
When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago, I didn't think my involvement would ever be more serious than the occasional short ride. But as I built strength, my friends _______me to step up my training and try some longer trips, The first one to come along was a 150-mile trip, the MS-150, an annual _______ that raises money to fight AIDS.

When I registered,the idea seemed fantastic and I trained with ____.However,as the time for the ride approached,my self?doubts ____ beyond my endurance(忍耐).I ____ wanted to raise money for the charity,but I didn’t really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.

The ride began on a beautiful Sunday morning in the Georgia countryside,and for the first few hours I felt ____.This was just the experience I had ____,and my spirits were high.__ __ by the end of the day,I felt tired out. If the body is ____ to the mind,here was evidence. Every ____ my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs. “I can’t handle this” became a leg cramp (抽筋),and “Everyone else is a better rider” translated into ____ of breath. I was sure I’d have to ____.

As I topped the crest (顶) of a hill,the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more. Then in the distance,I saw a lone woman riding very slowly ____ the bright red sun. I ___ that the person looked different in some way,but I couldn’t tell why. So I pushed myself to ___.There she was,riding along slowly but ____,with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.

My focus changed in that instant. For a whole day I’d been ____ my body. But now I knew it wasn’t the body,but the ___ that would help me reach my goal. It rained all the second day. I never saw the one-legged biker again,but I pushed on without ____,knowing she was out there with me somewhere. And at the end of the day,still feeling ____,I completed the 150?mile trip.

1.A. encouraged B.forbade C.forced D.warned

2.A. accident B.event C.incident D.affair

3.A. care B.ease C.enthusiasm D.difficulty

4.A. achieved B.gained C.progressed D.advanced

5.A. still B.even C.rather D.then

6.A. nervous B.disappointed C.wonderful D.refreshed

7.A. assumed B.appreciated C.admired D.imagined

8.A. But B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Moreover

9.A. opposite B.connected C.exposed D.equal

10.A. cause B.reason C.excuse D.effect

11.A. holding B.saving C.catching D.shortness

12.A. quit B.continue C.insist D.fade

13.A. on B.against C.down D.over

14.A. observed B.watched C.noticed D. overlooked

15.A. put up B.look up C.catch up D.take up

16.A. steadily B.abruptly C.closely D.narrowly

17.A. trusting B.doubting C.cheating D.fighting

18.A. strength B.honesty C.will D.power

19.A. struggling B.arguing C.discussing D. complaining

20.A. strongB.weak C.healthy D.spiritless
























1.根据But as I built strength, my friends _______me to step up my training and try some longer trips,可知我的朋友在鼓励我。Encouraged鼓励;forbade禁止;forced强迫;warned警告,故选A。

2.名词。根据an annual _______ that raises money to fight AIDS.可知只是每年的事件。accident事故;event事件;incident 小插曲;affair事物,故答案选B。

3.__ beyond my endurance(忍耐).可知我充满热情的训练。Care关心;ease轻松;enthusiasm热情;difficulty困难,故答案选C。

4.动词。根据However,as the time for the ride approached,my self?doubts ____ beyond my endurance(忍耐).可知这里想说我获得的不确定超过了我的忍耐。Achieved取得;gained获得;progressed进步;advanced前进,故选B。

5.副词。根据I ____ wanted to raise money for the charity,but I didn’t really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.可知这里想说我仍然想为这次慈善筹钱。Still仍然;even甚至;rather相当;then那时,故选A。

6.形容词。根据and for the first few hours I felt ____.可知在最初的几个小时,我感觉很好。nervous紧张的;disappointed 失望的;wonderful极好的,故选C。

7.动词。根据This was just the experience I had ____,and my spirits were high.可知这里意思是正是我想象的经历。Assumed假设;appreciated感激;admired赞赏;imagined想象,故选D。


9.__ my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs.可知这里意思是如果身体和思想连接,这就是证据。Opposite对面;connected连接;exposed暴露;equal相等,故选B。

10.__ my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs. “I can’t handle this” became a leg cramp (抽筋),可知这里意思是我脑子推出的每一个借口。Cause原因;reason原因;excuse借口;effect影响,答案选C。

11.根据and “Everyone else is a better rider” translated into ____ of breath.可知这里意思是“人人都是更好的骑手”转化成了呼吸的不足。Holding拿;saving拯救;catching抓住;shortness不足,故答案选D。


13.根据Then in the distance,I saw a lone woman riding very slowly ____ the bright red sun.可知这里意思是我看到一个孤单的妇女在明亮的红日下骑得非常慢。On在……上;against在……情况下;down向下;over结束,故答案选B。

14._ that the person looked different in some way,but I couldn’t tell why.可知是我注意到。Observed观察;watched看;noticed注意;overlooked忽略,故答案选C。

15.__,with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg. 可知我让自己追上她。put up张贴;look up向上看;catch up追上, 故答案选C。

16.__,with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.可知这里意思是骑得很慢,但是很稳。Steadily稳定地;abruptly 突然地;closely接近地;narrowly狭窄地,答案选A。


18._ that would help me reach my goal.可知这里意思是意志力会帮助我实现目标。Strength优点;honesty诚实;will意志力;power力量。故答案选C。

19.根据I never saw the one-legged biker again,but I pushed on without ____,knowing she was out there with me somewhere.可知这里想说我没有抱怨的继续向前。Struggling奋斗;arguing争论;discussing讨论;complaining抱怨,故答案选D。




A team of engineers at Harvard University has been inspired by Nature to create the first robotic fly. The mechanical fly has become a platform for a series of new high-tech integrated systems. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks.

“It’s extremely important for us to think about this as a whole system and not just the sum of a bunch of individual components (元件),” said Robert Wood, the Harvard engineering professor who has been working on the robotic fly project for over a decade. A few years ago, his team got the go-ahead to start piecing together the components. “The added difficulty with a project like this is that actually none of those components are off the shelf and so we have to develop them all on our own,” he said.

They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings has a number of interdependencies on the individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, but then has to be matched well to everything it’s connected to,” said Wood. The flight device was built into a set of power, computation, sensing and control systems. Wood says the success of the project proves that the flying robot with these tiny components can be built and manufactured.

While this first robotic flyer is linked to a small, off-board power source, the goal is eventually to equip it with a built-in power source, so that it might someday perform data-gathering work at rescue sites, in farmers’ fields or on the battlefield. “Basically it should be able to take off, land and fly around,” he said.

Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications. “You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animals, but using these robots instead,” he said. “So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day to day basis.”

1.The robotic fly project has been conducted __________.

A. just by accident

B. within a decade

C. just by a professor

D. for more than ten years

2.The difficulty the team of engineers met with while making the robotic fly was that __________.

A. they had no model in their mind

B. they did not have sufficient time

C. they had no ready-made components

D. they could not assemble the components

3.Which of the following can be learned from the passage?

A. The robotic flyer is designed to learn about insects.

B. Animals are not allowed in biological experiments.

C. There used to be few ways to study how insects fly.

D. Wood’s design can replace animals in some experiments.

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Father of Robotic Fly

B. Inspiration from Engineering Science

C. Robotic Fly Imitates Real Life Insect

D. Harvard Breaks Through in Insect Study


A few days ago,I went to school with lots of books,hoping to get a locker (锁柜).Suddenly,it started raining heavily. I hurried to pay for my locker,but I was disappointed when they informed me they only accepted cash. I was $7.00 short,which meant I had to carry the books back home. It would be an exhausting (令人筋疲力尽的) two?hour journey back home with all those books.

An elderly gentleman nearby noticed my problem. He asked how much cash I needed. When I told him I was $7 short,he quickly took out the money from his wallet. “You don’t have to pay me back,”he said. I was speechless;I didn’t know whether to take the money or come back with the books the next day. A young student who was working there noticed my hesitation. “He’s really nice,” said the student. “I was starving this morning and he bought breakfast for me. He always helps people in different ways.”

The next day,I went to him and thanked him for trusting me and lending me the money. He said he forgot about it and didn’t expect I would give it back. “I’m very happy,”he said,“not because I’m getting my money back,but because this is the right way to go—whatever you get from this world,give it back as much as you possibly can. Spread kindness around the world with the smallest things you can do.”

Later,I found out he wasn’t involved with any charity organizations. He has been performing these types of acts for years. Earlier,someone had done something incredibly kind for him and he has been spreading the kindness ever since. He taught me a very important lesson in life—we come to this world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. Whatever we own,it will become somebody else’s and whatever we leave,it will become somebody else’s.

1.When the old gentleman offered the money,the writer was________.

A.touched B.hesitant C.amazedD.embarrassed

2.From Paragraph 3 we learn that________.

A.the gentleman worked in the school

B.the gentleman was kind but forgetful

C.the gentleman refused to take back the money

D.the gentleman thought it right to give back to society

3.Why had the gentleman been doing acts of kindness?

A.He wanted to join the charity organizations.

B.He managed a lot of other people’s money.

C.He had received help from others before.

D.He thought money was of little importance.


The Couch Surfing network is an online community stretching across the globe with over one and a half million members. The basic concept is to provide a platform for travelers to contact people who are willing to put them up free of charge. Travelers connect with potential hosts online and, if they like each other, exchange details to make farther arrangements.

  Basil is one traveler from Switzerland who is currently couch surfing with a Chinese host in Beijing. "I thought staying in hostel is nice but you mostly meet foreigners and speak English. If you use Couch Surfing you have chance to meet people living here and really get a chance to know the life of the place you visit. " Basil was speaking during a regular meeting of Beijing network of Couch Surfing with a membership of almost 2,000.

  Although some people may have concerns about meeting complete strangers and giving them full access to your house, Beijing group member Fred Sharp from California says that the Couch Surfing community is one that generally attracts trustworthy people.

  "I have never had a problem with guests. I'd say that this Couch Surfing community worldwide is a fairly trustworthy community like I say, always be cautious, make sure that you read everyone's profile that you're considering hosting, and if it doesn't feel right just say' no', it's OK. "

  Originally launched in the US as a non-profit organization in 2004, Couch Surfing is growing fast across the world. China is no exception with around 30,000 members and hundreds more signing up each week. One of them is Beijing resident Hai Yan who joined in November 2009. She says the first time she hosted a guest was a very positive experience. "My first guest was from Italy. He was very kind and helpful. He bought me a present from Italy, a handbag. It's a famous brand!"

  As the organization grows from strength to strength, hotel owners across the world will be watching very closely and possibly thinking twice about raising their prices too high.

1.The Couch Surfing network is intended to __________ .

A. offer travelers convenience to find suitable hosts for free accommodations

B. provide people with a platform to contact each other

C. find potential hosts who want to supply travelers with couches

D. give reliable information about hotels

2.According to Fred Sharp, ______________.

A. couch surfers can fully rely on Couch Surfing community

B. Couch Surfing community enables you to meet different people

C. Couch Surfing community is trusted by all couch surfers

D. Hosts may form a judgment on couch surfers and make a final decision

3.We can infer from the passage that ________________.

A. Couch Surfing has a long history

B. Hai Yan is satisfied with her host

C. Couch Surfing is getting popular in China

D. Basil works at the Beijing Network

4.The last paragraph suggests that hotels will ___________ .

A. be replaced by the organization

B. probably not charge too much

C. not consider raising their prices

D. show no concern about the organization


Eating different colored foods can keep you healthy, as well as change your mood and behavior. Here is a list of colors, which can change your life.


     Blue is considered to be peaceful and calming and it has the same effect on our health. The blue / purple color in food is due primarily to their anthocyanins which are antioxidants (抗氧化剂) that are particularly heart healthy and may help support healthy blood pressure. Out of all the blue and purple foods available, blueberries are considered to have the highest antioxidant level. An analysis of the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study found that people who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are at a reduced risk for high blood pressure and are less likely to be overweight.

     A food and health expert says that blue and purple color foods can prevent blood mass formation, and they also lower the risk of cancer.

     Foods that contain blue and purple colors are: reddish eggplant (especially the skin), blueberries, blackberries, purple grapes, etc.


     We all know that we should eat green as green symbolizes nature. The green foods are rich in isothiocyanates, which help resist cancer.

     Dr. Ashok Agarwal, a food and nutrition specialist, explains, "They are excellent sources of folic acid, vitamin K, as well as carotene (胡萝卜素). Diets high in those above are associated with lowered blood pressure."

     Foods that contain the green color are: broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.


     Lycopene (番茄红素) in reddish fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, and also provides protection against heart attacks.    

Dr. Smiths says, "Cooked tomato sauces are associated with greater health benefits as compared with the uncooked version as the heating process allows lycopene to be more easily absorbed by the body. Obtaining the most benefit from food depends on proper selection, storage and cooking of the produce."

     Foods that contain red color are: Tomatoes and tomato products, watermelon, guava, red onions, red chili, red apples, red grapes, cherries, etc.


     The orange foods are also rich in carotene, which are particularly good antioxidants. These foods are commonly considered eyesight foods because they contain vitamin A.

     "Orange fruits and vegetables also play a part in preventing cancer, particularly of the lungs and stomach. Foods that contain the color orange are: Carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc.

1.The passage tries to tell us that ______.

A. colors mean a lot to people and their health

B. foods of different colors will have different benefits

C. eating foods with a color must prevent diseases

D. what people should eat in their daily lives

2.All the colors mentioned in the passage have the function of ______.

A. lowering blood pressure B. improving eyesight

C. preventing cancer D. reducing the risk of heart disease

3.Which color can help keep us thin according to the passage?

A. Purple. B. Green. C. Red. D. Orange.

4.The green and orange foods are both rich in _______.

A. vitamin A B. folic acid C. carotene D. vitamin K

5.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. all grapes help lower the risk of high blood pressure and cancer

B. lung cancer can be prevented by eating red-colored foods

C. green-colored foods contain a lot of vitamin A which is good for eye health

D. tomatoes should be eaten cooked so that we can benefit the most


Who is your role model? Normally the answer to this question would be anyone around you who you find truly inspiring. It could also be someone like J. K. Rowling or Martin Luther King. Jr. , who have proven to be strong and intelligent people.

However, in today’s world, stars are regarded as role models along with the heroes listed above, despite their intentions or actions. Teens attempt to imitate their actions for two major reasons. Firstly, to be fashionable and accepted by popular culture, and secondly because stars’ actions are so well documented by the media that it seems to grab our attention and turns it to following stars’ lives. Much of the reports about stars is shocking and exhibits bad morals or lifestyles that aren’t right for teenagers. In addition, almost everything stars do is described beyond truth to make a shocking story by taking it to the next level.

However, teens must take responsibility for their actions. We can’t always blame stars for influencing us. Only you have control over yourself and only you choose to do something. Our bodies and actions are in the hands of no one else.

Now, who ever said stars are role models? Whether they choose to be or not, stars set examples as soon as they step into the spotlight. With reporters following and recording every move they make, it is impossible not to be watched and then be imitated. These people influence teens whether or not they want to. Why should someone who doesn’t want to be setting an example set one? So,should we look up to them or to people who are true and good role models? It’s our responsibility as teens to know right from wrong, and it’s time for us to take responsibility for our actions. In doing so,we will lean toward those inspiring people that want to be setting an example, and follow in their steps to be like them.

1.According to the first paragraph, _______ can usually be role models.

A. political leaders

B. wealthy writers

C. people inspiring others

D. people with great intelligence

2.What are the major reasons for the teens to imitate stars?

A. Interest in stars’ life and expectation of getting rich.

B. Motivation for being fashionable and inspiration from popular examples.

C. Intentions to gain acceptance and encouragement from stars’ lifestyle.

D. Desires to be stylish and great influence from the mass media.

3.The author writes the passage mainly to advise the teenagers to _______.

A. have a control over their own bodies and actions

B. be responsible for their own choices and behaviors

C. follow fashionable stars’ steps to be more popular

D. choose right role models according to different reports

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. stars have the responsibility for teenagers’ actions

B. not all famous stars choose to influence teenagers

C. teenagers choose those inspiring people as their role models

D. stars set examples immediately they stepped into the spotlight


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