The concept of solitude(独处) in the digital world is almost non?existent.In the world of digital technologye?mailsocial networking and online video gamesinformation is meant to be ___.Solitude can be hard to discover____it has been given up.In this respectnew technologies have___our culture.

The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n)____as we’ve known it.People have become so____in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted____they’d rather not be.Today we can talktexte?mailchat and blog(写博客)not only from our____but from our mobile phones as well.

Most developed nations have become ____on digital technology simply because they’ve grown accustomed to itand at this point not____it would make them an outsider.____many jobs and careers require people to be____.From this point of viewtechnology has changed the culture of work.Being reachable might feel like a___to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.

I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who____wants it.Computers can be shut____and mobile phones can be turned off.The ability to be “connected” and “on” has many____as well as disadvantages.Travelers have ended up____on mountainsand mobile phones have saved countless lives.They can also make people feel ____and forced to answer unwanted calls or____to unwanted texts.

Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society____across generations.Some find today’s technology a gift.Others consider it a curse.Regardless of anyone’s view on the subjectit’s hard to imagine what life would be like____daily advancements in technology.(2012·江苏)

1.A.updated? Breceived

Cshared? Dcollected

2.A.though? Buntil

Conce? Dbefore

3.A.respected? Bshaped

Cignored? Dpreserved

4.A.edge? Bstage

Cend? Dbalance

5.A.sensitive? Bintelligent

Cconsiderate? Dreachable

6.A.even if? Bonly if

Cas if? Dif only Bcomputers

Cdatabases? Dmonitors

8.A.bent Bhard

Ckeen? Ddependent

9.A.finding? Busing

Cprotecting? Dchanging

10.A.Also? BInstead

COtherwise? DSomehow

11.A.connected? Btrained

Crecommended? Dinterested

12.A.pleasure? Bbenefit

Cburden? Ddisappointment

13.A.slightly? Bhardly

Cmerely? Dreally

14.A.out? Bdown

Cup? Din

15.A.aspects? Bweaknesses

Cadvantages? Dexceptions

16.A.hidden? Blost

Crelaxed? Ddeserted

17.A.trapped? Bexcited

Cconfused Damused

18.A.turn? Bsubmit

Cobject? Dreply

19.A.vary Barise

Cspread? Dexist

20.A.beyond? Bwithin

Cdespite? Dwithout


The New York Times published an article recently that shows great regret for the "death of conversation".It suggests that while technology such as cell phones, e-mails, and Internet posting makes us feel more  36  than ever, they’re also driving us  37  from people around us.

Users get final connectivity  38  the price of  39  face-to-face conversation. Sherry Turkle, author of the article in The New York Times says people are  40  to a different way of being “alone together”.

Actually ,  41  text messages or writing micro-blogs allows us to  42  thoughts.

 43  bits and pieces of online cannot  44  a “real conversation.” Lan Guo, 19, a freshman English major from Changsha University , said that she would like to hear people’s tone of voice and see their faces in a (n)  45 . “The give and take of ideas in a conversation sharpens our minds.” she said. She also mentions that  46  ourselves in mobile technology reduces our chance of starting conversations with strangers and  47  people.

Turkle mentioned the popular  48  of “I share, therefore I am ”among this generation. Liu Xuan, a young writer from Taiwan and psychology graduate from Harvard University, thinks it’s a mindset adopted by most young people. They are so busy creating or polishing their online persona (网络人格)that they forget how to live a (n)  49  life. For example, They may  50  more about blogging about attending a party rather than enjoying being  51 .

 52 , experts remind us that it’s unfair to blame mobile technology . Chen Chen, a sociology expert at China Youth &Children Research Center, points out that it is still owners of gadgets , such as cell phones and tablets , who’re avoiding personal  53 . We take advantage of these devices to hide ourselves  54  others. Texting messages or calling may be a (n)  55  to avoid contact with others, such as having eye contact. “Only by strengthening conversation can we understand each other. Simply throwing away the mobile gadgets is not a solution.” she said.

1.A.received               B.shared               C.connected          D.respected                    B.back                 C.away               D.down

3.A.beyond                          C.for                D.above

4.A.having                 B.risking              C.sacrificing        D.sharing

5.A.related                B.committed            C.devoted            D.accustomed

6.A.sending                B.getting              C.reading            D.taking

7.A.change                    C.deliver            D.raise

8.A.So                     B.And                  C.Or                 D.But

9.A.indicate               B.replace              C.cover              D.involve

10.A.conversation                 D.Internet

11.A.abandoning            B.joining              C.burying            D.attaching

12.A.interviewing          B.introducing          C.knowing            D.meeting

13.A.feeling               B.concept              C.fact               D.truth

14.A.colorful              B.interesting          C.real               D.meaningful

15.A.worry                        C.ask                D.debate       

16.A.there                 B.out                  C.down     

17.A.Therefore             B.Altogether           C.Instead            D.However


19.A.from                  B.of                   C.behind             D.under

20.A.approach              B.source               C.result             D.excuse




When I first entered university, my aunt, who id an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary. I was    36   to see that it was an English-English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary.   37   it was a dictionary intended for non-native learners, none of my classmates had one    38   , to be honest, I found it extremely   39    to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and    40   not fully understand the meanings. I was used to the    41   bilingual dictionaries, in which the word are    42   both in English and Chinese. I really wondered why my aunt    43   to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I    44  that monolingual dictionaries are    45   in learning a foreign language.

As I found out, there is,   46   , often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two    47   in two languages. My aunt even goes so far as to    48   that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the    49    meaning of a word in English!   50   , she insisted that I read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary   51   I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning.    52   , I have come to see what she meant.

Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a(n)   53   number of words, around 2,000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am    54   exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas.    55   this, I can express myself more easily in English.

36. A. worried          B. sad            C. surprised    D. nervous

37. A. Because          B. Although       C. Unless    D. If

38. A. but        B. so              C. or          D. and

39. A. difficult          B. interesting     C. ambiguous  D. practical

40. A. thus         B. even          C. still        D. again

41. A. new         B. familiar         C. earlier     D. ordinary

42. A. explained     B. expressed      C. described    D. created

43. A. offered    B. agreed         C. decided      D. happened

44. A. imagine          B. recommend          C. predict          D. understand

45. A. natural     B. better         C. easier     D. convenient

46. A. at least     B. in fact         C. at times      D. in case

47. A. words      B. names         C. ideas      D. characters

48. A. hope        B. declare          C. doubt     D. tell

49. A. exact       B. basic          C. translated   D. expected

50. A. Rather     B. However       C. Therefore   D. Instead

51. A. when       B. before         C. until      D. while

52. A. Largely     B. Generally      C. Gradually   D. Probably

53. A. extra       B. average         C. total          D. limited

54. A. repeatedly    B. nearly         C. immediately      D. anxiously

55. A. According to       B. In relation to     C. In addition to     D. Because of


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



As a saying goes, every bean has its black .It is impossible to make no mistakes all one’s life. My grandpa Nybakken, a carpenter,is no _36_.Several decades ago he made a mistake -a(n) perfect mistake, _37_.

On a cold Saturday, Mother's father was building some wooden cases for the clothes his _38_ was sending to an orphanage(孤儿院)in Africa. On his way home, he _39_ into his shirt pocket to find his glasses, but they were gone. He remembered putting them there that morning, so he drove back to the church. His _40_ proved fruitless.

When he _41_ replayed his earlier actions, he realized what happened.The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the cases, which he had nailed shut. His brand new glasses, having _42_ him $20 that very morning, were heading for Africa! He had to drive home _43_.

Several months later, the director of the orphanage came to give a report on Sunday night at my grandfather's church, _44_ Grandpa and his family also attended.

“But most of all,” he said,“I must thank you for the _45_ you sent last year. You see, the bandits(土匪)had just _46_ through the orphanage, destroying everything, including my glasses. I was desperate.”

“_47_ I had the money, there was simply no way of _48_ those glasses. _49_ not being able to see well, I experienced headaches every day. Then your cases arrived. When my staff _50_ the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on top.”

Then, still gripped(吸引注意)with the _51_ of it all, he continued, “ When I tried _52_ the glasses, it was as though they had been made just for me! I want to thank you for being a part of that!”

The people listened,_53_ for the miraculous glasses. But the director surely must have _54  their church with another, they thought. There were no glasses on their _55_ of items to be sent overseas.

But sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary carpenter realized the Master Carpenter had used him in an extraordinary way.

36. A. expectation               B.success                 C. comment                 D. exception

37. A. though               B. although                C. as                           D. so

38. A. factory              B. church                   C. family                   D. country

39. A. turned                      B. reached                  C. filled                       D. put

40. A. research             B. look                        C. search                    D. clothes

41. A. mentally            B. physically                 C. anxiously                 D. directly

42. A. charged             B. spent                       C. paid                        D. cost

43. A. disappointed       B. pleased                     C. nonstop                   D. quick

44. A. which                B. what                       C. where                      D. when

45. A. cases                 B. clothes                            C. glasses                     D. Wishes

46. A. cut                    B. swept                      C. pulled                     D. broken

47. A. Unless                      B. As long as             C. Until                       D. Even though

48. A. replacing           B. finding                  C. wearing                       D. changing

49. A. Except for         B. Along with            C. Rather than              D. As for

50. A. nailed                B. burnt                    C. removed                  D. took

51. A. preparation               B. pleasure                 C. satisfaction            D. wonder

52. A. out                  B. over                             C. for                        D. on

53. A. pity                 B. happy                    C. curious                 D. eager

54. A. confused            B. associated              C. combined          D. compared

55. A. cases                B. order                   C. list                              D. orphanage


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