

Su Hua is studying at Cambridge, UK.She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security.Her friend, Kate, found this article and sent it to her.

1.Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?




D.Basic Security.

2.The underlined phrase "act as a deterrent to a thief" means _____.

A.help you recognize your bike

B.help the police find your bicycle

C.stop someone stealing your bicycle

D.stop you worrying about your bike

3.The main purpose of this article is _____.

A.to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen

B.to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe

C.to give you advice on where to buy a good lock

D.to say why you shouldn't keep your bicycle in a quiet place


Have you got any wonderful plans for your coming summer vacation? Here are some wonderful films for you to kill time.

Away We Go

With a baby on his way, a young couple, Burt and Verona, look at their lives and are puzzled about what they really want. So they hit the road and seek a place to call home. On their journey, they visit a handful of characters and learned a lot.

It’s about taking the scenic route in life, preparing for the hope and excitement and fear of new beginnings, while never forgetting to look out of the window.


Esther, a bright and well-behaved child, however, is not as innocent as she appears. Soon after being taken home, the peace of her adoptive family is completely changed

You want a good horror film about a child from hell Then you got one! Do not, in any cases, take children to see it.

500 Days of Summer

Tom is in love with Summer from the moment he sees her. Can he accept that she simply likes him for now, not for forever The movie is about Tom wrestling with that reality. Tom remembers his love, Summer, as a series of joys and bafflements (疑惑). But Summer is just herself and he cannot have her.

Here is a rare movie that begins by telling us how it will end and is about how the hero has no idea why.


The director Roland Emmerich successfully dresses an old story with an old Mayan prediction, which is believed by many to happen in the coming 2012 and as a result, attracts millions of people into the cinema.

It’s just an entertaining Hollywood blockbuster (大片)with plenty of jokes, instead of a description of what the end of the world is really like. Don’t take it too seriously!

1.This passage aims to .

A.introduce films for a film corporation

B.recommend several films for fun

C.advertise several films for a website

D.make comments on films for a cinema

2.If you want to kill time with your nine-year-old little brother in the cinema, which of the following film should you avoid

A.2012 B.500 Days of Summer

C.Orphan D.Away We Go.

3. Who is a film director in Hollywood?

A.Esther. B.Tom and Summer.

C.Burt and Verona. D.Roland Emmerich.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage

A.Orphan is a comedy about Esther adopted by a kind family.

B.500 Days of Summer is a romance with a happy ending.

C.Away We Go shows beautiful scenery on the young couple’s journey.

D.The ancient Mayan prediction is going to happen in 2012.


Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth. There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. ___1.___ Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the ocean.

Sharks grow slowly. About forty percent of all sharks lay eggs. ____2.___ Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old.Most reproduce only every two years. And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks. For this reason, over-fishing of sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal.

Sharks are important for the world’s oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great. ____3.____.

People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable. Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark. ___4.____ The skin of a shark can be used like leather. In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say a fisherman can earn a lot of money for even one kilogram of shark fins. Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth. ___5.____

A.Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A.

B.This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.

C.Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them.

D.These powerful senses help sharks find their food.

E.If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never return to normal population levels.

F. This is a threat to other forms of life in the ocean.

G.The others give birth to live young.



I love a good murder mystery.It is so _________ to watch or read an exciting and interesting detective story and try to solve the _________yourself.Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story considering she _________ over eighty books.Many people have fallen in love with her _________ -----Hercule Poirot, a famous Belgian detective and Miss Marple, an old lady who is also an amateur _________

As I am a big _________of Agatha Christie, I was excited to _________ her house in Devon called Greenway.I travelled to her _________ by steam train.We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke.It was a _________ setting for a murder like in her famous novel Murder on the Orient Express._________ , all the passengers arrived safely!

After a pleasant walk through the woods, I _________ the splendid house.I did a tour and I loved seeing where she wrote her _________.Many first editions were on display in a revolving(旋转的)bookcase.However, my _________ part of the estate(房产) was the boathouse.There was a lovely view of the river _________ the boathouse also served a more special purpose---inspiration for a crime _________ .In the Poirot novel, Dead Man’s Folly, a girl’s body is _________ in the boathouse.They even _________the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway.

I really _________ my visit to Greenway.It was such a _________ place and I was interested in seeing where Agatha Christie was _________ write so many exciting stories.

1.A.attention B.heat C.success D.fun

2.A.doubt B.problem C.murder D.method

3.A.read B.wrote C.saw D.contributed

4.A.creations B.inventions C.discussions D.reasons

5.A.guard B.detective C.creator D.spy

6.A.guide B.fellow C.fan D.gift

7.A.watch B.rebuild C.explode D.visit

8.A.house B.family C.hometown D.site

9.A.perfect B.central C.colorful D.direct

10.A.Sadly B.Fortunately C.Hopefully D.Surprisingly

11.A.fetched B.got C.reached D.mentioned

12.A.posts B.novels C.letters D.books

13.A.personal B.useful C.rewarding D.favorite

14.A.or B.and C.but D.for

15.A.scenery B.sight C.view D.scene

16.A.dissolved B.tended C.found D.buried

17.A.developed B.filmed C.adapted D.affected

18.A.enjoyed B.treasured C.exploited D.focused

19.A.shocking B.beautiful C.skillful D.helpful

20.A.inspired B.disappointed C.marked D.honored


To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

1.Try the following steps:

Calm yourself.2.You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way.

3.Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about you hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your mounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

4.If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself.5.But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

A.Why should you forgive?

B.How should you start to forgive?

C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D.Try to see things from you offender’s angle.

E.For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F.To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G.If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.


There’s no doubt that our character has a profound effect on our future.What we must remember,however,is not merely how powerful character is in influencing our fate (命运),but how powerful we are in shaping our own character and,therefore,our own fate.Character may determine our fate,but character is not determined by fate.

It’s a common mistake to think of character as something that is fully formed and fixed very early in life.It calls to mind old proverbs like “A leopard can’t change its spots” and “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

This perspective that our character is “etched in stone” is supported by a great deal of modern psychology emphasizing self-acceptance.As Popeye says,“I am what I am.” The hidden message is:Don’t expect me to be more,better,or different.

Ultimately,these views of humanity totally undervalue the lifelong potential for growth that comes with the power of reflection and choice.

How depressing it would be to believe that we can’t choose to be better,more honest,more respectful,more responsible,and more caring.None of us should give up the personal seeking to improve our character.Not because we’re bad,we don’t have to be sick to get better ,but because we’re not as good as we could be.

There are so many things in life we can’t control,whether we’re beautiful or smart,whether we had good parents or bad,whether we grew up with affirmation or negation.It’s inspiring to remember that nothing but moral will power is needed to make us better.

No,it isn’t easy.But if we make a great effort to become more aware of the habits of heart and mind that drive our behavior,we can begin to place new emphasis on our higher values so that we become what we want our children to think we are.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A.We shape our own character.

B.Character determines our fate.

C.Character is fully formed and fixed.

D.We must meet what our children need.

2.The author agrees that _____________.

A.a leopard can't change its spots

B.in life we must attach importance to self-acceptance

C.we shouldn’t expect us to be more different

D.character is not fully formed and fixed very early

3.In the author’s opinion,which of the following is TRUE?

A.We can’t choose to be better.

B.We should seek to improve our character for we’re bad enough.

C.We should value our lifelong potential for growth.

D.We should make choices constantly.

4.What do we need to improve ourselves according to the author?

A.Our smartness.

B.Our will power.

C.Our fate.

D.Our character.

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.It is not difficult to improve ourselves.

B.We must try our best to be as good as possible.

C.Our children should copy our behavior.

D.We should control as many things as possible in life.

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