
     From the beginning of human history, people have used oils from seeds and nuts. Most of the time these
oils are used as food, especially in cooking. But sometimes they have other uses. For example, oils are used
in paint and in cleaning products like soap.
     Oil is separated from seeds by using pressure. A machine called a press is often used.
     The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones. The crushed seeds
are then put into a cloth bag and the bag is hung up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag and can be
     But some oil will remain in the crushed seeds inside the bag. The easiest way to get the rest of the oil out
is to place heavy rocks on the crushed material.
     Another method is to place several cloth bags on top of each other in a box. Then a long wooden stick is
used to slowly push a heavy cover down on the bags. Great pressure is produced in this way. Much greater
pressure can be produced by using a machine, a hydraulic jack (液压千斤顶). The greater the pressure, the
more oil win be produced. 
     Small presses are important in areas where electricity or gasoline cannot be used. They are also a good
way to test if a local market for oil exists.
     Small batch presses can be made of local materials. Their cost is low. They are not difficult to operate.
And they are easy to repair. The small presses produce good quality oil. But the work is hard. And getting
all the oil from the seeds can be difficult.
     If there is a large supply of seeds, then hand-operated presses may not be enough to support a business.
Large, powered presses that can operate all day are needed.
Title How to 1.______ Oil From Seeds
2.______ of oil People use oils when they cook meals, paint pictures and clean objects.
Method l ●Crush the seeds between two stones and then put them into a cloth bag.
●3.______ the cloth bag up. Some of the oil will flow out of the
●The 4.______ oil in the seeds can be got by putting more heavy
   rocks on them.
Method 2 ●A box is used to 5.______ several bags of seeds.
●Place a heavy cover on the bags.
●Use a long wooden stick to push the cover slowly.
●The 6.______ of oil relies on the pressure placed on the bags.
Small batch presses ●They are at a low 7.______
●They are easy to operate and repair.
●They can be used in areas 8.______ of electricity or gasoline.
●They can be operated by hand very conveniently.
●They can produce good quality oil.
Large 9.______
●It is easy to get all the oil from the seeds.
●They can 10.______ with a large supply of seeds and support a 
●They can run all day.
1. Take/Separate/Press/Get   2. Uses/Usages/Introduction   3. Hang   4. remaining   5. contain/hold
6. amount/quantity   7. cost   8. short/lack   9. powered   10. deal/do
     Do you know   1   languages there are in the world? There are about l,500, but many of them aren't very
   2  . English is one of the most important languages because many people   3   it, not only in England and
America,   4   in other countries of world. About 375,000,000 people speak it   5   their own language, and
another 375,000,000 use it as   6   language. It is   7   to say how many people are learning it.   8   boys and
girls in schools are trying to do so.
     Many English children study French. French is also a very important language.   9   children study German,
Russian, Japanese and Chinese.
     What is the best  10  to learn a language? We know that we alllearnt  11  language well when we were  12 .
If we learn a second language in the  13  way, it won't seem so difficult. What does a small child do? It  14  
what people say, and it tries to guess what it hears. When it wants something, it has to  15  it. It is using the
language,  16  in it and talking in it all the time. If people use a second language  17 , they will learn it  18 .
     In school, you learn to read, to write, to hear and to speak. It is best to learn all new words through the  19 .
You can read them, spell them and  20  them later.
(     )1. A.  how many 
(     )2. A. useful     
(     )3. A. like       
(     )4. A. but        
(     )5. A. like       
(     )6. A. foreign       
(     )7. A. easy       
(     )8. A. Millions of
(     )9. A. Some       
(     )10. A. time       
(     )11. A. a foreign  
(     )12. A. born       
(     )13. A. same       
(     )14. A. does       
(     )15. A. ask        
(     )16. A. speaking   
(     )17. A. some time     
(     )18. A. quickly    
(     )19. A. mouth      
(     )20. A. listen to  
B. what number
B. necessary  
B. use        
B. and        
B. with       
B. a second   
B. again      
B. Million of 
B. Other      
B. way        
B. our mothers'
B. children   
B. different  
B. says       
B. want       
B. writing    
B. sometimes  
B. soon       
B. hands      
B. use                       
C.  a lot of      
C. important     
C. learn          
C. also           
C. for            
C. the second   
C. difficult        
C. Millions     
C. All          
C. thing            
C. other's      
C. grown        
C. useful          
C. listens to  
C. get          
C. thinking         
C. all the time       
C. freely        
C. ears            
C. love         
D.  so many              
D. good                  
D. speak                
D. so                    
D. as                      
D. a special             
D. best                     
D. Several million of             
D. Few                   
D. place                      
D. our own            
D. boys                 
D. good                     
D. follows              
D. ask for                
D. doing                     
D. for the time       
D. hardly                 
D. mind                 
D. write                
Directions: Read the following Passage. Answer the questions according to the in formation given in the
Passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
     Many college-bound freshmen are worrying about more than just who their roommates will be this fall.
They may also be nervous about the well-known fact that'they are likely to gain weight this school year.
While many of us remember the extra weight that showed up right around the start of our college careers,
we are not always clear on how much weight we realize gained or why.
     Many nutrition experts and psychologists think that it is the change in environment and the stress of a
new begjnning that cause the typical college freshmen to gain extra pounds. As students start a new stage
of their lives, many eat to deal with the stress of change or loneliness. Often, college students are making
meals or choosing foods independently for the first time in their lives. If they live in the college dormitory,
they have a wide variety of foods to select from that may be higher in calories and fatter than the foods they
consumed living at home. In addition college social events usually center around food. I clearly remember
sitting in my dorm cafeteria for two or three hours on a Saturday morning socializing with my new friends.
Instead of eating only one meal, we would start with breakfast, eat throughout the duration of our socializing,
and finish with lunch. Food also makes an appearance after late-night parties, as part of a school day, or
simply to break the monotony (单调).
     So will this year's typical freshmen really gain 15 pounds? According to a 2006 Tufts University study,
students enrolling in college this fall will gain weight, but maybe not the assumed 15 pounds. Based on the
students surveyed, the study found that men can expect to gain an average of 6 pounds and women an
average of 4.5 pounds during the freshman year.
1. What makes many college-bound freshman worried? (not more than 8 words)
2. What seems to play an important role in students' social events? (1 word)
3. What causes many college freshmen gain weight according to many nutrition experts and psychologists?
    (not more than 11 words)
4. What is the result of the 2006 Tufts University study? (not more than 11 words)
     Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. Last week a group of modern
birdmen put their courage on their wings and   1   gravity in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
     "Yes, you can buy a ticket and fly to another city. But running with your own wings and feeling your
feet ready to   2   is totally different, "Dong Fang, a middle school student in Hangzhou who   3   a home-
made aircraft competition, said in an excide voice.   4   by the Intemational Bognor Birdman Competition
in the UK, the competition in Hangzhou was a similar event. The Bognor Birdman Competition startde in
l97l in the England coastal city Bognor. People ran off the end of a pier (码头)with their own aircraft in
a(n)   5   to "fly" the farthest distance.
     In the competition, a teacher called Ni was amazed to see how imaginative the students were. He was
surprised to see his students create 10 different aircrafts with all kinds of material   6   in the past month.
"We'd rather call ourselves dreamers   7   pilots because whether our wings really leave the ground,our
dream really flies," said Dong Fang.
     Jing Yuchen and his team named their plane "weiming E", which   8   an unknown goose. The 17-year-old
boy deeply believes their goose of steel pipe and sailcloth will honour its name by successfully making it fly. 
     "Our work is much more imaginative than others. With several colourful balloons on its back and a pair
of light plastic wings, it is   9   the most eye-catching work, if not the best," said Yu Liang, another student.
     "Although nlost of those home-made aircrafts cannot really take the boys flying, the boys' braveness and
 10  in this project will encourage every one of them to fly high in the future," Ni said.
(     )1.A. challenged   
(     )2.A. take on      
(     )3.A. joined       
(     )4.A. Promoted     
(     )5.A. range        
(     )6.A. available    
(     )7.A. as well as   
(     )8.A. declares     
(     )9.A. accidentally 
(     )10.A. exploration  
B. struggled     
B. take up       
B. participated  
B. Inspired      
B. group         
B. unique        
B. other than    
B. means         
B. surely       
B. perseverance    
C. abandoned   
C. take off     
C. took part in 
C. Advocated      
C. attempt     
C. visible     
C. but for      
C. reflects    
C. barely      
C. creativity    
D. observed      
D. take in       
D. attended       
D. Blamed        
D. way           
D. responsible                   
D. instead of    
D. causes        
D. simply        
D. determination  
     Have you ever noticed the colour of the water in a river or stream after a heavy rainfall? What do
you think caused this change in colour? It is soil that has been washed into the river from the riverbank
or from the nearby fields.
     Components of Soil
     Soil is made up of a number of layers (层), each having its own distinctive colour and texture. The
upper layer is known as the litter. It acts like a blanket, limiting temperature changes and reducing water
loss. The topsoil layer is made up of small particles of rock mixed with rotten plant and animal matter
called humus (腐殖质), which is black and gives the topsoil its dark colour. This layer is usually rich in
nutrients, oxygen, and water. Below the topsoil is the subsoil, a layer that contains more stones mixed
with only small amounts of organic matter. This layer is lighter in colour because of the lack of humus.
Beneath the soil lies a layer of bedrock.
     Soil forms from the bottom up. Over time bedrock is attacked by rain, wind, frost, and snow. It is
gradually broken down into smaller particles in a process called weathering. Plants begin to grow, and
rotten materials enrich the topsoil. Most of the soil in Eastern Canada, for example, was formed from
weathered rock that was exposed when the ice disappeared l2,000 years ago.
     Water Beneath the Soil
     Surface water collects and flows above the ground in lakes, ponds and rivers. Once in the soil or rock,
it is called groundwater. Gravity pulls groundwater through the soil in a process called percolation (渗透).
Eventually the water reaches a layer called the water table. Under this is bedrock through which water
cannot percolate.
     As water percolates downward, it dissolves organic matter and minerals from the soil and carries them
to deeper layers. This causes a serious problem because plants require these nutrients for growth.
     Soil pH
     Soil can be acidic neutral or basic. The pH of the soil is determined by the nature of the rock from
which it was formed and by the nature of the plants that grow and rot in it.
     The acidity of rain and snow can lower the pH of the groundwater that enters the soil. By burning fossil
fuels such as coal,oil and gasoline, humans have been contributing to higher levels of acidity in many soils.
When fossil fuels are burned, gases are released into the air and then fall back to earth as acid rain. Acid soil
increase the problem of carrying nutrients to lower soil levels. As nutrients are removed, soil is less fertile.
Plants grow more slowly in acidic soil, and also become easily attacked by diseases.
1. The layer of soil that provides necessary nutrients for plant growth is called _____.
A. 1itter
B. topsoil
C. humus
D. subsoil
2. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Soil forms from weathered rock on the earth surface.
B. The deeper layer of soil is darker in colour than the surface soil.
C. Air pollution is partially responsible for acid soil.
D. Groundwater tends to carry away nutrients for plant growth.
3. We can infer from the passage that the water table lies _____.
A. between the topsoil layer and the subsoil layer
B. in the subsoil layer above bedrock
C. between the subsoil layer and bedrock
D. in the bedrock layer beneath the subsoil
4. The underlined word "dissolve" is used to express the idea that organic matter and minerals from soil
    are _____.
A. rushed away into the river
B. cleaned and purified by water
C. destroyed and carried away by water
D. mixed with water and become part of it
     Zipped into a bag, it looks like a large umbrella. Unfolded, it goes along the street like any other bicycle.
     It's the "A-bike", the brainchild (脑力劳动的产物) of British inventor Sir Cive Sinclair, who made history
in the 1970s hy devel oping the world's first pocket calculator. He described his new invention as "the world's
smallest, lightest foldable bicycle".
     "My original thought was that if you could have a bicycle that was dramatically lighter and more firm than
the ones that exist today, it would change the way in which bicycles are used," said Sinclair.
     The mini-bike showed in Singapore last week and set to go on sale worldwide in 2005 at a price of nearly
US $300, is built for riders as heavy as 112 kilograms and is height-adjustable (可调整高度的). It takes about
20 seconds to fold or unfold.
     Its wheels are a quarter the size of those on a regular bicycle, but Sinclair promises a smooth ride for most
cyclists. "You require no extra energy to ride the A-bike and it can go up to 15 miles per hour (24 kilometers
per hour)," he said. Constructed mainly of plastic, the 5.5-kilogram bicycle folds into a package of less than
0.03 cubic meters (立方米).
     Sinclair also invented the first pocket TV in 1984 and the futuristic C5 electric tricycle in 1985. He said he
hoped the bicycle would attract common citizens, officials, campers or anyone needing transport for a short
trip and he said the next step for the A-bike was to add an electric motor in a few years.
1. The most important character of this kind of bike is its _____.
A. hig size
B. light weight
C. beautiful appearance
D. foldable structure
2. The wheels of a regular bicycle is _____ the size of this kind of bike.
A. four times
B. three times
C. one-fourth
D. one-third
3. This kind of new bike is mainly made of _____.
A. plastic
B. packages
C. bags
D. metal
4. The best title of the text is _____.
A. World's smallest foldable bicycle arriving
B. A new bike a large umbrella
C. A foldable bike, a large bag
D. A great inventor of a new bike
5. This kind of new bike hasn't been fixed with _____.
A. a wheel
B. an electric motor
C. pedal
D. a hand
     At present, in many American cities especially, many teachers in the public schools say they are underpaid.
They point to jobs such as secretary or truck driver, which often pay more to start than that of a teacher. In
many other fields, such as law, medicine, computer science, a beginning worker may make more than a teacher
who has taught for several years.
     Teaching has never been a profession that attracted people interested in high salaries. It is by history a
profession that has provided rewards in addition to money-the satisfaction of sharing knowledge, of influencing
others, of guiding young people. But in the past several years, there are more difficulties in teaching, for many,
than there are rewards.
     Unruly students, especially in big cities, large classes and a lack of support from the public in terms of money
and understanding have led many public school teachers to leave the profession.
     As a result, many of the best students, who would have chosen teaching as their life career in the past, are
going into other fields.
     Another reason for this change in teacher candidates is the changing status of women in the United States.
Until the late 1960s and 1970s, one of the most popular choices for women was teaching. But as other
professions, such as law and medicine opened up to women, women stopped pouring into teacher training
programs. Thus, a major pool of excellent candidates for the teaching profession dwindled.
     Bit by bit government officials and others realized that the status of the teacher had suffered. They talked
about change. But the change in a vast society like the United States is not easy. People's attitudes have formed
over many years, and sometimes change takes many years.
1. The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 1 refers to "_____".
[     ]
A. money
B. job
C. secretary
D. truck driver
2. What is the present situation of the teaching?
[     ]
A. Teachers work harder and get underpaid.
B. Teachers have no opportunities to work in other fields.
C. Teaching can attract best students to work as a teacher.
D. Teaching can provide rewards as well as high salaries.
3. Many public school teachers turn to other professions because _____.
[     ]
A. the unruly students and large classes
B. the difficulties of teaching as well as a lack of money, support and understanding
C. the attracting power of other jobs
D. a lack of satisfaction of sharing knowledge and influencing others
4. The author believes that change in teachers' status in the United States _____.
[     ]
A. is not great
B. impossible
C. influences people's attitude
D. needs time
     Can you believe your eyes? A recent experiment suggests that the answer to that question may depend
on your age.
     Martin Doherty, a psychologist at the University of Stirling in Scotland, led the team of scientists. In this
experiment, Doherty and his team tested the perception (观察力) of some people, using pictures of some
orange circles. The researchers showed the same pictures to two groups of people. The first group included
151 children aged 4 to 10, and the second group included 24 adults aged 18 to 25.
     The first group of pictures showed two circles alone on a white background. One of the circles was larger
than the other, and these people were asked to identify the larger one. Four-year-olds identified the correct
circle 79 percent of the time. Adults identified the correct circle 95 percent of the time.
     Next, both groups were shown a picture where the orange circles, again of different sizes, were surrounded
by gray circles. Here's where the trick lies in. In some of the pictures, the smaller orange circle was surrounded
by even smaller gray circles-making the orange circle appear larger than the other orange circle, which was
the real larger one. And the larger orange circle was surrounded by even bigger gray circles-so it appeared to
be smaller than the real smaller orange circle.
     When young children aged 4 to 6 looked at these tricky pictures, they weren't fooled-they were still able
to find the bigger circle with roughly the same accuracy as before. Older children and adults, on the other
hand, did not do as well. Older children often identified the smaller circle as the larger one, and adults got it
wrong most of the time.
     As children get older, Doherty said, their brains may develop the ability to identify visual context. In other
words, they will begin to process the whole picture at once: the tricky gray circles, as well as the orange
circle in the middle. As a result, they're more likely to fall for this kind of visual trick.
1. Doherty and his team of scientists did an experiment to evaluate _____. 
[     ]
A. children's and adults' eye-sight
B. people's ability to see accurately
C. children's and adults' brains
D. the influence of people's age
2. When asked to find the larger circle, _____.
[     ]
A. children at 6 got it wrong 79% of the time with no gray ones around
B. only adults over 18 got it right 95% 0f the time with gray ones around
C. children at 4 got it right about 79% of the time with gray ones around
D. adults got it right most of the time with gray ones around
3. According to the passage, we can know that _____.
[     ]
A. a smaller orange circle appears bigger on a white background
B. an orange circle appears bigger than a gray one of the same size
C. a circle surrounded by other circles looks bigger than its real size
D. a circle surrounded by bigger ones looks smaller than its real size
4. Visual context may work when children get older than _____. 
[     ]
A. 4
B. 6
C. 10
D. 18
5. Why are younger children not fooled?
[     ]
A. Because they are smarter than older children and adults.
B. Because older people are influenced by their experience.
C. Because people's eyes become weaker as they grow older.
D. Because their brain can hardly notice related things together.
     "It hurts me more than you." and "This is for your own good." These are the statements my mother used
to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.   
     That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to
push our children to achieve their best in school.   
     The schools and the educators made it easy for us. They thought that it was right to be parents who take
a let alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators (计算器), turned
on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.   
     Now teachers, having taught many children who have been developing at their own step for the past 15
years, are realizing we've made a terrible mistake. Sharon Klompus is such a teacher who thinks her students
"so passive" and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them. She believes that Television
contributes to children's passivity. "We're not training kids to work anymore," says Klompus. "We're talking
about a generation of kids who've never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it
for them. Instead of saying' go and look it up', you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to
a kid."   
     Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It's time for parents to end their vecation and come back
to work. It's time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it's
for their own good. It's time to start telling them no again.
1. Children are becoming more inactive in study because _____.  
[     ]
A. they watch TV too often   
B. they have done too much homework   
C. they have to fulfill too many duties  
D. teachers are too strict with them
2. To such children as described in the passage _____.   
[     ]
A. it is easier to say no than to say yes  
B. neither is easy to say yes or to say no   
C. it is easier to say yes than to say no  
D. neither is difficult to say yes or to say no
3. We learn from the passage that the author's mother used to play emphasis on _____.  
[     ]
A. learning Latin  
B. natural development  
C. discipline
D. education at school
4. By "permissive period in education" the author means a time _____.   
[     ]
A. when children are allowed to do what they wish to    
B. when everything can be taught at school   
C. when every child can be educated     
D. when children are permitted to receive education
5. The main idea of the passage is that _____.   
[     ]
A. parents should leave their children alone   
B. kids should have more activities at school   
C. it's time to be more strict with our kids   
D. parents should always set a good example to their kids

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