
  Don't let Aurora's small stature (身材) fool you―her spirit is strong. She is one of 140 chickens 27        from a farm. When we saved her,she was tiny and sick and it seemed 28        that she would survive. Having never got the right 29     ,many of the chickens were sick and some 30        died.

  At a young age,Aurora and her sisters and brothers were 31        by their mum. Luckily,another mother 32        their care. Aurora seemed the last to 33        food and attention. She grew at a much slower 34        than her brothers and sisters. Everything seemed 35        her.

  At the young age of seven months,Aurora had lost two mums and was 36        to find a place with the other chickens.

  Aurora 37        found comfort with an old chicken named Margaret,staying under her wings during the cold nights,38        Margaret was so old that a few months later she died. Aurora,in her own way,thought of Mar?garet. Every evening,you would find her in the 39        spot where she kept Margaret company. 40      when the other chickens tried to 41        her away. Aurora came back.

As Aurora grew,we became 42        at her love to simply live. Nothing 43        her.

  So remember,when life seems so 44        that you can't take it,think of Aurora. She has lost two mums,watched her sisters and brothers die,and 45        from se?rious illnesses. Yet she enjoys the small,sweet 46        life has offered―safety,food,warmth and good friend?ships.

27. A. raised   B. purchased   C. rescued   D. collected 

28. A. hopeful   B. proper   C. possible   D. unlikely 

29. A. touch   B. care

  C. gift   D. partner 

30.A. sadly   B. angrily   C. coldly   D. calmly 

31.A. punished   B. refused   C. abandoned   D. scolded 

32.A. took on   B. put forward   C. looked after   D. brought about 

33.A. get   B. eat   C. draw   D. offer 

34. A. cost   B. rate   C. standard   D. value 

35. A. for   B. around   C. about   D. against 

36.A. arranging   B. choosing   C. struggling   D. affording 

37.A. lately   B. eventually   C. constantly   D. frequently 

38.A. unless   B. so   C. because   D. but 

39. A. same   B. relevant   C. similar   D. normal

40.A. Still   B. Thus   C. Even   D. Yet 

41. A. clear   B. put   C. turn   D. push 

42.A. nervous   B. amazed

   C. excited   D. disappointed 

43.A. helped   B. attracted   C. impressed   D. stopped 

44.A. tough   B. different   C. smooth   D. boring 

45. A. waked   B. made   C. recovered   D. learned 

46.A. chances   B. pleasures   C. dreams   D. services


27. C由后面提到的"When we saved her…"可以判断出本空是rescued。故选C。

28. D前面提到小鸡被我们救起时既弱小还生着病,所以它似乎活不了了。故选D.

29. B因为没有得到适当的照顾,很多小鸡才会生病甚至不幸死亡。故选B.

30. A解释同上。故选A.

31. C由下文的"...Aurora had lost two mums...."可知,它们的妈妈抛弃了它们。故选C.

32. A take on在这里的意思是"承担起(照顾它们) 的责任"。故选A.

33. A get可以与food and attention搭配,表示"得到(食物和照料) "。故选A.

34. B由~一上句"Aurora seemed the last to…food and atten-tion."可知,本处的意思是Aurora的生长速度要慢于它的兄弟姐妹。故选B.

35. D本句是对整段的总结:Aurora的生活总是不如意,似乎一切都在ft!它作对。故选D.

36. C Aurira先后失去了两个妈妈,所以它需要想办法找到自己的栖身之处。故选C 。

37. B在它经过不断寻找之后,它终于找到了自己的安身之处。故选B.

38. D虽然它找到了安身之处,可是Margaret还是因为年老而死去了,所以Aurora又一次失去了依靠。故选D.

39. A Aurora每晚都去老地方陪伴Margaret。这里用same 表示它每晚都去那个地方。故选A.

40. C Aurora很执着,"BP使别的小鸡把它赶走,它还是会回来的。故选C.

41. D clear清除;put放;turn转变;push推。根据上题分析,故选D.

42. B我们为Aurora生存的意志力之强而感到惊讶。故选B.

43. D因为这种爱,使得Aurora不能被打败,即什么也不能让它停下来。故选D.

44. A综合上文可知,生活对于八urora—直是很艰难的,所以当我们在生活中遇到困难时,我们可以想想它的遭遇,这样我们就会变得坚强。故选A.

45. C本句话的三个并列谓语都是Aurora的经历。recovered 与from illnesses搭配得当,句意相符。故选C.

46. B尽管尝尽生活的种种艰辛,Aurora却依然在享受着生活所赐予它的快乐。故选B.


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