
(   ) 20. ―Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he's in hospital.


A. That's all          B. That's all right

C. I hope you'll feel better soon   D.I'msorry to hear that

20. D对别人的不幸应表示同情。


  One Saturday afternoon,Kate went to buy something for her sister and herself.

  As Kate was coming out of a (1) ,a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green―a good friend of Kate,s sister's. Kate (2) her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She (3) the driver where he should go. Kate was (4) that it was not in the direction of her home.

  " (5) ?" Kate asked. The lady smiled.

  When they came to a quiet road,a big rough man (6) on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down,tied him,and threw him out of the (7) . At the same time,Miss Green took out a knife and (8) it at Kate. She asked Kate to keep (9)。 The man then started the taxi.

  "Oh,God!I,m being kidnapped(绑架),"Kate said to herself.

  She tried to escape, but not (10) . Suddenly an (11) came to her. She took out a lipstick(口红)from her pocket, wrote "SOS" on the window, and covered the word with her(12).

  A few minutes later,a police car (13) and the policemen saw the sign. When the kid?nappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi,jumped into the grass, and ran away.

  The policemen then (14) Kate up and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also (15) because their daughter had finally come back safely.

(   ) 1. A. school    B. taxi     C. shop    D. friend's

(   ) 2. A. knew    B. believed    C. thanked    D. remembered

(   ) 3. A. told    B. asked    C. wondered    D. checked

(   ) 4. A. sure    B. excited   C. surprised    D. pleased

(   ) 5. A. What    B. Where      C. When     D. Why

(   ) 6. A. drove    B. climbed    C. fell    D. appeared

(   ) 7. A. road    B. sight       C. taxi    D. home

(   ) 8. A. shouted    B. played    C. hurt    D. pointed

(   ) 9. A. healthy    B. alive    C. relaxed    D. quiet

(   ) 10. A. happened    B. failed   C. succeeded    D. hurried

(   ) 11. A. idea    B. answer     C. interest    D. order

(   ) 12. A. hands    B. back     C. dress    D. lipstick

(   ) 13. A. stopped    B. left     C. passed    D. turned

(   ) 14. A. lifted    B. held    C. put       D. picked

(   ) 15. A. worried    B. happy    C. proud    D. successful

  There is an old English saying," Laughter is the best medicine. " One person who certainly would have agreed with this is Norman Cousins.

  Norman Cousins was the editor of a magazine called Saturday Review for almost forty years. He also (1) and spoke about world peace and anti-war issues(反战议题),traveling to many different countries to share his    (2)

  In the 1960s, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Europe. Mr. Cousins got    (3) . He discovered he had a strange disease that caused great pain in his bones(骨头).

  In less than a week after he got back,he could not (4) it. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to (5) at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure(治疗)his problem and he might never (6) the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope.

  Mr. Cousins thought that the illness could be caused by (7) thoughts. He did not want to take (8) to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness.

  He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching comedy shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of (9) laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night.

  Deciding that the (10) could not help him,Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could (11) his experiments with laughter. For eight days,Mr. Cousins (12) in the hotel room watching comedy shows on television, reading amusing books, and sleeping whenever he felt (13) . Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for (14) .

  After a few months, Mr. Cousins was (15) to carry on his work. He had laughed himself back to health.

(   ) 1. A. laughed    B. taught    C. wrote    D. copied

(   ) 2. A. magazines    B. subjects   C. photos    D. ideas

(   ) 3. A. rich    B. sick     C. lonely    D. famous

(   ) 4. A. stand    B. realize C. face    D. improve

(   ) 5. A. dream    B. eat     C. shout    D. sleep

(   ) 6. A. go through    B. look after   C. get over    D. find out

(   ) 7. A. unhappy    B. pleasant     C. silly    D. clever

(   ) 8. A. food    B. time     C. medicine    D. money

(   ) 9. A. unusual    B. false     C. real    D. wild

(   ) 10. A. friends    B. laughter   C. experiment    D. doctors

(   ) 11. A. begin    B. end      C. continue    D. report

(   ) 12. A. rested    B. worked     C. studied    D. played

(   ) 13. A. well    B. tired     C. afraid    D. worried

(   ) 14. A. help    B. exercise     C. freedom    D. fun

(   ) 15. A. able    B. safe      C.  lazy   D. uncertain

 In choosing Steven Chu as his energy secretary (;能源4卩长).Barack Obama has chosen one of the most prominent U. S. scientists of using science to deal with global warming(全球变暖).

  Steven Chu was born in St. Louis,Missouri,in 1948. His father was a college teacher.At that time,they were only the third Chinese family to live there. In high school,Chu played tennis and was on the school club. He took his first physics class in his senior year at Garden City High school and became interested in it.

  Steven Chu got his first doctor's degree in maths and physics in 1970. Then he went to California for another doctor's degree. In 1978, Chu worked in Bell Lab where he developed ways to cool and trap atoms using a laser(用激光冷却和俘获原子).In 1997, he got the Nobel Prize for physics for this. He left Stanford in 2004,after he was made head of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California. As the head of the national lab , Chu tried to find scientific ways to climate change and soon became a member of the Climate Council working for a new global climate treaty (气候条约)for 2009.

  He also insists on the need to end the unnecessary waste of energy. "If I were king of the world,I would spend the next ten years on energy efficiency and conservation(节能和环保)”,he said.

  On December 11th,2008,Barack Obama made him energy secretary. He would be the first Chinese-American to run the Department of Energy and devote himself to sustainable(可持续发展的)energy.

(   ) 1. Who is Steven Chu?

A.     He is a Nobel Prize winner for energy.

B.     He is a visiting scientist in America.

C.     He is an American-Chinese.

D.     He is a Chinese-American.

(   ) 2. The word "prominent" in the first paragraph means         .

A.参与竞选的                      B.遵守承诺的

C.才能卓越的                      D.出身显赫的

(   ) 3. Which is the right order of the following events about Steven Chu?

a.      He was chosen by Barack Obama as U. S. energy secretary.

b.     He got the Nobel Prize for his excellent research work.

c.      He studied in California for his second doctor's degree.

d.     He became a member of the Climate Council.

e.      He acted as the head of the national lab in California.

A. b,c,d,e,a B. c,b,e,d,a

C. d,a,b,c,e D. a,c,b,d,e

(   ) 4. In the next part of this passage,the writer would most probably tell us the following
EXCEPT         .

A.     Obama's reason of choosing Chu as the energy secretary

B.     Chu's plan and work on energy efficiency and conservation

C.     Obama's new plan to Chinese-Americans

D.     both Obama and Chu's plans and ideas on sustainable energy

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