完形填空 (共15题,每小题2分,共30分)

My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   11  citizens.

 He is a   12  companion. He does many amusing things that make me  13  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  14  he just keeps it up.

 But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  15  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  16  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  17 , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then  18   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   19  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  20   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.

 When cancer starts, a  21   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  22   the lump.

 I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   23  to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  24  .

 Was Cocoa  25   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!

11    A.    good           B.    standard    C.       senior         D. great

12    A.    wonderful       B.    tiring        C.       hungry       D. bad

13    A.    leave           B.    cry         C.       laugh         D. jump

14    A.    as            B.    when        C.       and         D. that

15    A.    when           B.    then       C.       though       D. as

16    A.    chest           B.    body         C.       shoulder     D. arm

17    A.    right               B.    good         C.       enough       D. unexpected

18    A.    hurriedly     B.    rudely       C.       slowly        D. suddenly

19    A.    pain        B.    surprise     C.       trouble       D. danger

20    A.    experiments    B.    researches  C. tests         D. papers

21    A.    wall         B.    cancer       C.       body          D. number

22    A.    watch          B.    have       C.       get          D. notice

23    A.    ran           B.    kept       C.       entered       D. spread

24    A.    common      B.    late        C.       much         D. early

25    A.    ashamed      B.    aware        C.       afraid         D. tired

When 7-year-old Warren Buffett said,“I will be the richest man one day,” his friends made fun of his “daydreaming”. But ever since then the little boy has set about learning how to make money by selling drinks, delivering newspaper and buying stocks. The American had already earned $9,000 (equal to $90,000 today) by the time he graduated from high school.

 And this month the 78-year-old man, who earned his fortune by making a lot of sound investment in the stock market, took the place of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, as the world’s richest man. Gates’ worth declined $1.5 billion to $55.5 billion in 33 days after the recent financial storm, according to Forbes Magazine.

 Buffett, the only son of a stockbroker, was ready to think outside the box to develop his business from a very early age. At 8, he went to golf courses collecting and selling the used balls. At 11 when he sold soda pop door-to-door with a friend, the pair collected lids on streets to judge which flavor was the most popular.

 As a paper boy during high school, Buffett delivered two competitor papers, so that even when customers canceled one of the subscriptions, he could still make a profit from the other. With his paper delivery savings, Buffett bought 162,000 square meters of farmland and collected rent. Young Buffett stepped into the stock market at 11 but earned only $5. The experience taught him one of the virtues in investing, patience.

After graduating from university, Buffett started his venture with stocks with his childhood earnings and money from friends. He researched the stocks and just bought those of solid companies that were undervalued and inexpensive at the time. By sticking to companies such as American Express and Coca-Cola, Buffett has become rich.

“Learning is important to Buffett’s success. He is a learning machine who can spend his entire day reading. He keeps learning from books, street smarts and investigation, from both success and failure. In this way, he over-achieved his aptitude (能力).” said Charlie Munger, his longtime business partner.

The passage is mainly about ___________.

A. why Buffett took the place of Bill Gates as the world’s richest man

B. what effect Buffett’s childhood experiences had on his success

C. how Buffett earned his fortune and achieved his aptitude

D. what Buffett dreamt about when he was a child

Which of the following is true about Buffett?

A. His worth is more than $ 55.5 billion now.

B. He is next to Bill Gates in wealth at the present time.

C. He achieved great success on stepping into the stock market.

D. He bought 162,000 square meters of farmland by selling soda pop.

How did Buffett behave at the stock market?

A. He often prefers some inexpensive stocks.

B. He will buy the stock whose price is lower than its value.

C. He always borrows money from his friends to buy stocks.

D. He will sell the stock if its price doesn’t go up.

Which is the main factor that determines Buffett’s success?

A.  His education.                      B. His family background.

C.  His desire to learn.                D. His cooperation with his partner.

What can we infer from the passage?

A. Buffett is an immediate success in the stock market.

B.Buffett and Gates are business partners.

C.His father helped him a lot in his business.

D.Buffett has a good sense of business.

Five years ago, Steven Gerrard fulfilled a boyhood dream when he was made captain of   Liverpool, the football club he   had supported all his life. As one of the best teams in the English Premier League, the captain's armband weighed heavy on a player who had only turned 23.

  But through a combination of individual brilliance on the pitch (球场) and a growing awareness of what being a skipper (队长) is all about, Gerrard has gone on to make the captain's role his own.

He performed a rescue act for Liverpool by twice scoring as they came from 2-0 down to draw 2-2 against Hull City on December 13.His efforts steered (带领) the team to the top of the Premier League. “It's  easy for me to say we're a great team  and the squad's great,” said Gerrard.  “The hardest thing is to actually go out there and prove it on the pitch. I call the Premier League the bread and butter and I'm desperate for the title.”

Liverpool enjoyed some real success during the five years when Gerrard has been captain of the club—they've been to two Champions League finals and an FA Cup final, winning two out of three. But Gerrard believes he has learned more from being a captain “when things haven't gone too well”.

“You learn more from bad experiences really. Bad defeats, going out of competitions or failing short in the league, as captain, I feel more responsible, particularly when we get beaten,” he said. “I remember all those experiences and learn from all of that.”

 Gerrard grew up watching Liverpool. He joined the club's youth academy as a school boy. He then had tryouts with various clubs at 14, including Manchester United, which he claimed in his autobiography (自传) was “to pressure Liverpool into giving me a contract.” He signed with the club in 1997.

 Gerrard has dedicated his entire career to Liverpool and he is confident that the club will start another legend soon. “You just expect that dynasty to come,” he said.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.Gerrard's love of Liverpool

B.what kind of person Gerrard is

C.Gerrard's latest performance on the pitch

D.Gerrard as captain of the Liverpool football club

2.From the text, we can see that ________.

A.Gerrard has outshone other captains of Liverpool

B.Gerrard did quite a good job in leading his team

C.Gerrrad intended to make the captain's role his own

D.Gerrrad has been confident of being a captain since chosen

3.Gerrard admitted that he learned more from ________.

A.try outs with various clubs

B.unsuccessful experiences

C.steering the team to the top

D.striving for the league title

4.From the last two paragraphs, we know that ________.

A.Gerrard compared Liverpool with other football clubs and finally decided on it

B.Gerrard was made captain soon after he signed with Liverpool

C.Gerrard believed the next season would be his dynasty

D.it was Liverpool that Gerrard had his eye on all along

II. 完形填空(共15题,每小题2分,共30分)
My best friend is Cocoa, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment. Cocoa is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as   11  citizens.
He is a   12  companion. He does many amusing things that make me  13  , and when that happens, he is so delighted  14  he just keeps it up.
But one afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely. I was sitting on the floor playing with him,  15  he started pawing and smelling at the right side of my  16  . He had never done anything like this ever before, and I told him, “No.” To Cocoa, one “no” is usually  17 , but not that day. He stopped briefly, and then  18   ran toward me, throwing his entire weight at the right side of my chest. He crashed into me and I cried in   19  , falling down to the floor. Soon after this, I felt a lump (肿块). I went to my doctors, and after X-rays  20   and lab work were done, they told me I had cancer.
When cancer starts, a  21   of calcium (钙) builds. Then the lump or cancer attaches itself to this wall. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the wall. This made it possible for me to  22   the lump.
I had a complete mastectomy (乳房切除术) and the cancer has not   23  to any other part of my body. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone undetected even six more months, it would have been too  24  .
Was Cocoa  25   of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do know is that Cocoa not only shares his life with me, he has also made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!
11    A.    good       B.    standard  C.    senior      D.    great
12    A.    wonderful       B.    tiring      C.    hungry    D.    bad
13    A.    leave       B.    cry   C.    laugh      D.    jump
14    A.    as    B.    when      C.    and  D.    that
15    A.    when       B.    then C.    though    D.    as
16    A.    chest       B.    body       C.    shoulder  D.    arm
17    A.    right       B.    good       C.    enough    D.    unexpected
18    A.    hurriedly B.    rudely     C.    slowly     D.    suddenly
19    A.    pain B.    surprise   C.    trouble    D.    danger
20    A.    experiments    B.    researches       C.    tests       D.    papers
21    A.    wall B.    cancer     C.    body       D.    number
22    A.    watch      B.    have C.    get   D.    notice
23    A.    ran   B.    kept C.    entered    D.    spread
24    A.    common  B.    late  C.    much      D.    early
25    A.    ashamed  B.    aware      C.    afraid      D.    tired

My best friend, Tom, and I live in a senior-citizen apartment in a lovely small town. Tom is a ten-year-old dog and I am a sixty-nine-year-old lady .

Years ago, I __36__  when I retired I would get a dog to __37__  my golden years. From the very beginning, Tom has always been __38_ and I never have to tell him anything more than once. He is extremely __39___ and always puts back the toys where they were after __40__.He is a wonderful companion. We sometimes play a ___41___together. He does many amusing things that make me laugh. As a result, I enjoy his__42___.

One afternoon, Tom started acting ___43__. I was sitting on the floor playing with him, __44___he started sniffing at the right side of my chest. He had never done anything like this before, suddenly he threw his entire__45__at the right side of my chest, and I cried in___46___.

Soon after this, I felt a lump(肿块). After X-rays and tests, doctors told me I __47__cancer. When cancer started, for an unknown __48___, a wall of calcium(钙化壁) built. Then the lump or cancer _49__ itself to the wall. When Tom __50__on me, the force broke the lump away from the calcium wall, which made me ___ 51__the lump. Before that, I couldn’t see or feel it, so there was no way for me to know it was there.

I had a complete __ 52___ and the cancer did not spread. The doctors told me if the cancer had gone unfound even six more months, it would have been too late.

Was Tom ___53__ of just what he was doing? I’ll never really know. What I do

know is that I’ m glad I made a promise to_ 54 __my golden years with this wonderful creature---- for Tom not only shares his life with me; he has made sure that I will be ___55___to share my life with him.


1.A. suggested       B. insisted       C. told        D. promised

2.A. take            B. bring         C. share       D. carry

3.A. well-behaved     B. well-built     C. well-dressed D. well-known

4.A. dirty            B. neat         C. lazy        D. sad

5.A. working         B. sleeping      C. eating      D. playing

6.A. joke            B. fun          C. game       D. face

7.A. company        B. kindness      C. care       D. comfort

8.A. happily         B. luckily        C. strangely   D. sadly

9.A. while           B. when         C. as         D. before

10.A. power           B. energy       C. devotion    D. weight

11.A. joy             B. surprise      C. pain        D. relief

12.A. enjoyed         B. had          C. lived       D. treated

13.A. cause           B. excuse       C. reason      D. idea

14.A. attached         B. devoted      C. fell        D. dropped

15.A. jumped          B. sat          C. stood      D. put

16.A. watch           B. witness      C. observe     D. notice

17.A. task             B. work        C. operation   D. job

18.A. fond            B. aware        C. ashamed   D. afraid

19.A. waste           B. spend        C. cost       D. make

20.A. in              B. around       C. out        D. outside


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