
“Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell.”
This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown citizen who lived in Rome in AD 52 wrote it.
We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives.
But have all these developments really improve the quality of our lives?
Picture this: You’re rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How calm and happy do you feel?
Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have not telephones, no cars, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they lead simpler lives.
One family in the UK went “back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10, and Tomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phones.
The grandmother, Lyn, said, “It was hard physically, but not mentally.” She believed life was less materialistic. “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes,” She said. The boys said they fought less to fight over, such as their computer. Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy(时髦的), beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things.”
Here are some simple ways to beat the stress often caused by our inventions!
Don’t be available all the time. Turn off your mobile phone at certain times of the day. Don’t check your e-mail every day.
Don’t reply to somebody as soon as they leave a text message just because you can. It may be fun at first, but it soon gets annoying.
72.The passage is mainly about        .
A.problem with technology
B.improvements of our life with technology
C.the important roles technology plays in our everyday life
D.major changes which will be likely to happen to technology
73.The writer quoted(引用) what a citizen in ancient Rome said at the beginning of the story in order to        .
A.share a truth about life
B.tell us what life was like long time ago
C.make us wonder what causes such a thing to happen
D.point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same
74.Why did the family choose to spend some time in a 1940’s house? Because        .
A.they liked to live simple lives
B.they were curious about how people lived without modern inventions
C.they were troubled by modern inventions
D.living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them
75.What do you think the underlined word “available” in the first suggestion offered by the writer mean?
A.Busy on line.   B.Free..       C.Be able to.       D.Be found by others.


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown. As it was the rush hour and she was in a   36__   to catch a train, she   37   a quick way to reach it. “I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!” the driver said   38   . “You don’t think I know the best way to go?”
The woman tried to explain that she hadn’t   39  to annoy him, but the driver kept   40  . She finally realized that he was too annoyed to be  41  , so she changed her  42 . “You know, you are right,” she told him. “It must seem   43  for me not to think you know the best way  __44   the city.”
45   , the driver glanced at his   46   in the rearview mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. “He didn’t say another word the rest of the ride,” she said, “  47   I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me.”
When you find yourself   48   with people like the taxi driver, you will always try to   __49_   your idea. It can lead to longer arguments, lose job chances or   50   marriages. I have discovered one simple   51   extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or other difficult situations from   52   in a disaster.
The   53   is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look for the  54  in what that person is saying. Find a way to   55  , and the result may surprise you.
36. A. hurry       B. rush       C. moment     D. way
37. A. chose       B. made     C. found     D. suggested
38. A. jokingly          B. angrily          C. anxiously   D. curiously
39. A. supposed      B. expected     C. meant     D. decided
40. A. apologizing  B. driving     C. asking     D. shouting
41. A. reasonable  B. thoughtful  C. normal          D. practical
42. A. road        B. mind      C. direction    D. manner
43. A. strange     B. wrong     C. terrible          D. stupid
44. A. across      B. in               C. through    D. along
45. A. Surprised     B. Worried     C. Annoyed    D. Disappointed
46. A. rider        B. speaker      C. helper     D. comer
47. A. until        B. after      C. because      D. since
48. A. satisfied          B. concerned   C. crowded     D. faced
49. A. give up     B. turn down  C. stick to          D. point out                 
50. A. combine      B. destroy       C. suffer     D. divide
51. A. and         B. that        C. but        D. though
52. A. lying       B. resulting     C. setting     D. leading
53. A. problem          B. importance C. key        D. reply
54. A. fact         B. meaning     C. expression  D. truth
55. A. agree       B. argue     C. explain       D. escape

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A man’s best friend may become his enemy. His children that he has_____16____with loving care may show no thanks. Those who are ____17_____to us, those whom we trust with our happiness____18_____turn against their faith. The money that a man has, he may___19_____.It flies from him, perhaps when he needs it _____20______.A man’s reputation(名誉) may be lost in a moment of ill-considered_____21_____. The people who would prefer to fall on their knees to do us honour when success is with us may be ____22____ to throw the stone malice(敌意) when failure settles upon our heads.
The one absolutely(绝对地)____23_____friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts(遗弃) him is his_____24_____. A man’s dog stands by him____25____he is rich or poor, healthy or sick. He will sleep on the cold ground,____26_____the wintry winds blow and the snow drives hard,____27____he may be near his master’s side. He will _____28____the hand that has no food to offer. He guards the sleep of his poor master as if he ___29_____ a prince. When all other friends desert him , the dog_____30____. When reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant(不断的) in his love as the sun in its journey _____31_____the heavens.
If the master becomes friendless and homeless,____32____the faithful dog asks for is to be with him. And when___33___ takes his master in its embrace(拥抱) and his body____34___away in the cold ground, there by the graveside(墓边) will the dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but ____35______in watchfullness, faithful and true even in death.
16. A. brought out   B. brought up        C. brought in       D. brought on
17.  A. nearest       B. most useful        C. most important   D. strangest
18.  A. must         B. have to           C. may            D. should
19  A. keep         B. Use             C. earn            D. lose
20.  A. more        B. most             C. better           D. very
21.  A. action       B. thought           C. movement       D. mind
22.  A. first         B. last              C. latest           D. newest
23.  A. close       B. selfish           C. kind             D. unselfish
24.  A. wife         B. dog             C. himself          D. brother
25.  A. whether      B. even though      C. although         D. whenever
26.  A. there        B. because          C. where          D. which
27.  A.as long as     B. even if          C. so that           D. though
28.  A. eat          B. take            C. kiss             D. shake
29.  A. is           B. were            C. had been        D. would be
30.  A. leaves       B. cries            C. remains         D. disappears
31.  A  into        B. on              C. out of          D. through
32.  A. why         B. which           C. how           D. what
33.  A. birth        B. life              C. death          D. kindness
34.  A. lay         B. is lain            C. is laying         D. is laid
35.  A. closed       B. open            C. shut             D. Opened
There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book   36  hand. Of course, we may   37  with our guide-books the history and   38  developments of a town and get to know them.   39  then, if we take out time and   40  in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we   41  it as a whole, we begin to have some   42  ,which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just   43  this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets   44   in this particular way, and not in any   45  why?
Here even the best guide-book   46  us. One can’t find in it the information about how a town has developed to the   47  appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的)   48   of a town. However, one may get some idea of what I   49  look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine   50  the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town   51  to develop.
What is the   52  of studying towns in the way? For me, it is   53  that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes. A   54  visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive   55  just reading about it in a guide-book.
36. A. in          B. at                  C. by                 D. on
37. A. write        B. study               C. tell               D. remember
38. A. strange      B. similar             C. separate           D. special
39. A. But         B. Before              C. Since             D. Until
40. A. look at       B. work               C. stay              D. wail
41. A. look at       B. look after         C. look for         D. look up
42. A. ideas         B. opinions            C. feelings        D. questions
43. A. of              B. for             C. like              D. as
44. A. open            B. run                 C. begin           D. move
45. A. one             B. more             C. other            D. such
46. A. helps           B. tricks           C. fails             D. satisfies
47. A. old             B. normal            C. first           D. present
48. A. capital         B. meaning          C. design          D. change
49. A. used to         B. seemed to        C. had to           D. happened to
50. A. what            B. how             C. when            D. where
51. A. stops           B. appears          C. starts           D. continues
52. A. point           B. view             C. problem         D. difficulty
53. A.nearly           B. simply           C. generally        D. hardly
54. A.costly           B. formal              C. group           D. personal
55. A. from           B.than                C. through            D. with
All her life,my mother wanted busy children.It was very important that her house should remain at all times clean and tidy.
You could turn your back for a moment in my mother’s house,leave a half-written letter on the dining room table,a magazine open on the chair,and turn around to find that my mother had “put it back where it belonged,”as she explained.
My wife,one of her first visits to my mother’s house,placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink.When she returned,she found the packet had been removed.Confused(疑惑的),she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits,only to return to find that her drink had disappeared.Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks,so as not to make water rings on the end tables.Now she knows better.
These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family.We were all inclined to(有……的倾向) forgetfulness,and it was common for one of us,upon returning from the bathroom,to find that every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly.“Do you remember what I was doing?”was a question frequently asked,but rarely answered.
Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows,and my brother does the cleaning in his house,perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet.I try not to think about it too much,but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.
We have all become busy persons.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?
A.She enjoyed removing others’ drinks.
B.She became more and more forgetful.
C.She preferred to do everything by herself.
D.She wanted to keep her house in good order.
小题2:My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother’s house because _______.
A.she had already finished them
B.my mother had taken them away
C.she forgot where she had left them
D.someone in my family was holding them
小题3:The underlined part in the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.
A.is happy to clean windows
B.loves to clean used windows
C.is fond of clean used windows
D.likes clean windows as my mother did
小题4:This passage mainly tells us that _______.
A.my mother often made us confused
B.my family members had a poor memory
C.my mother helped us to form a good habit
D.my wife was surprised when she visited my mother
For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Until I took Dr. Offutt’s class, I was an underachieving student. But I left that class
50 _never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by examples as words, that it was my  _51   obligation to do so and to serve others.
Neither of us could know how our relationship would   52   over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair. My discussions with him as he mentored me were like graduate seminars in adolescent (青少年)  53    , classroom management and school leadership.
After several years, I was   54     department chair, and our relationship shifted again. I thought that it might be  55   to chair the department, since all of my former English teachers were  56  there, but Dr. Offutt supported me  57    . He knew when to give me advice about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me  58   my own course.
In 1997, I needed his  59 about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school.  60     he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have.   61    , he encouraged me to seize the new opportunity.
Five years ago, I became the principal of DeMatha.   62     , Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could   63    him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I’ve learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach. Even if his students don’t know it yet, I know how   64   they are: I’m still one of them.
50. A. anxious             B. eager                  C. determined         D. worried
51. A. family              B. legal          C. academic           D. moral
52. A. evolve              B. stay          C. remain              D. worsen
53. A. process            B. procedure     C. development        D. movement
54. A. called               B. appointed      C. entitled           D. offered
55. A. awkward           B. uneasy         C. unnatural          D. insensitive
56. A. once               B. already        C. still               D. never
57. A. through            B. throughout     C. at the beginning      D. in the end
58. A. chart             B. head           C. describe           D. manage
59. A. opinion            B. request         C. permission         D. promise
60. A. Even if             B. Although        C. If                  D. When
61. A. Naturally           B. Instead        C. Consequently        D. Peacefully
62. A. Once again         B. Now and then  C. Hopefully                       D. Surprisingly
63. A. count on           B. account for      C. call on              D. appeal to
64. A. earnest           B. worried         C. fortunate           D. desperate
There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people  36  to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you  37  is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times  39  outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely  40 . The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are  41 . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision  42   anyway.
You were   43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and  44  the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone
against your own   45  .
Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of  46  a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49  to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior  50  knew more than I did, and so I  51  too much significance to their opinions.
You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in  52  . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by  53  and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to  54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55  and to life. 
36. A. easy                                   B. ready                               C. unwilling                         D. hard
37. A. lead                                    B. lend                                  C. take                                 D. earn
38. A. look at                      B. pick up                   C. turn to                   D. learn from
39. A. that                                    B. since                                C. when                               D. while
40. A. useless                     B. useful                              C. priceless                         D. clever
41. A. getting                     B. making                            C. suffering                         D. facing
42. A. on one hand            B. on your own                   C. on the whole                 D. on all sides
43. A. born                                   B. tired                                 C. satisfied                          D. covered
44. A. enjoy                                  B. step                                 C. plan                                  D. take
45. A. assumption                      B. judgment                        C. condition                        D. fortune
46. A. basing                                B. depending                      C. relying                    D. focusing
47. A. research                           B. search                    C. resources                       D. activity
48. A. poverty                    B. laziness                           C. fear                                  D. diligence
49. A. used                                   B. accustomed                   C. new                                  D. old
50. A. students                           B. brothers                         C. colleagues                      D. classmates
51. A. owed                                  B. paid                                  C. gave                                 D. held
52. A. disaster                   B. progress                         C. failure                    D. success
53. A. either                                 B. another                           C. each                                 D. others
54. A. think                                   B. remember                      C. realize                             D. recall
55. A. payment                           B. dreams                           C. happiness                       D. business

The “Monday morning feeling” could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves y
ou sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break.
 The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study helped by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more than 2600 Germans showed that the average person had a 20 percent high chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.
  Working Germans are particularly not protected against attack, with a 33 percent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.
 A study of 11000 Italians proved 8 a.m. on a Monday morning as the most stressful time for the heart, and both studies showed that Sunday is the least stressful day, with fewer heart attacks in both countries.
 The findings could lead to a better understanding of what is the immediate cause of heart attacks, according to Dr Stefan Willich of the Free University. “We know a lot about long-term risk factors such as smoking and cholesterol (胆固醇) but we don’t know what actually causes heart attacks, so we can’t give clear advice on how to prevent them,” he said.
 Monday mornings have a double helping of stress for the working body as it makes rapid change from sleep to activity, and from the relaxing weekend to the pressures of work.
 “When people get up, their blood pressure and heart rate go up and there are hormonal (内分泌) changes in their bodies,” Willich explained. “ All these things can have an unfavorable effect in the blood system and increase the risk of a clot (血凝块) in the arteries (动脉) which will cause a heart attack.
  “When people return to work after a weekend off, the pace of their life changes. They have a higher workload, more stress, more anger and more physical activity,” said Willich.
72.Monday morning feeling, as this passage shows, _________.
A.is not so serious as people thought
B.is harmful to working people in developed countries
C.is the first killer in Germany and Italy
D.is created by researchers in Germany and Italy
73.To protect people from heat attacking, doctors have paid much attention to __________-.
A.people’s working time      B.people’s living place
C.people’s diet and life style   D.people’s nationalities
74.It can be learned from the passage that heart attack has nothing to do with __________.
A.blood pressure     B.heart rate      C.hormonal changes     D.blood group
75.If the researchers give us some advice to avoid Monday morning feeling, what might it be?
A.Stop working on Monday           B.Create a pleasant working environment
C.Get up late on Monday morning  D.Do to work with a doctor
Dear Mr. Barton,
I am writing for the residents’ association (业主协会) to inform you of our feelings about your act. We’ve really had enough of you. Although we have tried to speak to you politely on several occasions, you have always answered with a stream of verbal abuse(辱骂).
Ever since you moved in three months ago, you have shown very little consideration for the other residents of this building, though many residents expressed their unhappiness with you. For the past six weekends, you have held very noisy parties, which have not finished until early the next morning. As you know, most of the people here are elderly or have very young children, and the noise keeps them awake all night. You don’t have to be so noisy, do you? Last weekend the situation deteriorated when two of your friends fought with each other on the first floor. The fighting was so bad that the police had to be called. What’s more, your friends left the stairs in a terrible state --- they even broke two windows on their way out! We feel that we can’t bear this type of act.
We strongly demand that you pay for this damage to the window soon. If you don’t and you carry on being a nuisance(令人讨厌的人或物). We will kick you out! Legal steps will be taken if necessary.
Yours sincerely,
57. What does the writer feel? 
A. Excited                      B. surprised                  C. Angry               D. Happy
58. What does the word “deteriorated” mean?
A. Changed                 B. Improved                C. Moved    D. Worsened
59. What is the main purpose of the letter?
A. To ask Mr. Barton to leave the building for the peace.        
B. To inform Mr. Barton of the noise he made.
C. To talk about what Mr. Barton did.   D. To give a warning to Mr. Barton.
60. What is true according to the letter?
A. Mr. Barton paid no attention to the others’ unhappiness.   
B. Mr. Barton never replied to the others’ unhappiness
C. Mr. Barton always said sorry to those unhappy with him.     
D. Mr. Barton never apologized to the other residents.

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