
This strange exchange is neither a form of retribution(报应) nor an unexpected gift from the Tooth Fairy --- it’s actually a very generous gift from a young Irishman, Robert McNichol, 23, to his formerly blind father, 57-year-old Bob McNichol.
In 2005, Bob McNichol’s sight was destroyed in an accident when his eyes were doused(溅在……上面)with liquid aluminum(铝). Doctors predicted that he would never be able to see again.
But McNichol never liked to take no for an answer: when he heard about a unique operation called Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis, he knew he had to give it a shot, even though the success rate was a mere 65 percent.
In the technique, the eye socket(眼窝) is rebuilt and implanted(植入) with a human tooth and part of the jawbone, to provide support for an artificial cornea(角膜). Luckily for McNichol, Robert was willing to sacrifice one of his teeth to help his father regain his sight.
The technique isn’t simple: McNichol’s first stint on the operating table lasted ten hours, with a five hour follow-up session at a later date. But thanks to his son’s gift, he’s already seeing astonishing results.
“Now I have enough sight for me to get around and I can watch television. I have come out from complete darkness.” he told his friends.

  1. 1.

    Bob McNichol lost his sight ____ .

    1. A.
      after he had an operation on his eyes
    2. B.
      because of an accident
    3. C.
      because he met with a serious traffic accident
    4. D.
      when he was 57 years old
  2. 2.

    The underlined phrase “give it a shot” (in Paragraph 4) probably means “____”.

    1. A.
      give it a try
    2. B.
      make a remark
    3. C.
      fire a gun
    4. D.
      kick the ball
  3. 3.

    The tooth Bobert donated to his father is used to ____ .

    1. A.
      make the eye socket look prettier
    2. B.
      cause his jawbone to function well
    3. C.
      help his father take in more food
    4. D.
      support the implanted artificial cornea
  4. 4.

    What would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      Father and son
    2. B.
      A unique eye operation
    3. C.
      A man defeating darkness
    4. D.
      Blind man sees with aid of son’s tooth

One of the traditions which is now a necessary part of Christmas is that of Father Christmas, or Santa Claus. According to the modern legend, he is a magical figure who visits all the children of the world during the night before Christmas Day, leaving presents which they find the next morning. He flies through the night sky in a sledge pulled by reindeer, and enters houses by climbing down chimneys. This strange legend is based on the life of a man called Nicholas, but in fact we know very little about him. Historians think he was a Christian bishop(主教) in Turkey in about 285-350 A. D. One of the stories about him is that he helped three poor girls. No one would marry them because they were so poor. To provide them with money for their weddings, Nicholas secretly dropped some gold coins down the chimney of their house. After Nicholas died, he was made a saint(圣人) by the church. (The name Santa Claus thus comes from St Nicholas.) His feast day was celebrated in December, and parents started giving their children secret presents from St Nicholas. Over the years, this custom became part of our Christmas traditions.
Recently, a psychologist has claimed that Father Christmas is “the perfect fantasy” for children. According to Professor Anthony Clare, children love the character of Father Christmas because he is like an ideal father: he loves children and gives them presents, but he never criticizes them, is never angry, and children do not even need to thank him for the presents. Other writers, however, point out that Father Christmas can be a frightening character to some children. Jane Bidder says that some children are terrified of this fat, bearded old man. It can certainly confuse many children. As parents, we warn our children to be careful of strangers and never to let them into the house, and yet we tell children that a strange man will come into their bedroom at night! Some children can become very worried about this idea and fear that he is a kind of burglar.
Most children, however, understand from their parents and from the media that Father Christmas is basically a benign character, and look forward to his annual visit with joy and excitement.
46. The main point of the first paragraph is that ________.
A. Father Christmas is an important part of Christmas 
B. the tradition of Father Christmas is a modern idea
C. Father Christmas is a magical figure who can fly   
D. the legends about Father Christmas are not true
47. The writer mentions details such as Father Christmas’s sledge, the reindeer and the way he climbs down chimneys because he/she ____________.
A. wants to make it clear that these things are impossible   
B. is describing the history of St Nicholas   
C. wants everyone to believe that Father Christmas is real
D. is explaining the modern legend of Father Christmas
48. Why does the writer mention the story about St Nicholas helping three poor girls?
A. It shows us that historians know very little about him.
B. This story explains why parents give secret presents to children.
C. It supports the writer’s main point that Father Christmas is based on an untrue story.
D. This story explains why we celebrate Christmas in December.
49. In the last paragraph, the word “benign”means _________.
A. religious           B. friendly
C. frightening        D. unreal
50. The best title for this passage would be __________.
A. Is Father Christmas Dangerous?       B. The True History of St Nicholas
C. The Legend of Santa Claus       D. The Traditions of Christmas  

If you dream in color, you’re not alone: the majority of people today claim to have colorful dreams. But it wasn’t always thus. Research conducted in the early part of the last century consistently found that people reported dreaming most often in black and white.
According to Eva Murzyn at the University of Dundee, there are at least two possible explanations for this strange situation.
The first is the methods used in the researches. The early studies tended to use questionnaires(问卷), while more modern studies use dream diaries (filled in upon rising in the morning) or so-called “REM-awakening”, which involves interrupting people’s dream-filled periods of sleep to find out what they were dreaming about. People’s memories of their dreams are likely to be less accurate by using the questionnaire approach and they are more likely to reflect their beliefs about the form dreams generally take in an unclear way.
The second explanation has to do with black and white television and film. It's possible that the sudden increase in black and white film and television during the first half of the last century either affected the form of people’s dreams at that time, or affected their beliefs about the form dreams generally take.
According to Murzyn’s findings, it’s the explanation based on media exposure that carries more weight. She used both questionnaire and diary methods to study the dreams of 30 older (average age 64) and 30 younger people (average age 21).
The methodological technique made no difference to the type of dreams people reported. However, the extremely important thing was that, across both questionnaires and diaries, the older participants (who had had significant early life exposure to black and white media) reported experiencing significantly more black and white dreams over the last ten days than the younger participants (22 per cent vs. 4 per cent).
Another finding was that older participants reported black and white dreams and colorful dreams to be of equal clearness. By contrast, the younger participants reported that the quality of black and white dreams was poorer. This raises the possibility that the younger participants didn’t really have any black and white dreams at all, but were simply regarding poorly remembered dreams as black and white.
【小题1】We learn from the text that ______.

A.people in the first half of the last century never had colorful dreams
B.older people are more likely to have black and white dreams
C.the dreams of younger people are always colorful
D.people today don’t have white and black dreams any more
【小题2】What did Murxyn do to find out the explanations for the colors in people’s dreams?
A.She applied both questionnaire and diary methods to study people’s dreams.
B.She used diary methods to record people’s dreams.
C.She chose 60 people to answer her questions about their dreams.
D.She woke people up to record the colors of their dreams.
【小题3】What does the underlined expression “carry more weight” in paragraph 5 mean?
A.be heavierB.be more powerfulC.be more importantD.be more useful
【小题4】From Murxyn’s findings we can infer that ______.
A.both older people and younger people could report colorful dreams clearly
B.young people don’t have any black and white dreams in fact
C.the color of a person’s dream is decided by one’s age
D.it is probably the color of media that affects the color of one’s dream

Theodore,the manager of the Paradise Hotel,told a middle-aged couple that that would have to leave the hotel after just one night.The couple,visiting from Texas,had booked a room for eight nights.
“They wanted a sterile (消毒了的) environment,”Theodore said,“They should have rented a room in a hospital,maybe an operating room.This hotel is clean,hut it isn't that clean.”
Theodore said that,on the very first day,the couple brought all the sheets,pilloweases,and bedspreads down to the main hall and just dropped them next to the front desk.They stood there next to this pile of bedding while other guests looked,pointed,and murmured.The hotel got three cancellations within the hour from people who witnessed this strange,event.
When Theodore asked the couple what the problem was,they said that their bedding was filthy and they wanted it replaced.The couple could not identify any specific“filth”on the bedding.The wife just said,“We’re paying good money to stay here.How dare you doubt us?We know the filth is there.That's all the proof you need,”Theodore called room service,and the bedding was replaced immediately.
Early the next evening,however,the couple marched to the front desk again and demanded seven cans of sterilizer,“We need a can for each night.We have to spray the phone,the TV,all the door handles,the toilet handle,the shower stall,the faucet,the sink,and any hotel staff entering our room.”
Worried,Theodore politely suggested that a hotel more suitable for them was just around the corner.He then called ahead to reserve a“very clean”room,and gave them free transportation in the hotel Rolls-Royce.Also,he told the couple that they wouldn’t he charged for the second day.
The couple were surprised but they really liked the idea of free room for a night and that expensive car service.
56.The underlined word “filthy” means     in this article.
A.clean               B.dirty                C.smelly                    D.old
57.Why was Theodore worried?
A.The couple might have more demands the following days.B.The hotel was not clean enough.
C.The hotel would run out of cleaning stuff.D.More guests would make the same requests.
58.What word could best describe the couple?
A.Narrow-minded.             B.Expensive        C.Particular         D.Easy-going

One of the traditions which is now a necessary part of Christmas is that of Father Christmas, or Santa Claus. According to the modern legend, he is a magical figure who visits all the children of the world during the night before Christmas Day, leaving presents which they find the next morning. He flies through the night sky in a sledge pulled by reindeer, and enters houses by climbing down chimneys. This strange legend is based on the life of a man called Nicholas, but in fact we know very little about him. Historians think he was a Christian bishop(主教) in Turkey in about 285-350 A. D. One of the stories about him is that he helped three poor girls. No one would marry them because they were so poor. To provide them with money for their weddings, Nicholas secretly dropped some gold coins down the chimney of their house. After Nicholas died, he was made a saint(圣人) by the church. (The name Santa Claus thus comes from St Nicholas.) His feast day was celebrated in December, and parents started giving their children secret presents from St Nicholas. Over the years, this custom became part of our Christmas traditions.

Recently, a psychologist has claimed that Father Christmas is “the perfect fantasy” for children. According to Professor Anthony Clare, children love the character of Father Christmas because he is like an ideal father: he loves children and gives them presents, but he never criticizes them, is never angry, and children do not even need to thank him for the presents. Other writers, however, point out that Father Christmas can be a frightening character to some children. Jane Bidder says that some children are terrified of this fat, bearded old man. It can certainly confuse many children. As parents, we warn our children to be careful of strangers and never to let them into the house, and yet we tell children that a strange man will come into their bedroom at night! Some children can become very worried about this idea and fear that he is a kind of burglar.

Most children, however, understand from their parents and from the media that Father Christmas is basically a benign character, and look forward to his annual visit with joy and excitement.

46. The main point of the first paragraph is that ________.

A. Father Christmas is an important part of Christmas 

B. the tradition of Father Christmas is a modern idea

C. Father Christmas is a magical figure who can fly   

D. the legends about Father Christmas are not true

47. The writer mentions details such as Father Christmas’s sledge, the reindeer and the way he climbs down chimneys because he/she ____________.

A. wants to make it clear that these things are impossible   

B. is describing the history of St Nicholas   

C. wants everyone to believe that Father Christmas is real

D. is explaining the modern legend of Father Christmas

48. Why does the writer mention the story about St Nicholas helping three poor girls?

A. It shows us that historians know very little about him.

B. This story explains why parents give secret presents to children.

C. It supports the writer’s main point that Father Christmas is based on an untrue story.

D. This story explains why we celebrate Christmas in December.

49. In the last paragraph, the word “benign”means _________.

A. religious           B. friendly

C. frightening        D. unreal

50. The best title for this passage would be __________.

A. Is Father Christmas Dangerous?       B. The True History of St Nicholas

C. The Legend of Santa Claus       D. The Traditions of Christmas  


It doesn’t matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought, until they heard about  Herpin.  Herpin, it was said, never slept, Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.

        Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised . Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping , In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

        The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.

         Herpin died at the age of 94.

1.The main idea of this passage is that _______.

     A. a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleep     

    B. large numbers of people do not need sleep

     C. everyone needs some sleep to stay alive

     D. people can live longer by trying not to sleep

2.The doctors came to visit Herpin , expecting to ______.

     A. cure him of his sleeplessness

     B. find that his sleeplessness was not really true

     C. find a way to free people from the need of sleeping

     D. find out why some old people didn’t need any sleep

3. After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that Herpin ________.

     A. was too old to need any sleep              B. often slept in a chair

     C. needed no sleep at all                         D. needed some kind of sleep

4.One reason that might explain Herpin’s sleeplessness was ________.

     A. that he hadn’t got a bed               

    B. that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit

     C. his mother’s injury before he was born   

    D. his magnificent physical condition


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