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¡¾´ð°¸¡¿Taking Part in School Activities

Many students are very interested in school activities; they have their reasons. Firstly, they think that learning from textbooks is not their only task. They believe that they should take every chance to get some practical knowledge. Secondly, they think that after long hours of study, they can relax themselves by taking part in school activities.

However, a large group of students take little interest in them and spend most of their time

on studies. First, they believe that they should make full use of time to study. Second, they feel that school activities have little to do with their further development.

In my opinion, I prefer the first view. On one hand, we can learn a great deal from other students we meet in activities. Besides, the modern society requires of young students many qualities, so only learning from textbooks is not enough.

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In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, who lived a simply life and spent all his time painting. The villagers used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends. Whenever he was offered money, he would not take them. He said he painted for a pleasure. He once gave one of his paintings to my father, whom actually wasn¡¯t interested in art. Years later I found it in our old house. By that time the old man has died and people started to recognize his paintings as great works of art, which was worth lots of money. An art gallery made me an offer of $5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it, so then I decided not to. It always reminds me my childhood and of the old man who didn¡¯t really want to make money by paint.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Octopuses (ÕÂÓã) are sea animals famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms. They live in all the world¡¯s oceans but there are especially more octopuses in warm, tropical (ÈÈ´øµÄ) waters. Octopuses, like their cousin, the squid (ÎÚÔô), are often considered ¡°monsters of the deep¡±, though some species, or types, occupy relatively shallow waters.

Most octopuses stay along the ocean¡¯s floor, although some species are pelagic, which means they live near the water¡¯s surface. Other octopus species live in deep, dark waters, rising from below at dawn and dusk to search for food. Crabs and shrimps rank among their favorite foods, though some can attack larger prey (ÁÔÎï), like sharks. Octopuses typically drop down on their prey from above and, using powerful suctions that line their arms, pull the animals into their mouths. The octopus performs its famous backward swim by blowing up water through a muscular tube on the body called a siphon. Octopuses also crawl (ÅÀ) along the ocean¡¯s floor, putting their arms into small openings to search for food Seals, whales, and large fish prey on octopuses.

If threatened, octopuses shoot an inky liquid that darkens the water, confusing the other animals. The octopus can also change to gray, brown, pink, blue, or green to mix with its surroundings. Octopuses may also change color as a way to communicate with other octopuses. Octopuses are solitary creatures that live alone in dens (³²Ñ¨) built from rocks, which the octopus moves into place using its powerful arms. Octopuses sometimes even fashion a rock ¡°door¡± for their dens that pull closed when the octopus is safely inside.

¡¾1¡¿¡¾1¡¿In which place can we find more Octopuses?

A. The ocean near Hainan. B. The river near Canada.

C. The Arctic Ocean. D. The South Pole.

¡¾2¡¿¡¾2¡¿What is a way for Octopuses to communicate with each other?

A. Using special signals. B. Making special sounds.

C. Living together in a group. D. Changing their own colors.

¡¾3¡¿¡¾3¡¿What do we know about Octopuses?

A. They just stay in deep ocean.

B. They eat food by using their teeth.

C. They don¡¯t like hunting large animals.

D. They shoot an inky liquid to avoid dangers.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
