13.听下面一段材料,回答第17至20题.17.How should cheerleading be viewed viewed according to the passage?
A.It is just a lot of cheering.
B.It mainly involves dancing.
C.It is competitive in nature.
18.How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?
A.They put on athletic shows.
B.They run around the spectators.
C.They yell for people to buy drinks.
19.Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?
A.Because they try dangerous acts to catch people's attention.
B.Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.
C.Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.
20.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.
B.Cheerleaders'contests are only held at the state level.
C.Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.
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