
【题目】People in the United States honour their parents with two special days: Mother's Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father's Day, on the third Sunday in June.

Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1915. Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honour mothers. She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.

In 1909, Mrs. Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea of a day to honour fathers. She wanted to honour her own father, William Smart. After her mother died, he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter. In 1910, the first Father's Day was observed in Spokane. Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to established Father's Day as a national commemorative day, in 1972.

These days are set to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother's Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honour parents.It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On these days, families get together at home as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Father's Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.

【1】According to the passage, which of the following about the second Sunday in May isn't true?

A. It is a day to show love to mothers.

B. it is a day to wear carnations.

C. it is a day for many people to attend religious services.

D. it is a day for people to visit the cemetery.

【2】Choose the right time order of the following events.

a. The first Father's Day was observed.

b. Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.

c. Father's Day became a day for national observance.

d. The idea of honoring fathers was bought up.

A. d a b c B. a b e d C. b a c d D. d a c b

【3】Who plays the most important role in Father's Day becoming a national commemorative day?

A. Mrs. Dodd

B. Ann Jarvis

C. Margaret Chase Smith

D. Woodrow Wilson

【4】From the passage, we know in the U. S. __________.

A. one should wear a red carnation if one's mother passed away

B. the purpose to have these two special days is to show love to parents

C. on Father's Day, people often stay at home to celebrate the special day

D. on Mother's Day, families often go out to have barbecues

【5】The author's purpose of writing this passage is to __________.

A. call on people to love and respect their parents

B. show how important fathers and mothers are

C. tell the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day

D. introduce Mother's Day and Father's Day








【1】D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知五月的第二个周日是母亲节,在这一天,有些父母去世的人会去墓地看父母,并不是所有的人都会去墓地,所以D项表述不准确。

【2】A 推理判断题。根据第二段第三段关于母亲节及父亲节形成的先后关系来判断。

【3】C 推理判断题。从第三段最后一句话Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to established Father's Day as a national commemorative day, in 1972 可知。

【4】B 推理判断题。从第四段 These days are set to show love and respect for parents 可知

【5】D 主旨大意题。写这篇文章的目的是介绍母亲节和父亲节。


【题目】Coffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the world today. In fact, according to some estimates, over 30% of all adults in the world drink coffee at least once a day on the average. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates (刺激) the nerves of the body. Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake―at least for a short time―because of this stimulating effect on the nervous system. A cup of coffee has, on the average, about 3% caffeine in it.

One story of the discovery of the coffee plant relates to this effect of caffeine. According to the story, coffee was discovered in East Africa. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi. This was about the year 850. Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and down in a very strange way. Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans (豆荚) that the goats had been eating. He, too, felt the stimulating effect of the beans. Kaldi wanted to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to the village, where he told his story.

The green bean got the name "Kaffa" and later "coffee" because the beans were discovered in a /span>place called Kaffa in Africa. Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Kaffa beans when they were in the mountains and needed extra energy to do their work. It was later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored. If the beans were dried and stored, they could be used at any time.

1What is the purpose of drinking coffee?

A. To become more awake. B. To become more healthy.

C. To become more happy. D. To become more clever.

2How did the goats react after eating the plants?

A. They fell asleep.

B. They could not find their way home.

C. They started jumping up and down.

D. They wanted to eat more.

3Why did the green bean get the name "Kaffa"?

A. Because Kaldi loved his home village very much.

B. Because Kaldi's goats loved the green bean very much.

C. Because the beans were discovered in a place by this name.

D. Because the beans could be picked and dried.

【题目】In her new book, “The Smartest Kids in the World,” Amanda Ripley, an investigative journalist, tells the story of Tom, a high-school student from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, who decides to spend his senior year in Warsaw, Poland. Poland is a surprising educational success story: in the past decade, the country raised students’ test scores from significantly below average to well above it. Polish kids have now outscored(超过……分数) American kids in math and science, even though Poland spends, on average, less than half as much per student as the United States does. One of the most striking differences between the high school Tom attended in Gettysburg and the one he ends up at in Warsaw is that the latter has no football team, or, for that matter, teams of any kind.

That American high schools waste more time and money on sports than on math is an old complaint. This is not a matter of how any given student who plays sports does in school, but of the culture and its priorities. This December, when the latest Program for International Student Assessment(PISA) results are announced, it’s safe to predict that American high-school students will once again display their limited skills in math and reading, outscored not just by students in Poland but also by students in places like South Korea, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, and Japan. Meanwhile, they will have played some very exciting football games, which will have been breathlessly written up in their hometown papers.

Why does this situation continue? Well, for one thing, kids like it. And for another, according to Ripley, parents seem to like the arrangement, too. She describes a tour she took of a school in Washington D.C., which costs thirty thousand dollars a year. The tour leader—a mother with three children in the school—was asked about the school’s flaws(暇疵). When she said that the math program was weak, none of the parents taking the tour reacted. When she said that the football program was weak, the parents suddenly became concerned. “Really?” one of them asked worriedly, “What do you mean?”One of the ironies(讽刺) of the situation is that sports reveal what is possible.____________________________________________________________________________.

1Tom decides to spend his senior year in Poland because _______.

A. there are striking differences between the 2 countries

B. Polish kids are better at learning

C. he intends to improve his scores

D. sports are not supported at schools in Gettysburg

2According to Paragraph 2, we know that _______.

A. little time is spent on sports in Japanese schools

B. too much importance is placed on sports in America

C. American high schools complain about sports time

D. PISA plays a very important role in America

3The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means _______.

A. American students’ academic performance worries their parents a lot

B. high expectations push up American students’ academic performance

C. lacking practice contributes to American students’ average performance

D. low expectations result in American students’ poor PISA performance

4The purpose of this article is to _______.

A. draw public attention to a weakness in American school tradition

B. call on American schools to learn from the Polish model

C. compare Polish schools with those in America

D. explain what is wrong with American schools and provide solutions

【题目】Readers of many different periods have considered Du Fu to be the greatest poet of the Chinese tradition. Such general agreement can partially be explained by the immense variety of his work, which holds up quite well to different tastes and historical changes in fashion. Like Shakespeare in English tradition, Du Fu's poetry came to be so deeply bound up with the constitution of literary value that generation after generation of poets and critics rediscovered themselves and their interests in some aspect of the poet.

Chinese critics from the Song Dynasty referred to Du Fu as the "poet-historian". Du Fu witnessed a typically political and social situation; the common people still lived in poverty while the emperor and his top officials enjoyed a foolishly luxurious life. He composed many poemswhich expressed his dissatisfaction with the government and his great pity for the common people. Du Fu used his poems to comment on current events and historical images. Du Fu became the historian by creating his responses to particular situations.

Du Fu was talented. When he was young, he wanted to get a good job in the government. Unfortunately Du Fu was refused several times. He was in his fifties when he began to serve as a minor official in Changan( Xi'an).

Du Fu was dismissed in the form of a transfer to the post of personnel administrator in Huazhou and so he left Changan. And in 759 he arrived in Chengdu. He set up a modest cottage with some money he borrowed from his friend who served as a local governor. In the cottage he had a simple and peaceful life for three years, writing about 240 poems.

Du Fu left Chengdu after 762 and wandered in the southern provinces and eventually died of illness in 770. After his death, the people in Chengdu built a shrine (神殿)on the site of his garden to honor him, which is known as part of Du Fu Thatched Cottage now.

1 Why does the author compare Du Fu to Shakespeare?

A. Du Fu's poetry was written following Shakespeare's style.

B. Du Fu's poetry referred to the social change critically.

C. Du Fu and Shakespeare were best friends.

D. Shakespeare read a lot of Du Fu's poems.

2 Du Fu ______ when he was young.

A. didn't want to be an official

B. was worried about the education

C. wasn't liked by the emperor

D. wasn't offered an opportunity to work in the government

3 What did Du Fu describe in most of his poems?

A. The luxurious life that the emperor and his top officials enjoyed.

B. His happy life.

C. His responses to particular situations.

D. His dissatisfaction with the government and his great pity for the common people.

4 What did the people do after Du Fu died according to the passage?

A. They destroyed his cottage.

B. They rebuilt the cottage he had lived into a high building.

C. They built a shrine to honor him.

D. They made a carved statue of him.

5 What's the title of the passage?

A. Du Fu—the Most Important Politician in Tang Dynasty

B. The Origin of Du Fu Thatched Cottage

C. Du Fu—One of the Greatest Poets in Tang Dynasty

D. Du Fu Was Not a Skilled Survivor in Government Politics

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