
“Weren’t you a carzy kid !” said Sitster .

I was . The  1  I was seven , Father gave me a new , bright as gold . He had taken it out of his pocket several times ,   2 to be examining the date on it waiting for me to  3  it . He couldn’t offer me anything until I had  4  some sign that the gift would be  5  .

“You can  6  it if you want it , Peter ,” he said at long last . “Oh , thanks . ”I said  7  more . I couldn’t show any of my eagemess .

I satrted with it for the  8  . For a penny you could buy the magic cylinder of “Long Tom ” popcom(爆米花).  9  the more I thought my shining   10  disappearing forever into the black drawer the store keeper   11  his money in , the slower my  12  became as the store came nearer and nearer . I   13  down in the road . I began to play with the penny , putting off the   14  . I closed my eyes and   15 it deep in the sand ; and then , with my eyes still closed ,   16  and walked around and then came back to search for it . I did that again and again . Alas , once  17  often , the penny was lost .

It was almost dark when their  18  talking awakened me . It was Mothen who had found me . “Peter ! When made you come up here and hide ?” I was to have told her the whole story but Father was there . How could I bear the  19  to repeat the   20 thing before him !

1. A. time     B. day     C. year    D. date

2. A. pretending   B. appearing  C. trying   D. managing

3. A. want     B. find     C. notice   D. pick

4. A. shown    B. expressed  C. raised   D. said

5. A. nice     B. valuable   C. useful   D. welcome

6. A. spend    B. pay     C. cost    D. have

7. A. something  B. nothing    C. anything  D. not any

8. A. sand    B. store     C. field    D. restaurant

9. A. So     B. And     C. But    D. Still

10.A. penny    B. gift     C. cent    D. money

11.A. kept    B. hid     C. locked    D. held

12.A. kept    B. hid      C. locked    D. held

13.A.lay     B. sat      C. went    D. broke

14.A. decision   B. idea     C. mind    D. thought

15.A. dropped   B. covered    C. threw   D. huried

16.A. rose    B. left     C. turned    D. felt

17.A. very    B. quite    C. too     D. rather

18.A. surprised  B. frightened  C. disappointed D. excited

19.A. pity    B. shame    C. sadness   D. regret

20.A. funny    B. silly     C. interesting  D. clever


1.B 下文的描述是“我”在一天的活与经历,可见是“我”七岁生日那天发生的事情。

2.A 从下文可知父亲其实是想把那枚硬币给“我”,故意拿着硬币看,假装看上面的日期。

3.C 故意拿着硬币看,其目的是为了吸引“我”的注意力。

4.A 让“我”表现出想得到那枚硬币的欲望。

5.D 注意这里作者用词的幽默。be welcome表示“受欢迎的,来得正好的。”

6.D “如果你想要,你就可以拿去”。

7.B 除了一句“谢谢”,“我”别的什么话都没说,下文说“我不能表现出任何渴求的神色。”

8.B 从下文的描述(买爆米花)可知“我”到商店去了。

9.C 下文说“我”舍不得花掉这枚硬币,因此用C表示下文的转折关系。

10.A 用A在此最为恰当,与上文a new penny , bright as gold 相呼应。

11.A 表示“存放,保存”,“店老板放钱的抽屉”。

12.C 想到这里,“我”放慢了脚步。

13.B 离商店越近,“我”的步子越慢,此时索性不走了,坐在路上玩这枚硬币。

14.A 上文说“我”往商店走去,要买爆米花,此时我只想让钱在手上多呆一会儿,把买东西的念头往生推迟。

15.D 把那枚硬币深埋在沙堆里。

16.A “我”此时站起来往上周走。Rise表示“站起来”。

17.C once too often 是固定搭配,表示“又(多了)一次”。

18.D 他们的声音把“我”吵醒了,不是他们看到“我”以后失望、惊讶、吓坏了,而是经历周折看见“我”之后很兴奋,从母亲的话中也能看出这一点。

19.B 爸爸给的钱被“我”丢了,当着他的面“我”当然不好意思说了。

20.B 这是“我”干的一件蠢事,“好笑的”,“有趣的”,“聪明的”均不能准确描述这件事。



     Women have been making scientific discoveries since ancient times. Twelve women have won the Nobel
Prize for science, one of the highest honors in the world. Some women scientists never married, some worked with the ir husbands, and othe rs raised large families. It has been difficult for women to be successful scientists.
     In the early 1800s in England, Mary Anning became one of the first women recognized for her discoveries
about the ancient history of the earth. Mary and her fathe r collected fossils (化石) in the ir village on the south
coast of Great Britain. Fossils are parts of plants or animals that have been saved in rocks for millions of years.
     When she was only twelve years old, Mary became the first person to find the almost complete skeletons
(骨架) of several animals that no longer existed on earth. She didn't become famous for her discoveries at that
time because she often sold her fossils to get money to support her family.
     In 1891, a young Polish woman named Marie Sklodowska traveled to Paris to study physics. She did so
because she could not get a college education in Poland. She began working in the laboratory of a man named
Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre Curie got married and made many discoveries together. the y received the
Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 along with anothe r scientist. Marie Curie became the first person to be
awarded a second Nobel Prize in 1911, this time for Chemistry. Marie Curie was one of the few women at the
time who became famous as a scientist.
1. the author believes that women scientists ______.
A. have more opportunities to become successful
B. can not get the highest honors in the world
C. go through difficulties to be successful
D. had better pay more attention to the ir families
2. Mary Anning was one of the first women to ______.
A. win the Nobel Prize for Science after getting married
B. make achievements in the study of ancient Earth
C. research animals and the ir bones
D. study the mystery of all kinds of plants
3. Mary Anning failed to be famous for her discoveries of fossils when she was 12 because ______.
A. nobody recognized them
B. the y weren't worth studying
C. she didn't want to be known to anyone
D. she sold the m for money
4. What can we learn about Mary Sklodowska?
A. She studied physics in Poland and got a college education.
B. She received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 on her own.
C. She only got one Nobel Prize during her lifetime.
D. She made many discoveries after she got married.
5. What's the passage mainly about?

A. Ancient discoveries.
B. Women scientists.
C. Successful marriages.
D. Different prizes.

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