

As the saying goes, you cannot change the environment, but can change their own. ___1.___ You cannot change the past, but can be changed now.

___2.___ Winners will put setbacks and difficulties down to the imperfection of personal ability and experience, to emphasize the inherent factors, and they are willing to continuously improve and develop the right direction. However, the losers are always emphasizing external and uncontrollable factors that have created the position of their life. __3.___ They always complain, wait and give up!

In many cases, it is a humble person who looks down upon his own. A priori condition, such as one’s appearance and family, can’t be changed, but at least the inner state and the spirit of the will are entirely under their own control. __4.___There is nothing absolutely bad, but the mentality of the absolutely poor people. If even the state of mind will not be adjusted, how they deal with things more complicated than the mentality of it!

___5.___ Passion put to work and numbness to work are completely different. Failure is seldom because we do not have the strength, but always because we are susceptible to all around us, and get used to going along with the lack of assertive, unstable attitude, and easily frustrated reason. As long as we change our attitude and face a number of disappointments in life bravely, we can feel the power of attitude, which decides the height of the final decision.

A. Only when we are the masters of our own, can we do everything well.

B. They will blame on injustice of the opportunity and the environment.

C. Mentality is the final decision of life high.

D. You can’t change the facts, but can change attitudes.

E. As long as we try our best, we can be successful.

F. No matter what the situation, a person's attitude is very important.

G. The difference between successful people and the losers lies in their mind.



Online Movie Rentals

It is generally accepted that the best way to learn a language is to totally involve yourself in its culture by living in the country where it is spoken. __1.__ Fortunately, many aspects of a country's culture have made their way to our lives in the form of various media and entertainment outlets. Not only do they allow a peek at life, but they make excellent study material for learning the language.

What to increase your language skills and enjoy some entertainment at the same time? Tired of going down to the video rental store to rent movies? __2.__

Most companies require customers to operate on the following model:

●Select and sign up for a payment program online, which will determine how many movies you can rent and hold at any one time.

● _3._ You can look up movies by title, actor or director. Then movies will be sent to you within 1~3 days, and shipping is covered by the company.

●Watch the movies, often with no late fees.

● __4.__

●Check these sites for specific, up?to?date details.

Once you receive the movies, how can you improve your language skills with them? Well, just sitting in front of the TV with a drink in one hand isn't a bad way to relax, but you won't learn much. While seeing a movie you should take notes of new expressions. Write them down and look them up in a good English?English dictionary to understand their possible meanings. __5.__ If you don't know how to use words, learning vocabulary will lose all meaning.

A. Return the movies in a prepaid return envelope.

B. If you haven't finished on time, you can delay returning.

C. Now, more and more companies are offering customers the chance to rent movies online.

D. Then, think of some sample sentences for each word.

E. Choose the movie you want to watch, generally 1~3 at a time.

F. Watch movies as long as you have nothing to do.

G. While many find packing up and moving to a country is not a practical option.

We are much happier in our new house because it has a large garden, and you know how enthusiastic we both are about gardening. When we moved in a month ago, Mary wanted to get a dog to keep out burglars. However, we finally decided that it would be cheaper to put an iron grille in front of the door and get a burglar alarm.

Last week, I went to a shop and bought an alarm for just over £200. It consists of a control unit with three smaller units. I put the control unit in the lounge and put the other units in place by the front door, back door and lounge windows.

That night I soon fell asleep because I was confident that no one could get into our house undetected. At about 1:50 a.m. I woke up suddenly and heard the siren. It was like an ambulance driving right through our bedroom. I couldn’t leave the siren on all night. I went downstairs in the dark. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I switched on the light and looked around. Oh my gosh. The back door was unlocked. I rushed to lock it and it was just at that exact moment that the ‘burglar’ disappeared behind a curtain. Guess what? It was an ordinary house lizard(蜥蜴).Apparently the alarm system had been made for American or European homes in which lizards are never seen. I switched the alarm off and sat down to watch. A few moments later, a lizard ran across a wall, right in front of one of the alarm units.

I won’t bother to finish this story but if you’d like a burglar alarm system free of charge, just let us know.

1.What do we know about the author and his wife?

A. They are pet lovers.

B. They love plants and flowers.

C. They are fond of catching lizards.

D. They hate technology.

2.What happened after they got the alarm system?

A. It worked unexpectedly.

B. It did not work.

C. A burglar broke into the house.

D. Their neighbors complained about it.

3.What will the author do after the incident?

A. He will sell the alarm to someone else.

B. He will buy a dog to keep out burglars.

C. He will fix the alarm system immediately.

D. He will file a complaint to the company.

4.How does the author sound when telling the story?

A. Curious. B. Anxious. C. Cautious. D. Humorous.



On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles. During his talk, Jack his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, “Who wants this?” shot up in the audience. People leaned forward to see whom Jack would . But I jumped up, ran to the , and caught the bill. As I turned and the audience, thoughts raced through my mind----was I about to be humiliated (羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they security guards and take me away from the stage? my desire for the money was louder than any voice. When I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the to come to us. We must take action to what we want!”

After his talk, 1 managed to formally meet Jack and bravely asked for his email address. Over the next months, I sent him emails my dreams to him. He kindly emailed back lots of encouragement. But I was with other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.

A year later, my dreams were broken. I thought Jack would me to take action, like a huge arrow that would show me the way.

I emailed him, and then again----but got no . As I sat down at my computer to check my emails, I woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd the money, but they just sat on their chairs .

Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait----whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n) way. So we don’t try. We give up. But as Jack said: “You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career. Now what are you waiting for?

1.A. reached for B. put away C. threw away D. handed in

2.A. Shoulders B. Shouts C. Hands D. Heads

3.A. offer B. greet C. ask D. choose

4.A. door B. audience C. stage D. chair

5.A. faced B. ran C. went D. left

6.A. ask B. call C. demand D. order

7.A. And B. So C. But D. Or

8.A. careful B. doubtful C. meaningful D. helpful

9.A. opportunities B. dollars C. results D. aims

10.A. consider B. accept C. discover D. seize

11.A. official B. original C. personal D. secret

12.A. announcing B. admitting C. supplying D. describing

13.A. satisfied B. busy C. disappointed D. patient

14.A. inspire B. beg C. forbid D. allow

15.A. news B. notice C. response D. understanding

16.A. absolutely B. suddenly C. hardly D. nearly

17.A. desiring B. ignoring C. earning D. refusing

18.A. firmly B. gracefully C. willingly D. excitedly

19.A. sincerely B. honestly C. mistakenly D. obviously

20.A. difficult B. surprising C. different D. natural

With the crazy smog going on in China, businessmen are now ready to sell people something to fight against the smog. "Smog economy" has helped certain products against the terrible weather become popular. Now let's see what we have on the list to help us through the terrible weather.

1. Masks

Well, I would say you had better stay indoors to save your lives. PM 2. 5 just increased greatly up t0 750 in Beijing recently. 3M just sold 220,000 masks of a kind. No. 1 best-selling products !

2. Air purifiers(空气净化器)

This kind of products was rarely seen in Chinese households in the past. They have become a must now. I do like these little devices, though they are expensive.

3. Oxygen inhalers(氧气吸人器)

I didn't realize oxygen inhalers also get a cut in the smog economy. As a matter of fact, your oxygen uptake has nothing to do with relieving (减轻) the bad effect of smog. It might even lead to oxygen poisoning when you inhale too much oxygen. So don't get greedy.

4. Salt lamps

Compared to oxygen inhalers, salt lamps are even worse. Some stores are selling the products at several hundred yuan , saying that they can release negative ions(离子), reduce radiation levels and purify the air. The lamps mainly contain sodium chloride. The boiling point of sodium is about 800 degrees centigrade and that of candle is 500. So how on earth can negative ions be released at only 500 degrees?

5. Plants that absorb smog

Yeah, right. Plants Vs Smog. It is scientifically justified (证明) that some plants do absorb pollutants(污染物)from the air. Many plants and calla lilies are among the best-sellers in the market. Even if they don't work, it's good to have some plants in the house anyway.

1.According to the passage, smog _ .

A. encourages people to run away from it

B. keeps people stay indoors day and night

C. gives businessmen chances to make money

D. has nothing to do with the economy

2.Salt lamps are useless, because .

A. its high boiling point may cause a big fire

B. people don't know how to increase its low boiling point

C. it may make the air even worse and dirtier

D. it actually can't give off the negative ions

3. How many products does the author think of as useful ways to fight against the smog?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

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