
6.Li Lei is late again,but it is not surprising to me.It is _______ of him to keep others waiting.(  )

分析 李磊又迟到了,但是我一点也不惊讶,他一向让别人等他.

解答 答案是D.考查词组it is typical of sb to do sth,做某事是某人的风格,某人一向…A 正常的;B 普通的;C 相同的;D 典型的.句意是"李磊又迟到了,但是我一点也不惊讶,他一向让别人等他."故选D.

点评 解答此类问题首先需要理解每个单词的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案.

16.In the animal kingdom,weakness can bring about aggression in other animal.This sometimes happens with humans also.But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.I see it every day when people hold doors for me,pour cream into my coffee,or help me to put on my coat.And I have discovered that it makes them happy.
From my wheelchair experience,I see the best in people,but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily.They don't get to see this soft side of others often; we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness,which includes a lot of pretending.But only when we stop pretending we're brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that's in them.
Last month,when I was driving home on a busy highway,I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual.People behind me began to get impatient and angry,with some speeding up alongside me,horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me.At the moment I decided to do something I had never done in twenty four years of driving.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
No more angry shouts and no more horns!When I put on my flashlights,I was saying to other drivers,"I have a problem here.I am weak and doing the best I can."And everyone understood.Several times,I saw drivers who wanted to pass.They couldn't get around me because of the stream of passing traffic.But instead of getting impatient and angry,they waited,knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.
Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don't feel that way.But those are few and far between.More often,it would be better if we don't pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.
46.The author has discovered that people will feel happy whenA.
A.they offer their help                  
B.they receive others'help
C.they feel others'kindness              
D.they show their weakness
47.The author feels sad sometimes becauseD.
A.he has a soft heart                    
B.he relies much on others
C.some people pretend to be kind         
D.some people fail to see the kindness in others
48.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?B
A.They speed up to pass.
B.They waited with patience.
C.They tried their best to help.
D.They put on their flashlights too.
49.In this passage,the author advises us toC.
A.handle problems by ourselves          
B.accept help from others
C.admit our weakness                  
D.show our bravery
50.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?B
A.A Wheelchair Experience.
B.Weakness and Kindness.
C.Weakness and Strength               
D.A Driving Experience.
14.Parents have widely different views on the problem of pocket money.Four new fathers were asked this question and this is how they answered.
Ashish Khanna:Although many argue that pocket money helps develop children's sense of value,I don't agree.I wouldn't give my child any pocket money.First of all,I never got pocket money and I seem to have a good value for money.If my child ever needed something and I felt it was a reasonable(合理)request,I would buy it for him.
Sharad Sanghi:No,I wouldn't give my child pocket money because I don't want to create the perception(观念) of"her"money and"my"money.Besides,if I refuse to buy her something that I think is bad for her,she may buy it with her pocket money on the sly.In this way,I would lose control over my child's requests.I feel it also encourages children to care more about money than anything else.I don't want my child to start judging(评判) other children by the amount of money or pocket money they have.
Rakesh Shah:Yes,I would give my child pocket money.I feel that children should learn to spend money intelligently and not go overboard spending.They will learn what their limitations(限制)are and feel the difficulty when they have to pay for something that is over their own pockets.
Rajiv Patel:Yes,I would give my child pocket money because it is important that she learns to manage money.I will give her a fixed amount every month and if she spends the money before the month is over,then she will learn a lesson and not spend money so freely.
Vikram Desai:Yes,I would certainly give my child pocket money.But I would not give it to him on a weekly or monthly basis.He would have to earn it.If he helped me finish some of my jobs or helped his mother with housework,I would reward him.This helps him realize that"money does not grow on trees"and it requires hard work to earn money.
66.Ashish Khanna may agree thatC.
A.he was given too much pocket money when young
B.he can take much control of his child by money
C.he will buy anything he thinks his child really needs
D.pocket money helps children develop a good value for money
67.The underlined phrase"on the sly"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.
A.for free     B.at a lower price      C.happily      D.secretly
68.What do Rakesh Shah and Rajiv Patel have in common?A
A.They want their children to learn to manage money.
B.They ask their children to get pocket money by working.
C.They teach their children the difficulty of making money.
D.They allow their children to spend money freely.
69.According to Vikram Desai,children's earning money by themselves makes them know thatA.
A.money is not easy to get
B.money can be gotten from the trees
C.one can get lots of money if he/she works hard
D.money is not so important for people nowadays
70.Who would give his child pocket money every month?D
A.Ashish Khanna     B.Sharad Sanghi        C.Rakesh Shah     D.Rajiv Patel.
1.Learning to communicate in another language may be challenging,but it is also a very rewarding and enriching experience.It is the best passport to discovering another culture.Here are a few tips to help you make the most of the experience.
Work at your own pace.
Make the most of the time you have available to study.You will find you can learn more effectively if you study for half an hour every day,rather than try to do a whole unit in one sitting.
Why not learn with someone else?
It helps if you can learn with someone else.If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you,it will give you extra motivation to keep working.
Remember that you can go a long way with just a little language.
Even if you feel unsure about your ability to form right sentences,you'll find that it is possible to communicate with just a few words.Above all,don't worry about getting things wrong:people will still be able to understand you.The more confidence you gain in communicating,the more fluent you'll become.
Build up your vocabulary.
A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but don't try to learn too much at once.It's best to study frequently.Put words into sentences to fix them in mind,and come back to them later.Learning vocabulary in this way is usually very effective.
And most of all,have fun!
21.This passage is basically about someC of foreign language learning.
A.news B.notices   C.suggestions  D.advertisements
22.In the writer's opinion,it is better to studyA.
A.for half an hour every day B.a whole unit at a time
C.more than an hour a day D.at any time in the day
23.Learning to speak a foreign language is the key to enjoying anotherB.
A.challenge B.culture C.experience D.discovery.
18.Nick Hancock hopes to set a new record by living alone for 60days on a small island in the Atlantic.
Tom McClean,an SAS soldier who holds the solo record for occupying(占领) Rockall for 40days in 1985,told Hancock that being alone for two months was the greatest challenge Hancock would have to face.
"I'm fully expecting it to be tough,"Nick Hancock said."I'm hoping that by doing my daily tasks fairly slowly,I'm going to be able to keep most of my time busy.I think the worst times will come if I'm boxed up for several days by bad weather."
Hancock hopes to land on Rockall in early June and will carry out the last tests of his boat next week.He has a small wind turbine(风电机) and a solar panel for power,more than two months'food,a satellite phone and a laptop loaded with e-books to keep him going.Hancock will update an adventure blog,texting messages out on Twitter and emailing his wife Pam and friends every day.
Rockall has been occupied before,most famously by McClean but also by three Greenpeace campaigners,who set the long-stay record of 42days in 1997by occupying the rock in protest at oil and gas exploration in the area.
The last human inhabitants Hancock knows of are a small group of Belgian amateur radio enthusiasts,who are interested in broadcasting from distant islands; they were on Rockall overnight in late 2010.
Hancock has no large support team behind him.Except for the coastguard(海岸警卫队),his only lifeline will be the Orca  III,the passenger boat which will take him to Rockall.

71.Nick Hancock's main goal is toD.
A.protest at oil and gas exploration in the Atlantic
B.show his ability to adapt himself to bad conditions
C.prove broadcasting from distant islands can be possible
D.challenge the previous record of living alone on Rockall
72.According to Tom McClean,the biggest challenge Hancock would meet wasA.
B.bad weather
C.lack of food
73.To keep his time busy on Rockall,Hancock willA.
A.do his daily tasks slowly
B.write a book
C.think of his wife
D.surf online
74.How will Hancock get to Rockall?B
A.On the coastguard's boat
B.On a passenger boat
C.On his own plane
D.On a passenger plane
75.We can learn from the passage thatC.
A.Tom McClean was the first person to set foot on Rockall
B.Hancock will rely on his large support team
C.Rockall is not suitable for humans to settle on
D.Hancock was already a famous online writer before making the plan.

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