

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ——Henry David Thoreau

Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to __ __that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the ____ of a dream.

I want more—but not necessarily in the material ____ of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream ____ wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure ____. I want to ____ out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that passion for life that seemed so intrinsic(固有的) in early childhood.

We all have a dream. It might be defined or just a (n) ____ idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just ____ it as unrealistic or too ____to pursue.

We become so ____ with the life that has been planned out for us by our parents, teachers, traditions, and social norms that we feel that it’s stupid and ____ to risk losing it for the small hope of achieving something that is more __ _.

Taking a risk is ____ a risk. We can, and will, fail. Possibly many, many, many times. But that is ____ makes it exciting for me. That uncertainty can be span>viewed negatively, or it can empower us.

Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more ____ to the aspects of life we have no control ____. The fear of failure, ____, is what makes us stagnant(停滞不前) and sad. So ____ I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would ____ feel more alive than ever before.

If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be ____ point of finding out who you truly are, and what you truly want to do.

【1】A. pay back B. pay off C. pay for D. pay out

【2】A. possibility B. application C. necessity D. change

【3】A. effect B. feeling C. sense D. practice

【4】A. what B. where C. which D. when

【5】A. disappointment B. nervousness C. sadness D. excitement

【6】A. wrestle B. sleep C. wake D. spring

【7】A. real B. vague C. random D. actual

【8】A. look B. regard C. think D. sever

【9】A. difficult B. easy C. simple D. meaningless

【10】A. complicated B. conventional C. comfortable D. controversial

【11】A. unsafe B. unusual C. uncommon D. uncertain

【12】A. challenging B. fulfilling C. confusing D. surprising

【13】A. always B. seldom C. never D. still

【14】A. when B. that C. which D. what

【15】A. avoidable B. available C. adaptable D. accessible

【16】A. in B. of C. about D. oer

【17】A. however B. instead C. therefore D. furthermore

【18】A. so long as B. in case C. as though D. even though

【19】A. gradually B. eventually C. definitely D. deliberately

【20】A. beginning B. top C. turning D. ending























【1】B 考查动词短语辨析及语境理解 A项表示偿还强调动作;B项是还清强调结果;C项是付款买;D项是出钱之意。此处表示的是还清债务故选B。

【2】A 考查名词词义辨析 A项表示可能性;B项是申请,运用之意;C项是必需品而D项表示成功。此处表示的是实现梦想的可能性,故选A.

【3】C 考查名词词义辨析 A项表示影响,效果;B项是感情,情感;C项表示感官,;D项是实践之意。此处表示物质性的需求故C项适合。

【4】C 考查关系代词 此处为一定语从句,先行词为dream要用关系代词which/that,且在从句中做主语,故选C项。

【5】D 考查名词词义辨析 A项表示失望;B项是紧张不安的意思;C项表示伤心,难过而D项表示激动,兴奋。此处表示的是要有一能让我不会空怀纯粹的兴奋入睡的梦想,故选D项适合。

【6】D 考查动词词义辨析 A项表示吹口哨;B项是睡觉的意思;C项指醒来而D项是涌出,跃起之意。此处依据后面的语境表示的是早晨一跃而起,故选D。

【7】B 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示真实的;B项是模糊的;C项指随意的而D项是事实上的。依据前面的just be defined判断此处表示的是明确的目标还是模糊的主意,故选B。

【8】B 考查动词词义辨析 A项表示;B项是认作为;C项是而D项表示服务。此处需要与as搭配构成视作为,当作为之意,故用B项适合。

【9】A 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示困难的;B项是容易的;C项表示简单的而D项是有意义的。依据上下文此处表示的是很难去实现故选A。

【10】C 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示复杂的;B项是传统的;C项是舒适的而D项表示的是有争议的。依据上下文此处表示的是我们变得满足于父母、老师、传统及社会规条为我们营造的安逸生活,故C项适合。

【11】A 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示不安全的;B项是不寻常的;C项是不普遍的;D项表示不确定的。此处结合上下文以及前面的stupid一词可以判断选A项。

【12】B 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示具有挑战性的;B项是富足的;C项表示令人困惑的而D项表示令人惊讶的。此处表示的是为了那一点点能够为生活变得更充实的希望去冒险之意,故B项适合。

【13】D 考查副词词义辨析 A项表示总是;B项是很少;C项表示从未而D项是仍然,始终。此处表示的是冒险始终还是有风险,故选D。

【14】D 考查连接词辨析 此处为表语从句,从句中缺少主语成分故要用what,所以选D。

【15】C 考查形容词词义辨析 A项表示可避免的;B项是可获得的;C项是可适应的D项是可靠近的。此处表示的是失败能让我们成长,让我们更强大,让我们更能适应生活中难以控制的各个方面,故选C项。

【16】D 考查介词词义辨析 依据上下文与control一词的介词搭配为D项的over表示对某事物的掌控,故选D。

【17】A 考查连词辨析 依据上下文的意思此处表示的是转折之意,故选A项适合。

【18】D 考查副词短语辨析 A项表示只要;B项是以防;C项是好像;D项表示即使。此处表示的是尽管不能清晰地看见未来…引导让步关系,故选D。

【19】C 考查副词词义辨析 A项表示逐渐地;B项是最终地;C项表示绝对地而D项是故意地。此处表示的是也将活得更有生命力之意,故选C,增强语气。

【20】C 考查名词词义辨析 A项表示开始;B项是顶部;C项表示转折;D项是结束之意。此处表示的是迷失或许能成为你人生的转折点,回归主题,故选C项适合。



No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are controlling the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic(民主的) society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of the whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth.

There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself? If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence.

Others say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in school, gets rid of all envy and competition in a matter of dress, such that a poor person who cannot afford good-quality clothing is not to be looked down upon by a wealthy person who wears expensive clothing. Those persons ignore the concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality. If all persons were to wear the same clothing, why would anyone struggle to be better? It is only a short step from forcing everyone to drive the same car, have the same type of food. When this happens, all motivation to improve one’s life is removed. Why would parents bother to work hard so that their children could have a better life than they had when they know that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life as they had?

Uniforms also hurt the economy(经济). Right now, billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly. Thousands of people are employed in designing, creating, and marketing different types of clothing. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Salesmen would be extra as well. Why bother to sell the only items that are available? The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry which in turn would have a wave effect on such industries as advertising and sales promotion. Without advertising, newspapers, magazines, and television would not be able to remain in business. Our entire information and entertainment industries would collapse.

【1】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The advantages of uniforms.

B. The disadvantages of uniforms.

C. Different opinions of uniforms.

D. Measures to forbid uniforms.

【2】Why does the author discuss forcing everyone to buy the same car or eat the same food?

A. To show that freedom of choices is absolute in modern society.

B. To show that the government has too much control over people’s lives.

C. To predict the way the society will be in the next few generations.

D. To suggest the result if uniforms became compulsory.

【3】What does the author talk about in the last paragraph?

A. The effect uniforms have on personality.

B. The effect uniforms have on information industries.

C. The effect uniforms have on economy.

D. The effect uniforms have on cultural industries.

【4】What does the underline word “collapse” mean?

A. Come up. B. Turn out prosperous.

C. Come into being. D. Come to an end.

【5】What is the authors attitude towards uniforms?

A. Opposed. B. Favorable.

C. Unclear. D. Doubtful.


Thomas Hardy was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist, in the tradition of George Eliot, he was also influenced both in his novels and poetry by Romanticism, especially by William Wordsworth. Charles Dickens is another important influence on Thomas Hardy. Like Dickens, he was also highly critical of much in Victorian society, though Hardy focused more on a declining rural society.

While Hardy wrote poetry throughout his life, and regarded himself primarily as a poet, his first collection was not published until 1898. Initially therefore he gained fame as the author of such novels as Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891), and Jude the Obscure (1895). However, since the 1950s Hardy has been recognized as a major poet, and had a significant influence on The Movement poets of the 1950s and 1960s, including Phillip Larkin.

The majority of his fictional works, initially published as serials in magazines, were set in the semi-fictional region of Wessex and explored tragic characters struggling against their passions and social circumstances. Hardy's Wessex is based on the medieval(中世纪的)Anglo-Saxon kingdom and eventually came to include the counties of Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon, Hampshire and much of Berkshire, in southwest and south central England.

【1】Which of the follow is Not true according to the 1st paragraph?

A. Hardy was influenced both in his novels and poetry by Romanticism.

B. William Wordsworth was a Victorian realist.

C. Charles Dickens highly criticized much of Victorian society.

D. Hardy cared more about rural society.

2Which of the following is Not Hardys works?

A. Far from the Madding Crowd B. The Mayor of Casterbridge

C. Tess of the D'Urbervilles D. Great Expectations

3Most of Hardys fictional works_____.

A. were originally published in magazines.

B. were set in the fictional region of Wessex.

C. explored comedic characters.

D. were based on Anglo-Saxon kingdom

4It can infer from the passage that_____.

A. Hardy wrote poetry occasionally in his life

B. Hardys poetry collection was never published

C. Hardy wasnt recognized as a major poet until the 1950s.

D. Phillip Larkin had a great influence on Hardy.

【题目】Joanne Rowling, born on 31 July 1965, is an English fiction writer who writes under the pen name J. K. Rowling. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, which has gained international attention, won multiple awards, and sold over 375 million copies worldwide.

JK Rowling's new novel arrives with the high drama and state secrecy of a royal birth. Its due date is announced in February, and in April the disclosure of its title, The Casual Vacancy, makes international news. The release of the cover image in July commands headlines again, and Fleet Street (英国媒体) commissions (委托) a "design guru" to analyze its mysterious artistic beauty, in search of clues as to what might lie within. Waterstones (英国连锁书店) predicts the novel will be " the bestselling fiction title this year". Literary critics begin to publish preliminary (初步的) reviews, revealing what they think they will think about a book they have not yet even read.

I am required to sign more legal documents than would typically be involved in buying a house before I am allowed to read The Casual Vacancy, under tight security in the London offices of Little, Brown. Even the publishers have been forbidden to read it, and they give me the manuscript carefully, religiously, as though handling a priceless Ming vase. Afterwards, I am instructed never to disclose the address of Rowling's Edinburgh office where the interview will take place.

In the 15 years since she published her first Harry Potter, Rowling has become both universally known and almost unrecognizable. The untidy redhair who used to write in the cafes of Leith has slowly transformed into a shiny fashionable lady, one who is beyond recognition behind wealth and control. Once a penniless single mother, she became the first person on earth to make $ 1 billion by writing books, but her rare public appearances suggested a faint ice maiden quality.

Rowling is completely relaxed about this arrangement. Warm and energetic, quick to laugh, she chatters so freely that her publicist gets nervous and tells her to lower her voice. " Am I speaking too loud?" She doesn't look a bit concerned. "Well, I can't get passionate and whisper!" When I tell her I loved the book, her arms shoot up in celebration. "Oh my God! I'm so happy! That's so amazing to hear. Thank you so much! You've made me incredibly happy. Oh my God!" Anyone listening would take her for a debut author, meeting her first ever fan.

In a way, that's what she is. Rowling has written seven Harry Potter books, and sold more than 450m copies, but her first novel for adults is unlike them in every respect.

"Obviously I need to be in some form of vehicle to have a decent idea, " she laughs. Having dreamed up Potter on a train, "This time I was on a plane. And I thought: local election! And I just knew. I had that totally physical response you get to an idea that you know will work. It's a rush of adrenaline (肾上腺素), it's chemical. I had it with Harry Potter and I had it with this. So that's how I know. "

【1】The "design guru" in Paragraph 2 is probably __________.

A. a publisher B. a reader C. a writer D. an expert

【2】Why was the author required to sign so many legal documents before reading the book?

A. Because it's a commercial secret before the book is published.

B. Because publishers are afraid the author is a commercial spy.

C. Because the author is so dishonest that publishers can't

trust him.

D. Because the author is involved in buying a house.

【3】From the passage, we can learn the following facts about Rowling EXCEPT that __________.

A. she used to write stories in the cafes.

B. she often makes public appearance after she is famous.

C. she was very poor before she became well-known.

D. she has become a wealthy lady with good quality.

【4】According to the interview with Rowling, we can infer that she is __________.

A. aggressive and energetic B. quiet and easygoing

C. enthusiastic and lovely D. modest and shy

【5】The author writes the passage mainly to __________.

A. introduce JK Rowling and her new book

B. describe great changes in JK Rowling

C. advocate readers to buy Harry Potter

D. tell readers the contents of the new book

【题目】Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and thinking. While on the Internet, I met many new friends, but one in particular . His nickname is Colorful Day, and we on the web. He told me he lost his at age 15 and felt the whole world had closed its door to him.

He was so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind! But he continued to ,“ Five years ago, I realized it was time to change my life. I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life . So I developed a website about her life mine called "Three Days to See".

I visited his website which was well produced and vividly .

I asked, "How did you to build such a website?" He said, "Thanks to the new technology, I can use software specially for the blind. I point the cursor (光标), it will just read it out to me. We can do far more things and more information than we could before. "

I then asked, "Didn't you have great difficulty with it?" He hesitated and then began his with a smiling face, "Yes, but I have faith in myself to my colorful days. And modern technology gives me this medium and to do it. "

His attitude towards life made me believe that our desiny offers not the cup of despair, the chalice (高脚杯) of opportunity. I returned to my lessons, with a smile on my face and with of a colorful future.

The Internet, which opened to me to different lives and cultures, has a charm you can't find in another wise non-virtual world.

【1】A. positive B. active C. negative D. instructive

【2】A. turns out B. stands out C. comes out D. looks out

【3】A. argued B. interviewed C. told D. chatted

【4】A. eyesight B. hearing C. courage D. confidence

【5】A. speaking B. saying C. typing D. spelling

【6】A. follow B. write C. read D. copy

【7】A. friendship B. marriage C. happiness D. hardship

【8】A. as well as B. such as C. like D. as

【9】A. offered B. presented C. delivered D. found

【10】A. try B. come C. work D. manage

【11】A. designed B. sold C. planned D. imagined

【12】A. Whether B. However C. Whatever D. Wherever

【13】A. send B. access C. communicate D. exchange

【14】A. webpage B. speech C. words D. opinions

【15】A. create B. produce C. recognize D. organize

【16】A. moment B. change C. opportunity D. occasion

【17】A. hopeful B. disappointed C. pleasant D. optimistic

【18】A. but B. and C. so D. then

【19】A. eagerness B. expectation C. richness D. nervousness

【20】A. touch B. fell C. experience D. suffer


New English Tests Are Better, but Harder

Scores on English tests are very important to students around the world. In order to make sure that they do their best, both students and teachers should stay informed of how these tests are changing.

Clive Roberts is a director at ELS Educational Services, one of the companies that trains students in English. Mr. Roberts says the tests are changing greatly in response to the global growth in the use of English as a lingua franca the common language used among people with different native languages.

Mr. Roberts says English “is one of the keys now to international student mobility. So, for that reason, ___【1】__; old tests are being revamped to meet the needs of universities and employers worldwide.”

In other words, students increasingly need English in order to study and work in other countries. So, schools and businesses are asking for more accurate tests.


Mr. Roberts says several parts of standardized tests have changed recently. Now, many tests are given on computers. And, he says, tests measure all four skills of language learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

"A lot of are now delivered online, all four skills are being tested, in some cases, by computer, in particular speaking and writing skills, which are the most difficult to assess on a computer environment."

Computer testing will reduce the length of time required for testing, because the tests adjust to the test-taker’s ability. These computer-adaptive tests also increase accuracy in scoring. Computer-adaptive tests change depending on the test-taker’s responses. They can become more or less difficult during the testing session. For this reason, the set of correct answers will be different for each test-taker.


Another change to language testing relates to cultural sensitivity. The term refers to material on a test that is based on a certain culture or is hard for test-takers from different cultures to understand.

Mr. Roberts says test development companies are now hiring people with intercultural communication backgrounds to review test items. The companies want to make sure the test does not upset test-takers. Having negative feelings may affect a student's performance on the test.


Changes to English proficiency tests make them better at measuring the learners' ability. However, Mr. Roberts says the changes may mean the tests are more difficult for some students.

"The tests have become more proficiency-oriented. The items are being designed in such a way that they test real-world proficiency and not simply sort of an artificial environment or a specific set of skills that are taught in a classroom. So a lot of authentic texts, a lot of authentic listening passages are being used.”

The changes mean students have to be able to understand English the way it is used in everyday life, not just in textbooks.


Another big change is the way in which a student's performance on the tests is measured. Mr. Roberts says that many tests are measured according to the Common European Frame of Reference (CERF) scale of language proficiency.

This measurement, Mr. Roberts says, “is similar to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) guidelines, which are used by American universities and government agencies, respectively.”

The rating scales and guidelines are designed to show what the learner is able to do in the areas of speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Mr. Roberts says, “It gives a description of what they can do with the language and then assigns a numerical value to that particular level.”

Mr. Roberts says he believes linking the scores and the scales means the tests provide more useful information about a learner’s ability than they did before.

In addition, changes to the tests will encourage schools to teach their students to use English for everyday life and study.

A:Cultural sensitivity

B:What the tests measure

C:a lot of new tests are being developed

D:Difficulties in language testing

E:Changes in language testing

F:new tests are being measured by some language experts

G:Accuracy in language testing

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