


I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. I’m left_____.Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other____?

I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s,____children from different races and religions played and studied_____in harmony. At that time my family lived a stone’s______from Ismail’s. And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hindu-we just______our differences. Perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well____or otherwise.

We were nine when we became friends. During the school holidays, we’d____the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to____the unexpected. At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. We would be glad of his_____.

When I was twelve, my family moved to Johor. Ismail’s family later returned to their village, and I____touch with him.

One spring afternoon in 1983, I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. I_____my destination. The driver acknowledged my_____but did not move off. Instead, he looked____at me. “Raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号). I was astonished at being so____addressed(称呼). Unexpectedly! It was Ismail! Even after two_____we still recognized each other. Grasping his shoulder, I felt a true affection, something_____to describe.

If we can allow our children to be____without prejudice, they’ll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be_____their side through thick and thin. On such friendships are societies build and_____we can truly be, as William Shakespeare once wrote, “we happy few, we band of brothers”.

1.A. interested B. pleased C. puzzled D. excited

2.A. parties B. cities C. villages D. races

3.A. why B. which C. how D. when

4.A. together B. around C. alone D. apart

5.A. drop B. throw C. move D. roll

6.A. refused B. made C. sought D. accepted

7.A. paid B. meant C. preserved D. treated

8.A. explore B. search C. discover D. desert

9.A. get through B. deal with C. come across D. take away

10.A. arrival B. choice C. effort D. company

11.A. lost B. gained C. developed D. missed

12.A. stated B. ordered C. decided D. chose

13.A. attempts B. instructions C. opinions D. arrangements

14.A. anxiously B. carelessly C. disappointedly D. fixedly

15.A. familiarly B. strangely C. fully D. coldly

16.A. departures B. months C. years D. decades

17.A. possible B. funny C. hard D. clear

18.A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves

19.A. from B. by C. with D. against

20.A. still B. otherwise C. then D. instead


How Can I Fight Laziness?

Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

1.. Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more proactive(主动的) approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone. 2.

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations(诱惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness. 3.Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.

Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. 4. Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

5. Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A.To fight family laziness, set an example.

B.One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

C.Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

D.Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

E. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.

F. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child.

G. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.

最近朋友圈都被大新津美丽的蓝天白云美图刷爆了。新津县被誉为“成都的后花园”,是一个你来了就想住下来的地方,请根据以下要点以 “My Hometown”为题介绍自己的家乡——新津县。






①微信朋友圈 WeChat Moments;刷爆:overwhelm/max out/fill; 四川盆地Sichuan Basin;物资集散地 goods distribution center;交通枢纽 transportation hub;河鲜live river fish;遗址 site;后花园 backyard。










Bad teeth can be painful and even be deadly. Infections of the gums (牙龈) and teeth can release bacteria into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke and worsen the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones at risk. For example, a 12?-year-?old boy died when a tooth infection spread to his brain in 2007 in Washington. Experts said it might have been prevented had he received the dental care he needed.

Experts say good dental care starts at birth. Breast milk,they say,is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth. But dentists say a baby’s gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding by using a cloth with a little warm water. Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give only water.

When baby teeth begin to appear,you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride (氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world. For example, it is often added to drinking water supplies. The fluoride mixes with enamel (釉质),the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes from forming.

But young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems. So young children should be carefully watched when they brush their teeth. And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the size of a pea, should be used.

Parents often wonder what effect finger sucking might have on their baby’s teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. Most children stop sucking their fingers by the age of four. If it continues,experts advise parents to talk to their children’s dentists or doctors because it could interfere with the correct development of permanent teeth.

Dentists say children should have their first dental visit at least by the time they are one year old. They say babies should be examined when their first teeth appear—usually at around six months.

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Bad teeth can be a threat to people’s health.

B. Bad teeth come along with other health problems.

C. Tooth infections can spread to brain easily.

D. Dental care should be done at an early age.

2.According to the passage, what is the function of fluoride?

A. Making the surface on teeth much cleaner.

B. Protecting gums from being infected.

C. Keeping holes on teeth from forming.

D. Slowing down bacterial growth and acid production.

3.What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?

A. To warn us of the deadly infections of gums and teeth.

B. To introduce the advantages of fluoridated toothpaste.

C. To draw our attention to the dental care of young children.

D. To present the research results about dental care.

Bicycle Safety

Operation  Always ride your bike in a safe, controlled manner on campus. Obey rules and regulations. Watch out for walkers and other bicyclists, and always use your lights in dark conditions.

Theft Prevention Always securely lock your bicycle to a bicycle rack---even if you are only away for a minute. Register your bike with the University Department of Public Safety. It's fast, easy, and free. Registration permanently records your serial number, which is useful in the possible recovery of the bike stolen.


Brakes  Make sure that they are in good working order and adjusted properly.

Helmet A necessity, make sure your helmet meets current safety standards and fit properly.

Lights Always have a front headlight---visible at least 500 feet in front of the bike. A taillight is a good idea.

Rules of the Road

Riding on Campus  As a bicycle rider, you have a responsibility to ride only on streets and posted bicycle paths. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a fine. The speed limit for bicycles on campus is 15mph, unless otherwise posted. Always give the right of ways to walkers. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to offer appropriate aid, call the Department of Public Safety and remain at the scene until the officer lets you go.

Bicycle Parking Only park in areas reserved for bikes. Trees, handrails, hallways, and sign posts are not for bicycle parking, and parking in such posts can result in a fine.

If Things Go Wrong

If you break the rules, you will be fined. Besides violating rules while riding bicycles on campus, you could be fined for:

No bicycle registration---------------------------------------------------$25

Bicycle parking banned--------------------------------------------------$30

Blocking path with bicycle ---------------------------------------------$40

Violation of bicycle equipment requirement -------------------------$35

1.Registration of your bicycle may help you _____________.

A. find y our stolen bicycle B. get your serial number

C. receive free repair services D. settle conflicts with walkers

2.According to the passage, what bike equipment is a free choice for bicycle riders?

A. Brakes. B. A helmet.

C. A headlight. D. A taillight.

3.When you ride a bicycle on the campus, ___________.

A. ride on posted bicycle paths and sidewalks

B. cycle at a speed of over 15 mph

C. put the walkers' right of way first

D. call the police before leaving in a case of accident

4.If you lock your bicycle to a tree on the campus, you could be fined _________.

A. $25 B. $30

C. $35 D. $40

This is a time of year when high school students and their families are thinking hard about college. As seniors,juniors,and parents identify their top choices,discussions typically focus on the college itself. Is the institution small or large? How strong are the academics?What is the social life like? Do I like the campus? Such considerations are important, but they can cover the all-important question:Where will these college years lead?

Applicants should think seriously about which college on their list can best prepare them for the real world. They should look for campuses that offer well-structured programs to help them form a direction for their lives and develop the capacity to take steps along that path.

One of the most striking recent phenomena about college graduates in America has been the “boomerang” student: the young person who goes away to college, has a great experience, graduates, and then moves back home for a year or two to figure out what to do with his or her life. This pattern has left many graduates – and their families – wondering whether it makes sense to spend four or more years at college, often at great expense, and finish with no clear sense of who they are or what they want to do next.

The trend points to one of the great shortcomings of many of our nation’s leading colleges and universities. Structured opportunities to think about life after graduation are rare. The formal curriculum focuses almost universally on the academic disciplines of the arts and sciences. Advising on how various majors connect to pathways into the workplace is typically haphazard (没有条理的). Career planning offices are often shorthanded and marginal (不重要的) to college life.

It doesn’t need to be this way, and in recent years some of the country’s top colleges have enriched their academic offerings with opportunities for students to gain real-world experiences.

1.According to the author, what do typical discussions on college choices ignore?

A. The function of college education in employment.

B. The difficulty in finding jobs after graduation.

C. High school students’ interests.

D. The academics of college.

2.Which accounts for the “trend” mentioned in the text?

A. Students failing to behave themselves.

B. Parents overprotecting their children.

C. Students choosing majors blindly.

D. Schools lacking proper guidance.

3.What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph?

A. Recipes for academic achievements.

B. Good academic programs in college.

C. Academic tips for college students.

D. Disadvantages of present college course.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. A good way to choose a college.

B. A new trend in top colleges.

C. Connect subjects with life beyond college.

D. Make college one of life’s richest experiences.

Whether you love happy endings or a dark reality in TV dramas,you could soon be able to decide what you get. Netflix,the TV-streaming company behind hit shows such as The Crown and House Of Cards,is working on ways to give viewers control of key plot decisions.

Some of the storylines will be simple and linear,like the Choose Your Own Adventure books that many grew up with.For example,viewers might decide whether a prisoner in the drama Orange Is The New Black joins a gang (黑帮) or not.

The technology could also potentially be used to allow Princess Margaret to marry Peter Townsend in The Crown,instead of having her relationship with the divorcee (离婚者) blocked by the Establishment.Other storylines will be much more complex,allowing viewers to connect plot points in a variety of ways using their TV remotes.

A source said,"We're doing work on branch narratives (叙事) so you are actually making choices as you watch. All the content will be there,and then people will have to get through it in different ways.We'll see how it plays out. It's an experiment.We'll see if it gets much success.For creators,it's a new field."

Actors would film numerous alternate plot segments (片段) in advance,letting viewers choose which route to take through the story.Netflix will run a trial with choose-your-own-adventure shows for children later this year, based on an established character.If they are successful,it will use the format for TV programmes aimed at adults. Netflix president Reed Hastings confirmed that the company is working on interactive shows,saying,"Once you have got interactivity,you can try anything."

At least five million UK households are thought to be signed up to Netflix,and it is challenging traditional broadcasters.Earlier this year,BBC boss Lord Hall promised to reinvent the iPlayer so that it overtakes Netflix as a destination in its own right,rather than a catch-up service.

1.How will viewers connect plot points?

A. By using their TV remotes.

B. By taking part in TV programs.

C. By interacting with actors or actresses.

D. By participating in filming plot segments.

2.Why will Netflix run choose-your-own-adventure shows for children?

A. To attempt to create another hit show.

B. To compete with traditional broadcasters.

C. To attract as many children viewers as possible.

D. To test whether their creative ideas are successful.

3.What's Reed Hastings' attitude to interactive shows?

A. Confident. B. Doubtful.

C. Negative. D. Worried.

4.What's the author's purpose of writing this text?

A. To advertise for Netflix company.

B. To recommend some English hit shows.

C. To predict future development in filming.

D. To introduce the latest technology in TV dramas.

It was June 5, 1997, and two-year-old Harley was asleep with her younger sister in their home in Eden, North Carolina. While their parents were outside_______ their older sister home from school, the wires in the family’s laundry room _____ fire and before anyone knew what was happening, the bedroom next door was swallowed in__________.

Harley’s father was able to_______ his two youngest daughters and save their lives, but Harley was ______ burned on 80 percent of her body and was told she had less than a 2 percent________ of survival.

Over the next several months, Harley Dabbs would undergo surgery after surgery at ________. When she was finally released to________home, Harley had no idea the _______ battle had not even begun yet.

When Harley started school just a few years ________, she realized for the first time how cruel her_______ could be. Bullied for her _______ and called hateful names all while being hidden, she began to_______ suicide while only in eighth grade. When her friends were getting their________boyfriends and going on their first dates, she was sitting at home wondering if she should end her ______.

But in 2013, something _______. It was not something on the outside, rather it was something ________ of Harley. She made the conscious________ to become more like the carefree, laughing, ______ little girl that she had not seen since that night in 1997. So for the first time in her life, she_______ a blue dress and walked outside into the light of day throwing caution to the wind and daring anyone to try to rain on her parade.

1.A. bringing up B. caring for C. calling on D. picking up

2.A. caught B. got C. received D. made

3.A. ashes B. flames C. storm D. light

4.A. support B. prevent C. rescue D. manage

5.A. severely B. slightly C. merely D. urgently

6.A. signal B. right C. rate D. chance

7.A. hospital B. school C. home D. church

8.A. go B. leave C. lose D. find

9.A. fiercest B. strongest C. toughest D. easiest

10.A. ago B. before C. afterwards D. later

11.A. peers B. parents C. teachers D. sisters

12.A. grades B. appearance C. character D. age

13.A. declare B. attempt C. struggle D. calculate

14.A. new B. old C. first D. last

15.A. pain B. study C. life D. love

16.A. disappeared B. happened C. passed D. changed

17.A. mind B. heart C. soul D. inside

18.A. promise B. decision C. suggestion D. effort

19.A. sad B. wild C. joyous D. lonely

20.A. put away B. put on C. gained D. borrowed

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