4. (旅游业) has become one of the most im- portant industries in our country.
4. Tourism
假定你是一名导游,你将接待一个外国旅游团。 请你拟订一份导游词向游客介绍青岛。要点如下:
1. 青岛市位于山东半岛南端,面积10,903平方千米, 总人口 871万;
2. 青岛三面环海,大海是青岛的魅力所在;
3. 名人如李白、蒲松龄、康有为等的足迹遍布青岛,留 下了华美的诗文;
4. 青岛是现代化城市,现代化的工厂和楼房林立。
6. I can't what has happened to the vegetables for they were freshly picked this morning.
A. look out B. take out
C. go out D. figure out
1.n. —家人;家庭 慈善团体
高速公路 居民 类似;相似 位置;所在地
旅游业 交通工具 娱乐 交换
2. Thousands of people are dying from (饥饿) every day in the world.
9. There is a striking (相似) between their designs.
6. My opinions on the matter (和 相似) Kay's.
4. I'd love to come (while,but) I can't make it till 8 o’clock.
12. Coghlan travelled back to Canada—after he had been buried Texas!