
Top 5 Must See Places in Beijing

Beijing is an old capital city with a lot of tourists attractions. What is the most representative place in Beijing? The answers are various. Here are the Top 5 Must See Places in Beijing.

1. Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot! A multilingual guide recorder is recommended, as it can tell you the stories behind the palace.

Opening Hour: 8:30-17:00

Entrance Fee: RMB 60

2. Tian’anmen Square

Lying in the heart of Beijing City, it is the place for massive parades and gathering. It boasts of the largest square of such kind in the world. At sunrise and sunset the raising and lowering ceremony of the Chinese National Flag is well worth seeing.

Ticket fees: Free

Opening Time: Whole Day

3. Great Wall

Most of the sections of the Great Wall in Beijing are well-preserved, and the most famous section is Badaling. For the Great Wall hiking, get ready for strong footwear. For hot weather, please also prepare sunblock, sunglasses and water.

Badaling Great Wall:

Ticket Fees: RMB40 (Nov. 01 to Mar. 31); RMB 45 (Apr. 01 to Oct. 31)

Open Hours: 6:40 to 18:30

4. Summer Palace

Regarded as the largest imperial garden in China, the Summer Palace is in fact a park-styled royal retreat. With masterly design and artistic architecture integrating the highlight of Chinese garden arts, it has earned a title of "Royal Garden Museum".

Open Time: 6:30-20:30

Ticket Fee: RMB 40 (low season) / RMB 50 (peak season during the holidays)

5. Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven worked as sacrificial compound buildings for the Ming and Qing emperors. What's the intriguing by-production of the temple is that if you enter the Temple of Heaven in the early morning, you can find many people doing all types of Kungfu, Taiji, dancing and other morning exercises.

Open Time: 6:00-21:00

Ticket Fee: RMB 35

1. At 5:45 in the morning, what could one enjoy?

A.The artistic architectural design of the Summer Palace.

B.Wandering about on the Tian’anmen Square.

C.The sunrise on the Badaling Great Wall.

D.Exercises of Kungfu and Taiji in the Temple of Heaven.

2.Which is the most suitable place for those who want to go square dancing in the morning?

A. Temple of Heaven B. Tian’anmen Square

C. Summer Palace D. Forbidden City

3. If Li Hua wants to visit the Summer Palace and Badaling Great Wall during the National Day, how much should he pay for the tickets?

A. 80 B. 85 C. 90 D. 95

4.According to the passage, tourists are recommended to use a multilingual guide recorder when visiting _________.

A. Tian’anmen Square B. Temple of Heaven

C. Forbidden City D. Summer Palace

1.One of the most popular vacation destinations for young families is the home of relatives.(36)F Here are some tips for making sure you are invited back again.
Be considerate
Every family has their own way of doing things.Keep these things in mind when you're visiting.
If your host family are early to bed and early to rise,don't keep them up talking until one o'clock in the morning.
If your host family gets angry about kids running wild,either plan to keep a close eye on your kids or plan to stay somewhere else. (37)G
Offer to help out
Playing host to a family with children can be quite a challenge.Make sure you help lighten the load.
(38)A Offer to help with cooking and cleanup.Make your beds and run to the store for milk.Better yet,don't ask.Just start working.
Help pay for food
This may not apply,if you're visiting parents and they insist on paying for everything and they can afford it. (39)D Use your  udgment when it comes to parents.However,if you're visiting cousins,it will be a great help to them if you buy your  share of the food.
Show your appreciation
No matter whom you are visiting,make sure you let them know you appreciate their hospitality(盛情招待).(40)B Or leave some fresh flowers when you leave.If you don't have enough money,write them a letter,letting them know how much fun you had and how much you appreciate them.

A.Don't expect your hosts to supply your every need.
B.Offer to take them out to dinner on your last night in town.
C.Make sure you don't leave your things behind while visiting a family.
D.In that case you may hurt your parents if you insist on paying for food.
E.Try not to disturb someone who is in the middle of exams.
F.Staying with relatives is a great way to save money while getting away from home for a while.
G.Having a talk with your children about expected behavior while visiting is always a good idea.

Too Good To Go, an app operating in the UK, allows users to order leftover food at a discount from restaurants, according to the website. The goal is to help cut food waste.

Users simply log in, pick a restaurant, pay through the app and then pick up their food at a set time—usually around closing or after peak meal times. Orders through the app cost between 2 British pounds ($2.60) to 3.80 British pounds (about $5). Users aren’t able to pick the food items, but they get an idea of the type of food that will be available, according to Business Green.

Users also have the option to give meals to people in need by donating 1 British pound or more through the app. More than l, l00 meals have been donated so far.

To ensure the entire experience is super eco-friendly. Too Good To Go provides recyclable takeout packaging to participating restaurants.

Restaurants using the app make extra money by selling food what would otherwise have been throw away. And Too Good To Go itself makes money by taking a fee from participating restaurants on each sale.

Founded in Denmark last year. Too Good To Go launched this year in the UK and is expanding to other countries. The app is available in Brighton, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds, and will be in London later this month.

“Food waste just seems like one of the dumbest(愚蠢) problems we have in this world,” co-founder James Crummie told Business Green. “The restaurant industry is wasting about 600,000 tonnes of food each year, and in the UK alone there are one million people on emergency food parcels from food banks. Why do we have these two massive social issues that are completely connected, yet there is not much going on to address them?”

Too Good To Go has already helped cut a significant amount of waste. So far, the app has saved 600 meals from landfills in the UK, reports Business Green.

1.Why is the app introduced into UK according to the passage?

A. To help users find proper restaurants.

B. To reduce food waste in UK.

C. To help people in need of food.

D. To make orders of food much cheaper.

2.Which of the following statements are TRUE according to the passage?

A. The app has made some progress in saving food.

B. The app has been used throughout UK by now.

C. You can make money if you are a customer.

D. The restaurants provide recyclable takeout packaging.

3.From what James Crummie said we know that ________.

A. it’s stupid for the restaurant industry to waste so much food

B. food bank should provide more food to people in need

C. people don't pay much attention to food problems

D. it’s stupid trying to solve food problems by using the app

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How to use the app.

B. Who benefit from the app.

C. Food waste is the biggest problem.

D. Using an app can reduce food waste.

How to Live Peacefully with Your Parents

As a teen,you are going through big changes physically and mentally.Your interests are expanding.1..

Here is the challenge: kids need to explore the world in new ways,and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in the world.These conflicts(冲突)can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm house. Sometimes conflicts can't be avoided.But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships,you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.

For example,try to find time to talk when your parents are not angry,tired,or hungry.A good time to talk is when you are all relaxed.Timing is everything.If the conversation begins to turn into an argument,you'd better calmly and coolly ask to stop it.2..Listen to what your parents are saying,and repeat it back to them.This shows them that you are listening.3. .

Respect is the building block of good communication.People who respect each other and care about each other's feeling can disagree without getting things ugly.

4..How do you build trust?Trust,comes by actually doing what you say you are going to do.Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships.Sometime we forget that parents are more than rule makers---they're interesting people who like to watch movies and go shopping---just like their teenagers!

What do you do if you are trying your best,but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky?5. You can find supportive adults,such as a teacher or a coach,who can lend an ear.Remember you can only change your own behavior.Your parents are the ones who can change theirs.

A.You may consider seeking outside help.

B.Faced with this challenge,children don't know what to do.

C.And then you will be able to accept what your parents say.

D.You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if your parents believe in you.

E.And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.

F.It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you are not on the same page.

G.You can pick it up again when everyone's more relaxed.

Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, " Would you mind ______ your seat? A couple would like to sit together." The only ______ seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “ ______ am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke,“She needs help.” Finally, I ______ to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She ______ hurt in a car accident and now was on her way for ______ .

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to ______ that Kathy would not be able to ______ herself. I considered ______ to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too ______ to offer a service to a ______ . But then I realized that Kathy's need was more ______ than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and ______ she was uncomfortable to accept, she ______ as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart ______ , and the ______ was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached ______ my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love ______ flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us ______ . When we ______ to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

1.A. losing B. changing C. taking D. giving

2.A. comfortable B. suitable C. available D. favorable

3.A. No problem B. No way C. Nowhere D. No doubt

4.A. decided B. wanted C. regretted D. promised

5.A. has been B. would be C. used to be D. had been

6.A. treatment B. travel C. pleasure D. business

7.A. know B. say C. realize D. recognize

8.A. eat B. feed C. choose D. support

9.A. offering B. needing C. stopping D. trying

10.A. impolite B. far C. close D. fast

11.A. girl B. neighbor C. passenger D. stranger

12.A. unusual B. direct C. important D. shameful

13.A. when B. although C. since D. as

14.A. refused B. wondered C. cried D. did

15.A. had warmed B. had jumped C. had broken D. had cheered

16.A. life B. money C. time D. energy

17.A. below B. through C. across D. beyond

18.A. seldom B. never C. hardly D. sometimes

19.A. separate B. independent C. silent D. upset

20.A. happen B. stretch C. wait D. continue

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