
【题目】I am peter Hodes ,a volunteer stem courier. Since March 2012, I've done 89 trips of those , 51 have been abroad, I have 42 hours to carry stem cells(干细胞)in my little box because I've got two ice packs and that's how long they last, in all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor(捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we’ve got 72 hours at most, So I am always conscious of time.

I had one trip last year where I was caught by a hurricane in America. I picked up the stem cells in Providence, Rhode Island, and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London. But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence, the lady on the desk said: “Well, I’m really sorry, I’ve got some bad news for you-there are no fights from Washington.” So I took my box and put it on the desk and I said: “In this box are some stem cells that are urgently needed for a patient-please, please, you’ve got to get me back to the United Kingdom.” She just dropped everything. She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for mere-routed(改道)me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled.

For this courier job, you’re consciously aware than that box you’re got something that is potentially going to save somebody’s life.

1Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in Paragraph17

A. provider B. delivery man

C. collector D. medical doctor


A. Hecannotstayawayfromhisjobtoolong.

B. Thedonorcanonlywaitforthatlong.

C. Theoperationneedsthatverymuch.

D. Theicewon'tlastanylonger.


A. ToLondon B. To Newark

C. ToProvidence D. ToWashington






1】推断题。根据文章第一段第三句 “from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor to the time they can be implanted in the patient” 可以推测,负责的时间段是当干细胞从捐献者身体里取出之后到送到患者那里,可知的身份像一个投递员(delivery man)。A项,意为供应商C项,意为收集者D项,意为药物医生,均不符合文意。故正确答案为B

2】细节题。根据文章第一段第二句 “I have 42 hours to carry stem cells in my little box because I've got two ice packs and that’s how long they last” 可知,42小时来用的小箱子携带干细胞因为有两个冰袋,并且能持续制冷42小时。超过了42小时,冰袋就不会再持续维持低温了。故正确答案为D

3】细节题。根据文章第二段最后一句 “re-routed me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled” 可知,在说了的处境以后,值机柜台的服务人员安排了一架小飞机并为改道经过 Newark 并返回英国。所以 Peter 首先到达 Newark。故正确答案为B


【题目】Soft winds blew throughout the Windy City today. We welcomed the winds, as it was another hot day in Chicago. The wind blew, bringing us some coolness—and making the weather not that hot. But it was a beautiful summer day with a blue sky.

Chicago is a great city for eating, and we have enjoyed tasting the different foods. Last night, we tried one of the city’s most famous foods: deep-dish pizza. Chicago claims credit for the rich and cheesy thick-crust pizza, covered with a sweet tomato sauce. We topped it with olives and green peppers.

We were touring the city, mainly looking for delicious local foods. Today, we enjoyed a Polish specialty at lunch: Pierogis, an Eastern European dumpling-like dish, filled with foods like potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, cabbage and meat. Polish immigrants started settling in Chicago in the 1850s, and the city has one of the largest Polish communities in the U.S.

We took a break from exploring the city to talk with some of you! Ashley and Caty logged onto the Internet for an on-the -road version of TALK2US. We spoke to an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan, and a graduate student in India.

Meanwhile, Adam searched for some locations around the city to shoot some video. He chose a spectacular spot: Navy Pier, Chicago’s most-visited attraction. The winds from Lake Michigan keep visitors cool, and the view of the Chicago skyline never fails to impress. In fact, the view made all of us head over heels!

Our time in Chicago has come to an end. Tomorrow, the true journey begins, as we pass through Illinois and into Missouri via Route 66. Springfield, the home of Abe Lincoln, and St. Louis, the “gateway to the West,” wait for us.

1Why did the author and her companions like the soft winds?

A. It brought warmth to them.

B. It left the sky blue and beautiful.

C. It improved the quality of the air.

D. It made them feel comfortable.

2What did the author and her companions mainly do in Chicago?

A. They enjoyed famous local foods.

B. They visited Polish communities.

C. They studied the history of the city.

D. They explored for foreign customs.

3The author and her companions stayed online .

A. sharing their travel plan with strangers

B. asking for information on foreign foods

C. communicating with strangers abroad

D. learning about different cultures in the world

4The underlined part “head over heels” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by .

A. bored B. relaxed

C. fascinated D. disappointed

Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he 1his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always 2 his success to it.
At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,3 to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the 4made through years. At the airport he had to accept the routine customs(海关) check. The watch on his wrist was also required to be taken down for5. Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying 6 for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a 7 fake(假货). When he was8of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,9cost nearly 100,000, into pieces10hearing Glen's words. Glen was 11. Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined 12. For many times of entry-exit 13 he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and 14 him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if15 reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be 16 by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after17the plane for long.
After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep 18 on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of 19, which he would remember as the 20of his success forever.
(1)A.went up B.set up C.took up D.picked up
(2)A.honors B.mentions C.brings D.owes
(3)A.objected B.refused C.decided D.asked
(4)A.books B.things C.pounds D.savings
(5)A.inspection B.look C.test D.experiment
(6)A.it B.one C.them D.these
(7)A.careless B.priceless C.hopeless D.worthless
(8)A.afraid B.ashamed C.proud D.hard
(9)A.whose B.what C.which D.as
(10)A.at B.on C.in D.by
(11)A.shocked B.delighted C.disappointed D.satisfied
(12)A.closely B.quietly C.quickly D.curiously
(13)A.conditions B.chances C.experiments D.experiences
(14)A.stopped B.warned C.urged D.hoped
(15)A.found out B.came out C.sent out D.set out
(16)A.hit B.charged C.praised D.blamed
(17)A.boarding B.getting off C.flying D.observing
(18)A.expression B.idea C.thought D.impression
(19)A.lies B.honesty C.goods D.bravery
(20)A.choice B.lesson C.secret D.belief

【题目】根据内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。

There are many reasons for people to study abroad. One is that you can have the chance to make yourself know about the culture of the place. Although we humans belong only to the same one species, we are divided into several races. 【1】 .And when countries are divided by oceans, naturally the way of life in that country is different from ours.

Once you are studying in a foreign country, you will slowly learn to speak the language of the place.__2___If you want to ask for directions or if you are lost, it can be of great help.

3____If you study in such places as Spain and the Philippines, there are lots of foreign sights to see.

Studying abroad will also give you the chance to experience a totally different curriculum(课程).4 .

Studying abroad is also a memory that can be valued for a lifetime. 5____Once you have made friends with your classmates, I’m pretty sure you will enjoy being with them in your hang-outs, in your parties, and even in helping out with each other’s homework.

A. This is an opportunity to make friends from other races.

B. Studying abroad also offers an opportunity to travel.

C. Different countries have different cultures.

D. A college course in the UK, for example, is not similar to the one we have here.

E. Learning the native language of the place can also greatly help you to go around.

F. English is spoken as a third language in many countries.

G. There are Africans, Europeans, Asians and etc.

One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant, a man ran in a yelled. “Officer! A little kid is driving a car down the street!"
He ran out at once and saw a cargoing slowly--about 25 miles an hour--but it wasn't going very straight. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco Morabiro and he was 5. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both children were crying.
"I want my mummy!" the boy cried. "But she can't get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea. "Just a minute." he told Officer Vogel. "I can drive. I'll go to get her.”
“No!" Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me!" Then he drove them to the police station and he called their mother. They had many questions for Rocco. The first question was: "Where did you get the car keys?"
Rocco said. “From the top of the refrigerator." At seven that morning Rocco's father was at work and his mother was sleeping, Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigerator. He climbed up on a chair, and took the keys.
Rocco got into the car and started the engine. When Rocco's sister heard the engine, she ran to the car and cried. She wanted to go with him.
It was 7 a. m.---rush hour---so there was much traffic. Rocco drove one mile in heavy traffic. Then Officer Vogel stopped him.
Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up?"
“A truck driver," he said, smiling.
(1)Why did the officer asked Rocco to stay with him?
A.He would drive them home
B.Other cars would go much faster
C.Rocco would not cause any accident
D.Rocco's sister would not feel alone
(2)For what purpose were Rocco and his sister taken to the police station?
A.To have a good breakfast
B.To learn some traffic rules
C.To answer the policemen's questions
D.To wait for their mother and deal with the matter
(3)According to the reporters, Rocco's driving was_____.

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