
【题目】假定你叫李华,你与班上来自英国的交换生Mike约定周日去购买他喜欢的中国历史书籍,但你临时有事 不能赴约。请你给他写一封邮件说明情况,内容包括:


2. 解释失约原因; '





【答案】Dear Mike,

Deeply sorry for not being able to go to the bookstore with you for your favorite books related to the Chinese history this Sunday, I'm writing in an effort to make a change to our plan.

Just now I was informed to attend an important voluntary activity that is to be held on the very day. So I really feel it a pity that I can't accompany you to the bookstore. Would it be possible for us to go there another time? How about next Sunday morning? If so, we'll have enough time to make a choice about which books to be bought.

Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.


Li Hua








2. 解释失约原因



feel sorry for/ be related to/ make an effort to do sth./ inform sb of sth./ accompany/ the reason for/ promise to do sth.


1.I am very sorry that I am unable to go to the bookstore with you for your favorite books related to the Chinese history this Sunday.

2. So I'm writing in an effort to make a change to our plan.

3. Just now I was informed to attend an important voluntary activity to be held on the very day.

4. It is a pity that I can't accompany you to the bookstore.

5. Would it be possible for us to go there another time?

6. What about next Sunday morning?

7. If so, we'll have enough time to make a choice.

8. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.



状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although…

定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where…



【题目】 An American brother and sister have survived a 14-hour swim to safety in the Caribbean after the fishing boat they had rented sank off the north coast of St Lucia.

Dan Susk, 30-year-old IT professional from San Francisco, said he had been fishing in rough seas with help from his sister, Kate Suski, a 39-year-old architect, when the ship began to sink on 21April. Water flooded the engine room. The captain threw life jackets to the Suski and said, “Jump out! Jump out!” The Suski obeyed and jumped into the water with the captain and the first mate (大副). Less than five minutes later the boat sank. They were at least eight mile was telling us to stay together, and that help was on its way and that we needed to wait, Kate Suski said. After an hour, when no help came, the Suski decided to swim for it and lost sight of the captain and the first mate.

A helicopter appeared in the distance but no one spotted them. Several hours went by, and the sun began to set. “There’s this very real understanding that the situation is dire,” Kate Suski said both considered the possible ways we might die. Would we drown? Be eaten by a shark? Would our legs give out and make it impossible to swim?

They swam for 12 to 14 hours, talking as they pushed and trembled their way through the ocean. When in the moonlight they finally came within about 10 meters of land they realized that they were looking at steep rocky cliffs and would be beaten to death against them if they tried to approach any closer. They swam until they noticed sand nearby around midnight and dragged themselves ashore. Later, the Suski were treated in hospital. They learned that the captain and the first mate were rescued after spending nearly 23 hours in the water.

1How many people were there on the fishing boat before it sank?



2What does the underlined word "dire" in Paragraph 3 mean?



3What do we know about the Suskis?

A.They were rescued by a helicopter.

B.They survived 23 hours in the water.

C.They swam over eight miles to the shore

D.They got back on land as soon as they saw it.

4Which of the following can best describe the Suskis?

A.Brave and calm.B.Strong and sensitive

C.Optimistic and generous.D.Faithful and curious

【题目】Dear Friends,

You may be familiar with our growing collection of remarkable true stories from around the world about young animals facing disaster and misfortune: a baby hippo orphaned during the Asian tsunami and adopted and raised by a 130-year-old giant tortoise; a baby polar bear abandoned at birth by his mother and hand-raised by a caring zookeeper at the Berlin Zoo.

We are now pleased to introduce you another remarkable true story—unlike our other land-based stories, this one rises from the sea. The name of the book is called Winter’s Tail. This is the story of Winter, a young female dolphin who injures and then loses her tail after being injured off the coast of Florida. The injured Winter is rescued from a crab trap and brought to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a marine animal hospital, where she at first adjusts and learns to swim without her tail by moving her body with a side-to-side action. Winter’s actions and behaviors cause great concern among her caretakers because it is clear to them that she is injuring her body and internal organs with this painful and inelegant method of movement.

But luckily, an engineer designed an artificial tail that enables Winter to once again swim like a dolphin. The solution to this problem came from the miracle of modern technology. It was very challenging but now Winter is thriving and using her new tail with great command. Winter has already become an inspiration and an icon for millions touched directly and indirectly by all types of challenges.

This is an interesting book. I hope you enjoy the interesting and touching story of one brave little dolphin who learned how to swim again.

With love and hope,


1From the passage, what can we know about Winter?

A.She was rescued by a zookeeper.

B.She gets used to living without her tail.

C.She was abandoned at birth by her mother.

D.She swims again with the help of an engineer.

2The letter is probably written to .



3Why does the author write this letter?

A.To call on people to protect the animals.

B.To arouse people’s interest in this story book.

C.To attract more people to watch the dolphin show.

D.To inform the development of modern technology.

【题目】 Not long ago, few little girls imagined they could grow up to become astronauts. For years in the United States, only men had that opportunity. In 1983, that changed. Sally Ride made history by becoming the first American woman to travel to space.

On Monday, Ride died at the age of 61, “Sally was a national hero and a powerful role model,” President Barack Obama said in a statement. “She inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars.”

Ride became interested in space when she was a kid. “If you asked me when I was 12 whether I wanted to be an astronaut, I’m sure I wou1d have said yes,” she said in a 2010 interview . “But I didn’t even think about that as a possible career.”

After studying physics in college and graduate school, Ride got her chance. She was accepted into NASA’s astronaut training program in 1978, and then chosen to be the first American female in space. In 1983, she blasted into space aboard the Challenger shuttle. “There is no amusement park ride on the Earth that even comes so close,” she said.

Ride returned to space on the Challenger a second time in 1984. Between the two missions, she spent a total of 343 hours in orbit. After that, she remained involved with the space program and also worked to share her passion for science with kids. She co-authored six science books for children , and started her own science education company.

Ride knew that she held a unique place in history. “I realized how important it was for a woman to break that barrier and open the door for other women to be able to do the same exciting things that the men had been doing,” she said.

Since Ride’s historic trip, more than 40 other American women have traveled to space.

They all had Ride to thank for opening the door to the final frontier.

1Sally Ride was regarded as a national hero because she _____________.

A.had great courage and determination to face challenges

B.set an example to women to take up their careers

C.became the first American female in space

D.was interested in space programme when she was young

2By saying “There is no amusement park ride on the Earth that even comes so close”, Ride really meant _______________.

A.she preferred a ride in an amusement park on the Earth

B.the trip to space was like that in an amusement park

C.she came close to an amusement park on the Earth

D.the trip to space was far more interesting than any ride on the Earth

3The correct order of the following events that happened to Sally Ride is ____________.

a. accepted into an astronaut training program

b. spent a total of 343 hours in orbit

c. co-authored six science books for children

d. traveled to space aboard the Challenger

e. studied physics in co11ege and graduate school


4The passage is most probably taken out of ____________.

A.a novelB.a reportC.a diaryD.an essay

【题目】 Josh Morrison, 17, dreamed of raising $100, 000 to build a home for a low-income family. After years of hard work, his dream has come true. The house is now in the early stages of building.

Six years ago, Josh and his dad went into a Habitat for Humanity Restore, a home improvement store and donation center run by the nonprofit organization. They were there to buy a sink. Josh, then 11, also noticed a collection of pennies. “I instantly felt the urge to help out with that,” he said. Josh set fundraising (筹款) deadline of four years. Many people doubted whether he could reach his goal of $100,000, but it didn’t’ shake his faith. He raised money at his school and other nearby schools He collected money from neighbors, got publicity from local newspapers, and placed cans in stores so that people could donate extra change.

Josh’s fundraising efforts began to produce results. Still, there were challenges. Four months before his deadline, he was $30,000 short. He decided to hold a Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner in Uxbridge, which is in the province of Ontario. The event raised $19,000.

“I didn’t care how long it took me,” Josh said. “I would raise $100,000.” With three weeks left, a company called Josh’s house offering to donate $18,000. Eventually, Josh reached a total of $124,000 before his deadline. “The momentum just kept going, and we decided to do more,” he said. “Josh’s Penny House” is being built by Habitat for Humanity in the city of Oshawa, along with 24 new townhouses. Josh has helped with some of the construction, as have other volunteers. He will choose the family that moves into the unit.

Next year, the 17-year-old will head to college in British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province. As a 11-year-old kid when starting fundraising. Josh was able to send a powerful message across the world. No matter how old you are, if you have a dream and are willing to do anything to achieve it, it can come true.

1Which word can best describe Josh Morrison in Paragraph 2?



2Why was the Family Fun Fair and Spaghetti Dinner event in Uxbridge held?

A.To call for more attention.

B.To attain his goal.

C.To win approval from the locals.

D.To find sponsors for a family.

3What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.His project became more popular.

B.He received continuous donations.

C.The result was beyond expectations.

D.He got more support from the company.

4What will be the best title of the text?

A.An Astonishing FundraiserB.Boy with a Warm Heart

C.Kindness from a CompanyD.The Penny House Dream

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