
To understand meditation(冥想)through an experiment, you can take two pictures with a camera. Hold your camera still and take the first picture. Now, shake your camera and take the second picture. The difference in clarity(清晰度)between the two pictures is the difference in clarity of a life with and without meditation.

Meditation means different things to different people. There are many methods to reach the state of meditation. Our intention in this Life School Message is not to compare different practices. What we'd like to do is to give you a glimpse into what benefits can arise as a result of meditation.

One of the most important functions for human survival is the ability to adapt and adjust to our surroundings. The brain and body are dealing with an unbelievable amount of stimuli(刺激) in every single moment of life. Focusing on all of them at once would be impossible. So, the mind tends to shift as many stimuli as possible to the subconscious back burner.

For example, you probably aren't paying attention to the feel of your shirt on your body until you read this sentence. Now that I've mentioned it, I've brought it back into your conscious thoughts, and you do notice it. Somewhere in the next few paragraphs, your mind will place it on the back burner again to be able to focus on understanding this article. Fascinating, isn't it? Our minds do this constantly.

Meditation helps you to increase your awareness and helps you to stay focused on the right things of life. It ensures you do not get distracted and helps you do stay alert. It helps you to understand the past, live the present and create the future.

For the people who have no knowledge or experience of this particular subject, let me share a basic yet one of the most powerful methods that can lead you to meditation.

1.What is the main purpose of taking two pictures?

A. To tell people how to take a good picture.

B. To compare the difference between two photos.

C. To show the effect meditation has on life.

D. To give us a clear definition of meditation.

2.What is the aim of the book Life School Message mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A. To teach you how to adapt to our surroundings.

B. To tell you how to reach the state of meditation.

C. To make you understand the benefits of meditation.

D. To teach you the right way to deal with stimuli.

3.Although you have the shirt in your conscious thoughts, why will you place it on the back burner again later?

A. Because shirt is not important.

B. Because you've brought it back into your conscious thoughts.

C. Because your minds do this constantly.

D. Because you need to move on to understanding this article.

4.The benefits of meditation include the following EXCEPT ________.

A. increasing your awareness

B. helping you keep alert

C. helping you stay focused on the right things

D. helping you solve the problems in life


Do you want to put a smile on someone’s face? Maybe make their day a little bit brighter? 1. In fact, many things can be done as a part of your normal routine and cost little or nothing. Try out one or more of the following ways today to put smiles on their faces.

2. Handwritten notes that are given to encourage someone, not just for thanking someone for a gift, are rare. That makes handwritten notes even more special. Start a new practice of sitting down and writing an encouraging note on a regular basis.

Take a friend out to lunch or invite him or her to your home for a meal. 3. If you feel like being more adventurous, throw a party for several of your friends.

Deliver a meal to someone you know that is sick or having a rough time. We have all been sick and know the last thing you want to do is being out of bed. There are also times when life is tough. 4.

Ask a friend if you can take care of their kids for a day or an evening. If you have been a parent, you know the value of being able to have a few hours of “adult time” without worrying about the children. 5. Offer to do it when the parents want to relax themselves.

Besides, there is one more way that can’t be ignored. Give a real smile to everyone you meet. You will experience how easy it is to get others to smile!

A. Thank everyone that supports you.

B. Write an encouraging note to others.

C. Helping others will be rewarded with more smiles.

D. Don’t wait to be asked to baby-sit when it is required.

E. It doesn’t have to take much time or money on your part.

F. You can be a great help by providing a meal that can be enjoyed.

G. You will get to know each other even better than you do right now.


People learn and share information through communication. All forms of communication have one thing in common: the sending and receiving of a message. Using different kinds of communication, people can pass along their ideas and feelings to just one person or to millions.

1. Animals communicate through sounds, scents (气味), and acts. Computers communicate with other computers through electronic networks.

People communicate through language, both spoken and written. 2. Written language includes books, newspapers, and e-mail.

People also communicate without words. Body and face movements show feelings. Deaf people use hand movements called sign language.

The arts are also a form of communication. 3.

The first modern humans appeared about 200,000 years ago. They likely used sounds, movements, and then speech. About 30,000 years ago humans started making paintings and sculptures on the walls of caves.

Humans invented writing more than 5,000 years ago. The ancient Sumerian people developed the first known script (文字), called cuneiform (楔形文字). Then the ancient Egyptians developed a picture-based writing called hieroglyphics (象形文字). The invention of the printing press in the 1400s was a major advance in written communication. 4.

Telecommunication is communication over long distances. In ancient times pigeons carried written messages. Before trains and cars, messengers on foot or on horseback carried letters. 5. Since then, telecommunication has become faster thanks to television, telephones, and the Internet.

A. It let printers quickly make copies of a text.

B. Communication is not only a human activity.

C. Public postal services started in the 1500s and 1600s.

D. Spoken language includes conversations and speeches.

E. Spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors.

F. Photographs, paintings, music, and movies can communicate feelings as well as facts.

G. Modern technologies for long-distance communication usually involve electrical technologies.

When you’re having a hard time with your homework or when you’re preparing for your term paper, these student-focused websites can help you with just about anything you need. The key to getting the most out of these online resources is to know how they can best be used to your advantage.


Although Facebook can be one of your biggest time-wasters and distractions when you are supposed to be getting work done, it can also be one of your most valuable resources. Most of your classmates will probably have a Facebook account, so anyone you need to connect with about a class you missed or about a problem is usually just a few clicks away.


With a free library of history timeline, philosophy study guides and library summaries, SparkNotes has covered just about any reading-related jam you find yourself in. Just run a search for the book, play, or short summary of the material you are supposed to read.


Do you finish every term with many expensive textbooks you will never open again? Instead of letting the money spent go to waste, get back some of your cash by selling your books on Amazon.


Choosing new classes can sometimes be like trying to pick out your clothes in the dark, a total guessing game. Which teacher gives out the hardest problem sets? How much homework will that history professor give you every week? At RateMyProfessors.com, students all over the country rate their professors on quality, helpfulness, and how hard their classes are.


While Wikipedia isn’t aimed specifically at students, it is difficult to think of another website that does more to reduce the pain of paper writing and researching. Wikipedia gives you a quick way to find sources and get the details of almost any topic you need to research — all without walking to the library.

1.The passage was mainly written to ________.

A. explain some websites for parents

B. compare some educational websites

C. offer some websites that may help students

D. introduce different parts of a website

2.While you are taking great pains to write a research report, ________ can most probably be a help.

A. Facebook B. Wikipedia C. Amazon.com D. SparkNotes

3.RateMyPorfessors.com is a place ________.

A. where you can make friends all over the country

B. that gives you information about professors in advance

C. where you can communicate with your professors

D. that gives tips on how to get along with your professors

4.Which of the following will you most probably refer to, if you need brief ideas for class discussion in reading?

A. Wikipedia. B. Facebook. C. SparkNotes. D. Amazon.com.

It’s not unusual for us to be together with our relatives on the weekends. But you know that holidays can be the chances for families to get together. Also, it may be a time to break your relationship because of some improper conversations. Now, Deborah Tannen, a Georgetown University professor, offers suggestions to improve communication at the holiday table. Let’s take a look.

A round dinning table is best for promoting a lively conversation because everyone faces one another. So, avoid seating grandparents at the ends of a rectangular(长方形的)table, even though it is the traditional place of honor. The old may feel lonely there because they will be unable to hear or keep up with a conversation. So do female family members because they prefer to face each other when they talk. However, Men might look around at other things. “Guys may be more relaxed looking at the TV or other interesting things.” says Tannen.

When talking, you should notice the people who are not involved in it. If you feel you are doing all the talk, wait to give others a chance to start. If you feel you can’t get a chance to speak, try to make yourself to start talking.

Besides, Some families find that gatherings will go better if they take part in an outdoor activity. Going to a park for a walk may be more enjoyable than sitting around talking.

1.According to the passages, seating the old at the ends of a rectangular table _______.

A. might stop them from talking

B. may make them feel uncomfortable

C. is a good way to show them honor

D. allows them to follow a conversation

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Men like to make more eye contact than women.

B. Women prefer outdoor activities over sitting around talking.

C. Men may be more relaxed while watching TV.

D. Women always want to doing all the talk.

3.The main purpose of the text is to _______.

A. introduce Deborah Tannen

B. give us some advice on how to spend holidays

C. suggest how we can talk and act properly when families are getting together

D. look at the person and listen to him when you are talking with others

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