. in their 40s

The underlined word “you” in the first paragraph refers to __________.

   A. a person in general                  B. a special person

   C. Britney Spears                     D. a person interested in money

Which of the following is not true according to the text?

   A. Though young, Britney can support her family now.

   B. While touring, Britney sleeps about 12 hours a day.

   C. The teenage comedy movie was based on Britney’s own story.

   D. Britney will be even richer with her movies successful.

According to Britney Spears, she works __________.

   A. to be a great actress   B. for the enjoyment   C. for money    D. to be more famous

The USA, New York—Whales and dolphins are facing increasing threats from climate change, according to a new report published by WWF and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS).

       The report "Whales in hot water?" draws attention to the growing impacts of climate change on whales.They range from changes in sea temperature and the freshening of the seawater because of the melting of ice and increased rainfalls, to a sea level rise, loss of icy polar habitats and the decline of krill populations in key areas.Krill, a tiny shrimp that is dependent on sea ice, is the main source of food for many of the great whales.

       The speeding up of climate change adds greatly to trouble from other human activities, such as chemical and noise pollution, which kills some 1000 whales every day.

       "Whales and dolphins have an ability to adapt to their changing environment," said Mark Simmonds, International Director of Science at WDCS."But the climate is now changing at such a fast pace that it is unclear to what extent whales and dolphins will be able to adjust."

       Climate change impacts are currently greatest in the Arctic and the Antarctic.According to the report, cetaceans that rely on polar, icy waters for their home and food resources are likely to be greatly affected by the reduction of sea ice cover.

       WDCS and WWF are urging governments to cut global production of C02 by at least 50 percent by the middle of this century.The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed it was possible to stop global warming if the world's emissions start to decline before 2015.

Which of the following is the most important for whales and dolphins?

       A.Rainfall         B.Krill            C.Sea ice cover    D.High sea level

From the passage, we can learn that whales mainly feed on _____.

       A.dolphins            B.krill        C.sea horses           D.sharks

The underlined word "decline" in Paragraph 2 means _____.

       A.increase         B.control        C.protection       D.fall

In what place is climate change greatest?  

       A.The Pacific Ocean            B.Asia.

       C.Two polar areas.           D.Equator.

Which of the following is not right according to the passage?

       A.Climate change will lead to the changes in sea temperature.

       B.Climate change will result in the freshening of the sea water.

       C.Climate change will have a bad effect on human activities and whales.

       D.Human beings will forever have no ability to stop global warming.

When I asked my daughter which item she would keep; the phone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said “the phone”.Personally, I could do without the phone entirely, which makes me unusual, because the telephone is changing our lives more than any other piece of technology.

Point 1 The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic.My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day.If the phone did not exist, would she have anything to talk about?

Point 2 The mobile phone means that we are never alone.“The mobile saved my life,” says Crystal Johnstone.She had an accident in her Volvo on the A45 between Otley and Skipton.Trapped inside, she managed to make the call that brought the ambulance(救护车)to her rescue.

Point 3 The mobile removes our secret.It allows marketing manager of Haba Deutsch, Carl Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at any time of day to ask where they are, where they are going, and how their last meeting went.

Point 4 The telephone separates us.Antonella Bramante in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window.It was easy to get his number.We were so near—but we didn’t meet for the first two weeks!”

Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives.Today we can talk to several complete strangers simultaneously(同时地)on chat lines(at least my daughter does.I wouldn’t know what to talk about).We can talk across the world.We can even talk to astronauts(if you know any)while they’re space-walking.And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we can access the Internet, the biggest library on Earth.

How do you understand ‘Point 1 —The telephone creates the need to communicate,…’?

       A.People don’t communicate without telephone.

       B.People communicate because of the creating of the telephone.

       C.People communicate more since telephone has been created.

       D.People communicate more because of more traffic.

Which points do you think support the idea that phones improve people’s life?

       a.Point 1.         b.Point2.          c.Point3.   d.Point 4.  e.Point 5.

       A.c, d B.a, e   C.a, c   D.b, e

It is possible to talk to several complete strangers simultaneously through       

       A.the TV screen      

       B.a fax machine

       C.the phone line hooked up to the computer       

       D.a microphone

The best heading for the passage is .

       A.Phone Power              B.Kinds of Phone

       C.How to Use Phones      D.Advantage of Phones

Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made.In my early 20s, I rarely went to bed before midnight, and I would almost always get up late the next morning.

But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high relationship between success and rising early.On those rare occasions where I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity was almost always higher.So I set out to become a habitual early riser.But whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that noise and go back to sleep.Eventually some sleep research showed me that I was using the wrong strategy.

The most common wrong strategy is this: You assume that if you’re going to get up earlier, you’d better go to bed earlier.It sounds very reasonable, but will usually fail.

There are two main schools(流派) of thought on sleep patterns.One is that you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day.The second school says you should go to bed when you’re tired and get up when you naturally wake up.However, I have found both of them are wrong if you care about productivity.If you sleep at set hours, you’ll sometimes go to bed when you aren’t sleepy enough.You’re wasting time lying in bed awake and not being asleep.

If your sleep is based on what your body tells you, you’ll probably be sleeping more than you need.Also, your mornings may be less predictable if you’re getting up at different times.

The solution for me has been to combine both methods.I go to bed when I’m sleepy and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time.So I always get up at the same time (in my case 5 am), but I go to bed at different times every night — sometimes at 9:30pm, and other times at midnight.Most of the time I go to bed between 10-11 pm.

 However, going to bed only when I’m sleepy, and getting up at a fixed time every morning is my way.If you want to become an early riser, you can try your own.

According to the passage, the underlined phrase refers to ____.

      A.people who stay up until the next morning.

      B.people who get up early in the morning.

      C.people who feel sleepy in the morning.

      D.people whose productivity is the highest in the morning.

Why did the author want to become a habitual early riser?

      A.Because he / she wanted to form the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

      B.Because he / she had found that his / her productivity was higher when he / she got up early.

      C.Because he / she wanted to see which of the two main schools of thought on sleep patterns was right.

      D.Because he / she was told the high relationship between success and rising early.

The author experienced all the following EXCEPT ____.

      A.going to bed after midnight.        

       B.getting up early occasionally.

      C.pressing off the alarm to go on sleeping.

      D.asking scholars for advice on sleeping habits.

The passage is mainly about ____。

      A.how to become an early riser.       

       B.how to have good sleep.

       C.wrong strategies for getting up early.

       D.main schools of thought on sleep patterns.



Although stressful and unpleasant, examinations are a part of education that students all over the world have to experience. Exams are not recent methods of testing knowledge. They have been used since ancient times and our ancestors probably went through the same anxious preparation as students today.

China, exams were first introduced more than 1,300 years ago during the Sui Dynasty. Known as the Imperial Examinations or keju, the ten subject tests were used to select people for government jobs. A career in public service was considered the highest profession, and the examinations attracted millions of hopeful participants each time they were held. The tests had three levels: for local, provincial and national government. Only about 5% of those taking each level passed, and the number of students who passed all the levels was even smaller- perhaps as low as 0.0004%.

The exams were so important in China that some people spent nearly their whole lives retaking the exams in the hope of eventually passing. Others tried to cheat by hiding notes in cakes or on their clothes. Historians found one undergarment that had 353 model essays written on it. Perhaps if this particular student had spent as much time studying as he did writing on his clothes, he would have passed!

The Imperial Examinations lasted until 1905, when they were replaced. Exams, however, are still a compulsory part of education in China. As nobody has yet come up with an alternative method of judging students’ abilities, it seems likely that the system of examinations will continue for more years.


                in China


●Examinations are a part of education that students      have to experience.

●Exams have    been used to test knowledge.

The history of exams in China

●Exams         in the Sui Dynasty.

●The test had three levels: for local, provincial and national government.

●The       of students passing all the levels was only 0.0004%.

     people tried to pass the exams

●Some people spent their whole lives retaking the exams.

●Some tried to pass the exams by          .

         for exams continuing

●An       way of judging students’            abilities has not yet been          .















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