There is a beautiful story about a child playing with a vase his mother had left on the table for a few moments. When the mother turned   16  the sound of her son’s crying she saw that his  17   was in the vase and was apparently stuck. She   18  to help him and pulled and pulled until the child cried out   19 . But the hand was stuck fast(牢固地). How would they get it out? The father suggested   20  the vase but it was quite valuable and the child’s hand might be cut in the   21 _. Yet he knew that if all else   22  there would be no other alternative.
So he said to the boy, “Now, let’s make one more   23 . Open your hand and stretch your   24  out straight, as I’m doing, and then pull!” “  25  Dad,” said the boy, “if I do that I’ll   26  my penny!”
The boy had had a coin in his hand   27  and was holding it   28 in his tight little fist. And he wasn’t   29  to open his hand and lose it. But  30  he opened his hand it came out of the vase easily.
The father said to the boy, “What are you holding onto so tightly as to hinder (阻碍) your walk with God? That vase can be  31  to the entrance to the Kingdom of God. It is narrow yet quite  32   to pass in, but first you must open your hand to God and   33  earthly(世俗的)things to fall. If we keep our fists   34  and hold fast to what we have and keep it for ourselves, we will be unable to   35  hold of the hand of God. Open your hand to the hand of God and you will see great things take place.”

A.inB.atC.from D.on
A.foot B.hair C.hand D.head
A.tried B.refusedC.completed D.separated
A.in fun B.in generalC.with fear D.in pain
A.abandoning B.selling C.burning D.breaking
A.time B.state C.process D.record
A.failed B.lost C.impressed D.tried
A.chance B.choice C.try D.force
A.lip B.fingers C.nails D.thumb
A.But B.And C.Though D.When
A.touch B.hit C.employ D.lose
A.all the time B.in time C.at one time D.for some time
A.apparently B.securely C.stupidly D.normally
A.hesitated B.accepted C.excited D.prepared
A.yet B.since C.once D.although
A.seemed B.compared C.looked D.related
A.difficult B.safe C.easy D.quiet
A.allow B.admit C.forbid D.make
A.open B.urgent C.closed D.intended
A.bring B.take C.have D.come

There is a beautiful story about a child playing with a vase his mother had left on the table for a few moments. When the mother turned   36  the sound of her son’s crying she saw that his   __37   was in the vase and was apparently stuck. She   38  to help him and pulled and pulled until the child cried out   39_ . But the hand was stuck fast(牢固地). How would they get it out? The father suggested   40  the vase but it was quite valuable and the child’s hand might be cut in the   41 _. Yet he knew that if all else   42  there would be no other alternative.
So he said to the boy, “Now, let’s make one more   43 . Open your hand and stretch your  44  out straight, as I’m doing, and then pull!” “  45  Dad,” said the boy, “if I do that I’ll   46  my penny!”
The boy had had a coin in his hand   47  and was holding it   48 in his little fist(拳头). And he wasn’t   49  to open his hand and lose it. But  50  he opened his hand it came out of the vase easily.
The father said to the boy, “What are you holding onto so tightly as to hinder (阻碍) your walk with God? That vase can be  51  to the entrance to the Kingdom of God. It is narrow yet quite  52   to pass in, but first you must open your hand to God and   53  earthly(世俗的)things to fall. If we keep our fists   54  and hold fast to what we have and keep it for ourselves, we will be unable to   55  hold of the hand of God. Open your hand to the hand of God and you will see great things take place.”

A.inB.atC.from D.on
A.foot B.hair C.hand D.head
A.tried B.refusedC.completed D.separated
A.in fun B.in generalC.with fear D.in pain
A.throwing B.selling C.burning D.breaking
A.time B.state C.process D.record
A.failed B.lost C.impressed D.tried
A.chance B.choiceC.try D.force
A.lips B.fingers C.nails D.thumb
A.But B.And C.Though D.When
A.touch B.hit C.employ D.lose
A.all the time B.in time C.at one timeD.for some time
A.obviously B.tightly C.stupidly D.normally
A.hesitated B.accepted C.excited D.prepared
A.yet B.since C.once D.although
A.seemed B.compared C.looked D.related
A.difficult B.safe C.easy D.quiet
A.allow B.admit C.forbid D.make
A.open B.cleanC.closed D.dirty
A.bring B.take C.have D.come

It’s the dirty little secret many shampoo companies don’t want you to know.  When you wash your hair with certain traditional chemical shampoos, you may actually be removing your hair and scalp(头皮)of their natural oils.  These shampoos generate a thick bubble to clean hair, they can also create dryness, curl, dullness, and color fade. We then spend a lot of time and money on products that are effectively repairing the damage caused by shampoo.

Chaz Dean got tired of clients leaving his salon raving about their color and the feeling of their hair---brassy(似黄铜的) and dull. He knew the main cause was likely their shampoo, so he started experimenting with various ingredients, including natural herbs and botanicals, that he knew had cleansing(弄干净)and hydrating (保湿的) properties.

The result was a totally new approach to the way we cleanse our hair.  It’s called WEN® Cleansing Conditioner.  WEN® contains a super-hydrating natural herbs and botanicals mixture of glycerin, chamomile(甘菊), rosemary, calendula, and Cherry bark, which when combined, will both cleanse the hair as well as give shine and softness, even to damaged hair.

WEN® is a 5-in-1 formula(配方) that takes the place of your shampoo, And the most amazing thing about it is that it cleanses without bubble.  Instead, when mixed with water, it creates a smooth bubble for shiny, healthy-looking, manageable results.  The first time you try it certainly feels strange, but the results speak for themselves.

Before being marketed, WEN® went through extensive consumer tests, and the results were impressive.  More than 90 percent of the participants in the studies reported that their hair was more shiny, less frizzy, and had more bounce.

WEN® is recommended for all hair types, and once you start using it, it will become the only cleanser/conditioner you will want to include in your daily routine.

Right now, WEN® is offering an easy way for online shoppers to try the product.  Now you just pay less than $30 and have a 60 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied. Click here to learn more about WEN® and try this revolutionary new approach yourself.

1.We can infer from the first paragraph that _________________

A. All the shampoo companies are irresponsible.

B. Few traditional shampoos depend on chemicals for cleaning. 

C. WEN® does harm to people’s hair.

D. It takes much time and money to repair hair damaged by shampoo.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “ raving about”(in para.2)?

A. smiling satisfactorily at     B. shouting angrily for     

C. crying excitedly for                       D. sighing silently at

3.Which is right according to the passage?

A. WEN® contains natural herbs and botanicals.  

B. You cann’t use WEN® without bubble. 

C. WEN® hasn’t been tested before selling.      

D. WEN® is accessible only online. 

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Why are shampoos a waste of money B. Why do we need shampoos

C. WEN® is your best choice.                D. WEN® has good guarantee

5.Where does the passage come from ?

A. magazine   B. website      C. newspaper           D. text



There is a beautiful story about a child playing with a vase his mother had left on the table for a few moments. When the mother turned   16  the sound of her son’s crying she saw that his  17   was in the vase and was apparently stuck. She   18  to help him and pulled and pulled until the child cried out   19 . But the hand was stuck fast(牢固地). How would they get it out? The father suggested   20  the vase but it was quite valuable and the child’s hand might be cut in the   21 _. Yet he knew that if all else   22  there would be no other alternative.

So he said to the boy, “Now, let’s make one more   23 . Open your hand and stretch your   24  out straight, as I’m doing, and then pull!” “  25  Dad,” said the boy, “if I do that I’ll   26  my penny!”

The boy had had a coin in his hand   27  and was holding it   28 in his tight little fist. And he wasn’t   29  to open his hand and lose it. But  30  he opened his hand it came out of the vase easily.

The father said to the boy, “What are you holding onto so tightly as to hinder (阻碍) your walk with God? That vase can be  31  to the entrance to the Kingdom of God. It is narrow yet quite  32   to pass in, but first you must open your hand to God and   33  earthly(世俗的)things to fall. If we keep our fists   34  and hold fast to what we have and keep it for ourselves, we will be unable to   35  hold of the hand of God. Open your hand to the hand of God and you will see great things take place.”




















A.in fun

B.in general

C.with fear

D.in pain













































A.all the time

B.in time

C.at one time

D.for some time


















































Goats are amazing animals. They can survive just about anywhere. Altogether there are nine species of goats in the world.

Goats have more uses than you could ever imagine. Goat’s meat can be eaten and goat’s milk is becoming popular as a healthy choice to drink milk. Goat’s milk is easier to take in than cow’s milk and it is called universal milk as it can be used to bottle-feed most animals. In nutrition, it is also good. Goat’s skins are still used today to make gloves and other items of clothing. The initial reasons for domesticating (驯化) goats were to get goat’s hair, meat and milk. Goat’s skins were used up until the Middle Ages for making bottles to hold water and wine for people who were traveling or camping.

Just like sheep, goats are considered to be the first domesticated animal. The domestication process began over 10,000 years ago in a North Iranian town. A lot of people keep goats as pets nowadays.

Goats are easily trained and you can teach them to pull carts and walk on ropes. Goats are also known for escaping their pens (圈). If you have unsecured fencing, your goats will be interested in it and test it out and soon you will know where the openings are. Goats are also widely known for their ability to climb trees, although the tree generally has to be at a slight angle (角度).

If goats are raised correctly and trained from an early age, they never develop any bad habits. Goats will attack each other. However, if they’re corrected from an early age they never attack humans or other animals.

1.The passage is written mainly       .

A. to tell people how to raise goats        B. to let people know more about goats

C. to explain how goats are domesticated    D. to describe goats of different uses

2.Why is goat’s milk called universal milk?

A. It is rich in nutrition and easy to take in.   B. It is good for our health.

C. It is suitable to feed most animals.   D. It is easy to get.

3.If you want to keep a goat as a pet, it is important       .

A. to get along well with it        B. to find a professional trainer

C. to develop its ability           D. to train it when young

4.Which of the following words can best describe goats?

A. Curious and clever.           B. Unfriendly and naughty.

C. Careful and lazy.                 D. Stubborn and quiet.


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