


1. 出生日期:1991年12月1日;

2. 出生地点:杭州;

3. 个人情况:中国泳坛明星,中国人的骄傲;

4. 毕业学校:浙江大学;

5. 专长:大学毕业后专攻长距离自由泳*;

6. 成绩:伦敦奥运会获两块金牌;2013年巴塞罗那**“世界锦标赛”***男子400米、800米、1500米自由泳冠军,4 x 200米自由泳接力季军,

7. 并被评为本届世锦赛最佳男运动员,成为历史上首次获得这一奖项的亚洲游泳选手。

参考词汇:自由泳* freestyle swimming 巴塞罗那** Barcelona 世界锦标赛***championships




My first visit to London was one and a half years ago. It was a wonderful trip. I stayed in the city for three weeks, and I had many impressions. I visited all the famous places. I'd like to tell you about some of the places I visited in this beautiful city.

First, I went to the Tower of London, and I want to say that it is a very interesting historical place. I found out that a long time ago, it was a prison. Later it became a castle for the royal(皇家的) family. Or maybe it is the reverse; I'm not sure, but later they left this place and lived in Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace.

I also enjoyed visiting the House of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, two very popular places for tourists. They are very old and beautiful. The Abbey is built in a kind of Gothic style; it is fantastic.

In London, you can also enjoy nature. There are many parks such as Hyde Park, Green Park, and Holland Park. These parks are wonderful green, quiet places where you can relax and escape the noise of the city.

Trafalgar Square is a popular place for students and other young people. You will find lots of pigeons(鸽子) there. If you have time, you can feed them and they will be very happy. You can buy special food for them, but be careful! Tons of birds are going to surround you if you feed them.

Another very special place in London that I like is St. Paul's Cathedral which was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. I also was impressed with the museums in London. They're very popular. I found them interesting because you can learn about the history of England.

I had a wonderful time in London. I really liked it because it is a city that is rich in history.

1.The writer writes this passage to__________.

A. recall (回忆)his/her first travel to London

B. tell us he/she has visited many places.

C. introduce a famous city to the readers.

D. show the readers around London

2. In order to avoid the noise of the city, you would like to travel to ___.

A. Buckingham Palace B. Holland park

C. The Tower of London D. Westminster Abbey

3. What is attractive to you most in Trafalgar Square?

A.Meeting many young people

B. Catching a lot of birds

C. Having a delicious meal

D. Feeding the pigeons

4.During traveling in London, the writer was _______.

A. worried B. surprised C. pleased D. tired

Rules for the University Entrance Examination

• You must be at the examination center ten minutes before the examination starts. If you are more than ten minutes late, you may not enter the examination center. The examination takes place at the same time in different states.

• You must have proof of your name and grade as well as official examination number. Show these when you come to the examination center.

• Depending on which examination you are taking, you may bring certain items into the examination center. Mathematics examinations may allow you to use electronic calculators. Other subjects may allow you to use dictionaries and other reference material. Please read the notes sent with your timetable carefully.

• You must bring your own pencils. None will be provided for you. The following items are not allowed in the examination center: walk-mans and radios, head sets, any food or drink, school bags, electronic equipment (unless specifically permitted for various subjects), and mobile phones.

• Once in the center, you must sit at the desk with your examination number on it. When you sit down, place your examination number at the top corner of your desk.

• You must remain silent during the examination. You must not disturb other people who are taking the test.

• If you need a drink or toilet break, you should raise your hand and wait for the supervisor (监督者) to speak to you. You will be given water or the supervisor will take you to the bathroom. You are not allowed to talk with anyone during the break.

• You must write your answers in the official answer sheet. Your supervisor will provide extra paper if you wish to make notes.

• You may leave the examination room at any time if you do not plan to return. If you finish early and want to leave, please move well away from the examination center.

• The supervisor will warn you fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the examination. When the supervisor says that the time is up, you must put down your pencil and wait at your desk until your paper is collected.

1.What are you allowed to have with you when you take mathematics examination?

A. Related material. B. Proof of yourself.

C. A cell phone. D. A dictionary.

2.What should you do if you finish the test early?

A. Stay in the examination center.

B. Remain in your seat and check again.

C. Keep a distance from the center.

D. Raise your hand to inform your teacher.

3.What can be provided for you during the exam?

A. Pencils. B. Food and drink.

C. Extra paper. D. Calculators.

Danielle Steel, America's sweetheart, is one of the hardest working woman in the book businessUnlike other productive authors who write one book at a time, she can work on up to five. Her research before writing takes at least three years. Once she has fully studied her subjects, ready to divide into a book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk. Danielle Steel comes from New York and was sent to France for her education. After graduation, s he worked in the public relations and advertising industries. Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for. Her achievements are unbelievable: 390 million copies of books in print, nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels, and a series of “Max and Martha” picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problem of death, new babies and new schools. Her 1998 book about the death of her was shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out. Twenty eight of her books have been made into films. She is listed in the Guinness Books of World Records for one of her books being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.

Not content with a big house, a loving family, and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource and has kept in touch with them by e-mail. While she is often compared to the heroines of her own invention. Her life is undoubtedly much quieter. But if she does have anything in common with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable style. There is only one Danielle Steel.

1.Children who have read “Max and Martha” picture books may know ________.

A. how to deal with affairs at school

B. what to do if Max and Martha die

C. what to do when new babies are born into their families

D. how to solve the difficult problems in their writing classes

2.One of Danielle Steel' a achievements is that ________.

A. some TV plays were based on her books

B. her picture books attracted a lot of young men

C. one of her books became a best-seller in 1998

D. she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records

3.We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel ________.

A. lives an exciting life

B. values her readers a lot

C. writes about quiet women

D. is pleased with her achievements


Many of us are so busy with work, school and home life that often there is no time left to do something that you enjoy. What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to slow down, enjoy life and relax yourself.

1. . Try to save certain weeknights just for you. If others ask you to do things those nights, just tell them you have plans. Use the time for gardening, reading, exercise, thinking or the ultimate luxury of doing nothing!

Monthly Treat. 2. . It could be on your lunch break, a weekend or it could be leaving work early. Maybe you get a spa treatment, go to see a movie, a haircut, play golf or whatever treat you’re always thinking about but rarely get to. Schedule it in and it will happen!

Buy Tickets in Advance. Sports, theater, concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. 3. .

4. . Huh? Yes, many of us stay at work late on a regular basis. If this is you, make it a point to leave work exactly on time at least once a week, if not more. And then enjoy that time! Leave work at work.

Join a Group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and home: singing group, gardening group, astronomy society, book club, biking clubs, ski club, etc. What are you interested in? Strike while the iron is hot. 5. . If you can’t find a club, consider starting one yourself!

A. Leave Work on Time.

B. Evenings with Yourself.

C. Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!

D. Listen to your favorite music!

E. Look up a club in your area today and join!

F. Take an Adult Education Class.

G. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.


The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

—— Thomas Macaulay

About thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nanette O’Neill gave a math ______ to our class. When the papers were ______, she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the ______ mistakes throughout the test.

There is nothing really new about ______ in exams. Perhaps that was ______ Mrs. O’Neill didn’t even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to______ after class. I was one of the twelve.

Mrs. O’Neill asked ______ questions, and she didn’t ______ us, either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the ______ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to copy these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.

I don’t know about the other eleven boys. Speaking for______ I can say: it was the most important single ______ of my life. Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulay’s words, they ______ seem to me the best yardstick (准绳) now because they give us a way to ______ ourselves rather than others.

______ of us are asked to make ______ decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called ______ daily to make a great many personal decisions. Should the wallet, ______ in the street, be put into a pocket or ______ to the policeman? Should the ______ change received at the store be forgotten or ______? Nobody will know except you. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect.

1.A. paper B. question C. test D. problem

2.A. marked B. completed C. examined D. answered

3.A. easy B. same C. funny D. serious

4.A. lying B. discussing C. guessing D. cheating

5.A. because B. when C. why D. how

6.A. remain B. apologize C. leave D. come

7.A. many B. certain C. no D. more

8.A. excuse B. reject C. help D. scold

9.A. above B. common C. following D. unusual

10.A. herself B. ourselves C. themselves D. myself

11.A. chance B. incident C. lesson D. memory

12.A. still B. even C. always D. almost

13.A. adjust B. control C. help D. measure

14.A. All B. Few C. Some D. None

15.A. quick B. wise C. great D. personal

16.A. upon B. out C. for D. up

17.A. finding B. found C. find D. founded

18.A. turned up B. turned on C. turned over D. turned back

19.A. small B. extra C. some D. necessary

20.A. paid B. remembered C. shared D. returned


I was in a terrible mood. Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn’t invited me. I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a ride, today, Beck? It’s a beautiful day.”

“No! Leave me alone!” Those were the last words I said to him that morning.

My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be mad at them and when I came home to find a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital”.

When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me my father’s injuries were extensive. “Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, there’s no telling what might have happened. A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung...”

My mother may have said more, but I didn’t hear. I didn’t hear anything except those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more. How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?

It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation. I held his hand gently, afraid of hurting him.

“Daddy… I am so sorry…”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll be okay. ”

“No,” I said, “I mean about what I said to you that day. You know, that morning?”

My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly. He looked at me and said. “Sweetheart, I don’t remember anything about that day, not before, during or after the accident. But I remember kissing you goodnight the night before. ”He managed a weak smile.

My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power. They can hurt or they can heal. And we all have the power to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.

1.The author was in bad mood that morning because _______.

A. he couldn’t drive to the mall with his friends.

B. his father had a terrible accident

C. his father didn’t allow him to go out with his friends

D. his friends hadn’t invited him to the cinema

2.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?

A. Because he was rude to his father that morning.

B. Because he didn’t get along with his father.

C. Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.

D. Because he couldn’t look after his father in the hospital.

3.The reason why the author’s father said he forgot everything about that day is that _____

A. he had a poor memory

B. he didn’t hear what his son said

C. he lost his memory after the accident

D. he just wanted to comfort his son

4.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?

A. Don’t hurt others with rude words.

B. Don’t treat your parents badly.

C. Don’t move the injured in an accident.

D. Don’t be angry with friends at small things.

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