
One of China’s most popular folk arts is paper cutting(剪纸). Archaeological(考古学的) finds trace the tradition back to the 6th century; it is supposed that the beginnings of paper cutting were even a few centuries earlier. Paper cuttings are used for religious(宗教的) purposes, for decoration (装饰)and as patterns(图案).

Today, paper cuttings are mainly used as decoration. They ornament walls, windows, doors, columns mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes. They are also used for decoration on presents, and are given as presents themselves. They are of special importance at festivals. At the Spring Festival for example, entrances are decorated with paper cuttings which are supposed to bring good luck.

Paper cuttings are not produced by machine, but by hand. There are two kinds of paper cuttings; scissor (剪刀) cuttings and knife cuttings. Scissor cuttings are fashioned with scissors. Several pieces of paper--- up to eight pieces---are fastened together. The motif(图形) is then cut with sharp, pointed scissors.

Knife cuttings are fashioned by putting several layers (层) of paper on a relatively soft foundation consisting of a mixture of tallow (动物脂) and ashes. Following a pattern, the artist cuts the motif into the paper with a sharp knife which he usually holds vertically(垂直地). The advantage of knife cuttings is that considerably more paper cuttings can be made in one operation than scissor cuttings.

In the countryside, paper cuttings are usually made only by women and girls. This used to be one of the skills that every girl was to master and that were often used to judge brides(新娘). Professional paper cutting artists are, on the other hand, almost always men who have guaranteed (保证) incomes and work together in workshops.

1.Paper cuttings can be used for ______________.

A. decoration    B. decoration on presents      C.  presents       D. all of the above

2.The underlined word ornament means ______________.

A. to be added to and make something beautiful     B. to be used as   

C. to be cut in                                D. to be made on

3.Which is the best title of this passage?

A. The ways of paper cutting             B. The reasons for paper cutting

C. The purposes of paper cutting          D. Paper cutting








试题分析: 剪纸是中国最受欢迎的民间艺术之一。考古学发现剪纸的传统可以追溯到公元6 世纪 。剪纸用于装饰、图案和宗教目的。手工剪纸通常是由女性来完成的。有剪刀剪和刀子剪两种方式。

1. 细节理解题。由第二段的Today, paper cuttings are mainly used as decoration.和 They are also used for decoration on presents, and are given as presents themselves.可知,剪纸可以用作装饰,礼物上的装饰物,也可以做礼物用。 故选D。

2. 词意推测题。Today, paper cuttings are mainly used as decoration. They ornament walls, windows, doors, columns mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes. 的意思是:今天,剪纸主要用作装饰。他们装饰墙壁、 门窗、 列镜、灯和家里的灯笼。由此可知,ornament与decoration意思一致,故选A。

3.主旨大意题。由 。故选D。






  International Students House is a unique, cultural and recreational(娱乐)centre providing a wide programme of events for students 310 days a year.

  Located in a fashionable and safe neighborhood, close to Regent’s Park, ISH is a central place to meet students from Britain and around the world.

  ISH provides all its members with the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of sports and hobbies in a friendly and fun environment.Mary of the activities are free of charge as part of membership, while some charge a small fee.

  Membership is open to all full-time students, professional trainees, students nurses.


  Lecture Series:

  ISH organizes a number of lively, topical lectures of political and contemporary interest by famous speakers.

  A variety of weekly language classes which in the past have include English, Spanish, Japanese and Italian.

  ISH tries to offer as many developments and educational programmes as possible for our members.Look out for additional workshops and leadership programme.E-mail:learn@ish.org.uk.


  Sunday Cinema:

  Films are shown every Sunday evening at 19∶30 including recent blockbusters(大片), theme nights and classics.


  Show your talents or learn from the beginning with our various classes and workshop which include Life Drawing, Photography, and Drama.

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  Travel Club:

  The Travel Club runs a comprehensive schedule of day and weekend trips to British and European destinations.

  Students get the chance to explore new parts of the UK and meet people from all over the world.Sightseeing, canoeing, hiking, eating out, socializing and meeting local people are what you can expect to experience during the trips.E-mail:travel @ish.org.uk.



  Try out our Martial Arts and Fitness Classes every week night including Kick Boxing, Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Shaolin as well as Yoga, and Aerobics classes.All our classes are run by qualified and professional instructor.


  Join in our recreational and team sports such as football, volleyball, running, table tennis, and class.

  ISH Dangerous Sport Club:

  We also organize one of activities such as go-karting, pain-balling and adventure weekends.E-mail:active@ish.org.uk.


If you are a member of ISH, you can do all the following EXCEPT _________.

[  ]


traveling to some European countries


attending all kinds of interesting lectures


attending French classes


meeting students from all around the world


If you want to see a painting exhibition held by ISH, _________.

[  ]


you must pay a small amount of money


you can get some information through an-email


you can get a ticket free of charge


you can e-mail learn@ish.org.uk


If you like some adventure on weekend, you’d better _________.

[  ]


join ISH Dangerous Sports Club


join the travel club


go to Sunday cinema


take some fitness classes

Beverley had been feeling dull, bored and a bit out of it. He mentioned his mood (state of mind) when going to Andrew for a sports massage. He wondered whether he should take up Tai Chi. But Andrew didn’t think so.
“Tai Chi is great for people who want to feel grounded, but that isn’t your problem,” he said. “What you need is something more exciting, like dancing.”
In future, therapists(理疗专家) may well suggest that you fight your sadness with a course in kickboxing, and family doctors might suggest that you take a rest in the mountains instead.
We’ve long been aware that exercise has benefits beyond the physical ones; that activity can relax you, and help psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety and sadness.
Now some trainers and sports psychologists are going further and examining how to identify the correct exercise for a client’s(当事人) specific state of mind and personality.
Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise and sports psychologist based at Loughborough University, England, has researched the effects of exercise on moods.
One of his findings was that, if your problem is low self-esteem, weight training should be your bag. “Working with weights builds strength,” he says, “and creates a stronger body image.”
Anger management, meanwhile, demands bursts of explosive(爆发性的) activity, from sports such as boxing or tennis.
This is because anger makes the body release(释放)adrenaline(肾上腺素), which causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise and muscles to become tighter —— the physiological changes required if you are to defend yourself.
Research shows that the “punch-bag(用拳头击打沙袋)” method of releasing disappointment and anger through hitting a boxing opponent(对手) or tennis ball, can help with fighting issues.
They have also found that teamwork is good for self-esteem and that those who are brought together to work in a social setting become more lively.
Which type of exercise will best help is, of course, down to the individual. Clearly, before you can find the best physical activity for yourself, you have to know your needs.
Ask yourself a few questions such as: What do I need in my life? Which issues are difficult for me? Am I sad or troubled? Only then can you decide whether you need taking up, or taking down.
5.Why did Andrew think Beverley shouldn’t take up Tai Chi?
A. Because Beverley was too weak.
B. Because Beverley was too foolish.
C. Because Beverley’s mind was out of control.
D. Because Beverley lacked activity.
6. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Psychologists haven’t realized the relationship between exercise and health.
B. People have already realized the relationship between exercise and spirits.
C. Boxing and tennis are the best ways to increase one’s self-esteem.
D. Trainers and psychologists don’t agree with each other on exercise.
7. Professor Stuart Biddle thinks that ____ .
A. anger should be examined by doctors
B. anger should be taken away by medicine
C. anger should be given off by activities
D. anger should be held back by oneself
8. The main idea of this passage may be ____ .
A. sports build up your body
B. sports are helpful to your mind
C. heart trouble is due to anger
D. anxiety and sadness are harmful to you



A. Shaolin Kungfu

Shaolin Kungfu is one of the most influential genres of Chinese martial arts, and it’s named after where it originated—the Shaolin Temple, founded on the Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng County, Henan Province in Central China. The monks in the Shaolin Temple began to study martial arts during the Northern and Southern dynasties and this tradition prevailed during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

B. Kunqu Opera

Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest forms of opera still existing in China, with its origins dating

back to the end of the Yuan dynasty. It has distinguished itself by the virtuosity of its rhythmic patterns and has exerted a dominant influence on all the more recent forms of opera in China, including the Sichuan and Beijing operas. In 2001, UNESCO proclaimed Kunqu Opera as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

C. Puppet Shows

Chinese puppetry has a long history. It is noted for its many types of puppets and superb manipulative skills. It’s a truly unique art combining opera, music, fine art and craftsmanship. It creates magic with a beam of light. Puppet shows from various places have their own unique characteristics with strong local color in terms of figure modeling.

D. T’ai Chi Ch’uan

T’ai Chi Ch’uan is a major division of Chinese martial arts. Literally, T’ai Chi Ch’uan means “supreme ultimate fist”; T’ai means “supreme”, Chi means “ultimate”, and Ch’uan means “fist”. T’ai Chi Ch’uan has its philosophical roots in Taoism and is considered an internal martial art, utilizing internal energy, or Qi, and following the simple principle of “subduing the vigorous by the soft.”

E. Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Chinese medicine, doctors use various diagnostic methods to get full and detailed information about the patients and to guide their treatment. The methods include observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and checking the pulse and heart rate. They are also known as the four major methods, each having a distinctive function.

F. Xianzi Dance

The Xianzi dance, also called Xie or Ye, is danced to the accompaniment of a Tibetan-style

two-string instrument. The most typical kind of Xianzi Dance is Batang Xianzi in Ganzi, Sichuan Province . Batang is a Tibetan inhabited area. The dancers dance in a circle or randomly, sometimes resembling a winding dragon. They sing to each other to express their feelings.


1.Janet, who likes Chinese traditional art very much, is a dancing teacher in California University. She wants to know more about a truly unique art combining opera, music, fine art and craftsmanship.

2.Cathy is a medical college student in UK. Now she is preparing her thesis about other countries’ medicine, so she wants to find some information online.

3.Kate is a college student in America. She wants to get more information about Chinese traditional art, especially Chinese traditional music.

4. Jason, who has been living in America for about 30 years, wants to learn some Chinese Kungfu which is represented by the famous symbol of Yin and Yang.

5.Freda, a 23-year-old girl, is fond of playing Tibetan-style instrument. This time she decides to visit Sichuan and plans to know more about its typical dance.



[1]With Jewel in the Palace(《大长今》) becoming the favorite drama in China several years ago, Korean food is more popular among the Chinese. Korean food is well-balanced and low in calories(卡路里). Some people even claim that you can eat as much Korean food as you like without gaining weight.

[2]“Kim chi(泡菜)” is the best known Korean food. It is a vegetable dish, highly seasoned with pepper, garlic, etc. It is served with every kind of Korean meals and helps stimulate the appetite. Large quantities of “Kim chi” are usually made in late fall or early winter. “Kim chi” contains amounts of good nutrients, such as vitamin C, and fiber.

[3]Other vegetable dishes_______in Korea. The Koreans traditionally eat more vegetables with rice in main meals than meats, and the vegetable dishes are various in kinds and tastes.

[4]Koreans also like meat dishes. “Pulgoki(烤肉)” is one of the famous dishes to westerners. “Pulgoki” is generally called “Korean barbecue”. It is marinated(腌)in a sauce made from soy sauce(酱油), garlic, sugar, sesame oil(芝麻油), and other seasonings, and cooked over a fire in front of the table.

[5]Soups are important in Koreans’ daily life. Through the history, the soup culture was developed because of the starvation or cold weather. When the Koreans’ ancestors were short of food, they made soup out of small amount of vegetables and beef bones. Also the hot soup could play a role in protecting the persons from the cold.

[6]Generally, the Korean diet uses much grain and vegetables which add fiber and protein, Korean food has moderate calories and is well-balanced. Even though the western-style diet is more and more famous in Korea in terms of curiosity and convenience, the basic diet remains.

76. Why is Korean food healthy? (no more than 10 words)


77. From where can you see “Kim chi” is famous in Korea? (no more than 20 words)


78. Fill the blank with proper words or phrase in Paragraph 3. (no more than 5 words)


79. Compared to Western food, which do you think is more nutritive? Why? (no more than 30 words)


80. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


Beverley had been feeling dull, bored and a bit out of it. He mentioned his mood (state of mind) when going to Andrew for a sports massage. He wondered whether he should take up Tai Chi. But Andrew didn’t think so.

“Tai Chi is great for people who want to feel grounded, but that isn’t your problem,” he said. “What you need is something more exciting, like dancing.”

In future, therapists (理疗专家) may well suggest that you fight your sadness with a course in kickboxing, and family doctors might suggest that you take a rest in the mountains instead.

We’ve long been aware that exercise has benefits beyond the physical ones; that activity can relax you, and help psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety and sadness.

Now some trainers and sports psychologists are going further and examining how to identify the correct exercise for a client’s (当事人) specific state of mind and personality.

Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise and sports psychologist based at Loughborough University, England, has researched the effects of exercise on moods.

One of his findings was that, if your problem is low self-esteem, weight training should be your bag. “Working with weights builds strength,” he says, “and creates a stronger body image.”

Anger management, meanwhile, demands bursts of explosive (爆发性的) activity, from sports such as boxing or tennis.

This is because anger makes the body release(释放)adrenaline (肾上腺素), which causes heart rate and blood pressure to rise and muscles to become tighter —— the physiological changes required if you are to defend yourself.

Research shows that the “punch-bag (用拳头击打沙袋)” method of releasing disappointment and anger through hitting a boxing opponent (对手) or tennis ball, can help with fighting issues.

They have also found that teamwork is good for self-esteem and that those who are brought together to work in a social setting become more lively.

Which type of exercise will best help is, of course, down to the individual. Clearly, before you can find the best physical activity for yourself, you have to know your needs.

Ask yourself a few questions such as: What do I need in my life? Which issues are difficult for me? Am I sad or troubled? Only then can you decide whether you need taking up, or taking down.

1. Why did Andrew think Beverley shouldn’t take up Tai Chi?

A. Because Beverley was too weak.            B. Because Beverley was too foolish.

C. Because Beverley’s mind was out of control.   D. Because Beverley lacked activity.

2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Psychologists haven’t realized the relationship between exercise and health.

B. People have already realized the relationship between exercise and spirits.

C. Boxing and tennis are the best ways to increase one’s self-esteem.

D. Trainers and psychologists don’t agree with each other on exercise.

3. Professor Stuart Biddle thinks that ____ .

A. anger should be examined by doctors        B. anger should be taken away by medicine

C. anger should be given off by activities       D. anger should be held back by oneself

4 The main idea of this passage may be ____ .

A. sports build up your body                 B. sports are helpful to your mind

C. heart trouble is due to anger               D. anxiety and sadness are harmful to you

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