

W: Why do you look so u  1  , Jim?                                  1.         

M: I don't know what to say. It's a long story.

W: Do you m  2   telling me?                                       2.         

M: It's all right. I hate myself. Yesterday, when Tom asked to borrow my bike to go to the post office, I refused him.

W: Why?

M: It's a p  3   from my mother. She bought it for my birthday.             3.         

W: No w  4   you refused Tom.                                      4.         

M: That's not the only reason. I refused to lend him my bike partly because last week when I asked Tom to lend me some money, I was refused by Tom.

So I had to go w  5   food for one day.                                 5.        

W: If so, he refused you money and you refused him your bike.

 Why do you f  6  so sorry?                                          6.        

M: In fact, I've come to r   7   that it was mainly my mistake.               7.         

This morning, I got to know that Tom didn't lend me money

because he h  8   didn't have any money with him.                        8.        

He is from a poor family and he always has to go without breakfast.

W: Now you know that. What do you d   9  to do?                        9.        

M: I think I will have a talk with Tom and do a  10  I can to help him.         10.        

W: Good idea.

1. unhappy /upset    2. mind    3. present  4.  wonder   5. without

6. feel    7.  realize / realize  8. himself   9.  decide     10.  all / anything



W:Oh,did you really like it?

M:Yes,very much.It was excellent!

W:Well,thank you for(77)s________ so.                                                    77.              

M:In fact,could I (78)a_________you for the recipe(烹饪方法)?                 78.              

W:  (79)S_________.It’s really very easy                                                 79.              

(80)F_________,mix together one egg, two teaspoons of salt,                 80.              

and two pounds of ground beef.(81)T__________,add twelve                      81.              

ounces milk an a cup of bread crumbs(面包屑). Are you with me so far? 

M:Yes,I’m with you

W:Okay.(82)N___________,put the mixture into a baking pan And              82.              

(83)a_________that,bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.        83.              

M:Wait a minute!I didn’t get the last (84)s________.Could you repeat          84.              

that part?

W:Sure.Bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.

M:Now I’ve got it.Is that it?

W:Yes.That’s it!

M:Thanks very much.

W:My(85)p____________.                                                                       85.              


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