
Many businesses today use conferences as a means of discussing new plans of the company. As people are paying more attention to the environment and green problems, more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their negative effect on the environment. Many businesses do this by using Web conferencing.
Web conferencing is a technology that allows people to communicate more effectively over the Internet. It’s an easy way of hosting and attending conferences without having to leave the office. Each of the people involved in a Web conference will be posted an invitation to the conference with the time and date of the Web conference on it. When the conference is ready to begin, all participants (参与者) must sit at their computers and they will be connected over the Internet.
With Web conferencing all participants attend conference from the comfort of their own desks. Obviously, in doing this no fuel is used in traveling to and from a conference, and less work is taken up in attending a conference.
Any material to be used during Web conference is simply e-mailed to all the participants before the conference. Participants can then either choose to print material or read it on screen. This not only saves paper but also greatly reduces mailing costs for the business.
As a conference hall or business center isn’t being used, it means that the only power that is used is the power that is used by the participants’ personal computers. Similarly, conference organizers don’t have to arrange for food or overnight accommodation. All this means that less energy is used.
Often in business some companies actively choose to do business with other companies that do many things to reduce their negative impact on the environment. And Web conferencing helps you show other businesses that you are willing to work hard for the green cause.
【小题1】What is the passage mainly about?

A.Ways of protecting the environment
B.Green benefits of Web conferencing
C.Ways of hosting a Web conference
D.Impact of Web conferencing on costs
【小题2】According to paragraph 1, many companies use Web conferencing because they ______.
A.are interested in using any new technology.
B.believe that Web conferencing is more convenient.
C.want to do something to protect the environment .
D.haven’t enough money to hold a traditional conference.
【小题3】The participants of a Web conference _____.
A.will be e-mailed an invitation before the conference.
B.are required to sit in an office together.
C.will receive many paper materials.
D.must have access to the Internet.
【小题4】Which of the following words best describes the author’s opinion about a Web conference?
A.UselessB.Environmentally friendly




The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final event and a new kind of TV program was born. Two years later in Holland , the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a great success and the final program was watched by 15 million people. Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programs are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big, big business.

  For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programs cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the program to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the shows. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show a group of attractive young people are made into pop stars. TV viewers vote for their favorite person on the show. The winner makes a record and millions of copies of the record are sold. His or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines or on the front pages of newspapers, and then, they are quickly forgotten.

   But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal, two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the personal lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish TV” and the TV studios of Big Brother were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother was described as “ against human rights and civilization”.

Those who take part in the reality TV shows are usually _____.

  A. common people     B. pop TV stars   C. attractive people    D. famous film stars  

Who would pay for the cost of the reality TV shows according to the passage?

  A. TV producers who make reality TV shows

  B. TV actors who take part in reality TV shows.

  C. TV viewers who telephone reality TV shows

  D. TV companies which broadcast reality TV shows 

It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

 A. everyone is happy about reality TV.

 B. reality TV will do well in many countries.

 C. all the people in Europe are in favor of reality TV

 D. reality TV will not be broadcast in any countries.

There was a sweet, wonder-filled little girl who was hurt over and over again. She  36  that she was so bad that others just couldn’t be  37  to her.

She asked many wise people to help her  38  why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her, and why she was unable to be  39  so that others wouldn’t hurt her. So she was on a  40  that she thought was to help her be “better”, but she carried a big  41  with her everywhere she went.  42  was all the hurt she had experienced. During the trip she willingly  43  what the wise people said about forgiving(宽恕).

After 50 years, she decided to  44  the bag up and just see what happened. When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper. Once they had  45  on then, detailing the hurt. But as time went on, the words  46  slowly. She had been carrying this bag that held nothing  47  the image(印象)of something that once was.

The little girl had now become an almost-old woman. She  48  the silliness of carrying that bag around. She started  49  and dancing and she felt free!

She was able to see that her  50  loved her child, but was  51  that her little girl felt unloved. By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who  52  her, she looked in the mirror and said, “I am clever, interesting and kind.” But most  53  , she was able to say “I am lovable.”  54  it took many years, she was finally open to bringing  55  into her life.

She finally saw the sweet, wonder-filled little girl that she had always been.

A. decided                        B. considered                C. promised           D. hoped           

A. bad                       B. sorry                        C. thankful            D. nice           

A. guess                            B. understand                C. expect               D. invent          

A. better                           B. worse                       C. angrier                     D. harder           

A. holiday                         B. date                         C. trip                   D. path           

A. bowl                                B. basket                      C. bag                   D. purse          

A. Beneath                        B. Above                      C. Outside             D. Inside          

A. agreed with                   B. fought against           C. gave up      D. suffered from          

A. pick                           B. open                        C. put                   D. break          

A. pictures                      B. memories                 C. words               D. dreams          

A. disappeared         B. appeared                    C. showed             D. changed          

A. and                                B. with                         C. among                     D. but          

A. refused                       B. forgot                      C. realized             D. preferred          

A. crying                        B. laughing                   C. shouting            D. worrying           

A. daughter                         B. mother                            C. teacher              D. friend          

A. sad                          B. happy                      C. excited              D. hopeful          

A. liked                          B. hurt                         C. educated            D. ignored          

A. surprisingly                 B. terribly                    C. nervously          D. importantly          

A. Although                    B. If                                   C. Because             D. So          

A. trouble                       B. love              C. money               D. future          

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