








I am grateful to my English teacher Susan, at whose help I couldn’t have won the first prize in English Talent Competition for high school student last week.

I used to be poor in speaking English.I was too shy to speak in class.Since she teaches us last term, she has been encouraging him to overcome fear and speak out in class.Thanks to her, I have made great progresses.Besides, I practiced several times in the front of her.It was her advice which made me a better speaker and full of confidence.And I owe my success to her.

Susan set me a good example, I am determined to become an English teacher when I grow up.


“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out of the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears.

Time proved that the baby’ s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was imperfect. When he rushed home from school one day and threw himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was to be misfortunate. He cried out the tragedy, “A boy, a big boy... called me a freak (怪人).”

He grew up, handsome. A favourite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music. “But you might communicate with other young people,” his mother blamed him, but felt a kindness in her heart.

Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You’ re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it’ s a secret.” The operation was a brilliant success, and a new person appeared.

Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him or her.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to know... not yet.”

The years kept their secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother’ s casket(棺材). Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to reveal the mother had no outer ears.

“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,” his father whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful, did they?”

1.Why did Mother gasp when she saw her newborn baby?

A. Because her son had a tiny face.

B. Because she saw her son crying.

C. Because her son was born imperfect.

D. Because her son was in her arms.

2.Which word can describe Mother’ s feeling when the son threw himself into her arms?

A. Nervous. B. Sympathetic.

C. Proud. D. Angry.

3.Who gave the son the ears?

A. A doctor B. His father.

C. His mother. D. A stranger.

4.The underlined word “reveal” in the last but one paragraph means “________”.

A. see B. show C. find D. search

5.The best title for the passage would be ________.

A. Mother’s hair

B. An unforgettable memory

C. Who gave me the ears?

D. Who is my best respectable person?



Feb.5 was a bad day for me.My doctor ________me and my parents that I had ________ cancer and that I had only a few months to live.I became so sad that I immediately ________ .

Now I am actually ________ for all that has happened to me.I realize I would have never had to reflect and rethink about the purpose of my ________ if I had never been so close to ________·

Had I not been ________to this limit,I would not have developed a deep ________of the beautiful gift of life and of everything around me.I also would not have thought about how I wanted to ________the people around me in a positive way before leaving the world.

This is no ________ ;I don’t even think it is sad in the ________ way to be honest.I’ve been so ________in my life.I’ve lived in Paris,served the Peace Corps in Peru,fallen madly in love with the most ________ girl,have the most fantastic ________ and friends anyone could ever ask for…and the ________just goes on.

I ________believe everything happens for a reason.If terminal cancer had not ________ to me,I would not have been able to ________ my closest friends and family to appreciate the beautiful gift of life a little more and live more appreciative and ________ lives with my story.This is the purpose of my life I had been ________all of my life.In fact,that is the reason I’ve decided to write this article and go public with my story as well.It is also the reason why I am,after all that I’ve been through in the past few months,thankful for terminal cancer.

1.A.inspected B.informed C.insulted D.interviewed

2.A.typical B.sensible C.supreme D.terminal

3.A.cried B.burst C.barked D.numbed

4.A.cheerful B.scared C.grateful D.glad

5.A.1ife B.soul C.faith D.growth

6.A.burden B.chaos C.creed D.death

7.A.hooked B.pushed C.dragged D.marched

8.A.gratitude B.perseverance C.appreciation D.romance

9.A.seize B.affect C.flatter D.dominate

10.A.target B.tolerance C.mercy D.tragedy

11.A.slightest B.highest C.farthest D.1ongest

12.A.excited B.blessed C.interested D.declined

13.A.exotic B.courageous C.sensitive D.amazing

14.A.author B.acquaintance C.family D.citizen

15.A.deed B.1ist C.doom D.scene

16.A.strongly B.decently C.generally D.approximately

17.A.belonged B.attached C.happened D.appealed

18.A.inspire B.suggest C.command D.demand

19.A.negative B.objective C.subjective D.positive

20.A.searching for B.caring for C.accounting for D.applying for



It happens every day, everywhere I go.At the supermarket and the post office, people keep telling me to enjoy my kids while they are ________I spend my days taking care of them and answering ________ questions about everything from why we have two eyes but one nose to ________ there are toilets in the heaven.They ________ me from eating a full meal or getting a full ________ sleep.

Yet, the other day, when I took my kids to a children’s museum, I began to ________ what people were trying to tell me.It was the ________ time we had gone there without diaper (纸尿片) bag, baby bottle or stroller (小推车).As I watched my sons paint there, I was suddenly ________by a wave of ________My babies weren’t babies any more.

Now I’m paying more attention to the ________ that won’t happen when my kids are ________I’m enjoying the minute when Christ looked up the sky and cried ________ “Wow! The moon!” In a few ________ , it will take a rare Shrek card or something else to get him that excited.I’m ________ the moment when Nicholas put down his fork at dinner and asked, “Mommy, how are you doing?” About ten years from now, he ________ not care about me.When they’re in primary school, they won’t want to hold my ________ any more.In junior high school, they won’t hug me and say, “I love you, too.” In high school, they won’t even want to be ________together with me.

Pretty ________ they’ll both be gone.And I’ll ________ through the supermarket and the post office alone, warning young ________ to enjoy their kids while they are little.Hope they’ll listen.

1.A.well B.humorous C.funny D. little

2.A.endless B.boring C. strange D.special

3.A.how B.whether C.why D.when

4.A.make B.turn C.take D.keep

5.A.day’s B.time’s C.night’s D.bed’s

6.A.realize B.admit C.remind D.admire

7.A.very B.real C. first D.best

8.A.hit B.thrown C.stuck D.moved

9.A.happiness B.sadness C.luck D.failure

10.A.accident B.event C.scene D.moment

11.A.younger B. older C.worse D.better

12.A.excitedly B.disappointedly C.lovely D.shyly

13.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

14.A.measuring B.pleasing C.treasuring D.surprising

15.A.might B.should C.must D.need

16.A.hair B.hands C.bag D.basket

17.A.seen B.talked C.carried D.treated

18.A.quickly B.slowly C.soon D.more

19.A.come B.go C.wander D.pass

20.A.fathers B.mothers C.people D.ladies

Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs,its people are by now almost entirely an urban society Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业),and most of the rest live in or around towns,small and large.Here the traditional picture is changing:every small town may still be very like other small towns,and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country,but most Americans do not live in small towns any more.Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas(1arge cities with their suburbs、of more than a million people each—a larger proportion than in Germany or England,let alone France.The statistics(统计)of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each day.As the rush to live out of town continues.rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses,so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment.

1.If now America has 250 million people.how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry?

A.About 25 million.

B.More than 25 million.

C.Less than 25 million.

D.Less than 225 million

2.Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas?

A.United States.




3.What’s the meaning of the word“metropolitan”in the middle of the passage?

A.Of a large city with its suburbs.

B.Of small and large towns.

C.Of urban areas.

D.Of rural areas.

4.According to the passage,what can we learn about small towns in the United States?

A.Most small towns become gradually crowded.

B.Small towns are still similar to each other.

C.As the traditional picture is changing,towns are different.

D.Small towns are turning into large cities.

Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Electronic Village Program(Thursday,June 18,2015)


·9:00 am to 10:00 am

·Room 501

Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context(语境)for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.


·2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

·Room 502

Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.


·10:30 am to 11:30 am

·Room 601

Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback(反馈),including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.


·3:30 pm to 4:20 pm

·Room 602

Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,friends,and hobbies.

1.Nearpod can be used to

A. offer grammar tests

B. teach listening on-line

C. help vocabulary learning

D. gain fluency in speaking

2.If you want to improve your speaking skills,you can go to

A. Room 501

B. Room 502

C. Room 601

D. Room 602

3.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

A. Nearpod.

B. Kahoot.


D. Prezi.

4.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive by

A. 9:00 am

B. 10:30 am

C. 2:00 pm

D. 3:30 pm


Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Electronic Village Program (Thursday, June 18,2015)


◇ 9:00 am to 10:00 am

◇ Room 501

Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context(语境) for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.


◇ 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

◇ Room 502

Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.


◇ 10:30 am to 11:00 am

◇ Room 601

Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback(反馈), including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.


◇ 3:00 pm to 4:20 pm

◇ Room 602

Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics, including introducing family, friends, and hobbies.

1.Nearpod can be used to .

A. offer grammar tests

B. teach listening on-line

C. help vocabulary learning

D. gain fluency in speaking

2.If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can go to .

A. Room 501 B. Room 502

C. Room 601 D. Room 602

3.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

A. Nearpod. B. Kahoot.

C. TEO. D. Prezi.

4.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive by .

A. 9:00 am B. 10:30 am

C. 2:00 pm D. 3:30 pm

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